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Rats received delay conditioning procedures with a white-noise conditioned stimulus (CS), a food unconditioned stimulus (US), and head entries into the food cup as the conditioned response. The stimulus duration (S) and the interval between food deliveries (C) were varied between groups:S=15, 30, 60, and 120 sec;C=90, 180, and 360 sec. The stimulus/cycle duration ratio was negatively related to the asymptotic level of conditioning but had no effect on the rate of acquisition. Conditioning and timing of responses emerged together in training. Timing occurred during the CS-US interval (ISI) and the US-US interval (ITI), as evidenced by increasing response rate gradients that were steeper for shorter intervals. The effects of the stimulus/cycle ratio on conditioning were attributed to independent timing of theS andC durations. Serial-, parallel-, and single-process accounts of conditioning and timing are compared.  相似文献   

Pigeons were given free-operant successive discrimination training in which, on alternate days, two different interdimensional problems were employed (color positive and line angle negative; a different color negative and a different line angle positive). Between days, these problems could be construed as intradimensional ones. For one group, training was conducted on each problem in the presence of the same ambient (contextual) stimuli, while for a second group each problem was trained in a different context. For a third group, these two contexts were randomly related to the problems. Postdiscrimination stimulus generalization gradients showed that peak shifts were obtained in both the same context and the random context groups, but no peak shifts were found for the group which learned each problem in a different context. Results were consistent with Spear’s (1973) treatment of animal memory which attributes retention test performance to the operation of a “context-elicited” retrieval process. An alternative uniprocess conditioning account of these and similar data was also discussed.  相似文献   

The present research investigated the effects of physical context change and perceptual learning on generalization. In a video game, participants learned to suppress their mouse-clicking behavior in the presence of one stimulus (AX). Generalization was observed between the AX stimulus and another stimulus (BX) that was designed to be similar. When testing was conducted in a context different from that in which AX was used in training, responding to AX was attenuated, and responding to BX was enhanced. That is, the generalization gradient flattened. The latter effect was only evident in groups for which generalization had been reduced through a preexposure manipulation believed to produce perceptual learning. Experiment 2 demonstrated that the increase in generalization observed in the first experiment was due to the context change between the preexposure and test rather than to a change between the conditioning and test contexts. Implications for flattening generalization gradients and mechanisms of perceptual learning are discussed.  相似文献   

In Stage 1, four groups of pigeons were given true discrimination (TD) and four groups were given pseudodiscrimination (PD) training along one of two dimensions orthogonal to wavelength. In Stage 2, all groups received single stimulus (SS) training with a wavelength cue compounded with the former S+ for four of the groups (two TD and Two PD) and with a novel stimulus for the other four (two TD and two PD). For all groups, the SS training was followed by a wavelength generalization test in order to assess the control acquired by the (incidental) wavelength cue during Stage 2. The presence of the former S+ should have blocked the acquisition of control by the wavelength cue leading to flat generalization gradients in the appropriate TD groups. To the contrary, however, these groups showed the sharpest wavelength gradients, i.e., rather than blocking, potentiation was found. One possible interpretation is that the superimposition of the previous S+ served as a reminder of previous TD training, thereby enhancing the transfer of an attentive set from Stage 1 to Stage 2. An alternative conditioning interpretation, suggested in a 1975 paper by Mackintosh, can also be extended to encompass these results.  相似文献   

Subjects in six experimental groups (n = 16 each) received one-trial passive avoidance (PA) training in which shock was delivered upon movement from a white wooden floor compartment to a black grid compartment. Then fear was extinguished (30 min) in the black compartment. After either 24 or 168 h, all the groups were treated in a room distinctively different from the training room. At each interval, one group received a shock in an apparatus similar to the conditioning box, another received a shock in a dissimilar apparatus, and another was placed in a neutral box. A PA test trial in the training apparatus indicated reinstatement of extinguished fear in all the groups given a postextinction shock except the 24-h dissimilar group. Control groups revealed that the extinction treatment was effective and that spontaneous recovery was not evident. The results were explained in terms of classical conditioning, stimulus generalization, and the broadening (flattening) of stimulus generalization gradients with time.  相似文献   

