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斯科特的《弱者的武器》一书为研究维权行动提供了一个新向度,当前国内诸多学者多关注烈度大的、强硬的维权行动,但中国底层社会的雏权行动大多为斯科特意义上的弱抵抗性维权行动,这些弱抵抗方式的维权行动是受熟人社会、权力网路及宗教文化等逻辑制约的结果。  相似文献   

全球化趋势加速了资源、人口和文化在全世界范围内的流动,多元性已经成为都市中一个重要的特性。另一方面,都市环境中又不可避免地出现了同质化的倾向。在都市空间简化和分类的基础上,人们行为模式同质性增加了,价值体系也渐渐同化,反过来又进一步加强了都市空间和物质实体的形式。从都市、人和文化三者关系出发,基本上可以归纳出:虽然需求是多元性的,但满足的方式却形成了同质化;需要解决的问题和情况增多,但当代人所采取的应对方式又高度一致;都市中的异质元素增加,但却处在强大的文化建构体系中。这可以看作都市中多元性和同质性运动的具体表现形式。  相似文献   

策略空间的创生、利用和把握是西部地方高校获得发展的重要方式.策略空间取决于协商的机会、互动的状态;取决于行动者在特定情景中的利益一致性;取决于不同类型资源的可交换;取决于行动者对于结构规则中的模糊性和可变通性的识读、体悟和践行能力.西部地方高校发展进程中的策略空间可以是基于重大政策主题而生成的策略空间,也可以体现为无重大政策主题下基于地方高校主动协商、互动而创生的策略空间,还有可能是基于其他行动者鼓励、暗示甚至直接推动而被动生成的策略空间.  相似文献   

社区参与是实现社区民主治理的本质要求,制度的变革为社区参与提供了可能性。但目前社区参与存在参与意识薄弱、参与主体不够广泛、参与内容不深入和参与方式陈旧等参与不足的问题,社区参与中行动者缺席的原因是多重的,基于多中心治理理论,提出通过培育社区参与意识、强化社区自治功能、完善社区参与机制和注重社区主体利益需求等措施,复归社区参与中的行动者。  相似文献   

城乡互参模式与都市文明批判--论沈从文都市小说   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从现代中国都市文学背景下分析沈从文都市小说,认为沈从文通过对都市生命退化、都市道德病态和都市人性虚伪三个层面的描写,体现出都市文明的批判色彩。同时,分析了沈从文都市小说的创作模式——城乡对立互参的思维方式,都市文明批判的文化资源——湘西乡野文明资源及其文化学文学功能;以原始的乡野文明改造日渐衰老的民族品德和日益扭曲病态的都市人性。  相似文献   

代际学习正受到越来越多国家的重视。代际学习项目是基于代际学习理论所开展的实践形式,其如何运行,是困扰我国相关研究者与实践者的重要问题。行动者网络理论是一种研究人类与非人类行动者之间相互作用并形成的异质性网络的社会学分析方法,可以通过追随核心行动者的运行脉络,向公众展示以此核心行动者为中心的网络建构过程。基于行动者网络理论的分析框架,对C市的L代际学习项目进行个案分析发现:代际学习项目的运行要素主要包括核心行动者、强制通行点(核心利益诉求)和异质性行动者三类;主要通过核心行动者引领项目的拓展,按强制通行点赋予行动者角色职责,基于利益赋予情况动态招募异质性行动者,积极动员行动者参与网络运行、促进网络可持续发展。从运行效果看,L代际学习项目不仅可以帮助老年学习者获取与时俱进的知识技能,提高身心健康和生活质量,还可以增强老年人的积极认知,使其保持良好生活态度,实现终身学习。我国代际学习项目运行中,一是要注意将核心行动者从单一来源向多来源转变;二是要跳出"学校"边界,凝聚异质的组织行动者;三是要有效利用学习资源,构建合理的强制通行点;四是要实现运行的正规化和互动的非正式化。  相似文献   

文化是人类的一种工具,体现的是一种生活方式,行动者是在其自主性与文化的强制性之间寻求一种平衡。由精英文化向大众文化的转向,代表的是一种生活态度、生活方式的选择和转变。这一文化的转向有助于消解之前一直存在的文化隔阂,使一般行动者能更好地达成主体实现。  相似文献   

农民的维权行动是在一定的心理基础上,由不确定的触发机制促成,并在一定的规制网络的影响下形成的一个合力作用的结果。通过对优新村农民维权行动的考察,发现其心理基础在于生存危机引发的恐惧感,和征地拆迁过程中村干部处事不公引发的不公平感。其触发机制有三个方面:村民的利益受到损害、村庄精英内部的分裂和大众传媒的接触。优新村农民维权行动由外在和内在两方面因素的规制而逐渐消散。具体包括:诉求满足、精英吸纳及生存伦理。在对优新村个案进行分析的基础上,构建了一个农民维权行动的三维分析框架。  相似文献   

