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The Status of Women and Minorities Among Community College Faculty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article uses data from the 1993 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty to examine the status of women and minorities among faculty employed at public 2-year colleges nationwide. A variety of outcomes are considered including: employment status, salary, rank, and tenure status. The analyses show that human capital, structural, and market characteristics appear to explain the observed differences in the employment experiences of women and men faculty at public 2-year colleges and some, but not all, of the observed racial/ethnic group differences. When compared with the results of other research, this study suggests fundamental differences in the reward structures for faculty at public 2- and 4-year institutions. Implications of the analyses are discussed.  相似文献   

Sex and Race Differences in Faculty Tenure and Promotion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from the 1993 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty are used to explore sources of the lower representation of women and minorities among tenured than tenure track faculty and among full professors than lower ranking faculty. A 2-step approach is used. First, differences in the probability of being tenured rather than on a tenure track are explored. Then, differences in the probability of holding the rank of full professor among faculty who are tenured are examined. Logistic regression analyses are used to isolate the effects of sex and race on the dependent variables after controlling for human capital, productivity, and structural characteristics. For both tenure and promotion to full professor, separate analyses are conducted for women and men in order to explore sex differences in the tenure and promotion processes. All analyses are conducted separately for full-time faculty working at public 2-year institutions and full-time faculty working at 4-year institutions.  相似文献   

社会资本是一种资源的集合,是由社会的普遍信任所产生的一种力量,它能够推动协调的行动来提高社会的效率;诚信是社会资本的重要组成部分,诚信型社会资本与和谐社会具有内在关联性。本文分析了我国目前诚信社会资本缺失的现状,提出了构建诚信型社会资本的基本途径。  相似文献   

高校教职的聘任是实行终身聘任制模式还是实行聘任合同制模式,一直是学界争论的一个焦点。分层线性模型对107位拥有高级教职的科研工作者成果的追踪研究表明,社会资本的获取使科研人员在职业生涯中始终可以保持高产出状态。这一过程事实上是一种"学术寻租"行为,研究型高校实行终身教职聘任制更有利于减少这种"学术寻租"的出现,因而优于聘任合同制。  相似文献   

This article examines the role that social capital plays in school success and in the explanation of social and ethnic inequalities in the German educational system. Based on Coleman's well-known concept of social capital, different aspects of social capital are distinguished, including social network composition, parent–school interaction and intrafamilial social capital. In sum, the overall results indicate that the different aspects of social capital influence the school performance of pupils. In addition, social capital endowment is found to be of relevance for the explanation of inequalities in school grades between social classes and ethnic groups. In this respect, the analyses indicate that social capital endowment is part of the underlying mechanism responsible for educational inequalities.  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业流动经历了从个体显著到群体显著的演变,并将随着时代的发展不断变化。高校毕业生就业流动与社会分层是一个复杂的过程,受到多方面因素的影响。从文化资本而言,学历证书作为体制状态的文化资本,影响着高校毕业生的就业流动与社会地位;从人力资本而言,人力资本存量提升了高校毕业生在就业市场中的地位,为高校毕业生提供了向上流动的资质;从社会资本而言,高等教育通过社会资本进行阶层复制,那些社会资本雄厚的学生比其他学生更有机会获得更好的职业和流动到高阶层社会地位中去。  相似文献   

Lecturers arriving on tenured or probationary appointments at one of Australia's oldest and largest universities in 1981 through 1984 were studied to identify the extent to which demographic characteristics, educational characteristics and professional/work variables affected their initial status, speed of tenure, resignation, and speed of promotion. Multiple regression, multiple discriminant, and binary probit analyses revealed that teaching experience, previous employment in higher status positions in the university, and publication record had significant influence on initial status. Time to tenure was determined mainly by market force ratings. Resignation before promotion was associated mainly with possession of a doctorate and previous employment in the university. Speed of promotion was affected mainly by possession of a doctorate, age, gender and publication record. Implications are stated for the university, for further research, and for staff development.  相似文献   

高校德育社会资本生成是社会资本被运用到具体德育活动而产生一定效益的前提。当前我国高校德育社会资本生成存在一系列问题,主要表现为高校德育主体生成社会资本的动力不足、质量不高,以及作为社会资本生成机制的社会信任缺失。针对存在的问题,有必要采取一定的措施促进我国高校德育社会资本的生成,主要包括:树立正确的社会资本生成目标、促进良好社会关系网络的生成、采取合适的信任建设策略、为高校德育争取较高的社会地位和较好的社会声望等。  相似文献   

从旅游权利的角度,并针对社会旅游的发展现状,通过对社会旅游概念的界定及对其社会性分析,提出实现社会旅游发展所需要的提高人文因素、重视城市规划、注重社会效应及确保社会旅游资金等可持续性的措施.  相似文献   

