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The Shop. The University of Melbourne, 1850–1939 R. J. W. Selleck, Melbourne University Press, 2003, 855pp.

Just Schooling: Explorations in the Cultural Politics of Teaching Trevor Gale, Karhleen Densmore, Open University Press, Buckingham, 2000, 192pp. ISBN: 0335203221 (Paperback) UK£15.99

Choice, Pathways and Transitions Post —16: New Youth, New Economies in the Global City. Stephen J Ball, Meg Maguire, Sheila Macrae, RoutledgeFalmer, London, 2000, 208pp. ISBN: 0750708603 (Paperback) UK£24.99  相似文献   

Review Essay     

Richard Tesse, Academic Success and Social Power: Examinations and Inequality Melbourne University Press, 2000  相似文献   


This article takes as its focus newspaper articles chosen from a Melbourne newspaper published annually on a particular day, between 1988 and 2003. The resultant bricolage provides a backdrop through which contemporary conversations about race and ethnic relations in Australian contexts can be examined. Australian educational institutions, particularly those in major cities such as Melbourne and Sydney have long been implicated in the provision of immigrant education. Over the last decade Australia follows the United States and Britain as major suppliers of international education. Under examination here are the changed ways that race and ethnic relations can be understood and the implications of these changes for the ways that these new directions in education can be spoken about.  相似文献   


Tony Coady (ed.), Why Universities Matter. A Conversation about Values, Means and Directions, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 2000, pp.254, $24.95

Paul James (ed.), Burning Down the House. The Bonfire of the Universities, Association for the Public University with Arena Publications, Melbourne, 2000, pp.63, $10

John Smyth, Alastair Dow, Robert Hattam, Alan Reid and Geoffrey Shaddock, Teachers’ Work in a Globalising Economy. London, Falmer Press, 2000. 222pp.

Robert F Arnove and Carlos Alberto Torres (editors), Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the Local, Lanham, Maryland, Rowman & Littlefield, 1999. 434 pp. $63 pb, ISBN 0847 684 6IX  相似文献   


This article discusses the evolution of the curriculum in object‐oriented methods in the main undergraduate degree in the Department of Computer Science at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. The degree has a strong software engineering emphasis, and object‐oriented analysis and design methods are complemented by a programming curriculum using Ada. We consider the expected substantial impact on the curriculum of the forthcoming Ada 9X.  相似文献   


Education in Victoria, Australia not only underwent significant change in the 1970s, but was witness to a widespread educational reform project. Whilst exploration of the more widespread alternatives has been of some interest, the smaller progressive traditions that emerged in some ways ‘alongside’ the broader reforms have rarely been examined in any detail. This article explores the founding of the Melbourne Rudolf Steiner School (MRSS) in the 1970s, the first of its kind in Victoria, and the third such school nationally. Analysis is based primarily on interviews with educators directly involved. L.A. Reid’s notion of education as an ‘aesthetic’ object is drawn on to examine the collective experiences of the founders of the MRSS, and the particular expression they gave to Steiner’s educational ideas.  相似文献   


This article seeks to investigate art in public urban space via a process of activating aesthetics as a way of enhancing pedagogies of engagement. It does this firstly by addressing the question of aesthetics in Enlightenment and twentieth-century frames; then it seeks to understand how artworks may be approached ontologically and epistemologically. The discussion works with the philosophical lenses of two different thinkers: Heidegger, in ‘Building Dwelling Thinking’ and ‘The Origin of the Work of Art’, and Marxist sociologist, Bourdieu with his work on a theory of practice and habitus. It asks how art may work in the meaning-making processes of place and the human subject in terms of ontological difference (Heidegger) and dispositional capital (Bourdieu). In bringing these different organising principles of interpretation to specific works of art, the discussion draws from locational research undertaken in Newcastle/Gateshead and Melbourne.  相似文献   


This paper uses ethnographic action research to explore how the objectives of the Australian Curriculum Intercultural Understanding can be achieved in a culturally diverse Year 5/6 (ages 10–12) primary school class in Melbourne. It examines whether a history unit on migration, that uses a structured historical inquiry approach, encourages culturally diverse students to develop a more critical and reflexive understanding of multiculturalism. Using Banks’ multicultural framework and Bath’s approach to ethnographic action research, I argue that the oral history component of a Year 5/6 history unit supported students to develop their Intercultural Understanding. I suggest that ethnographic action research is an effective approach for investigating the implementation of new teaching initiatives.  相似文献   


