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Previous studies have overlooked how intermediaries and their digital cultural capital enhance the relationship between brand values and consumer identities; their specific uses of digital technologies; and how those uses are displayed in activities where intermediaries create consumer experiences. This paper thus explores the role that cultural intermediaries (music bloggers and an advertising agency) and their digital cultural capital play in making and communicating a branded music event. Briefly, intermediaries used a set of digital technologies (social media, guest lists, blogs, and websites) to create and orchestrate an authentic and exclusive experience between brands and consumers. We draw on empirical material from interviews and ethnographic work conducted in Santiago, Chile. Our study identifies digital technologies used by cultural intermediaries in communicating branded music events, including as: promotional tools; advertising campaign efficacy evaluation mechanisms; and relational objects that connect advertising agencies, music bloggers, brands, and consumers. By exploring the tensions and conflicts that arise among bloggers and advertising executives, we shed light on the uses and exchanges of digital cultural capital for commercial purposes, resulting from the connections between intermediaries that come from different fields of cultural production.  相似文献   

This article analyses the social consumption of cultural products by Spaniards from the standpoint of microeconomics and sociology. By comparing Lancaster's ``new consumer theory' to Bourdieu's theory, we show the usefulness of simultaneous analysis of consumption from both perspectives. The results provide evidence supporting the hypothesis of expressive functions, distinction and symbolic properties of cultural products. In addition, the ``new consumer theory' has various implications for both cultural policymaking and marketing of cultural products.  相似文献   

Consultants have emerged as significant actors in the assembling of culture after neoliberalism. This paper considers their role in the assemblage of the British subsidised cultural sector as part of the assembling of culture more generally. In particular, it is concerned with the status of consultants as private sector actors, which differentiates them from other forms of expertise that tend to be located in the state apparatus, in that they must earn money to resource their work and remain solvent. By placing their work of assemblage in relation to this imperative, we can understand the difference it makes. Based on a close study of a London cultural consultancy, it is argued that specific governmental and managerial trends send trajectories of value through the assemblage which the networked consultants attempt to control and capture. These economies have seen consultants contribute to the broad shift in the assemblage of culture from something that occupied a distinctive sphere requiring protection from the ravages of the market to a potential contributor to economic and social development.  相似文献   

全国文化中心是北京重要的首都功能.新时代北京全国文化中心建设是中国特色社会主义伟大事业全局和中国特色社会主义进程的关键一环,可以把首都北京建设成为中国特色社会主义先进文化之都、中国特色社会主义创新发展之都、中国特色社会主义对外开放之都、全球文化中心城市.以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,建设中国特色社会主义先进...  相似文献   

城市文化空间作为承载城市精神和文化传统的重要载体,是异质性最强的空间类型之一,其代表了城市的形象和特质,对于城市文化发展和空间营造都具有重要作用.通过对城市文化空间的内涵演化、动力识别、实用转向、虚拟拓展等的研究,概述近30年来我国城市文化空间研究的历程,总结城市文化空间具有物质、精神和行为的统一性、时空二重性、多级空...  相似文献   


This paper examines the social construction of ‘fashionability’ – namely, what is ‘desirable’ and ‘fashionable’ – with reference to the concept ‘cultural mediators’ that foregrounds agency, negotiation and the contested practices of market actors in cultural production. It zeroes in on the cultural mediators’ attitudes and positions in the two markets by drawing on 25 in-depth interviews with industry veterans. It shows that the mediators in South Korea and China increasingly occupy hybrid occupational roles and social positions across industries and sectors yet achieve limited success in countering the status quo of Western fashion through mediation. The analysis contributes to the literature with a categorisation of seven mediation practices that shape the valuation of fashion products (i.e. ‘fashionability’) in two ways. Empirically, this categorisation illuminates how cultural mediators make reference habitually to the broader social and cultural contexts to co-construct cultural-aesthetic objects. Theoretically, it advances a cultural-economic approach to the understanding of cultural mediation and challenges the reductionist viewpoint of actor–network theory through the notion of a matrix of cultural-economic agency.  相似文献   

