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Citizens participating in contemporary socio-scientific issues (SSI) need to draw on local knowledge and personal experience. If curricular developments in the teaching of controversial SSI are to reflect contemporary notions of citizenship then the personal narrative is an indispensable instrument in bridging the gap between the local/personal and the emergent science. In the context of controversy personal narratives help contending parties to see events in the light of those who do not share their views. A goal-oriented protagonist is the narrator in the personal narrative, which consists of three components - situation-event-reaction—the reaction being an evaluation of the event. Promoting personal narratives in science-based curricula is considered problematic given the dominant role of science’s explanatory frameworks. An inter-disciplinary approach is proposed based on McLaughlin’s levels of disagreement.  相似文献   

In this response to Tom G. K. Bryce and Stephen P. Day’s (Cult Stud Sci Educ. doi:10.1007/s11422-013-9500-0, 2013) original article, I share with them their interest in the teaching of climate change in school science, but I widen it to include other contemporary complex socio-scientific issues that also need to be discussed. I use an alternative view of the relationship between science, technology and society, supported by evidence from both science and society, to suggest science-informed citizens as a more realistic outcome image of school science than the authors’ one of mini-scientists. The intellectual independence of students Bryce and Day assume, and intend for school science, is countered with an active intellectual dependence. It is only in relation to emerging and uncertain scientific contexts that students should be taught about scepticism, but they also need to learn when, and why to trust science as an antidote to the expressions of doubting it. Some suggestions for pedagogies that could lead to these new learnings are made. The very recent fifth report of the IPCC answers many of their concerns about climate change.  相似文献   

The focus of this response to Virginie Albe and Marie-José Gombert??s (2011) article on a research study of students?? school science conference on global warming is to develop some thoughts on covert assumptions which underpin any such conference. My comments refer to the politics behind the production of scientific knowledge of climate change and the institutional barriers to action on socio-scientific issues presented by schools working predominantly on neoliberal agendas.  相似文献   

Moral education can take many forms. With the end of the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (UNDHRE) (1995–2004), we critically review developments in human rights education (HRE) during those ten years in the context of moral education. We argue that, despite some modest successes, the decade lacked direction and a major impact and has failed to prepare a sound basis for securing HRE internationally. These outcomes largely account for the United Nations' (UN) decision in 2005 to initiate the World Programme for Human Rights Education. Meanwhile initiatives in defining the goals and practice of HRE have happened outside the UN context. Overall the UN's contribution to building HRE and moral education has, at best, been marginally successful due in large measure to the inherent weaknesses of the organisation as well as the UN's inability to engage member states.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the independent contribution of prosodic sensitivity—the rhythmic patterning of speech—to word reading and spelling in a sample of early readers. Ninety-three English-speaking children aged 5–6 years old (M = 69.28 months, SD = 3.67) were assessed for their prosodic sensitivity, vocabulary knowledge, phonological, and morphological awareness (predictor variables) along with their word reading and spelling (criterion variables). Bivariate (zero-order) correlation analyses revealed that prosodic sensitivity was significantly associated with all other variables in this study. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that after controlling for individual differences in vocabulary, phonological, and morphological awareness, prosodic sensitivity was still able to explain unique variance in word reading, but was unable to make an independent contribution to spelling. The findings suggest that prosodic sensitivity gives added value to our understanding of children’s reading development.  相似文献   

该文扼要介绍小原国芳的道德教育理论。对他提出的全人教育思想 ,教育的目的是培养由真、善、美、圣四者铸成一体的文化人格及育成多方面和谐发展人的思想进行探讨。以期对我国道德教育的建设与发展有所启发。  相似文献   

元认知迁移理论及其对教学的启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
与认知策略知识对应的元认知迁移理论是当代认知心理学对学习迁移理论的新发展,其基本思想在于强调认知策略在学习和问题解决中的重要作用。本文阐述了元认知迁移理论的基本观点及其对教学的启示。  相似文献   

道德建设是社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容。江泽民同志对道德建设作出了重要的理论贡献 :升华了对道德建设重要性的认识 ;明确了道德建设的目标、方针和主要内容 ;提出了加强道德建设的具体途径等。江泽民关于道德建设方面的思想理论 ,是我国新时期道德建设的行动指南  相似文献   

由于人们唯科学主义的错误认识与功利主义的价值观,人们忽视了高科技对伦理道德的冲击与影响,客观上造成未成年人的精神迷茫、心灵空虚、心理扭曲等思想道德问题。事实上,高科技除了其消极影响外,还具有功利价值、内在的精神价值和外在的伦理价值等人文价值,对未成年人的道德养成与人性弘扬具有重要意义。为了促进高科技与未成年人思想道德教育的协调发展,一方面需要科技的伦理化,另一方面需要德育方式的根本革新。  相似文献   

