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Changes in the profession of medicine are creating the demand for a substantive reexamination of current practices in medical education. Many of the major issues in addressing this challenge are structural and political rather than scientific; here we address one critical scientific issue that will be important to (though not by itself adequate for) guiding such changes. The factor we address is the development of a global performance assessment: a standardized mechanism to assess individual skills and abilities that can be used to evaluate alternative educational interventions. We discuss the issues involved in developing such a system, and describe a set of principles for defining desired outcomes and developing assessment tools, including (a) wide clinical scope, (b) direct relationship to actual clinical performance, (c) reliability and repeatability, and (d) non-longitudinal measurement. We discuss the role of simulation, reflective practice, and portfolios of work in developing such a system, and argue that whatever form such metrics take, a system of global performance assessment will develop from close collaboration between clinicians and educators with innovative ways of thinking about performance and expertise.  相似文献   

文章以走进新世纪的中学语文教材为视点和参照,观照大学写作教材的现状,分析若干统编高校写作教材存在的诸多弊端,指出大学写作教材的建设,既要注重与中学语文教材相衔接,又要体现大学阶段的层次性,同时还要适应各类高校人才培养目标和规格的需求.  相似文献   

对学习者认知结构的探查是学生学习评价的重要方式。作为新的认知结构测查工具,流程图法克服了其他认知结构测查工具对定量化数据获取困难及对被试限制过多等缺点,通过访谈录音、文本转录、流程图绘制、信息加工分析等步骤,提供了广度、丰富度、整合度、信息检索率等认知结构的量化指标及图形化表征。其优势体现在:增强教学评价的证据支持、促进前概念研究与概念教学、提高学习者元认知能力、促进教师对课程与教学关系的认识等。  相似文献   


The Anglican Church congresses sought to foster relations between clergy and lay people. They promoted the Church as part of the social fabric of the nation with parades, civic receptions, services and public talks. Women were a presence at the congresses as platform speakers, organisers, hostesses and members of the audience. Congresses provided opportunities for informal collaborations and networking between organisations including the National Union of Women Workers, Mothers’ Union and Girls’ Friendly Society. Dedicated women’s sections from 1881 provided a space that was exploited by women activists seeking a voice in the public sphere. The congresses reflected a context of increasing professionalisation amongst women. This article celebrates the contribution made by women in the role of popular educators via congress platforms between 1882 and 1913. In addition, the article seeks to commemorate the unvoiced presence of working class women who engaged with the congresses as members of the audience.  相似文献   

课程与教材是教师从事教学的基本依据,在整个教学活动中处于重要的地位.进入21世纪以后,随着信息化社会的到来、知识大爆炸的出现,课程与教材的综合化成为教学改革的一种基本取向.这既是科技发展的历史必然,也是教育改革与发展的必然趋势.从STEM、项目学习到综合实践活动,都反映了这种改革的趋势.新教育实验研发的新的课程体系,以"大生命""大科学""大人文""大德育""大艺术"为基本课程构架,在课程与教材的综合化方面进行了有益的探索.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This article elucidates the dynamics of Muslim family life and the role of family values in shaping the present experiences and future aspirations of adolescent British Muslim girls. A group of Muslim girls in three schools, their parents and some of their teachers were interviewed. The research shows the dynamism of family values and the way British Muslims are socialising their daughters to construct a British Muslim identity by adopting and rejecting aspects of their Asian and British ethnicities and through a combination of freedom and control. It also argues that British Muslim young women are getting ambiguous messages about freedom and they feel ambivalent about various features of their Asian and British ethnicities. Furthermore, the research notes the stereotypical notions held by some of the teachers, which are apparently based on assumptions regarding the lives of British Muslim girls.  相似文献   

历史探究式教学是指教学活动以历史教材为基本内容,以问题解决为中心,在教师的指导下,通过形式多样的探究活动,以获得知识和发展技能、培养能力及情感体验为目的的教学模式。它是合乎高中历史新课程基本理念而又行之有效的教学方法。  相似文献   

面向新生代农民工的移动学习:现状、需求与发展策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新生代农民工是我国工业化、城市化进程不断加快的过程中出现的一个特殊的劳动群体,他们大部分文化水平不高,但有极力提升自身综合素质的要求,因而向向新生代农民工的教育需求与教育服务的矛盾日渐突出.本文基于调查研究,分析了新生代农民工的移动学习现状.提出通过移动学习促进新生代农民工规范化培训具有必要性和可行性,并探讨了而向新生代农民工的移动学习的实施策略.  相似文献   

自2004年纪念翁同龢逝世100周年的近十年来,近代史学界通过研究范式的转变与方法的更新,开拓新视野、采用新方法、坐实新材料,将翁同龢研究由政治史向社会史、文化史等研究领域逐渐渗透与扩展,取得了一些令人可喜的进展。但要看到,继续深化翁氏研究,有待于开拓新文化史的视野,并纳入区域社会史的研究视域。立足这一学术空间的拓展,无疑有助于形成更加丰满、完善的历史认识。  相似文献   

