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基层治理是国家治理的基础,其在国家认同与基础秩序维护、民情表达与公共参与、公共服务供给与社会福利配置等方面对现代国家建设具有重要作用。基层治理有效性的提高离不开现代社区发展,同样社区发展也需要进一步推进基层治理改革。当前,中国社区发展面临碎片化、阶层化、个体化、代际更替和技术变革等五大挑战,因而基层治理需要有针对性改革以更好应对上述挑战,这就意味着五种基层治理能力建设需要得到高度重视:社区发展能力、利益均衡能力、财政支撑能力、组织动员能力和主动改革能力。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of visitors’ clothing as a source of fibres and dust in museums. Some idealised experiments determined the mass of fibres and dust emitted from clothing and the range of particle sizes found. In chamber studies it was possible to examine the effect of different humidity and airflow on fibre release. Image analysis was used to determine particle size from sub-micron to giant particles including clothing fibre. Clothing was a significant contributor to fibre and dust generation and at low humidity winter garments composed largely of wool was especially large. High air velocity increased particle shedding from clothing. Clean clothing typically released a third to a tenth the weight of particulate material from dirty clothing. It is possible that the fibres and dust produced indoors from visitors could be reduced by an air-shower at the entrance, but less intrusive procedures such as keeping visitors at a distance from objects may be preferable.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the movie industry have raised questions concerning the problematic relationship between the success-related aspects of artistic excellence and commercial appeal. The present article proposes that—when the former is measured by industry recognition (Oscars and other awards) and the latter by market performance (box office and video rentals) and when the former hinges on the evaluative judgments of reviewers and consumers (ratings of excellence) and the latter on the level of buzz among these audience members (amount of attention, word of mouth, or click of mouse)—the two phenomena are essentially separable as independent paths to conceptually distinct and empirically uncorrelated aspects of motion-picture success. An analysis of data for 190 movies from the year 2003 shows that reviewer-and-consumer evaluations and buzz respond differently to a film’s marketing clout (production budget, opening screens, and opening box office) and that these audience responses contribute independently to a film’s industry recognition and market performance along two separable paths. These findings suggest various implications for movie marketers, film producers, actors or actresses, and other members of the motion-picture industry.
Michela AddisEmail:

伴随国内经济的快速发展,区域间城市分工各不相同,却又存在紧密的联系,形成新的区域发展组织形式。研究基于皖江城市带内各城市间交通数据,采用社会网络分析法和功能多中心指数分析皖江城市带功能多中心特征,判断区域功能多中心的发展趋势。研究结果表明,皖江城市带内交通流的空间分布具有一定的规模效应,城市发展存在着很大差距,并未实现规划的"一轴双核两翼"的发展格局。为实现成熟的区域一体化发展,皖江城市带在未来发展中还需提高经济发展水平促进地区间发展的平衡。  相似文献   

Special art exhibits, sometimes known as``blockbusters', are often thought of as tourism andbusiness generators. This belief is fostered byeconomic impact studies that bravely estimate thetotal gross domestic product or total jobs ``created'by such exhibits. Unfortunately, the enthusiasm of theexhibit promoters often leads them to the uncritical useof methodologies that exaggerate the size of theexhibit's contribution to the local economy. Fortunately, such methodologies are well understoodand corrective measures are available to make theestimates they produce more realistic and useful foradvocacy purposes. This paper presents a comparisonof two studies done in Canada to provide arts managerswith a gauge for realistically forecasting thepotential impact of planned ``blockbusters'.Several Canadian art galleries have recently hostedspecial art exhibits, notably the Renoir Portraits atthe National Gallery of Canada and the BarnesExhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario. They havesurveyed the visitors to them using a correctivemethodology that enables researchers to determinewhich visitors came to the region only because of theexistence of the exhibit and which would have come tothe region and spent money whether the exhibit existedor not. These data enables researchers to estimatequite accurately the amount of visitor spending thatis actually due to the exhibit. This lower, but morecredible, estimate is very useful in helping promotersobtain exhibit sponsorship from local tourismbusinesses who have become skeptical of theexaggerated claims of economic impact estimates basedon standard survey approaches.  相似文献   