数字化课堂是实现创业教育资源供给与学习需求有效对接的重要平台和载体,其包含施教者、学习者、教学资源、数字资源等各类行动者。文章通过行动者网络理论视角,分析创业学院数字化课堂的构成和运行机制,并提出促进数字化课堂发展的运行策略,为高校创业教育服务平台的建设提供建议支持。  相似文献   

我国异地高考改革困难重重,但目前仍然鲜有研究者从社会学尤其是场域——惯习视角对其进行深度解析。社会学视野下异地高考改革困境的表征在于:有限性资源的竞争,不同群体利益的差别,行动者难以改变的惯习。异地高考改革困境的原因,不仅是因为改革带来的资本在不同阶层间的博弈与重组,并且涉及不同群体在改革中的切身利益,还受制于行动者惯习的深刻影响。因此,对策是解构制约异地高考改革的结构性力量,建立推动改革良性发展的利益导向机制,洞悉制约改革目标实现的改革者的惯习。  相似文献   

Recent attention to youth activism for school reform reveals positive student outcomes. Yet educators may object to the use of social actions in schools, diminishing opportunities for these benefits to accrue. This paper analyzes educators’ conceptions about the proper exercise of student voice within schools and how these coincide with activists’ tactics for school reform. The qualitative investigation rests on interviews with principals, teachers, community organizers, and students—all touched by a community-based program that encourages urban youth to organize and transform their schools. The paper seeks to bridge the perspectives of educators and activists in ways that enhance acceptance of a more robust role for students in school life.  相似文献   


This article challenges the simplistic and reductive image of Taiwanese schoolteachers, and reveals their actions of resistance during the turmoil of the recent curriculum reform controversy. Despite the fact that teachers are not usually portrayed as progressive and revolutionary agents, in the face of the disputed curriculum revision in 2014, some Taiwanese teachers came forward to oppose its implementation through demonstrations, hunger strikes, and litigation. The wider public's attention to this issue and ensuing student movement can be attributed to these teachers’ pioneering activism. By means of interviewing 12 teachers, this article explores activist teachers’ political self-efficacy, the creation of their pressure groups, and their apprehension about fighting against the authorities. The recording of this teacher-initiated social movement demonstrates ‘teachers as activists’, and hopefully will inspire educators not to limit their influence solely to the classroom.  相似文献   

This article considers contemporary South Korean student activism characterized by complicated ideological formulations, highly developed organizing tactics and connections with other social powers. The activism is located within an ideological framework of Marxism-Leninism and is actively engaged in the struggles against imperialism and Fascism, as well as a movement for the reunification of South and North Korea. The recent growth of student organizations to the national level, contributes to the effective functioning of these groups both on and off campus. Despite its national influence, student activism is being criticized by the public and by students themselves because of the underlying revolutionary ideologies and several episodes of violence. In this context, it will be necessary to observe how students will respond to public criticism and to the changing national and world environment.  相似文献   

In this essay, Michele Moses and Terri Wilson explore the recent movement to opt out of state tests. They situate this activism within a diverse line of efforts to refuse aspects of public education, asking how to evaluate the democratic legitimacy of different kinds of refusal in public education. Drawing on specific examples of opting out, they point to different ethical principles at stake in conflicts over public education. They pose three sets of questions — emphasizing reasons, positionality, and consequences — to help guide local educational leaders, policymakers, and citizens in negotiating difficult cases of refusal in public education. Moses and Wilson conclude that opting out of tests may, under certain conditions, serve the public purposes of education in a democratic society. Although many opt-out activists justify their actions in terms of individual rights, others are concerned with public goals and ideals, including concerns about the narrowing of curriculum, the erosion of teacher authority, and the widening privatization of public education. Yet communicating across and between different interests in this movement remains a challenge, one that points to the need for spaces of democratic deliberation about the aims of education policy.  相似文献   

Sadhus no longer: Recent trends in Indian student activism   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The main thesis of this paper is that student unrest in India is not always necessarily a manifestation of juvenile delinquency, and given certain conditions can change into an articulated movement. This is substantiated through an analysis of the nature and content of student activism in India during the seventies, covering an important phase in the history of modern India, namely, the state of Internal Emergency. Part One analyses the genesis and growth of the student movement in 1974–1975. Part Two discusses the suppression of student activism during the Emergency. The rise and fall of the Youth Congress during this period is outlined. Part Three presents a scenario of student unrest in the post-Emergency period and highlights the reappearance of the sixties'-type of the student agitations. The article summarizes the development of the student movement during the pre-Emergency period, accounts for the reversal in the movement since the end of Emergency, and discusses the prospects of the re-emergence of such a movement.  相似文献   