Women scientists in academia have been shown to be less geographically mobile than their male counterparts, a factor that may exacerbate gender inequities in faculty representation, tenure, and salary. This study examines the extent to which the jobs of academic women scientists are disproportionately concentrated in large cities, areas with many colleges and universities, and regions where most doctorates are granted. We also investigate whether jobs in these locations affect salary, tenure, full-time faculty status, and employment outside one's field of training in ways that differ for women and men. Our analysis is guided by arguments that geographic constraints on women's mobility are rooted in social factors, such as gender roles and mate selection patterns. Data are drawn from over 13,000 faculty respondents in the national Survey of Doctoral Recipients, representing 22 science and engineering disciplines and over 1,000 4-year colleges or universities. Regression analysis reveals that, irrespective of their family status, women faculty are more likely than their male counterparts to reside in doctoral production centers, areas with large clusters of colleges, and large cities. Responsibility for children intensifies women's geographic concentration more than marriage does and in ways that differ from men. Geographic concentration also appears generally more harmful to women's careers than to men's. Women in doctoral production centers are less likely to have tenure and more likely to work part time; those in larger cities are more likely to be in jobs off the tenure track. Locales with many colleges appear to present somewhat better career prospects for women.  相似文献   

和谐社会是人与自然、人与人、人与社会和谐发展的理想社会状态。社会资本理论倡导的和谐人际关系,正是和谐社会的必然要求。我国的社会资本存量中受传统封建思想影响的关系本位与西方拜金主义鼓吹的金钱本位是我们目前谱写和谐社会乐章中的不和谐之音。探求社会资本培育路径,消除不和谐之音才能加快和谐社会建设进程。  相似文献   

社会资本与社区脱贫——对社会资本独立性功能的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会资本是当代西方社会科学研究的一个重要概念和分析工具。在不同学者那里,社会资本的概念有着不同的界定。西方有关社会资本的主流理论认为,社会资本具有独立于其他资本的独立性功能,但是最近大量的实证研究发现,社会资本是否真正具有独立性功能在社区脱贫项目的实践中面临着许多现实的困难,主要的问题在于社会资本的积累,特别是对社区经济发展有重要影响的跨越型和垂直型社会资本在很大程度上都依赖于行动者所处的社会和经济阶层。由此可见,西方主流社会资本理论可能存在着一些内在的缺陷,而这些对我们进一步探讨社会资本理论在中国社区经济研究领域的价值具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

教育身份作为一种象征性的社会地位标志通过教育文凭体现出来。不同学校的文凭代表着不同“含知量”的文化资本,意味着不同的社会资源交换价值。对文化资本较为薄弱的农村成员来说,教育身份的社会地位获致效用成为了个人社会流动的重要力量。  相似文献   

从本质上看,考察流动和留守儿童的心理发展就是探讨环境资源对其发展的影响作用问题。流动儿童的家庭社会经济地位、家庭物质资源和教育资源都弱于城市儿童;除经济资本外,农村留守儿童的其他环境资源也弱于非留守儿童。相对于留守,流动对改善儿童的家庭经济资本、人力资本、家庭内社会资本和教育资源状况具有一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

对贵州省贵阳市221名返乡农民工就业状况的调查表明,人力资本和社会制度是影响返乡农民工就业状况的主要因素;运用定量分析与定性分析相结合的方法,不仅能直观地反映人力资本因素、社会制度因素与返乡农民工就业状况之间的相关性,而且能为构建返乡农民工就业、创业援助机制提供实证咨询和决策依据。  相似文献   

身份现象作为中国社会的一种传统行为和传统文化的积淀现象,今天依然深刻地影响着中国社会成员的行为方式。身份现象能够“再生产”出社会关系、社会互动模式等社会现象,能够带来价值增值,从这种意义上讲,身份是一种资源,是一种社会资本。在现代中国社会中,身份意识、身份情结促生了身份的社会资本属性,并且作为一种潜在的行为规则体系长时间、持续地影响着中国人的日常生活,对身份的研究有利于构建和谐的社会秩序。  相似文献   

家庭社会经济地位与大学生就业——一个社会资本的视角   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
家庭社会经济地位是决定大学毕业生社会资本水平的最主要因素,而社会资本水平又与大学毕业生的就业行为及结果有着密不可分的联系。实证分析表明:以家庭社会经济地位来衡量的社会资本对大学毕业生的就业意向、求职行为和工作落实情况具有不同程度的影响,即社会资本水平越高的大学毕业生推迟就业的可能性越大,更愿意选择企业单位就业,期望的月薪起点越高,求职信心也越强,此外,他们付出的求职努力相对较少,而最终落实单位的概率较高。因此我们在研究大学生就业问题时不能忽视社会资本。  相似文献   

高校贫困生社会网络资本由两部分构成:一是以家庭为中心的社会网络资本;二是以贫困生本人为中心的社会网络资本。教育是高校贫困生提升其社会网络资本的重要方式之一。在接受教育的过程中,高校贫困生不断对自己的社会网络资本进行拓展与重构:一是扩大原有的社会网络;二是建立新的社会网络。新的社会网络资本的建立对高校贫困生职业地位获得具有显著作用。  相似文献   

Student evaluation of courses and instructors are accorded an important role in schools of social work in relation to educational planning and faculty promotion, tenure and salary decisions. This study examined the dimensions underlying student rating to aid in the interpretation of student judgements of teaching effectiveness. Exploratory factor analyses identified three dimensions of teaching effectiveness: Instructional Merit or Skill; Evaluation Process or Feedback; and Course Value and Content. Implications of the factor structure for social work education are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对部分温州"城中村"村民分化考察,发现社会网络以及嵌入其中的社会资本在村民上向或下向流动中扮演着重要角色。而城中村"经济精英"生成也正是他们社会资本与经济资本互相转化的结果。城中村"政治精英"利用依附于旧体制的社会网络依然保持着配置各种资源的功能和资源转移通道的作用,对"城中村"社会分化及分层起着关键性作用。  相似文献   

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