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This article presents some impressions gained after two years of involvement in a competency-based training program in the pupil personnel services area, and it raises questions concerning the major features of such programs. The article includes discussion of program goals, the instructional process, assessment of student progress, and student attitudes. The danger of competency-based training becoming another fad in education is considered, and possible causes of this are noted.  相似文献   

范国强《磁湖夜话》是一部内容厚重、思致深刻、富有才情的思想录。丰富的社会内涵、丰厚的文化内涵和深广的情感内涵,构成了该书博大的容量;思维的独异性、辩证性和严密性,使其识见远离了陈腐、平庸和肤浅;标题力求避俗出新,结构力求短中有变,语言力求精而多味,使作品赢得了文学品质。  相似文献   

Social scientists have discovered only recently that there exists between the two major forces of modern (Western) societies (that is the market on the one hand and government on the other hand) a third sector. This sector is characterized by forces like voluntarism, idealism, generosity, autonomy of action in the public interest, brotherhood, charity and institutions like private giving, free associations and societies, philanthropic foundations and charitable trusts. The third sector is helpful in achieving voluntaty social justice outside the enforced contributions of government. If government retreats even more the future from investing an adequate share of total revenue in the science community and higher education at large, this social sub-sector will need to look for alternative funding sources. Industry as contractor (naturally paying for the goods and services delivered by the higher education sector) may be one source. The third sector, known to many of the institutions of higher education for centuries, should be another. In the highly competitive environment of the future loyalties and other benign attitudes are no longer to be taken for granted, not even by alma mater. Therefore, higher education should invest some time and talents, as well as some ECUs in order to come to terms with this sector and to get a better share from its grant-making capacities. The opportunities are there.  相似文献   

电视剧《走向共和》已经落下帷幕。在播放过程中,观众反映强烈。若干报纸上刊载了不同看法的评论。网友评论如潮,意见分歧较大。我看过电视剧的一些片断,也从网上浏览了《走向共和》剧本的部分文字。这里说一些零星感想。《走向共和》的一位编剧说:“如果这部电视剧定位是‘一部带有崇高悲剧意味的英雄史诗’,那么我们的先辈就是史诗中的悲剧英雄!在中华民族走向共和的漫漫长途上,每一个探索者都值得我们永远尊敬和怀念。我在给主要人物如李鸿章、慈禧、光绪、张之洞、袁世凯、孙中山他们定位时,脑海里浮现的是一个个有血有肉的鲜活形象。”…  相似文献   

The article seeks to explore some of the difficulties that may be experienced within higher art education both by the student of art who is lesbian and by researchers focusing on the subject of lesbians and art. For those interested in this area of study there may be particular obstacles which are not present for heterosexual students and which act as a barrier to exclude more readily available information and images. The potential importance and relevance of these exclusions for the lesbian student of art are examined in relation to the political and social oppression which lesbians have experienced, the effects of which can be seen in both historical and contemporary lesbian images and artwork. The article also examines possible issues around ‘coming‐out’ and homophobia for lesbian students and researchers within education generally, the prevalence of assumptions of heterosexuality, and the importance of awareness of these issues for educators of gay students. The conclusion drawn is that there is diversity inherent within any grouping but a more inclusive art education policy would inform the culture of all.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted with 151 primary school children from three year levels, in a suburban primary school, set in a moderately high socio-economic area. The object of the investigation was to test the understanding of twelve anaphoric pronouns, which were embedded in passages of continuous text. The relationship between the perception of the cohesive items, and general reading comprehension was studied, as was the difference between the performance of girls and boys. A further question related to the understanding of anaphoric items set within direct speech. Results showed a significant relationship between the comprehension of the selected anaphoric personal items and ability in reading, as measured by a standardised test. In the early school years, girls were superior to boys in their perception of the items, but no difference was found at the upper level of the school. Children of all levels found the items set within quoted speech more difficult to comprehend than the items in the rest of the text. Some practical teaching strategies are discussed, and attention is drawn to areas where teachers' awareness of cohesion could prove useful.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the long-term strategic approach to collaboration between education and industry initiated by Glasgow School of Art's Department of Product Design, and examines the opportunities and benefits of the investment in the post of an Industrial Liaison Officer (ILO) over a four year period which furthered this partnership. The paper shows the need for a professionally and adequately resourced approach to provide mutual benefits to industry and education, and to the economy in general  相似文献   

Inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche's idea of philology and William Gass's concept of transreading, Huiwen (Helen) Zhang employs “transreader” to suggest the integration of four roles in one: reader, translator, writer, and scholar. “Transreader” recognizes that close reading, literary translation, creative writing, and cultural hermeneutics are interdependent activities with intertwined goals: to transfer, transvalue, transform, and transcend the canon. From this perspective, Lu Xun, China's Nietzsche, is a twentieth‐century transreader of the canon, and his prose poem “Revenge (The Second)” delivers a self‐referential ethics of transreading. Zhang's transreading of this poem shows why slow reading is today more necessary than ever, in what sense translation is a universal dilemma, how humanity grows when its expression grows more subtle, and that transreading opens a space for genuine communication.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the main factors underlying the increasing demand by adults for higher education within industrialized countries. The patents of adult participation in higher education in the UK are outlined in the context of a recent imitational project on Adult Participation in Higher Education, conducted by the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (CERI/OECD). While the current levels of participation of adults in higher education vary considerably between countries, a number of common trends can be identified. Two trends in particular emerge as having significant policy implications in terms of the relationship between access issues for individuals 10 higher education, and the vocational updating activities which are frequently regarded as synoyomous with short-course work. In the first place, as most adult students currently gaining entry to higher education have already achieved relatively high levels of educational qualifications, those who are often referred to as the 'second chance' students are in the minority. Secondly, career interests figure predominantly amongst the reasons given by adult students for choosing to return to study.
The pattern of student involvement in an innovative programme in one English polytechnic is provided as an illustration of an attempt to provide for both the needs of individuals for access, and for those in employment for updating and post-experience vocational education in an integrated way.  相似文献   

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