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朱苓 《文化交流》2008,(1):84-87
每年冬天都是欧洲各大历史名城的旅游淡季,然而德国柏林虽然寒风凛冽,却吸引着比平日更多的游客.他们冒着严寒来到这里,是因为这里有个著名的"圣诞市场".这个圣诞市场每年都在11月底开张,一直持续到圣诞节前夜.……  相似文献   

Land Artists and Art Markets   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper focuses on the relations of land artists to the art market.As landworks are by their very nature site specific, what is sold is mostoften the documentation of the project. This paper examines whether there isa market for Land Art and if so, whether it shares the same characteristicsas markets for Minimal and Conceptual Art, which started at about the sametime. Data collected on auctions over the period 1972–1992, show thatthis market is very thin. This was probably realized by Land artists wholater seem to have turned to more marketable creations.  相似文献   

Are Multiple Art Markets Rational?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We advance and subsequently test the proposition thatmarkets for fine art are rational, namely, that, inthe determination of price, traders make use of allrelevant art historical and critical information, asrevealed by hedonic content analysis, as well as allinformation on authenticity of the works offered forsale. If true, the proposition has consequences forpublic policy. Museums optimize choices among art historicallysignificant authentic paintings distributed asstochastic rare events in the tertiary market for art. Such paintings have few, if any, art historicallyequivalent substitutes, causing the demand for suchworks of art to be extremely inelastic. Museums tendto buy at the top of the information curve; payingprices which exceed market averages for similar art. As a result, society pays the cost of institutionalrisk aversion. In contrast, collectors often purchaseart before all art historical information is complete,and often earn a reward for assuming a risk due toincomplete information (Singer, 1991; Pomerhene, 1994).Collectors who can borrow to accumulate the highestcategory art can consume the services of their artcollection at zero cost. Stochastic transferfunctions fitted to time series of sales volume at thetwo top international auction houses confirm thehypothesis that the highest category of art is a quasisubstitute for financial instruments (liquid wealth).  相似文献   

This study investigates how competition, concentration and public broadcasters influence diversity of programme supply in European television markets. It focuses on free, national generalist channels; studies programmes as provided throughout the day; and tests hypotheses with data on Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the U.K. for the late 1980s and 1990s. It concludes that competition is moderate in most markets. Under these conditions, competition and concentration contribute to a diverse supply of programmes that mirrors audience demand, while public broadcasters increase diversity of supply above competitive market levels.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and mobilizes a cultural economic framework to study the dynamic formation of digital markets for cultural goods. Adapting Hayek's theory of price to recent developments in the field of cultural sociology, it proposes the idea that an effective price system condenses information dispersed in society, and then enters into a performative process of symbolic communication that is perceived as ‘authentic’ by the consumers. After analyzing ‘artificial’ and ‘authentic’ current strategies aimed at producing digital markets for cultural goods, which are especially sensitive to the symbolic dimension of price, the article suggests the hypothesis that the digital market has been constructed as a zero- or quasi-zero-price economic space, and that it is the offline and material market of cultural products the one that collects the higher revenues derived from the ‘authentic’ generation of value taking place in the digital marketplace.  相似文献   

Callon's (1998) ‘performativity thesis’ encourages us to consider how the boundaries of the economy are negotiated. This paper explores one such discussion: the contributions of economics to the debates over the introduction of markets for transplant organs. The paper pays particular attention to the normative aspects of economic valuation. It examines the philosophical antecedents of economic contributions to the debate, notes the rhetorical and linguistic power of economic calculation and then focuses on three distinct sets of calculations concerning the value of a transplant kidney: a contingent valuation calculation, a risk-premia based calculation, and a cost-efficiency simulation. In each case, it shows that economic facts, once created, may travel freely through normative debates and claim moral force. The technical process of economic modelling is therefore seen to be a crucial aspect of the economisation of this area, and of economic performativity more generally.  相似文献   


This article examines the ways in which middle class Muslims in Turkey talk about Islamic ‘community’ and analyses these discourses in relation to the phenomenon of market Islam. The evidence is drawn from the author’s ethnographic fieldwork with donors, managers, and volunteers of a government friendly Islamic NGO, the Light House (Deniz Feneri Sosyal Yard?mla?ma ve Dayan??ma Derne?i) in 2009–2010, followed by subsequent trips in 2013 and 2015. I argue that Islamic charity is not merely a calculative economic behaviour or a reflection of deep-seated religious values, but rather a performative site of market Islam. In seeking to reconcile a faith-based understanding of charity with diverse interpretations of the neoliberal economy, I show that middle-class Muslims adhered to two discourses of ‘community’: whereas donors saw charitable giving as a market-enhancing mechanism, NGO managers defined their charitable work as part of an Islamic project focused on economic redistribution. Although they conceptualized the relationship between faith and markets in divergent ways, both discourses of market Islam posit ‘community’ as an intrinsic component of governing the poor in Turkey.  相似文献   

郭嘉 《文化交流》2016,(10):62-65
2016年9月5日,浙江作家海飞编剧的电视连续剧《麻雀》登陆荧屏.海飞是个温情的人,但坚持认为自己欣赏残酷,奇怪的是,二者在他身上好像并行不悖,一如他笔下民国时期繁华柔软的上海,鲜血与死亡却稀松平常.海飞是个横空出世的小说家,凭着对文字的天赋和执拗,瞬间改变了既定的潦草杂乱的生活,因此,我们也就不会奇怪他误打误撞进入编剧圈后,从《旗袍》开始,短短几年,《旗袍2》《大西南剿匪记》《从将军到士兵》《铁面歌女》《代号十三钗》《花红花火》《麻雀》,还有《太平公主秘史》《隋唐英雄》逐一呈现.他已然深陷谍战、迷恋传奇,就像喝一盅温润的绍兴黄酒,吱的几口下去,灯光柔美起来,眼神迷离惬意,微醺的悠然自得,正是时候.  相似文献   

每一处经济的绿色发展,都离不开文化理念的引领;每一个产业的持续增长,都必然有文化特色的内核;每一个企业的自觉自信,都源自文化信念的支撑. 浙江省在建设特色小镇过程中,深谙这个道理. 独特的山水资源、深厚的历史人文,决定了浙江"百镇不同面,镇镇有特色"的发展格局.以文化强特色,以文化调结构,以文化惠民生,以文化稳增长.  相似文献   

吴敏 《文化交流》2017,(1):13-17
由温州日报报业集团收购的国外报纸《欧华联合时报》,兼具中国与海外两种背景,也正是因为这份特殊性,该报在国际传播上选择了"不走寻常路",试图跨越文化、地域的界限,寻找一条通往"春天"的国际传播新路径。  相似文献   

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