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This multi-phasic, qualitative study explored the perceptions and provision of research-based reading instruction in the juvenile correctional facility setting. In three settings in two states, we interviewed students (n = 17), teachers (n = 5), and administrators (n = 3); and conducted two focus groups (n = 8), student surveys (n = 49), and seven observations of reading instruction. Our purposes were to (a) examine students' perceptions of themselves as readers, (b) their perceptions regarding the importance of reading, and (c) the reading practices implemented with juvenile offenders. Findings suggest that a majority of incarcerated students view reading as an important skill, but there is a large disparity in the amount and type of reading instruction they are provided.  相似文献   

学术资本主义自20世纪80年代正式提出以来颇受争议。笔者认为学术资本主义是对传统大学人才培养、科学研究和社会服务职能的拓展与深化,是传统的产学研结合的新形式,是大学在面对国家财政拨款日益减少的情况下多渠道争取办学经费的无奈选择,凸现了大学——政府——市场之间的微妙变化,暗示了高等教育(大学)的本质、功能与属性的变化。为此,笔者对学术资本主义的内涵、成因以及其对高等教育产生的影响进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

电大学历教育与非学历教育的接轨研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
随着全民学习时代的来临与《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》的颁布,国家和社会赋予了广播电视大学新的责任与使命。开展学历教育与非学历教育接轨项目是广播电视大学在新形势下的发展战略调整之一。四川广播电视大学在论证学历教育和非学历教育接轨的必要性和可行性基础上,以教学计划为载体,按照"单向转化向双向接轨过渡"的思路,分三个方面进行接轨研究,即学历教育向非学历教育沟通,在职业指向性较强的专业中引入证书课程;非学历教育向学历教育沟通,非学历教育成果按照一定规则转化为电大学历教育学分;学历教育与非学历教育双向沟通,实现"考试即拿证,证书代成绩"。  相似文献   

This research examines academic experiences of African American males (ages 18–25) who attended urban schools in southern California. The participants were incarcerated for at least one year prior to being housed in a pre-release program where they reflected on their academic experiences and perceptions of the school environment. The participants' academic experiences reflect many of the stories of young African American males in public schools. Data were collected from individual and group interviews, questionnaires, observations, and short writing responses providing a unique perspective within a critical race theory framework. Participants' early academic experiences were most positive during kindergarten and declined as they grew older. The academic experiences of these young men seemed to profoundly impact their social, cultural, and psychological development as well as their life choices, which may have led to incarceration.  相似文献   

随着图书馆业的不断发展,从业人员的素质提高成为一项重要的任务,而继续教育是图书馆员补充知识、提高服务水平的重要渠道。本文阐述了高校图书馆的现状,探讨了图书馆实施继续教育的必要性,分析了继续教育的发展趋势,介绍了继续教育的方式和内容。  相似文献   

The utility of taking students on tours of correctional facilities remains an unexplored topic within criminal justice. Yet, there is ample justification for reinforcing the pedagogical link between theory and practice through direct observation of criminal justice processes. This becomes particularly salient in the area of corrections, a highly isolated, self‐sustaining, and misunderstood criminal justice system. In this study, 69 students attending criminal justice classes were asked to complete pre‐visit and post‐visit questionnaires associated with tours of correctional institutions. Key themes of the study include students' perceptions of institutional punishment philosophy, and student perceptions of select facility and offender characteristics. Almost 86% of students changed their views in some manner, with a significant portion of students identifying rehabilitation and incapacitation as key philosophies following a prison tour. Stereotypes of prisoners and correctional settings were frequently based on media representations and changed following exposure to the prison tour. These findings are presented with pedagogical implications.  相似文献   


This study examined two widely available light-touch, writing-based mindset interventions: one that targeted students’ purpose for learning and one that aimed to increase students’ growth mindset. In order to examine the potential mechanisms underlying previously reported effects of mindset interventions, we analyzed these interventions’ effects on low-income, ethnic minority adolescents’ academic outcomes, task persistence, task-relevant anxiety, critical motivation, and sense of belonging. Results indicated that the purpose for learning intervention had a small negative impact on students’ self-reported grades the following year, and null results for the other outcomes. The growth mindset intervention was administered one year following the purpose for learning intervention and we found no evidence of treatment impacts on any outcomes. Analyses of treatment impact moderation suggested that certain student characteristics, such as student gender and race could play a role, but most of these tests also presented null results. The primarily null results of both interventions suggest that further study is needed to determine the effectiveness of one-time, self-administered mindset interventions across a variety of contexts and student populations.  相似文献   