随着信息化建设的不断推进及教育信息化的不断加强,高校积累了丰富的教育数据,如何利用这些信息进行科学的教育决策是每个教育者都关心的问题。使用SPSS统计软件,以学生多维度的学习成果和过程认定数据作为切入点,借助简单相关分析,找到"大学物理"课程反映出的期末成绩与学生数据的相关性,分析相关性产生的原因。结合相关分析结果和"大学物理"课程特点,对课程考核体系进行探索,提出"大学物理"课程过程性考核和结果性考核相结合的教学改革实践方案。  相似文献   

《大学》、《中庸》自宋列入四书以来,从未间断过对它们的理解与争论。郭店楚简出土之前,学者们通常把宋代“心性”之学的架构追溯到孟子。从学理逻辑的内部发展来说,宋儒赋予早期儒家“孔子-曾子-子思-孟子”的学术谱系基本是可信的;但是惜其为时空所限,如陆九渊之大儒也对子思诸儒语焉不详。随着郭店简、上博简文作为“孔-孟”之间产物的看法得到了学界愈多的共识,两类文本所揭示的思想性格也为我们更好地解决学、庸诸谜提供了一扇崭新的视窗,开辟出考证《大学》与《中庸》的血脉关联(包括历史时序问题)的新途径。学、庸引诗与用诗的材料也极具文化意义。  相似文献   

This article explores how the global trends of marriage migration and tightening of immigration policies in the West interconnect with second language learning motivation. Specifically, this article considers how social positions, governmental regulations, and everyday contexts come together to complicate the expectations of language learning that underlie much public discussion on “integration.” Applying narrative analysis to excerpts from interviews and conversations, I investigate the case of Mulenga, a younger Zambian woman who moved to Denmark to marry an older Danish man. Framed by the L2 motivational self system, the analysis reveals a self-discrepancy between her ideal self (hopes of a better life) and her actual self (lived reality in Denmark) and highlights how motivation and images of self traverse, combine, and reconfigure different cross-temporal experiences. The findings stress the importance for language educators to pay more attention to personal narratives and experiences outside the classroom when attempting to understand learner motivation.  相似文献   

In current debates over thefuture of core institutions in a `knowledgesociety', universities figure most prominently. It seemsclear that they are crucial nodes in theoverall knowledge producing system, which, however,need to be repositioned and reformed.Therefore, the learning capacities ofuniversities are of central relevance. But howdo universities adapt to new challenges? Thecentral claim of the paper is that the rapidchange of pace at the level of higher educationdiscourse is hardly met at the level ofuniversities. Here, one has to take the path-dependentcharacter of their structures, practices andidentity concepts into account. Therefore, learning the`new, new thing' is a more cumbersomeprocess than might be expected at first sight.Empirical evidence for this claim is drawn fromthe institutionalization of technology transferoffices at German universities. Based on thesefindings, further general policy and researchperspectives on the role of path dependency inuniversity structures are discussed at the endof this paper.  相似文献   

清华简中与郑国有关的史料表明,西周晚期郑国的东迁是郑桓公带领族人经过艰苦奋战逐步实现的。郑桓公带领族人东迁的路线很有可能和昭王伐楚荆的路线相同。桓公从宗周出发,先至汉水,在到达中原地区的"棫林"之后,从南向北进攻,战于鱼齿山,获得汝水北岸的泛城,新郑与许昌之间的訾地,又奇袭了溱洧之间的区域,攻克了郐国。应国旧地鲁山、襄城、郏县、北部的禹城、长葛、新郑、管县等地先后为郑所有。郑桓公时,西周应国的大部分领土和郐国旧地,都成为郑之国土。郑桓公以郑父之丘(今河南新郑市郑韩故城)为都,开启了郑国的基业。郑国在春秋早期成为中原地区的一个强国。  相似文献   

The interpretive framework for the study of learning introduced in this article and called commognitive is grounded in the assumption that thinking is a form of communication and that learning mathematics is tantamount to modifying and extending one's discourse. These basic tenets lead to the conclusion that substantial discursive change, rather than being necessitated by an extradiscursive reality, is spurred by commognitive conflict, that is, by the situation that arises whenever different interlocutors are acting according to differing discursive rules. The framework is applied in 2 studies, one of them featuring a class learning about negative numbers and the other focusing on 2 first graders learning about triangles and quadrilaterals. In both cases, the analysis of data is guided by questions about (a) features of the new mathematical discourse that set it apart from the mathematical discourse in which the students were conversant when the learning began; (b) students' and teachers' efforts toward the necessary discursive transformation; and (c) effects of the learning–teaching process, that is, the extent of discursive change actually resulting from these efforts. One of the claims corroborated by the findings is that school learning requires an active lead of an experienced interlocutor and needs to be fueled by a learning-teaching agreement between the interlocutor and the learners.  相似文献   

为进一步落实《国家职业教育改革实施方案》,深入开展职业教育三教改革,推进互联网+教育背景下的教材建设,不断更新教材内容,推动教学方法、教学手段的改革,充分发挥新形态教材在课堂教学改革和创新方面的作用,以Linux网络服务构建与管理课程为例,分析了目前Linux类教材存在的问题,提出了构建书证融通与课赛融通...  相似文献   

英国家校合作的新形式--家长担任"教学助手"现象述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了英国学校中家长担任教学助手现象的背景,并以赫里福郡为例介绍了这一家校合作形式的具体措施及进展.  相似文献   

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