The Irish‐born Frederick McCoy came to Melbourne in late 1854 to take up the position of foundation professor of natural science. He brought with him a reputation as an important if controversial palaeontologist and geologist. This paper studies the manner in which he applied geological theories acquired in the northern hemisphere to the search for gold in Australia. It also looks at his efforts to acclimatise European flora and fauna. A determined anti‐evolutionist McCoy, especially in his acclimatisation activities, disregarded the prior Aboriginal occupation of Australia, an attitude he shared with those who opposed his views on evolution.  相似文献   


This paper resists normative definitions of ‘creativity’ to argue that the concept is constructed by neoliberal discourses in education policy. The analysis is firstly centred on the Australian context, and this is further informed and complimented by a global perspective. Focusing on two pivotal policies, The Melbourne Declaration of Educational Goals for Young Australians and PISA 2012 Results: Creative Problem Solving, the paper argues that universal versions of creativity, such as those that align the concept with problem-solving or design endeavour, are a product of market logic. Using Foucault’s concept of homo economius, it traces how creativity is subsumed into discourses of workplace readiness and rapidly changing environments, and proceeds to identify how select and partial discourses of the concept, such as creativity as instrumental and determinable are supported, while there is a silence around alternative conceptualisations. The paper concludes with a discussion on how the discursive positioning of creativity by neoliberal themes and formations brings about real effects: certain work practices are valued more than others and particular student and teacher subjectivities are endorsed or demoted ‘in the name of’ creativity.  相似文献   

RMIT is a major Australian university of technology based in central Melbourne with regional and international reach. It has made both online education and programme quality two central planks in its teaching and learning strategy in recent years. This paper proposes making the connection between these two strategic directions by working within a framework of programme quality assurance to evaluate the effectiveness of mixed mode teaching and learning. This paper undertakes a case study of evaluation‐readiness in one RMIT degree programme – undergraduate biotechnology and biomedical science – in which implementation of the university’s teaching and learning strategy has been a major focus. (A note on terminology: at RMIT, ‘programme’ describes a degree comprising a number of ‘courses’ usually studied over several years).

Qualité, viabilité et importance: une structure stratégique pour l'évalution d'une méthode d’enseignement et de formation mixte dans un grade universitaire de sciences biotechnologiques et biomédicales. RMIT est une grande université australienne de technologie située au centre de Melbourne avec une importance régionale et internationale. Pendant les dernières années, la formation en ligne et la qualité du programme sont devenues deux piliers centraux de la stratégie d'enseignement et de formation de cette université. Cet exposé propose de créer une relation entre ces deux directions stratégiques en opérant avec une structure de qualité guarantie de programme pour évaluer l'efficacité de la méthode d'enseignement et de formation mixte. Cet exposé décrit une étude modèle sur la disposition d’évaluation dans un des programmes diplômés de la RMIT – sciences biotechnologiques et biomédicales – dans lesquelles la réalisation de la stratégie d'enseignement et de formation universitaire a été le centre d'intérêt principal. (Note: à la RMIT un programme décrit un grade universitaire comprenant un nombre de cours généralement étudiés pendant plusieurs années).