传统的道德教育存在着严重的悖论现象,主要表现为:将学生对象化,将社会责任绝对化,将道德规范神圣化,将道德境界宗教化,将道德教育模式化,等等。这些都会对当今的学校德育理念、德育价值观、德育模式产生很大的负面影响。要消除这些消极因素,必须牢固树立"以学生为本"的德育理念,创新道德教育模式,改革德育考评体系,建立德育工作新机制。  相似文献   

时代性“道德裂变”及其道德哲学拯救   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业革命给人类社会带来了物质财富的进步与人类道德的退步的直接后果,而新科技革命及随之而来的后工业社会和信息时代更加剧了“物质进步”与“道德退步”的“大分裂”,使“道德裂变”成为当今社会的一个世界性话题。人类的道德生活越来越远离了作为意义和价值之源泉的日常生活世界,远离了道德理论的哲学本性,价值观本性和世界观本性,远离了道德的“内在价值”和“创造价值的价值”本性,是“道德裂变”发生的根本原由,重建道德哲学,回答人的生活意义问题,并且重视道德教育,依靠法制重建道德,是时代重建道德的根本之途。  相似文献   

德育是目的和任务,不是一项工作;德育是全体教师的责任,不是德育处的工作;德育基于学校实际,不仅是完成上级任务;德育须有社会和家长的参与,学校难以承担全责;学校应直面德育困境,积极调整策略,针对教育普及化、大众化以及身心全面发展并不断改变着的学生实际,整合家庭、社会多方力量,发挥核心作用,在学生成长中创设出体验的时间和空间,在过程和经历中不断提高德育实效。  相似文献   

现代虚拟道德关系是随着网络技术的产生与发展而出现和发展的,是人类道德关系发展中的一种特殊形式。这一特殊形式的道德关系的出现及发展,其意义就在于首次将人类道德的建构由直接的、现实的、民族与区域性的层面带入到虚拟的、信息的与全球性的层面,从而向人类提出了虚拟道德、科技道德和全球道德建构的三大任务。由此,也对现代学校的道德教育带来了深远的影响,它呼唤着人的规范意识、合作精神、珍视生命与由衷关怀人类命运之善心的培养。  相似文献   

高校德育的困境与提高德育效力的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新形势下能否做好大学生的思想政治工作,是高校思想政治教育面临的一个挑战,更是我国高校教育的初衷。新时期思想政治教育,只有坚持科学性,把握规律性,富于创造性,才能达到增强实效的目的。但由于诸多因素的影响,目前高校的德育教育还存在着偏差,如何走出一条全新的高校德育道路,是必须大力加以解决的问题。  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of the discursive process in the act of scientific knowledge building. Specifically, it links scientific knowledge building to risk perception of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). To this end, this study designed and implemented a three-stage argumentation programme giving pre-service teachers (PSTs) the opportunity to consider, discuss and construct shared decisions about GMOs. The study involved 101 third-year PSTs from two different classes, randomly divided into control and experimental groups. The study utilised both quantitative and qualitative methods. During the quantitative phase, researchers administered a pre- and post-intervention scale to measure both groups’ risk perception of GMOs. During the qualitative phase, data were collected from the experimental group alone through individual and group reports and an open-ended questionnaire. T-test results showed a statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups’ risk perception of GMOs. Qualitative analysis also revealed differences, for example, in PSTs’ weighing of the pros and cons of scientific research demonstrating positive results of GMOs. In addition, PSTs’ acceptance of GMOs increased. Consequently, this study suggests that developing familiarity with scientific enterprise may play an effective role in adopting a scientific perspective as well as a more balanced risk perception of GMOs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative study was to learn more about how teachers deal with a reflective teaching approach aimed at developing their competencies in analysing and facilitating classroom discussions on socio-scientific issues. Three cases of teachers' journeys through the project are reconstructed and characterised. We posit that each teacher benefited from the project according to his or her individual situation, needs and learning style. A number of modifications to the project design are proposed and can be summarised by the idea of assisting teachers more closely and more individually as they pass through the reflective teaching process.  相似文献   

较长时间来,学校德育形式重视与实际践行相脱节,道德认知与道德情感相脱节,道德认知与道德实践相脱节,德育工作者素质与时代要求相脱节,德育行为与期待效果相脱节的德育困境破冰问题已为整个社会所关注。从文化的视角审视德育的内涵价值、思考德之能力建设的改革指向、寻求文化时代德育的智慧路向,是德育困境破冰问题之关键,因为德育的改革是教育改革的攻坚"棋子",是迎接"教育文化时代"到来的先行。  相似文献   

In response to Tali and Yarden’s presentation of their efforts to teach socioscientific issues, the discussants address issues of authentic versus simulated activities; teachers as learners or co-creators with their students; educating people to contribute to science-based decisionmaking; the development of such socioscientific competence; the relationship between group or participatory processes and individual development; framing real world cases for every age of student; making space to delve into the historical and social background to any scientific theory, practice, or application; educating teachers who can coach students in socioscientific inquiry; and facing off against the traditional and resurgent emphasis on highstakes, content-oriented testing of students in science.  相似文献   

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