李响 《中国名城》2021,(5):71-79
保护以北京为代表的国家历史文化名城需要与时俱进,如何以法治思维和法治方式对历史文化名城的保护工作固本强基,是当下面临的一项重要使命与重大课题.近年来全国多地的实践结果显示,公益诉讼为将历史文化名城保护纳入法治轨道提供了有效抓手,其不仅有利于激发社会公众的参与热情,而且也有助于发挥司法机关的监督力量.然而,将公益诉讼机制...  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is twofold: to report on theapplication of a contingent valuation survey todetermine the value to the Naples population ofmaintaining ``Napoli Musei Aperti', a cultural publicgood provided by the city of Naples, and to exploresome alternative schemes of cultural policy. The paperis divided in two parts. The first presents someresults of the contingent valuation study. The seconddiscusses the use of the contingent valuation as apolicy instrument in the public cultural sector.  相似文献   

在信息技术和现代社交网络转型的社会背景下,具有悠久历史文脉的著名大学已成为所在名城的文化遗产和景观资源。新时代的教育模式正转型为文化教育社区。提炼了国内外高等教育新的理论实践,以清华大学"苏世民书院"为研究对象,探讨文化教育综合体设计实践思路,即新型社交生态系统的文教社区模式。  相似文献   

Austria calls itself a ``cultural nation' as the arts, the performing arts (theaters) and museums, in particular, play an important role in public debate. However, the question arises as to whether public cultural expenditures as an indication of the significance of cultural policy are really as important when compared to other policy fields as political parties and the government try to suggest. A time series of public cultural expenditures for the period from 1967 to 1998 is taken as a basis for testing econometrically whether public expenditures (measured primarily as the ratio to GDP) follow a growth path. Based on tests for the stationarity of the time series of cultural expenditures in Austria, there are empirical indications that cultural expenditures, gross domestic product (GDP) and the relative price index (GDP and government expenditures) are cointegrated. Further econometric estimations (error-correction models) show that cultural expenditures increase with growing GDP but are vulnerable to short term fluctuations. Additionally, ``Baumol's cost disease' adds to the long-term growth of cultural expenditures. In the past the growth path of cultural expenditures has been stable and independent of the ideology of ruling parties, the form of government and political business cycles.  相似文献   

历史文化名城绍兴的历史文化街区代表为鲁迅故里历史文化街区.但是因过去对历史文化街区认知的局限性,鲁迅故里历史文化街区在近30年的保护利用中有一些不足.如何从规划设计的角度去思考探索优化该街区的空间质量,发现其中的问题,从而给出较好的应对方法与措施是当前值得考虑的议题.根据实地走访与调研绍兴市鲁迅故里历史文化街区、八字桥...  相似文献   

Historic St. Mary's City located in rural southern Maryland, marks the 17th century British Colonial capital of the State of Maryland. As with most cultural heritage sites, Historic St. Mary's City can be classified as possessing public goods-type characteristics, and as such, welfare benefit estimates must utilize non-market valuation techniques. To date, the primary valuation methodology used for cultural heritage sites research involves stated preference methods. This study is one of the first to employ a revealed preference methodology, the zonal travel cost model, to estimate the consumer surplus welfare measures of a cultural heritage site. We analyze three years of visitor sample data to compare three functional forms of visitor demand. The average of the annual individual consumer surplus measures ranged from approximately $8.00 to $19.26, depending on the functional forms used. When aggregated to the total number of individual paid visitors, the average annual benefit estimates range from approximately $75,492 to $176,550.  相似文献   

Contingent valuation methods (CVM) are now well established as a means of measuring the nonmarket demand for cultural goods and services. When combined with valuations provided through market processes (where relevant), an overall assessment of the economic value of cultural commodities can be obtained. Within a neoclassical framework, such assessments are thought to provide a complete picture of the value of cultural goods. But are there aspects of the value of cultural goods which are not fully captured, or not captured at all, within such a model? This paper argues that CVM provides an incomplete view of the nonmarket value of cultural goods, and that alternative measures need to be developed to provide a fuller account.  相似文献   