Differential conditionability is the empirical finding that not all responses are equally amenable to the same conditioning paradigm. One phenomenon associated with the conditioning of grooming behavior (a difficult-to-condition response) is a decrease in its average duration when followed by food reinforcement. The first experiment investigated this phenomenon by reinforcing golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) with food for grooming or open rearing (a readily conditionable response) under three duration-dependent reinforcement schedules. The obtained data showed that different densities of food delivery had no differential effects on the average durations of grooming responses, indicating that the decreases were not the result of reinforcement-produced interruption. In the second experiment, golden hamsters were reinforced with food for grooming or for open rearing or received free food, under three interval reinforcement schedules. This experiment demonstrated that decreases in the average duration of grooming are independent of grooming behavior’s resistance to conditioning. Furthermore, although duration-dependent reinforcement schedules are largely ineffective in conditioning grooming behavior, interval schedules are shown to be quite effective in increasing rates of grooming.  相似文献   

In a conditioned suppression experiment, rats received a single, massed session of conditioning in which one backward conditioned inhibitory stimulus (CS-) followed shocks that were signaled by a visual cue, and a second backward CS-followed shocks that were unsignaled. Conditioning was preceded by a preexposure phase in which some groups of rats were preexposed to unsignaled shock, while others were not preexposed and remained in the experimental apparatus in the absence of shock. The groups were further distinguished by whether US preexposure and conditioning occurred in the same or different contexts, and by whether conditioning began immediately or after a 24-h rest period in the home cage. Although the conditioning itself was effective in establishing the visual cue as a conditioned excitor in the nonpreexposed groups, it was not effective in establishing the two backward cues as reliable inhibitors with either signaled or unsignaled USs. After 210 US preexposures, however, the same conditioning sessions did yield conditioned inhibition to both CS-s. A 24-h rest period in the home cage reduced the magnitude of, but did not completely abolish, the facilitative effect of US preexposure on inhibitory conditioning. Other tests demonstrated that US preexposure had retarded excitatory conditioning to the visual cue. This interference with excitatory conditioning was unchanged in magnitude after the 24-h rest period. The facilitative effect of US preexposure on backward inhibitory conditioning, and the interference effect on excitatory conditioning, were both eliminated by a change in context between US preexposure and conditioning. These observations encourage predominantly associative accounts of the effects, but allow for a small nonassociative habituation component.  相似文献   

Conditioning trials that are massed in time produce less conditioning than those that are spaced in time. Four experiments with rat subjects examined whether a recent conditioning trial interferes with conditioning on the next trial by temporarily “priming” information in short-term memory (e.g., Wagner, 1978, 1981). We used appetitive conditioning procedures in which priming trials preceded target trials by 60 sec. When the priming trials were nonreinforced presentations of a conditioned stimulus (CS), the CS had to be the same CS as the one on the target trial to interfere with conditioning. When priming trials were actual CS-unconditioned stimulus (US) pairings, the CS identity did not matter; the US was the event that interfered with conditioning on the next trial. Reinforced trials reduced performance in a way that did not depend on context blocking. The results suggest that CS and US priming effects do contribute to conditioning deficits observed with massed trial procedures. The results are consistent with Wagner’s (1981) “sometimes opponent process,” or SOP, model, although a result that is paradoxical for the model suggests that recent USs may have motivational as well as memory effects.  相似文献   

Previous research in our laboratory has found superior performance when classically conditioned responses are observed in the training context as opposed to outside it, even when direct context-US associations have been minimized by either the choice of conditioning parameters or extinction to the context. The present experiment used latent inhibition of the conditioning context as an alternative method of examining contextual cue effects in the absence of appreciable direct context-US associations. Water-deprived rats received tone-footshock pairings in one of two distinctly different apparatuses, but all were tested in a common apparatus. Animals conditioned in the test enclosure displayed more lick suppression than those conditioned outside the test enclosure. Other animals tested without the tone present also exhibited more suppression if conditioning had occurred in the test context rather than outside it, indicating that direct associations between the conditioning context and shock had been formed. However, when formation of direct associations to the conditioning context was attenuated in additional animals through extensive preexposure to the context prior to conditioning, more suppression to the tone was still seen when conditioning had occurred in the test context rather than outside it. These results add support to the position that the training context augments recall even when direct associations between the context and the US are attenuated. The phenomenon is discussed in terms of facilitated retrieval of nominal CS-US associations, configural retrieval cues, and conditional discriminations.  相似文献   

Rats received either forward or backward pairings of an auditory CS and shock. They were then tested for conditioned suppression to the CS while barpressing for food, licking a sucrose solution, or being spontaneously active. Behavior was simultaneously observed using a time-sampling method. In each case, forward-conditioned animals exhibited more freezing than controls, and freezing was reliably correlated with suppression of the baseline. These results suggest that the different loss-of-baseline measures of aversive conditioning reflect the amount of defensive behavior evoked by the CS. They also suggest the utility of freezing as an index of conditioning. Freezing assayed by the time-sampling method was comparable to the more conventional indices of conditioning in sensitivity to the effects of conditioning.  相似文献   

