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万丽 《小学生》2013,(11):1-1
现在多数学校老师开始重视分层教学,在信息技术课堂中,学生差异情况是客观存在的,必须要探索适合不同学生、使其都能得到发展的新的教学方法。分层次教学法就是一种针对学生差异进行教学活动的方法,本文主要探讨如何在信息技术课堂中有效使用分层教学,从而达到高效课堂的目的。  相似文献   

为了解翻转课堂在初中生物教学中运用的实效,对六盘水市民族中学初中生物实施翻转课堂前后学生的学习成绩进行了差异显著性检验,对学生的学习情况进行了问卷调查和统计分析。结果表明:实施翻转课堂和传统教学的两组学生成绩无显著差异(p>0.05),但实施翻转课堂后,学生的平均成绩有所提高,学生学习的积极性、主动性、探究能力和表达能力也有明显提升。  相似文献   

实现不同的人在数学上得到不同的发展是新课标基本理念之一,也是广大教师在课堂教学中必须研究和面对的课题。让全体学生在原有的基础上都有所进步和发展,教师在课堂中就不能搞“一刀切”,应该实施差异教学,它是提高课堂质量和教学效益的良方。为此,区域差异、遵循差异、兼顾差异、尊重差异是课堂实施差异教学的形式,有利于提高践行课标理念的力度,有利于发展学生的数学素养。  相似文献   

在初中数学教学中,开展差异教学有利于提高学生的学习成绩,提高教学效率.开展差异教学的措施有关注学生个体,对学生合理分层;尊重学生的差异,制订不同的教学目标;采用多样化教学方法,优化数学课堂;设计不同难度的课后作业,强化学生能力等.  相似文献   

差异是教学中一个永存的话题,没有差异的学生是不存在的,没有差异的课堂也是不存在的.那么如何在有限的45分钟课堂中既能完成既定的教学目标,又使每一位学生都在自己的"最近发展区"都有所发展、有所收获呢?在实际课堂教学中可以尝试分层施教,分层递进式的探究教学.  相似文献   

学生由于认知基础,学习态度,学习能力的差异,导致学生之间必然存在一定的差异,在教学中,如果我们教师无视学生中存在的这种差异,则必然导致成绩相对优秀的学生在课堂中吃不饱,而基础较差的学生则吃不下,从而弱化课堂教学的效果。因材施教原则则是倡导教师的教学面向学生实际,放眼学生,尊重每一个学生的学习现状,贴船下篙,实施精细化教学,从而优化教学效果。本文就高中地理课堂中因材施教原则的实施谈个人的体会。  相似文献   

将分层次教学运用到课堂中去,处理好学生全面发展与个性差异的关系,从而使全体学生在课堂学习中得到充分发展。  相似文献   

课堂文化是指学生在教师的指导下,朝着教学目标迈进过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,它在课堂教学中是客观存在的。但是,教学中的差异也是客观存在的,学生的知、情、意、行各方面发展不均衡,存在差异,师生、生生间在认识、文化、兴趣等方面也存在差异,这就要求我们构建尊重差异,彰显个性的和谐课堂文化。  相似文献   

高等职业院校的课堂中学生个体差异大,传统的同步化教学不能很好地适应学生间的差异。在高职课堂中实施异步教学策略能够充分关注学生差异,针对不同层次的学生制订不同难度的学习目标,教师给予个性化指导,提优补差,推动全体学生进步,以达到教学效果的最优化。  相似文献   

针对高中学生的地理学习差异,在中学地理课堂中实施分层设计问题、分组合作互助,以及对学习困难学生实施"课堂援助中心"等实践策略,对于提高课堂实效、促进"所有学生"的发展有着重要意义。  相似文献   

在开放教育"货币银行学"传统教学模式中,教法缺乏创新,网上教学活动流于形式,多种媒体运用不够,作业缺乏差异化。为了使"货币银行学"教学有生命力,在面授课中要适当运用情景教学法,通过互联网和电视精心组织教学活动,对不同学员布置差异化的作业。  相似文献   

差异教学是面向全体学生同时又兼顾学生个性差异,使每个学生都能在原有基础之上有所发展的教学,基于国情大力倡导和推广差异教学,可以大幅度提高教学质量。对师范生进行差异教学能力培养意义重大,使他们成为复合型的新型教师的代表。  相似文献   