Qualität, Realisierbarkeit und Bedeutung: ein strategischer Rahmen zur Bewertung der Wirksamkeit einer kombinierten Lehr- und Lernmethode im Grundstudium der biotechnologischen und biomedizinischen Wissenschaft RMIT ist eine große australische Technologische Universität in Melbourne mit regionaler und internationaler Bedeutung. Sie hat in den vergangenen Jahren sowohl die Online‐Bildung als auch die Qualität ihres Programms zu zentralen Stützen ihrer Lehr- und Lernstrategie gemacht. Dieser Bericht schlägt vor, durch einen gemeinsamen Rahmen für die Sicherung der Qualität des Programms eine Verbindung zwischen diesen beiden strategischen Richtungen zu schaffen, um auf diese Weise die Wirksamkeit einer kombinierten Lehr- und Lernmethode zu beurteilen. Außerdem beschreibt dieser Bericht eine Fallstudie der Beurteilungsbereitschaft in einem RMIT Abschluss‐Programm – im Studiengang der biotechnologischen und biomedizinischen Wissenschaft – in der die Einführung dieser universitären Lehr- und Lernstrategie den Hauptschwerpunkt darstellte. (Eine Anmerkung zur Terminologie: Bei der RMIT bedeutet der Begriff Programm einen Abschluss, der eine gewisse Anzahl an Kursen beinhaltet, die gewöhnlich über mehrere Jahre studiert wurden).  相似文献   


Background: Early childhood education and care has been an area of significant policy attention, public investment and private market activity in Australia over the past three decades. Australian educationists and policy-makers have looked to international examples for evidence, policy design and institutional models. However, this area is under-researched in Australia, with regard to how these knowledge flows are theorised, and how policy is implemented on the ground.

Purpose: The paper’s purpose was to contribute new Australian-focussed conceptual and empirical insights on the trajectories, development and implementation of evidence-based policy in the field of early childhood education and care.

Sources of evidence: The paper is based on three main sources of evidence: ? the critical literature on policy transfer and policy mobility

? policy statements, reports and planning documents produced by national- and state-level governments

? data from fieldwork analysis of new capital works and programmes in the early childhood field.

Main argument: International research and evidence on the benefits of investment in early learning has had a significant impact on the framing of Australian policy. So too has a move in several countries to align early childhood institutions with schools. However, a dominant paradigm of policy transfer, reliant on pluralist and rationalist frameworks of policy-making, fails to account for the dynamics of policy development and implementation across and within jurisdictions and geographical space. Conceptualising a new alignment in Australia between children’s centres and schools as ‘educare’, this article employs the theoretical lens of policy mobility to account for the circulation and transformation of educare policy in Australian settings. Through an empirical analysis of a new educare centre in the growth corridor of western Melbourne, the article demonstrates the extent to which neoliberal policy settings outside the educational sphere, around public finance, partnership, place and infrastructure provision, influence the implementation of ‘educare’ policy.

Conclusions: The educare discourse in Australia addresses a complex and multiscalar set of policy problems that associate child development with concerns around human capital formation, economic efficiency and productivity, place making and community building, and the role of the public sector in neoliberal democracies. International circuits of knowledge, policy design and institutional models in the educare field have been significant in shaping recent Australian policy, despite well-publicised views expressed in Australia on the disconnection between academic research and policy. The strength of policy mobility as a theoretical lens to assist our understanding of these influences lies in its critique of formalism in policy-making and in its attention to fluidity and transformation. The mobility lens encourages new empirical research that focuses on spatial and institutional dynamics, assisting our reading of on-the-ground developments in Australia’s fastest growing city.  相似文献   

《English in Education》1996,30(3):48-53
Book reviewed in this article: THE SEA IS HISTORY Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage, by Richard Allsopp Oxford University Press, 1996 HYPING THE TEXT Hypertext: the Electronic Labyrinth, by Ilana Snyder Melbourne University Press, 1996 ENJOYING TEACHING PRIMARY ENGLISH Opportunities for English in the Primary School, by Michael Lockwood Trentham Books, 1996 Learning about Language: Issues for Primary Teachers, by Alison Sealy Open University Press, 1996 DID DEARING DO IT BETTER?Language Education in the National Curriculum, edited by Christopher Brumfit (series editor Michael Stubbs) Basil Blackwell, 1995  相似文献   

In February 2003, RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, commenced delivery of a Computer Science diploma and degree programme using mixed mode delivery to 250 university students in sub‐Saharan Africa, through a World Bank funded project designed for the African Virtual University (AVU). The project is a unique experience made possible by collaboration and co‐operation between Australian and African partners and incorporating a student‐centred philosophy and mixed‐mode delivery. The project also has an ongoing commitment to building African capacity for online development and delivery of courseware through a defined capacity building programme for the University of Dar es Salaam, (UDSM), which will take over the project in 2007. This paper discusses the relevant philosophies of the major partners in the project, outlines the components of the mixed mode delivery strategy and identifies the successes and challenges uncovered in the first year of operation.