In this study, non-participant observations of visually disabled adult students in extra mural arts education are analysed through Walter Doyle’s theory of ambiguity and risk in classroom tasks. This study finds these students attempted to avoid activity, or re-negotiate lecturers’ expectations, when their performance became especially threatening to their self-esteem. Additionally, it was found that lecturers were often reluctant to push their students as soon as they realised this risk to them. These results appear to show a phenomenon similar to learned helplessness.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis studies the association of pedagogical processes in early childhood care and education with outcomes in two academic domains: language and literacy as well as mathematics. It synthesizes evidence from 17 longitudinal studies in nine European countries with 16,461 children in regular center-based care spanning the period between ages 3 and 16. Results of a three-level meta-analysis provided small overall effect sizes for both global and domain-specific process quality, and indicated lasting associations with academic development over children’s school career (ES = .11, Cohen’s = .22, and ES = .10, Cohen’s = .20). Effects varied by outcome domain, type of process measure, and differences in adopted analyses, with important implications for pedagogical practice and future research.  相似文献   

历来对教育起源问题的讨论,概括起来看,主要是从以下三个层面展开的:教育何以必要?教育何以可能?教育的原型是什么?在教育起源问题上所形成的几种观点,如"生物起源说"、"心理起源说"、"劳动起源说"等等,实际上针对上述三个层面的不同方面来说的。讨论教育起源问题乃至其它教育理论问题时不应该简单地以一种观点排斥或否定另一种观点的:首先要理清或表明论者的学术视角或立场,避免把基于不同视角或立场上所形成的几种观点不加区分地混沌而论;也不应该不加区分地用一个单一的视角去评价在多层意义上所形成的不同观点。  相似文献   

学术耻感是一种基本的学术道德情感,它既可能促进研究生学术行为的自我道德约束,提升道德自省能力,维护学术自尊,也有可能误导学术行为,甚至摧毁研究生学术自我意识,引发系列心理问题.对研究生进行学术耻感教育,要合理激发与引导研究生学术耻感,创设条件确保其积极作用的发挥,防止产生消极作用.  相似文献   

加入WTO,教育全球化及教育国际服务贸易必然对我国的教育产生巨大影响。本文就国际服务贸易对我国成人高等教育的影响以及所带来的机遇和挑战,提出了我们应采取的对策。  相似文献   

成人高等教育的模式有专业模式、专业———岗位模式、大专业小分流模式和个性化教育模式等几种 ,在具体的模式选择上 ,应该根据学生的知识基础与就业需要的实际 ,进行科学的选择  相似文献   

通过分析成人学习者需求教育,针对成人高等教育现状及存在的问题,提出基于学习者视角的成人高等教育模式,以学习者为中心,以实现市场需求和社会对教育需要为目标,将终身学习教育理念深入贯穿于成人高等教育,拓宽了成人高等教育的内涵,实现与其他教育形式的多接口衔接,面向更广大成人学习群体,满足教育目标多样化需要,促进成人高等教育健康持续发展。  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - Rapid advances in technology during the last few decades have provided a multitude of new options for teaching and learning. Although technology is being widely...  相似文献   

4 WTO背景下成人高等教育发展的对策从长远看,加入WTO对我国成人教育的影响,利弊并存,利大于弊。它有利于转变教育观念,更新办学思想,提高管理效益;有利于调整人才培养结构和模式,培养社会经济发展需要的人才;有利于加大成人教育开发力度,吸纳海外投资,扩大成  相似文献   

本文借鉴霍兰德理论框架,采用结构方程模型,基于中山大学2014年度学生学习状况调查数据,分析学生所就读的学科、投入状况与学习成果之间的关系,重点探究学生投入作为学科和学习成果之间的中介作用.分析发现,学生所就读学科与学习成果之间存在复杂的关系,且因不同的学生投入表现而不同.其中,学生所就读学科与其投入状况及学习成果显著直接相关,学生投入与学习成果显著直接正相关,部分学科通过学生投入与学习成果间接相关:文科和工科通过学生投入与社会人文思辨能力、基本理科能力和自我发展能力等学习成果分别呈显著间接正相关和显著间接负相关,社科与社会人文思辨能力通过学生投入显著间接正相关,学生投入在理科和医科与学习成果之间起到了一定的显著中介作用.研究结果表明,本科人才培养应针对不同学科特点制定各具特色、融合发展的人才培养方案和策略,最大限度地提高学生投入和学习成果.  相似文献   

研究采用自编问卷对天津市4个街道27个社区的167名成年残疾人进行了社区远程教育学习需求的调查。研究发现:⑴成年残疾人对社区远程教育具有较高的学习需求。学习需求在具备不同计算机水平的成年残疾人间存在显著性差异;在不同的计算机和网络配备情况下不存在显著差异。⑵不同年龄段的成年残疾人在社区远程教育学习目的上存在显著性差异,主要以"自我提高"和"解决就业"为主。⑶成年残疾人对社区远程教育各类学习支持服务的需求总体上较均衡,但不同残疾类型的成年残疾人对学习支持服务的需求存在显著性差异。研究针对成年残疾人社区远程教育学习需求情况进行了分析,并就社区远程教育的开展提出了建议。  相似文献   

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