Using a six-year case study of Glasgow’s Sustainable City business model, this paper examines interactions between financialised governance of cities and clean energy strategies. Research on the role of cities in developing clean energy has paid limited attention to the interaction with financialised governance of infrastructure, which makes the implementation of plans largely dependent on private investment. A conceptual approach combining economic sociology of actor networks and urban political economy is used to analyse the career of the business model designed to transform old infrastructures into new clean energy assets. The analysis focuses on interactions between city council, public bodies and electricity distribution network business. Climate policies are creating uncertainties for energy businesses over revenues from ageing networks, suggesting scope for alliance with local governments. Making new liquid assets for clean energy from old infrastructure is however shown to be a process marked by instability and reversals. In conclusion, it is argued that concepts from actor-network theory and urban political economy used together reveal the hidden contingencies of financialisation in particular socio-technical interactions, and their materiality in the context of climate change.  相似文献   

中华人民共和国成立以来,党和政府十分重视城市管理工作,伴随着城市建设和发展的需要,根据不同历史时期城市管理工作的形势和任务的不同,采取了不同的城市管理体制,确定了相应的城市管理方针政策.城市管理体制是建立在经济体制基础上的,与经济体制和政府职能相适应.有什么样的经济体制,就有什么样的城市管理体制.根据1949年以来不同...  相似文献   

皖南传统村落作为我国最具地域代表性的传统聚落之一,以其保存面积之广、完好程度之高、类型之众,以及社会历史文化底蕴之深厚而闻名于世,具有重要的学术研究价值。以深受徽文化影响的核心地带黄山市为例,通过实地调研、文献梳理、资料整理,结合地域文化对其传统村落的空间网络特征进行研究,揭示了皖南传统村落具有山环水抱、发展演进、树状分布的物质空间网络特征和兼收并蓄、宗族教化的非物质空间网络特征,并通过案例实证,总结了空间网络特征的形成主要与自然环境、人口迁徙、社会经济和人文历史四种影响因素相关,通过以上研究提出一种基于宏观整体性的传统村落保护思路,以促进皖南地区传统村落的和谐与可持续发展。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between the senses, artifacts, and trade at South Korean agricultural produce auctions. It explores the impacts of market devices on sensory interactions between auctioneers and buyers that are essential to market transactions. Through ethnographic interviews and participant observations at Garak Market, Seoul, this study compares hand signal trading with electronic trading in agricultural produce auctions. It analyzes how the senses affect auction price estimation and formation, as well as their contribution to economic agency and social relationship among economic actors. The study then examines the impact of new market devices in electronic trading (e.g. trading screens, computer monitors, and wireless bidding terminals) on trading’s sensory aspects of seeing or hearing. It argues that the devices change the modality of sensory interactions between auctioneers and buyers. This transforms power struggles, forming a looser but more equal relationship between auctioneers and buyers and decreasing the overall auction price in the market.  相似文献   

Modelling and analysis of a basilica under earthquake loading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper a basilica-type church is analysed in order to assess its structural behaviour and seismic vulnerability. For this purpose, an effective two-step procedure has been used, consisting of: (a) 3D static and dynamic linear analyses of the structural complex, and (b) 2D nonlinear push-over analysis of the single macro-elements. The results obtained through push-over analyses have been compared to the collapse loads derived from limit analysis, proving the ability of finite element (F.E.) nonlinear model to provide reliable simulation of the actual response of masonry elements. Then, the strength demand on each single structural macro-elements, resulting from the 3D linear analyses, has been compared to the macro-element ultimate strength capacity. The comparison demand vs. capacity has been carried out for all transversal and longitudinal macro-elements of the church, allowing a direct, though approximate, assessment of the seismic safety level of the church. The comparison demand vs. capacity confirms the susceptibility of this type of buildings to extensive damage and possibly to collapse, as frequently observed. The insertion of rigid diaphragms, which represents a widely used retrofit technique, has also been investigated; such intervention triggers concentration of strength demand in the stiffest macro-elements, so that the seismic capacity of the building is not necessarily increased.  相似文献   