Cultural intelligence (CQ) has emerged as a popular construct for understanding and dealing with the problems of cross-cultural adjustment and cross-cultural communication that transnational corporations face. In this article, we critique the discursive moves through which CQ is presented as a competitively advantageous tool for global organizations, deconstruct its theorization and measurement, and discuss its role in perpetuating transnational hegemony. This article thus exposes the implicit relationship between academic knowledge production and transnational organizational practice that maximizes profits while simultaneously downplaying transnational globalization's oppressive consequences such as job vulnerability, unemployment, and exploitation.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explores the narratives of 12, first-generation, queer, Iranian-American women to understand (a) how Iranian cultural, familial, and relational discourses influence feelings of “belonging” for queer Iranian-American women, and (b) how queer Iranian-American women cope with the challenges of being both LGBTQ and Iranian-American. Online interviews were analyzed using grounded theory analysis, revealing that queer Iranian-American women experience feelings of cultural isolation as a result of the homosexual identity delegitimization that is often perpetuated within the Iranian community. Participants cope by creating cultural distance between themselves and the Iranian community when they experience this isolation.  相似文献   

加强历史文化村镇遗产的保护与开发利用,建设中华民族共有的精神家园,是我国在城乡统筹发展、城乡一体化过程中亟待研究的重大课题与实践难题。与国外历史文化小镇相比,我国历史村镇保护存在规划体系不健全、文化底蕴单薄、缺乏全面社会技术支撑等诸多问题。以豫南地区为例,通过对其历史名村名镇调研,总结了其在推进文化村镇保护中一些好的发展举措,以期为我国类似历史文化名镇的发展和保护提供参考。  相似文献   

中国城市的公共空间中一直存在群众自发形成商业活动的传统.在超大城市拥挤且有限的公共空间里,如何创造群众自发参与的公共空间,形成积极的城市生活意象,是值得深入思考的问题.中国有很多"草根夜市",是大城市作为"不夜城"的重要组成部分.但随着城市的发展,传统的夜市形式逐渐被取缔.以上海、武汉等超大城市为研究对象,调研夜市发展...  相似文献   

This paper introduces the double public good model as a representation of the simultaneous externalities that complicate decision making in the cultural heritage sphere. Social welfare is modeled as depending on both public and private benefits of households' production of individual heritage experience, which in turn depends on the stock of historic assets (a public good) and access effort (a private good). The public benefit of private experience arises from ``shared experience' that fosters cultural identity and social understandings. The model generates marginal efficiency conditions for the amount of physical preservation, amount of access, and intensity of access. The model highlights the need for dual-level policy making in order to avoid unbalanced heritage preservation efforts that have been of some concern in the literature.  相似文献   

数字媒介艺术嵌入历史文化实体空间,成为历史文化空间的一部分,能够延伸人们对历史文化空间的场所体验.不同于真实的物质建造,数字媒介艺术可以在不改变已有物理空间的前提下,为参与者提供易于理解的文化信息和复合的感官体验.这一特定类型的数字介入不仅为历史文化空间的更新提供新的设计策略,而且进一步将原有的历史文化空间转变成为一种...  相似文献   

文化旅游型特色小镇饱含丰富的乡土景观资源与深厚的历史文化内涵,对特色小镇乡土景观的保护有助于与之关联的自然生态保育、文化遗产保护以及社会、经济发展等多维价值的实现。在对乡土景观价值构成内容进行分析的基础上,选取文化旅游型特色小镇--沙溪古镇为研究对象,着重对沙溪古镇乡土景观价值及其对古镇旅游发展和特色小镇建设的重要意义展开分析,并对其保护策略进行了探讨。认为古镇乡土景观包含了自然生态、民居聚落等物质实体以及日常生活图景、民俗活动氛围等人文环境,并具有传统人居智慧体现、文化传承、社群关系塑造、生态保护以及产业发展等多元价值,同时认为对乡土景观的保护应从整体观的视角出发,实现其多元价值的呈现。  相似文献   

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