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Moses Oketch 《Compare》2019,49(1):1-15
To what extent, if at all, did the introduction of free primary education in Kenya in 2003 have positive equity effects, in terms of both access and achievement. Access is based on the number of candidates sitting the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination and the KCPE score is used to measure achievement levels. The study uses data that reflects Kenya’s 47 devolved governance counties. A quantitative measure of poverty in all 47 counties was then entered as an independent variable of regression analysis, and a negative association with KCPE performance noted (high poverty levels associated with low KCPE scores). Also noted was a contrast between counties showing high enrolment impact and improved KCPE scores, and those showing high enrolment impact and lower KCPE scores. Counties in the former group are located almost entirely in arid and semi-arid areas, those in the latter group in the coastal region.  相似文献   

This article argues that to base educational policy largely on the results of comparative studies which measure differences in test scores could be dangerous and may lead to unintended consequences. It is especially important to take note of the socio-cultural, political and economic differences which often have deep historic roots. In particular, the paper challenges the assumption that education has been the central determinant in the economic growth of what have become known as the ‘tiger economies’ situated around the Pacific Rim.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to test empirically whether and how classroom and school factors contribute to student mathematics learning gains in the border region of North West province, South Africa and Southeastern Botswana. Our results suggest that in both regions, improving teaching quality has an important impact on how much mathematics students learn during the year. The amount of effort put into covering the curriculum and teacher mathematics knowledge are also important factors in the learning gains students make in grade 6 classrooms in southern Africa.  相似文献   

研究性学习在小学数学中的应用着重点在于小学生对于知识的再创造过程,本文从小学数学学科特点出发,提出了几种研究性学习的教学策略,希望促使小学数学与研究性学习紧密结合,并试图为小学数学教师培养小学生创造性提供可借鉴的操作策略。  相似文献   

Selection into private schools is the principal cause of bias when estimating the effect of private schooling on academic achievement. By exploiting the generous public subsidizing of private high schools in the province of Québec, the second most populous province in Canada, we identify the causal impact of attendance in a private high school on achievement in mathematics. Because the supply of highly subsidized spaces is much higher at the high school level than at the grade school level, 94% of transitions from the public to the private sector occur at the end of primary school, we assume that these transitions are exogenous with respect to changes in transitory unobserved variables affecting math scores conditional on variables such as changes in income and child fixed effects. Using 7 cycles of data from Statistics Canada's National Longitudinal Survey on Children and Youth (NLSCY), we estimate the effect of attending a private high school on the percentile rank and a standardized math test score with different models (child fixed effects, random effects and a pooled OLS) and restricted samples to control for the degree of selection. The results, interpreted as a treatment on the treated effect show that the effect of changing schools, from a public grade school to a private high school, increases the percentile rank of the math score between 4 and 10 points and by between 0.12 and 0.36 of a standard deviation depending on the specification and samples.  相似文献   

A popular explanation for low student achievement in many developing countries’ primary schools is that students have relatively little opportunity to learn (OTL) the skills needed for academic success. However logical this explanation may be, surprisingly little empirical evidence has been presented to support it. In this paper we address this gap by estimating the effect of OTL on students’ academic performance using rich data we gathered on the teaching process in a large number of South African and Botswana Grade 6 classrooms. We use an innovative classroom fixed effects approach to estimate the impact of OTL on students’ mathematics achievement gains. We found statistically significant but very different results for our South Africa and Botswana samples. The discussion of those results in the context of differences in the two school systems gives us insights into the importance and limits of OTL as an explainer of student learning in low achievement schools.  相似文献   

There is a growing concern that governmental calls for parental involvement in children's school mathematics learning have not been underpinned by research. In this article the authors aim to offer a contribution to this debate. Links between children's home and school mathematical practices have been researched in sociocultural studies, but the origins of differences within the same cultural group are not well understood. The authors have explored the notion that parents' representations of school mathematics and associated practices at home may play a part in the development of these differences. This article reports an analysis of interviews with parents of 24 children of Pakistani and White origin enrolled in primary schools in England, including high and low achievers in school mathematics. The extent to which the parents represented their own school mathematics and their child's school mathematics as the ‘same’ or ‘different’ are examined. In addition, ways in which these representations influenced how they tried to support their children's learning of school mathematics are examined. The article concludes with reflections on the implications of the study for education policy.  相似文献   


This study examined the effect of two family factors (financial, social capital) and school factors on students’ achievement. One hundred eighty two, seventh-grade female students from nine schools in Muranga district, Kenya, were studied. The statistical procedures included logit regression, cross-tabulations, frequency counting and chi-square analyses. These procedures were used to look at the effects of variables on each other and their effects on students’ study habits and achievement. The researcher found that each of the two family factors (financial and social capital), and the school factors had an independent and significant effect on student achievement and study habits. The results indicated that a student's academic achievement is positively influenced by the education level of both parents. The researcher also found that the father's education had more positive influence to the study habits of the females.  相似文献   

人们对问题的思考都有一种习惯趋势 ,每遇一个问题 ,就按照一种固定的思路去考虑 ,这就是所谓的思维定势。在学习活动中 ,思维定势又称学习定势或学习心向 ,指学习过程中学生的思维活动所具有的心理准备状态。这种由学生先前的活动和知识经验、思维的方式和习惯等构成的心理准备状态 ,对后继思维产生倾向性影响 ,从而使思维活动趋于一定的方向。在小学数学学习中 ,学生的思维定势常常表现为应用知识解决问题时按某种习惯思路去思考。当这种习惯思路与具体问题的实际解决途径相一致时 ,定势的作用可以促进正迁移的产生 ,使问题得到迅速解决 ;…  相似文献   

