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张静慧 《化学教学》2002,(12):20-21
教学目标知识目标 ①使学生了解重要的全球性大气环境问题 ;②使学生了解酸雨的形成及其化学机理 ,酸雨造成的危害和酸雨的主要防治方法。能力目标 培养学生分析问题的能力 ,以及归纳和阅读能力。情感目标 培养学生热爱自然、关心社会的思想 ,增强学生的生态意识和环保意识 ,坚定学生为建设和保护一个良好的生态环境而努力的责任感和使命感。教学重点 酸雨的形成、危害和防治。教学用具 多媒体电化教学设备教学方法 讲述、启发、讨论、阅读教学过程[导言]我们知道 ,地球表面包裹着一层厚厚的大气 ,厚度约为 2 0 0 0km。大气是自然环…  相似文献   

Geometry between the devil and the deep sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

通过分析罗杰·奇灵沃思心灵的发展阐述了霍桑所表达的宗教意识,认为霍桑对"善"与"恶"的评价视角是含混的,充满了矛盾的他既将"恶"的起因归咎于清教对人性的扼杀又戴着清教主义的有色眼镜,对旧的道德观表现出某种程度的认同.霍桑宗教意识的矛盾性与其家庭和社会环境影响有着密切的关系.  相似文献   

男性文本中女性常常被异化为“天使”与“妖妇”两个极端。在中国,女人祸水论是妖妇形象产生的心理基础。男性对妖妇的恐惧是男人心中的阉割焦虑使然。蝴蝶、猫、狐狸是妖女形象常见的几种喻体。动物比拟是为了表明女人所具有的恶魔力量植根于女人的天性。在施济美等女作家的文本中,男性意义世界中的“妖妇”,实际上是一个善良的“天使”。戏拟手法既拆解了男性眼光中的女性神话,又消解了男性的主体地位。  相似文献   

Peer assessment can be important in developing active and independent learners, as well as providing more and faster feedback in large classes, compared to marking done by tutors. In addition, the evaluative, critical stance required by students in order to assess their peers' work encourages the development of higher-order cognitive skills. Changing roles from being assessed to being an assessor can also improve students' ability to judge and improve on their own work. However, peer assessment does have potential problems and there is some debate as to the appropriate academic level at which to implement it, the kinds of feedback that are given and the ways in which students respond. In addition, there is little evidence that peer assessment has an impact on academic performance. This research reports the results of an online peer assessment exercise for a macroeconomics essay conducted in a large Economics 1 class at Rhodes University. Of the 800 students, about half participated in the peer assessment exercise. Data were collected from students via a formal course evaluation. In addition, a sample of 50 essays was evaluated in terms of the relationship between peer marks and final (tutor) marks received and the impact that peer assessment had on the quality of the final essay submitted. An Ordinary Least Squares regression was used to investigate the impact of peer assessment participation on marks. Results showed that peer marks tended to ‘bunch’ in the 60–68% range, indicating the reluctance of peers to give very high or low marks. In general, peers gave more useful feedback on technical aspects, such as presentation and referencing (which were also the categories in which students most often made improvements), than on content. Regression analysis showed that peer assessment participation was not a significant determinant of final essay mark, but that economics ability and English language proficiency were.  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of “cleverness” as it is employed by Tanzanian youth to improve their likelihood of succeeding in school. It analyzes the Swahili term ujanja, which combines cleverness, opportunism, and deception, while it also illustrates an educational anthropologist’s ongoing process of familiarization and defamiliarization with this culturally salient concept over many years of fieldwork and engagement with key participants. Specifically, the study draws on interviews with youth participating in a longitudinal study on Mount Kilimanjaro and an extended life history interview with a close friend and research assistant. The interviews reveal the strategies used by some youth to evade peer pressure, thwart sexual advances, and cultivate relationships with school sponsors. The article concludes with a call for greater use of life history methodologies in the study of complex cultural concepts like “cleverness” and of textual forms that elucidate the emotional complexity of narrator/interpreter relationships.  相似文献   

[1]数百年来,洋鬼子这个字眼一直困扰着生活在中国的西方人。经过几十年的国际友谊和开放政策才将中国人心头这个毁谤性的称呼消除掉。  相似文献   

苏童用一种隐秘的书写方式,展现了一个充满激情和荒诞的时代坍塌后对那个时代少年的精神创伤——他们对暴力的盲目迷恋、爱的能力的缺失和对生死漠然的态度。实际上这些不良少年的征候,反映的正是在经历人性恶被纵容的浩劫后,在面临重建秩序时内心的困惑和迷惘。  相似文献   


In this article we critically engage with some of the challenges and issues pertaining to the implementation of the Advanced Certificate in Education: School Leadership following a national agreement by the national Department of Education, provincial education departments and several universities. The rather idealised vision of the programme to provide learning opportunities to promote quality education in South African schools through the development of a corps of education leaders who apply critical understanding, values, knowledge and skills to school leadership and management in line with the vision of democratic transformation seemingly meshed with our own approach to the development of leadership. However, consequent to the planning, budgeting and implementation of this school leadership programme we realised that realities posed serious challenges. In this paper we narrate how it became increasingly clear how “the devil is in the detail”.  相似文献   

In response to federal legislation and societal views that seek to provide free and appropriate education for each child. Public schools are now opening their doors to a wide variety of learners. General-education teachers are challenged to make their classrooms more inclusive. This year-long-ethnographic study explores the experiences of 20 non-deaf and two deaf fifth-grade students, a general-education and a Resource Room teacher, and support personnel. Results highlight explicit messages of equality and inclusion that belied behaviours which marginalised and excluded the deaf students. Suggestions are made for those committed to providing all students with a fair and equitable educational experience.  相似文献   

The special schools' allowance should be abolished. Its existence, always questionable, cannot be justified at a time of growing integration, suggests Dr Denis Mongon, a teacher with 15 years' experience in special education, including six years when he received the special schools' allowance.  相似文献   

本从反避税角度,就建立转移定价制度作实质性探讨。  相似文献   


Kant held that the moral vocation of the human species was to strive toward moral perfection. But in Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, he at least entertained as part of the human condition a rationalist version of the Christian doctrine of original sin: that human beings have a universal, innate and inextirpable propensity to evil. Are these two Kantian doctrines inconsistent, or at least in tension with each other? If they are, the tension is a creative one. This chapter will explain the Kantian doctrine of the radical human propensity to evil and relate it to Kant's theory of the acquisition of virtue and the struggle toward moral perfection. We will see that this struggle for Kant must be social, not merely individual, and that it involves both the development of moral character and the cultivation of empirical inclinations that harmonize with morality.  相似文献   

金融风险无处不在,没有风险的金融业务是不存在的。金融企业和金融员工必须增强周期意识,正确把握经济周期和企业生命周期,识别风险,控制风险,化解风险,在激烈的金融市场竞争中求得生存和发展。  相似文献   

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