Enseignement par méthode mixte : Une étude de cas sur les cours par correspondance de sciences d’informatique en Afrique

En février 2003, l’université RMIT de Melbourne en Australie a réalisé un projet pour l’Université Virtuelle Africaine (AVU) fondé par la Banque mondiale qui a permit à 250 étudiants d’universités de la région sous‐saharienne d’Afrique d’obtenir un grade universitaire en sciences d’informatique en participant a un cours par correspondance. Ce projet est une expérience unique qui a été rendue possible par une collaboration et coopération entre des partenaires australiens et africains et par l’incorporation d’une philosophie orientée sur les étudiants et d’assistance par méthodes mixtes de diffusion. Ce projet à une obligation permanente d’améliorer la productivité africaine du développement en ligne et de la diffusion de matériaux de cours en ligne, ce qui est effectué par un programme d’augmentation de la productivité défini pour l’Université de Dar es Salaam (UDSM), qui va assumer ce projet en 2007. Cet exposé décrit les philosophies principales des partenaires de ce projet, esquisse les composants de cette stratégie de diffusion à méthode mixte et identifie les succès et les défis découverts lors de la première année d’opération.

Unterrichten kombinierter Methoden: eine Fallstudie zum Fernstudium der Computerwissenschaften in Afrika

Im Februar 2003 begann die RMIT Universität in Melbourne in Australien mit Hilfe eines durch die Weltbank gegründeten Projekts für die Afrikanische Virtuelle Universität (AVU) mit einer kombinierten Methode der Wissensvermittlung 250 Studenten aus der unteren Sahara‐Region in Afrika die Teilnahme an einem Fernstudiumsprogramm mit einem Abschluss in Computerwissenschaften zu ermöglichen. Bei diese Projekt handelt es sich um eine einzigartige Erfahrung, die durch die Zusammenarbeit zwischen australischen und afrikanischen Partnern ermöglicht wurde und die die auf Studenten ausgerichtete Philosophie und die kombinierte Form der Wissensvermittlung einbezieht. Dieses Projekt hat die ständige Verpflichtung, die afrikanische Leistungsfähigkeit der Online‐Bildung und die Verfügbarkeit von Kursmaterialien zu verbessern, und zwar über ein definiertes Aufbauprogramm für die Universität Dar es Salaam (UDSM), die dieses Projekt 2007 übernehmen wird. Dieser Bericht erläutert die relevanten Kernphilosophien der Hauptpartner des Projekts, beschreibt die Komponenten der kombinierten Methode der Wissensvermittlung und identifiziert die Erfolge und Herausforderungen, die im Laufe des ersten Jahres erkannt wurden.  相似文献   


This paper takes as a starting point the interest in organization theory in the idea of ‘learning organizations’ and the practical implications for conceptualizations of academic development. In doing so, it analyses epistemological and methodological complexities associated with the concept of academic development from a perspective that focuses on organizational learning. The contention of the paper is that an appropriate theoretical basis for academic development in the current times is provided by a broad organizational learning perspective. It is argued that an organizational learning methodology for the practice of academic development has the potential to provide powerful learning and feedback structures well‐suited to institutional inquiry and adaptation that will assist universities to meet the turbulence and challenges of an unpredictable future. A vignette from The University of Melbourne describes a prototype for such a methodology.  相似文献   

Basic Mathematics For Students With Learning Difficulties Peter Westwood and Wendy Stewart 1998 Institute For The Study Of Learning Difficulties: Flinders University $15.00 plus $3.00 p&;p

Context, Service Provision, and Instruction: Facilitating The Learning Of Students Experiencing Severe Learning And Behaviour Difficulties Roger Rees 1998 Institute For The Study Of Learning Difficulties: Flinders University $18.00 plus $2.00 p&;p

Computer Applications In Special Education: Issues, Uses And The Assessment Of Software Suitability Brian Matthews, Steve Jordan, &; Kathryn Bennett, 1998 Institute For The Study Of Learning Difficulties: Flinders University $8.00 plus $2.00 p&;p