International co-production has become an increasingly important mode for television programs and film. In this paper we report the results of a survey on partner perceptions of performance in Canada/Europe co-productions. In particular we examine whether expectations that the general experience is positive and that Canadian and European partners have similar assessments of the level of performance, are justified. Our survey evidence does support the hypothesis that in total the experience is positive. However, it appears this is only the case because a good creative artistic performance more than outweighs a less than satisfactory total project recoupment. The hypothesis that Canadian and European partners have similar perceptions of performance is not borne out. Generally, Canadian partners seem more satisfied than European, particularly French.  相似文献   

CiteSpace分析发现:水文化和大运河文化的研究热点分别为"大禹治水""李冰"和"大禹"与"大运河""京杭大运河""浙江"和"漕运"。前者的演化路径呈现为从"李冰""郭守敬"及"水利工程"向"大禹治水",再向"导淮""大禹""张謇"及"李仪祉",最后向"治水思想""都江堰"及"长江"转向的趋势。后者呈现为从早期关注隋炀帝开凿运河的原因探索、功过评价、个人轶事追溯向大运河漕运研究、大运河沿线城市研究以及大运河文化带建设研究转向的模式。在研究前沿方面,前者以"李冰"以及"李冰父子""李冰水利功绩"和"李冰修复都江堰"为重点,而后者以"大运河"以及"漕运"和"大运河沿线城市发展与繁荣"为重点。上述分析结果对中国水文化在世界范围走出去、走上去、走进去,并向不同文化背景的听众讲清、讲明、讲懂大运河文化故事能够发挥积极有效的作用。  相似文献   

The present research is an attempt to create a link among different disciplines and to confirm stratigraphic observations through chemical analyses. It involved detailed colorimetric examination and in-depth chemical-physical study of the samples taken from the historical centre of Genoa, which enabled connections to be made among many data. This led to the creation of an analytical method that is applicable to various geographical sites. Examinations involved several experimental techniques: X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy and infrared spectroscopy; the data were compared with those from the stratigraphic examination. A detailed investigation of the Ligurian climate, including data kindly supplied by the Environment Department of the Provincia di Genova, allowed us to explain the presence of particular chemical substances and suggested how they might have been formed.  相似文献   


From frequent television advertisements to posters in jet bridges all over the globe, the public is continuously subjected to messages affirming the inception of a flat, borderless world. While these discourses suggest globalization is bringing humanity together into a globally connected, cosmopolitan world order, such corporate advertisements also seek to convey the desirability and inevitability of a borderless economy in which they may roam unfettered. To illustrate how these ideas are communicated, I investigate three emblematic cases: Emirates Airlines, HSBC, and Itaú. By interrogating their public discourses, this article elucidates how powerful actors seek to construct global (or regional–global) imaginaries for consumers by deploying esthetically pleasing (and, at times, seemingly ‘subversive’) advertisements. Their ultimate effect is to demonstrate the would-be futility of attempts to regulate the spread of global capitalism or their own profit-seeking behavior. Through showing how pop-culture artifacts attempt to ‘sell’ teleological global capitalism to audiences, this article contributes to the burgeoning literature on the cultural political economy of globalization. To conclude, I briefly explore how this analysis relates to important political debates concerning agency in globalization, the feasibility of state regulation of global capitalism, and the construction of alternative global imaginaries/orders.  相似文献   

This study examines news coverage of an assault upon an interracial couple that happened in Taiwan in 2015. Using narrative analysis from a social identity perspective, the study notes that Taiwanese news media suppressed gender salience in their coverage of this incident to construct a favorable Taiwanese identity; nevertheless, this strategy was performed at the price of reducing the urgency to combat sexism at a societal level. International news media framed the same event as a case of both racism and sexism; however, racism was given different symbolic meanings by different media, with each international news press conceptualizing racism in a way that met its local audience’s identity needs. In addition, both Taiwanese and international news organizations employed several social identity strategies in their news coverage to negotiate desirable international relations. These findings reveal that news media function as agents of international communication in today’s age of globalization.  相似文献   

The room-temperature photoluminescence spectra of various samples of Egyptian blue (CaCuSi4O10) are presented, discussed and compared with those of recently synthesized compounds corresponding to the ancient pigments Han blue (BaCuSi4O10) and Han purple (BaCuSi2O6). All the samples of Egyptian blue show identical spectra, in spite of their very different origin. The spectra of Han blue and Han purple are significantly different. Since the Cu2+ ion may be considered the only luminescent centre in the spectral range under investigation, the differences between the spectra of the various pigments are ascribed to a ligand-field change. This can be related to the larger size of the Ba2+ ion with respect to Ca2+. The use of PL spectra for the identification of these pigments in works of art is proposed.  相似文献   