Class size reduction has been viewed as one school mechanism that can improve student achievement. Nonetheless, the literature has reported mixed findings about class size effects. We used 4th- and 8th-grade data from TIMSS 2003 and 2007 to examine the association between class size and mathematics achievement in public schools in Cyprus. We employ instrumental variables methods, and take advantage of a regression discontinuity design to examine causal effects of class size on mathematics achievement. The results indicate a non-significant relationship between class size and mathematics achievement in 8th grades. However, there is evidence of positive class size effects in 4th grade. The gender gap is significant and favoured males in 4th grade and females in 8th grade. SES indexes such as parental education and items in the home are positively and significantly related to mathematics achievement. Teacher and school variables are not significantly related with mathematics achievement.  相似文献   


This paper estimates the relative effectiveness of private and public primary schools in Kenya using data from 4,433 Grade 6 schoolchildren. Using ordinary least squares as a baseline model, we use the proportion of private schools in a district as an instrument in a Heckman two-stage correction framework, as well as propensity score matching models to correct for selection bias. There is a positive private school effect across all models. In the corrected models, we find that private school pupils outperform their public school counterparts by between .24 and .52 standard deviations.  相似文献   

创新是人的最高智慧品质 ,是人的本质力量的不断体现。所谓创新教育 ,就是依据社会主义现代化发展对人的要求 ,通过对小学生施以教育影响 ,使他们成为具有创新精神、创新能力、创新人格的教育。在小学数学教学中 ,如何实施创新教育呢 ?一、创设问题情境 ,激发学习动机。每个人都有学习动机 ,但学习的动机各不相同。怎样才能激发学生的学习动机呢 ?创设学生探究的问题情境 ,就是切实可行的方法。我在教学中通过直观形象的画面、生动有趣的游戏 ,紧张刺激的竞赛等 ,再现教材提供的问题情境 ,激发学生的认知冲突 ,从而使他们产生解决问题的需求…  相似文献   

The major aim of educational effectiveness research is to examine and explain school, class, and teacher differences with respect to relevant educational criteria. Until now, in the large majority of studies, language and mathematics scores were used as a criterion. In the present study, the educational track students choose at the start of secondary education (at the age of 12) and their success in the chosen curriculum are examined in relation to primary school and classes (Grades 1 to 6). Two-level models show that students had higher aims in secondary education if they had attended primary Catholic schools and/or primary schools with high average curriculum advice. The latter schools were also highly effective with respect to achievement, and their students had a high socioeconomic status and background. Multilevel models with a cross-classified structure showed no direct long-term effects of primary schools and classes.  相似文献   

数学学习障碍作为众多学习障碍中的类型之一,其成因复杂表现类型多样,而小学阶段又是学生学习数学最基础最重要的黄金时期,所以对此要求教师要针对小学数学学习障碍的不同的形成原因和不同表现形式,对有数学学习障碍的学生采取相应的教学手段和教学方法进行因材施教,从而达到教师的教学效果和学生学习效果达到最优化的目标。  相似文献   

合作学习是我国新课程改革倡导的学习方式之一,教学要关注全体学生,促进所有学生的全面发展,合作学习在当今的教育中发挥中重要作用。本文首先介绍了合作学习的含义及其教育功能,进而探讨了合作学习应用于小学英语教学的具体策略  相似文献   

In this study, we aim to understand the forces driving assessment for learning (AfL) in primary school teaching. By applying a case study design, including the two cases of Norway and Portugal and using mathematics teaching as an example, available policy documents and research reports are analysed to identify the differences and similarities that might explain the assessment practices previously observed in the two countries. Many similarities are found at the school and national levels. In particular, AfL is introduced as a national policy in both countries. Still, AfL practices are not common in primary mathematics classrooms in either country, although this is true for different reasons in each country. It is suggested that the assessment culture caused by national policies, such as curriculum reforms, national professional development projects and teacher autonomy, explains the similarities in the observed outcomes.  相似文献   

数学思考重在方法,即解题和思维的方法。把数学问题的思考回归到原始的地位,就会发现它的核心所在。本文就作者在十多年的中小学任教毕业班数学和管理中思考数学教学的核心问题——思维的归真就是用形象思维架起代数与几何的桥梁。从生活中熟知的事物和行动来阐释数学的思维方法,简单而有效。  相似文献   

In the field of educational effectiveness research, school effects are generally studied in the short term (i.e. during the same phase of schooling). The aim of this study is to investigate long‐term primary school effects on students’ achievement in mathematics at the end of secondary education. We also investigate which primary school characteristics are of importance in the long term. Data from the longitudinal SiBO project, in which a cohort of 6,000 Flemish pupils were intensively followed from kindergarten to grade 7, was used. At the age of 17, the same cohort participated in follow‐up data collection. Cross‐classified multilevel models showed small continuing effects of primary school on the mathematics achievement of students (i.e. over and above what had been reached at the end of primary education). No long‐term effect was found of the proportion of high‐risk students at primary school. Students coming from a primary school with a higher effectiveness obtained higher mathematics results at age 17, but when the mathematics achievement of students at the end of primary school was taken into account, this effect disappeared. We also observed that students coming from Catholic primary schools performed better in mathematics at age 17 compared with students coming from public schools. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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