Responding to Learning Difficulties In The Secondary School Peter Westwood et al. 1997 Institute For The Study Of Learning Difficulties: Flinders University $15.00 plus $3.00 p&;p

Understanding The Causes And Effects Of Severe Learning Difficulties In Junior Secondary Students Bill Young 1997 Institute For The Study Of Learning Difficulties: Flinders University $5.00 plus $1.50 p&;p

Teaching Numeracy and Literacy: Interventions and Strategies for “At Risk” Students Diane Barwood, Daryl Greaves, Peter Jeffery 1999 Melbourne Australian Resource Educators Association $15 (Please check this)

Enhancing English Literacy Skills in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students. A Review of the Literature and Case Studies in Primary Schools M. Batten, T. Frigo, P. Hughes, &; N. McNamara 1998 Melbourne, Australia Australian Council for Educational Research $39.95

Never too Late to Read: Language Skills for the Adolescent with Dyslexia: Based on the work of Alice Ansara Ann Cashwell Tuley 1998 Baltimore, Maryland, USA $27.50  相似文献   


Background and Context: Computer Science attrition rates (in the western world) are very concerning, with a large number of students failing to progress each year. It is well acknowledged that a significant factor of this attrition, is the students’ difficulty to master the introductory programming module, often referred to as CS1.

Objective: The objective of this article is to describe the evolution of a prediction model named PreSS (Predict Student Success) over a 13-year period (2005–2018).

Method: This article ties together, the PreSS prediction model; pilot studies; a longitudinal, multi-institutional re-validation and replication study; improvements to the model since its inception; and interventions to reduce attrition rates.

Findings: The outcome of this body of work is an end-to-end real-time web-based tool (PreSS#), which can predict student success early in an introductory programming module (CS1), with an accuracy of 71%. This tool is enhanced with interventions that were developed in conjunction with PreSS#, which improved student performance in CS1.

Implications: This work contributes significantly to the computer science education (CSEd) community and the ITiCSE 2015 working group’s call (in particular the second grand challenge), by re-validating and developing further the original PreSS model, 13 years after it was developed, on a modern, disparate, multi-institutional data set.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the sexual health knowledge of secondary school pupils in order to ascertain whether the current government public health and education policies are having any impact on pupils' sexual health.

Design: Results obtained from a questionnaire as part of a two‐phase intervention study.

Setting: Nineteen mixed‐sex, state secondary schools in central England.

Participants: Year 8 pupils (350 male, 345 female), year 9 pupils (300 male, 325 female) and year 10 pupils (310 male, 329 female).

Intervention: A questionnaire survey to assess the knowledge of pupils' sexual health education.

Main outcome measures: Questionnaires distributed to pupils as baseline to assess their knowledge of sexual health, contraception and sexually transmitted infections.

Results: Sexual health knowledge improves with age. A significant difference across all age groups was found, although knowledge regarding sexually transmitted infections and emergency contraception is poor for all age groups.

Conclusions: Current sexual health education provision is not providing young people with adequate knowledge regarding sexual health and contraception.  相似文献   


The aim of this article was to examine how media attention affects the social exclusion of young refugees negotiating their way towards settlement in Australia. Emerging stereotypes and prejudices against young male refugees require new ways of understanding the impact of global, national and local issues on their social exclusion. The article brings together the impact of (a) the global politicisation and backlash against refugees, (b) Australians negative perception of refugees and (c) the increased reporting of young African-Australian and Pasifika-Australians as the perpetrators of youth violence. The article recognises the overlapping dimensions of social exclusion for young refugees and considers their ‘spatial’, ‘relational’ and ‘socio-political’ exclusion. The examination of media reporting of a landmark legal case of discrimination and racial profiling reveals a discourse of media attention that has perpetuated the social exclusion of a group of young African-Australian refugees living on a Melbourne public housing estate. The sensationalist and prejudicial media connection of the landmark legal case, youth violence and young African-Australians living on the Flemington Estate demonstrates the challenges young male refugees face in negotiating their settlement in Australia. This article makes a contribution to understanding the multi-dimensional nature of youth exclusion in contemporary times.  相似文献   

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