Silks are amongst the most precious artifacts of our textile heritage. While most silk fabrics are made from degummed silk, some in collections, such as ancient Chinese Juan, are composed of raw or just partially degummed silk. Such silks with remnant sericin gum may require special consideration for their optimum preservation. Conservators and curators then need to know which of the silks in their collections are in this category, and what effect the sericin has on the ageing of silk fibres. In the study reported here, the artificial heat and moisture ageing of raw silk was investigated by means of amino acid analysis. Amongst various amino acid molar ratios, Asp/Gly proved a valuable indicator of residual sericin gum on aged silk. Measurement of the tyrosine content was also useful for gauging the conservation state of silk in some circumstances. The results of the amino acid analyses when combined with those for tensile tests suggested that sericin did not inhibit fibroin deterioration under the ageing conditions employed.  相似文献   

For the last 60 years, varnishes of ancient musical instruments, particularly stringed instruments of the violin family dating 17th and 18th centuries, have been analysed to establish their chemical composition and multi-layered structure. The objective was to rediscover the technology for making the varnish of esteemed Italian violins and to reconstitute it. This paper reviews the physico-chemical studies published on such varnishes and also focuses on a research project carried out since 2002 at the Musée de la musique in Paris. It aims to apply in a comprehensive way different non-destructive or micro destructive methods (Py-GC/MS, IR microscopy, SEM/EDX, EDXRF, synchrotron radiation-based techniques, …) to the study of a large and representative number of ancient varnished musical instruments from a museum collection.  相似文献   

Five optical analyses of a given work of art are presented, using multispectral imaging, optical coherence tomography, goniophometry, UV-fluorescence emission spectroscopy and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. All these methods are non-destructive, contactless, and implementable in situ. They all lead to results in quasi-real time. The multispectral camera allows imaging of the whole painting with very high definition and recording of 240 millions of spectra. Optical coherence tomography allows local 2D and 3D imaging with in-face and in depth stratigraphies inside the painting with a micrometric accuracy. It allows the evaluation of the pigment volume concentration inside a layer, the measurement of the thickness of one or two varnish layers, the detection and measurements of gaps inside the paint layer, the depth of varnish micro-cracks. Goniophotometry allows the measurement of the upper surface state of the painting in different locations, by quantifying the mean slope of the facets making up the surface. UV-fluorescence emission spectroscopy allows the identification of the resin, the binder and the ageing state of varnishes by use of databases of reference varnishes. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy leads to pigment, pigment mixture and dye identifications again by use of databases. The three last methods are implemented with the same portable multi-function instrument. It allows time saving, locations on request in front of the artwork and easy use by non-scientists. Each instrument is described with its protocol and accuracy. The studied painting is a portrait of a lady painted by the Austrian artist Franz Strotszberg, chosen for its several restorations. The five kinds of results are successively detailed, analysed and compared between themselves. It is shown that the different results are complementary and their crosschecking brings thorough information. For example, the shape of the network of varnish micro-cracks detected on the surface with the multispectral camera is added to the measurement of their depth with optical coherence tomography. Another example allows connecting two different surface states of the upper varnished surface measured by goniophotometry with the identification of these varnish with UV-fluorescence and with their thicknesses measured with optical coherence tomography.  相似文献   

This study explores the potential of conjoint choice experiments for planning decisions on urban sites. We elicit people's preferences for regeneration projects that change the aesthetic and use character of specified urban sites. We use a split-sample design with two sets of regeneration projects. The first entails hypothetical transformations of an actual square with an important cultural and historical dimension. The other consists of hypothetical transformations of an abstract square which we try to make as close as possible to the former in all respects, except for its cultural and historical dimension. Each regeneration project is defined by aesthetic and use attributes. Our results suggest that individual choices are explained by the attributes, andthat the marginal utilities are significantly different across projects forthe actual and the abstract square.  相似文献   

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