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开放存取及其实现方式分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
杨帆  詹德优 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(1):186-189,171
通过对开放存取的介绍,着重分析了两大类型的八种开放存取实现方式,并针对这些方式发展所面临的共性问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the USA PATRIOT Act greatly expanded the ability of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to use National Security Letters (NSLs) in investigations and the contexts in which they could be used by relaxing the standards under which NSLs could be employed. NSLs allow investigators to acquire a significant amount of information about the subject of an investigation, and the range and frequency of uses of NSLs has risen dramatically since the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act. An outstanding question with NSLs is whether they are being used in a manner that violates the First and Fourth Amendments of the Constitution. This article explores the relationships between NSLs, the USA PATRIOT Act, and the Constitution. The paper reviews the legislative history of NSLs, synthesizes the First and Fourth Amendment issues and key judicial decisions related to NSLs, and analyzes the extent to which the USA PATRIOT Act Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 adequately addresses challenges to the constitutionality of NSLs. The paper concludes with an examination of NSLs within the greater information policy context in the United States, as the expanded usage of NSLs—even if entirely constitutional—raises the possibility of chilling the freedom of expression.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):325-346
Various theories of nonverbal adaptation feature behavioral valence (i.e., positive vs. negative behavior) and degree of behavioral change (e.g., very low vs. low intimacy) as critical elements affecting whether changes in nonverbal intimacy are met with reciprocity or compensation. The present study, which utilizes data from 100 romantic dyads, makes comparisons across five conditions: very low intimacy, low intimacy, very high intimacy, high intimacy, and a no change (control) condition. Repeated measures analyses of variance showed that targets in the two high intimacy conditions reciprocated their partners' intimacy change by appearing more nonverbally involved and pleasant and engaging in more verbal intimacy. Targets in the two low intimacy conditions also reciprocated by becoming less nonverbally pleasant and fluent as well as more verbally hostile. However, these targets also used verbal repair strategies, thereby showing some degree of compensation. Targets in the very low intimacy condition also became more vocally anxious and less composed after their partners decreased intimacy. Targets in the very low intimacy condition were abo particularly likely to engage in verbal repair strategies. These and other findings are discussed in light of their implications for applying theories of nonverbal intimacy exchange to the context of romantic relationships.  相似文献   

从发展目标、扶持政策、技术研发和典型产品等方面系统介绍了国内外新能源汽车的发展情况,并对比分 析了国内外主要做法。最后,提出了我国发展新能源汽车需进一步加强的措施和建议。  相似文献   

段黎萍  曹燕  齐娜 《情报工程》2016,2(6):109-116
在创新驱动发展中,为创新主体提供高质量的科技创新资源保障与支撑是各级科技信息机构的职责。要能够更好的完成这一职责,专业化的科技信息机构需要具备“资源、工具、专家、团队”四个基本要素,既要能够满足“大众创新万众创业”的一般性科技信息需求,又要能够根据不同行业和客户的特殊需求,提供个性化的科技情报服务。本文以新能源汽车行业的创新需求为例,分析了不同信息来源的差别性以及各类情报服务的优缺点,从满足客户需求的角度,提供了不同的信息服务解决方案。  相似文献   


In October 2001, Congress passed the USA PATRIOT Act to strengthen the ability of the U.S. government to combat terrorism. Unfortunately, some sections of the Act strike at core values and practices of libraries and archives, especially in the areas of record keeping, privacy, confidentiality, security, and access to the collections. This article addresses several crucial issues with focus especially on Section 215 of the Act, privacy and confidentiality concerns, record keeping practices, and the development of policies and procedures to prepare archivists for a request from the Federal Bureau of Investigation for researcher records.  相似文献   

借用商业生态系统理论,提出立足企业、依托政府和面向市场,打造完整的电动汽车商业生态系统,促 进电动汽车产业健康发展的总体解决方案,并在中国普天电动汽车应用领域进行的创新实践中得到了验证。本文探索 提出的总体解决方案,为打造电动汽车产业有序健康发展的生态链提供一个新的商业模式。  相似文献   

借用商业生态系统理论,提出立足企业、依托政府和面向市场,打造完整的电动汽车商业生态系统,促进电动汽车产业健康发展的总体解决方案,并在中国普天电动汽车应用领域进行的创新实践中得到了验证。本文探索提出的总体解决方案,为打造电动汽车产业有序健康发展的生态链提供一个新的商业模式。  相似文献   

A traditional library catalog does not do justice to maps and aerial photographs. Text can never fully describe them and maps' and aerial photographs' geographic coverage or perimeters cannot be displayed visually in the online public access catalog (OPAC), so searching based on their textual metadata without specific spatial reference data used also for display purposes is often not enough to locate relevant items. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem's (HUJI) Geography Department has developed a spatial search engine for their scanned aerial photographs collection that allows users to locate one or more aerial photographs according to the area of the Earth's surface that was photographed and their accompanying metadata. The Humanities and Social Sciences Library, which holds a large unscanned print map collection, has asked to integrate a similar map search mechanism in the Department's existing search engine, and a new website was launched in December 2015 (http://ccg.huji.ac.il/aerialphotos/) showing the aerial photographs' center points alongside the maps' rectangle perimeter. The search engine retrieves maps and aerial photographs that intersect with a user-drawn rectangle. This article discusses the characteristics of these collections, the rationale behind searching for maps and aerial photographs together, and the process of defining and building this spatial search engine. This method allows users to view which items are available in their area of interest side-by-side, on a Google Maps background map.  相似文献   

利用已有的知识组织系统和语料库等既有资源构建相关领域词系统,能够减少劳动量和难度,通过种子 词以及词汇社区检测技术来利用已有的新能源汽车词系统,经频率分析和聚类技术来发现新的代表性词条的方法,快 速构建了电动汽车领域词系统,并初步证明其可行性。  相似文献   

The authors review how access to historical aerial photograph collections has evolved in response to technological developments and addresses areas for further advancement, with a particular emphasis on developing, preserving, and sustaining online collections. The authors focus specifically on the areas of metadata, the Semantic Web and linked data, and sustainability through collaboration. The article includes brief case studies, highlighting various projects involving the aerial photography collections at the University of Minnesota. The conclusion asserts the critical role played by geographic information librarians in effectively carrying out the strategies described in the article as they relate to the long-term sustainability of digital geospatial collections.  相似文献   

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