Drugs of abuse have both rewarding and aversive effects, as indexed by the fact that they support place preferences and taste aversions, respectively. In the present study, we explored whether having a history with the aversive effects of morphine (via taste aversion conditioning) impacted the subsequent rewarding effects of morphine, as measured in the place preference design. In Experiment 1, rats were exposed to a taste aversion procedure in which saccharin was followed by morphine. Place preference conditioning was then initiated in which animals were injected with morphine and placed on one side of a two-chambered apparatus. Animals with a taste aversion history acquired place preferences to the same degree as controls without such a history, suggesting that morphine’s affective properties condition multiple effects, dependent on the specific stimuli present during conditioning. To determine whether these results were a reflection of processes operating in traditional associative conditioning, in a modified blocking procedure, place preference conditioning was attempted in the presence of a taste previously associated with morphine (Exp. 2). Under these conditions, animals still acquired morphine-induced place preferences comparable to those of animals without a morphine or conditioning history. These results are consistent with the position that drugs of abuse have multiple stimulus effects (positive and negative) that are differentially associated with specific stimuli (environmental and taste) that drive different behavioral responses (approach and avoidance).  相似文献   

In four experiments, rat subjects were used in appetitive Pavlovian magazine-approach and instrumental conditioning procedures. Experiments 1 and 2 found successful blocking of the Pavlovian conditioning of X when it was reinforced in an AX compound after prior conditioning of A. This occurred whether the outcome following AX was the same as or qualitatively different from what followed A. Experiment 3 repeated those findings but also used a transfer procedure to identify the individual associations between X and outcomes. Stimulus X developed an association with the outcome following AX when that outcome differed from that following A alone but not when it was the same as that following A alone. Experiment 4 repeated that pattern of observations for the case of an X that was an instrumental discriminative stimulus. These results suggest that different associative structures may result from a qualitatively changed and unchanged outcome in a blocking experiment. The results are related to comparable findings for the case of overexpectation.  相似文献   

Male and female rabbits received Pavlovian conditioning in which a 1, 216-Hz tone served as the CS and a 3-mA paraorbital electric shock train served as the US. Eyeblink (EB) and heart rate (HR) CRs were assessed. Half of the animals received prior exposure to the CS, while half were restrained in the chamber for a similar length of time but did not receive prior CS exposure. Different groups of each sex received three different CS intensities including 60, 75, and 90 dB (SPL) during both preexposure and conditioning. The results revealed that latent inhibition of the EB CR occurred only at the intermediate CS intensity, as indicated by a significant impairment of EB conditioning in this group. However, the magnitude of the decelerative HR CR was attenuated by prior CS exposure at all three CS intensities. Females showed faster EB conditioning than males, but latent inhibition occurred in both sexes. These results suggest that somatomotor and autonomic systems are affected differently by prior CS exposure.  相似文献   

多功能开放式空调创新平台建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了提高建筑环境与设备专业学生的科学素养,充分发挥学生的科研创新能力,本着寓学于研的原则,研究开发了可以进行多种科学测试和实验的创新平台。该平台通过基于恒温恒湿和焓差法空调设备测试平台进行恒温恒湿环境试验、空调器焓差法试验、空调器性能试验、风机盘管(空调箱)性能试验、空空换热器(新风换气机)性能试验、风机性能试验,除湿机性能试验,同时基于该平台的开放性,可以进行空调设备的研究与开发工作,比如强化传热、空调器控制方式对空调器性能的影响、制冷空调设备的优化设计等。在此开放型实验平台上已经培养了多名优秀的本科生、硕士生、博士生。  相似文献   

Rats will approach and contact a lever whose insertion into the chamber signals response-independent food delivery. This “autoshaping” or “sign-tracking” phenomenon has recently attracted considerable attention as a platform for studying individual differences in impulsivity, drug sensitization, and other traits associated with vulnerability to drug addiction. Here, we examined two basic stimulus selection phenomena—blocking and overshadowing—in the autoshaped lever pressing of rats. Blocking and overshadowing were decidedly asymmetrical. Previously reinforced lever-extension conditioned stimuli (CSs) completely blocked conditioning to auditory cues (Exps. 1 and 2), and previously nonreinforced lever-extension CSs overshadowed conditioning to auditory cues. By contrast, conditioning to lever-extension CSs was not blocked by either auditory (Exp. 3) or lever-insertion (Exp. 4) cues, and was not overshadowed by auditory cues. Conditioning to a lever-insertion cue was somewhat overshadowed by the presence of another lever, especially in terms of food cup behavior displayed after lever withdrawal. We discuss several frameworks in which the apparent immunity of autoshaped lever pressing to blocking might be understood. Given evidence that different brain systems are engaged when different kinds of cues are paired with food delivery, it is worth considering the possibility that interactions among them in learning and performance may follow different rules. In particular, it is intriguing to speculate that the roles of simple cue–reinforcer contiguity, as well as of individual and aggregate reinforcer prediction errors, may differ across stimulus classes.  相似文献   