This essay examines how the 1977 International Women’s Year Conference (IWY), a historic gathering of women in Houston, Texas—tasked to put forward a series of policy recommendations, many informed by a feminist perspective—undercut its own intersectional impulse by leveraging collective memory of U.S. suffrage activism. I analyze the conference program, a document distributed to every conference attendee, that called up early woman’s movement history and suffrage memory in its language, ephemera, and image to constitute a certain narrative for the 1977 IWY audience. I argue that by linking the IWY conference to a specific narrative of women’s rights and suffrage activism, the planners made the conference more explicitly political and feminist, and imbued the event with historical significance and legitimacy. At the same time, the deployment of suffrage memory ultimately positioned white women as mobile and engaged in social movement while effacing Black women and women of color who had been involved in suffrage activism, thus rendering them immobile, invisible, silent, and locked in the past. I conclude by examining a concurrent counter-narrative, one not included in the program, as a productive, intersectional rupture in suffrage memory at IWY.  相似文献   

This article explores a particular expression of social activism by older Canadian women to consider its implications for later life learning. ‘Older women’, despite their heterogeneity, have tended to be pathologized as a part of the ‘problem’ of ageing and languishing welfare societies—i.e. stereotyped as passive recipients of welfare and healthcare services. Yet, they can also be seen as part of the ‘answer’ to the challenges societies like Canada face. Given the combination of a greying population and the growing tide of citizens' participatory democracy, it is timely and important to shed light on older women's social activism. Based on document analysis and fieldwork with the Raging Grannies in Canada, this qualitative case study examines the influence of activism on women's later life learning and development from an interdisciplinary perspective including adult development, critical gerontology, women's studies and psychodrama. Analysis focuses on the Grannies' motivations, the strategies they employ in their activities and the process of learning and changes they say they undergo. Themes emerging from document analysis, interviews and participant observation of 15 Grannies in Ontario are divided into three categories: (1) ‘Raging Grannies’ as a self‐defined social role; (2) the Grannies' dual‐layered mask strategies; and (3) their collective identity and sense of empowerment. These do much to explain the successes of Raging Grannies' activism as a social movement, which fosters older women's creative energy, critical awareness and self‐assurance despite their physical and psychological problems in later life. Implications of the Raging Grannies' movement help us reconsider current trends in later life learning, which tend overlook the needs and abilities of women in the third age.  相似文献   

As part of a large‐scale instructional intervention research, this study examined elementary students’ science knowledge and awareness of social activism with regard to an increased greenhouse effect and global warming. The study involved fifth‐grade students from five elementary schools of varying demographic makeup in a large urban school district in the United States. The study was based on the analysis of students’ responses to a writing prompt addressing an increased greenhouse effect and global warming at the beginning of and at the completion of instruction over the school year. The results indicate that students with adequate science knowledge tended to express activism more frequently, and that their expression of activism increased as they gained better science knowledge after the instruction. The results highlight the importance of effective instruction of this contemporary and controversial issue with K‐12 students, so that they come to be aware of this societal problem, take action in solving the problem, and become socially responsible youth and adults.  相似文献   

Youth Service and Moral-Civic Identity: A Case for Everyday Morality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mature moral and civic life is distinguished by respect for common humanity which develops through participation in community service. This proposition is illustrated by studies of adults who rescued Jews during World War II and contemporary adults who lead lives of moral commitment. These individuals do not view themselves as heroic but believe that their moral sense and actions simply express their identity. A putative developmental process is described by studies that longitudinally track youth activism to adult moral-civic behavior 10 to 30 years later and that detail changes in adolescents' thinking during a course on Christian social justice that required community service. Everyday morality seems to be rooted in an essential identity rather than being mediated by calculated reason. It follows that educators who seek to justify service learning can emphasize the identity process while pointing to the life-long linkage between youth participation and adult moral-civic activism.  相似文献   


This essay analyzes the role of sport protest under the current United States presidential administration. Protest has long been a feature of sporting rituals; social unrest in this realm is not new. However, at this moment, activism in sport allows us to see larger political alliances, affinities, and solidarities in a particularly useful way. I argue that the world of sport is fostering discussion, debate, and dissent that are uncommon and largely unavailable in other spaces, which, in turn, is opening up a new counterpublic. I offer two examples of challenges athletes have made to anti-Black racism, class inequality, and sexism, with one highly visible, and one less visible. And I contend that these actions are refusals that both draw on and differ from the iconic sporting refusal of the 1960s Civil Rights era–the image of the Black athlete standing alone on the victory stand–by highlighting the role of symbolic action in prompting democratic deliberation.  相似文献   

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