In this study, the author implemented a problem-based learning (PBL) experience that allowed students in an advanced science methodology course to explore differentiated instruction. Through working systematically in small, collaborative groups, students explored the nature of differentiated instruction. The objective of the study was to examine pre-service teachers’ developing conceptions of differentiated instruction (DI) as a way to teach for diversity. The author adopted action research as a strategy to explore students’ perceptions of DI in the context of science teaching and learning. Several data collection methods and sources were adopted in the study, including student-generated products, student interviews, classroom observation, and journal writing. Outcomes report on students’ perceptions of both the potential and challenges associated with adopting a DI approach to science teaching and learning.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of a quasi-experimental study that evaluated the effect of differentiated instruction on students’ learning, in mixed ability classrooms. Participants in the study were 24 teachers and 479 grade-four elementary students. Results indicate that in classrooms where differentiated instruction methods were systematically employed, students made better progress compared to students in classrooms where differentiated instruction methods were not employed, the family's socioeconomic status did not lead to differentiation in students’ achievement and the quality of differentiated teaching had a corresponding effect on students’ achievement. Based on these findings, the article discusses the significance of the systematic employment of differentiated instruction methods in mixed ability classrooms for promoting equity, optimization of quality and effectiveness in teaching.  相似文献   

Catering for learner diversity is one of the key areas in the recent educational reform in Hong Kong. Pre-service teacher education acts as a fundamental way to equip pre-service teachers ready for accommodating diverse learning needs and to build up pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy. The purpose of the study is to examine prospective teachers’ teaching beliefs toward differentiated instruction and teaching efficacy. Using a sequential mixed methods design that contains a questionnaire, focus group interviews, and individual interviews, prospective teachers undertaking a 13-session course regarding differentiated instruction as offered by a local university in Hong Kong participated in the study from January to April 2013. Changes in teaching beliefs regarding differentiated instruction as well as teaching efficacy levels were found. More positive attitudes toward differentiated teaching were found; however, there existed different concerns including class management and conflicts with personal teaching beliefs. These concerns may be related to practical experiences and confidence as well as expectations upon students. Implications for future course development and research are discussed at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

关于差异教学若干理论问题的思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
曾继耘 《教育研究》2007,(8):69-73,79
差异教学是当代基础教育改革突出强调的一种教学理念。它强调三点:"从差异出发"、"为了差异发展"及"开展有差异的教学"。课堂教学中学生之间的差异应是一种合理性存在,是一种教学资源;确定因人而异的、有差异的教育教学目标,是我国当代基础教育逻辑发展的必然,是当代教育目的观的应有追求;差异发展是人的共同性发展与独特性发展的统一,是人的社会化发展与个性化发展的统一,是人的适应性发展与超越性发展的统一;在实现主体性发展的过程中,个体参与活动的数量与质量对个体发展起着重要的决定作用。  相似文献   

In this study, the relationship between differentiated instruction, as an element of data-based decision making, and student achievement was examined. Classroom observations (n = 144) were used to measure teachers’ differentiated instruction practices and to predict the mathematical achievement of 2nd- and 5th-grade students (n = 953). The analysis of classroom observation data was based on a combination of generalizability theory and item response theory, and student achievement effects were determined by means of multilevel analysis. No significant positive effects were found for differentiated instruction practices. Furthermore, findings showed that students in low-ability groups profited less from differentiated instruction than students in average or high-ability groups. Nevertheless, the findings, data collection, and data-analysis procedures of this study contribute to the study of classroom observation and the measurement of differentiated instruction.  相似文献   

任务型教学法是指把教学内容分解成具体任务,使学生在各项活动中用所学的语言知识去完成各项任务,以此来提高自己的语言运用能力。将任务型教学法合理有效地运用到英语视听说课程中,能够达到培养和提高学生英语听说能力和跨文化交际能力的目的。  相似文献   

The present paper examines the impact of ability matching and differentiated instruction on the learning outcomes of eighth and ninth grade students in a financial education programme. In particular, the effect of within-class ability matching is investigated by forming pairs of students either randomly or based on their abilities. In addition, the paper studies whether differentiated instruction, in the form of additional instructions for lower ability students, enhances the impact of the financial education programme. The paper provides evidence on the effects of both practices using two randomised control trials involving 65 schools and 2,407 students. Overall, the results suggest that the programme raises the financial proficiency of students by 0.18 standard deviations. Although the learning outcomes of the average student are not affected by the differentiation practices, non-native students significantly benefit from differentiated instruction.  相似文献   

实施差异教学的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
多元智力理论认为,教育必须促进每个人的智力全面发展,让个性得到充分发展和张扬,因此必须实施差异教学,挖掘学生潜能。实施差异教学,教师应该充分尊重学生差异,转变自己的角色,从支配者和统治者向支持者和帮助者转变;正确评价学生,有效分层施教;把自主性学习与异步教学模式相结合,促进学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

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