The effects of flavor preexposure and retention interval were assessed in 6- and 12-day-old rats. Conditioned aversions to a flavor appeared at both ages. The conditioning of the younger pups was unaffected by conditioned stimulus (CS) preexposure and was not evident after a 10-day retention interval. For the 12-day-old rats, preexposure to either the flavor CS or a different flavor attenuated aversion strength when the rats were tested soon after conditioning. Other 12-day-old rats that were tested 10 days after conditioning also expressed substantial aversions, but with a retention interval of this length, the aversions were equivalent for animals preexposed to the CS and those not preexposed before conditioning. This loss of the CS-preexposure effect over a long interval, which has also been observed in adult rats, identifies the locus of this effect as postacquisition and perhaps at the stage of memory retrieval.  相似文献   

The effect of morphine preexposure on place conditioning with morphine was investigated. In the first experiment, five injections of 10 mg/kg morphine were administered to rats prior to place conditioning or taste-aversion training with morphine. Although this number of preexposures retarded taste-aversion learning, there was no effect on place conditioning. In subsequent experiments we investigated the role of context blocking in UCS preexposure in place conditioning. In one experiment, preexposure to five morphine injections prior to place conditioning resulted in a reduced place preference, compared with preexposure and place conditioning in different contexts. However, the overall detrimental effect of morphine preexposure was questionable, because the rats that were preexposed were only marginally different from those that were not preexposed. In a final experiment we examined the effect of a context change from preexposure to place conditioning with 15 preexposures and demonstrated a detrimental effect of preexposure on place conditioning that was context specific. These results support a role of classical conditioning in place-preference conditioning with morphine.  相似文献   

Three experiments with rat subjects examined the effects of contextual stimuli on performance in appetitive conditioning. A 10-sec tone conditioned stimulus (CS) was paired with a food-pellet unconditioned stimulus (US); conditioning was indexed by the observation of headjerking, a response of the rat to auditory stimuli associated with food. In Experiment 1, a context switch following initial conditioning did not affect conditioned responding to the tone; however, when the response was extinguished in the different context, a return to the original conditioning context “renewed” extinguished responding. These results were replicated in Experiments 2 and 3 after equating exposure to the two contexts (Experiment 2) and massing the conditioning and extinction trials (Experiment 3). The results of Experiment 1 also demonstrated that separate exposure to the US following extinction reinstates extinguished responding to the tone; this effect was further shown to depend at least partly on presenting the US in the context in which testing is to occur (Experiments 2 and 3). Overall, the results are consistent with previous data from aversive conditioning procedures. In either appetitive or aversive conditioning, the context may be especially important in affecting performance after extinction.  相似文献   

These experiments confirmed previous reports that latent inhibition effects can be abolished if rats receive CS preexposures and CS-US pairings in different contexts. However, latent inhibition effects were restored if animals were given a cuing treatment in the conditioning context prior to the conditioning trials. This restoration of latent inhibition occurred only when the cuing treatment could have served to remind the animals of CS-alone presentations in the specific context used for conditioning. These findings are discussed in relation to various accounts of latent inhibition effects.  相似文献   

Lick suppression experiments with rats revealed that the magnitude of both second-order conditioning (Experiment 1) and sensory preconditioning (Experiment 2) was superior when that conditioning was based on backward (US→CS) relative to forward (CS→US) first-order pairings of a CS and US. The superiority of backward relative to forward first-order conditioning on suppression to the higher order cues can be understood by assuming that the magnitude of higher order conditioning was determined by a memory representation of the higher order cues that provided information about the expected temporal location of the US. The results suggest that temporal information such as order between paired CSs and USs was encoded, preserved, and integrated with memory for the higher order stimuli. The relevance of these findings to memory integration in Pavlovian learning, the temporal coding hypothesis (Barnet, Arnold, & Miller, 1991; Matzel, Held, & Miller, 1988), backward excitatory conditioning, and the associative structure that underlies second-order Pavlovian fear conditioning are discussed.  相似文献   

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