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In evaluating library and information science programs, how important is it to differentiate publication types when counting faculty publications? Do books need to be counted along with journal articles? Drawing on data from an internal university review, publications and citations for a comparison cohort of senior faculty at four library and information science (LIS) programs, (University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA), Illinois-Champaign, Indiana-Bloomington, and Michigan-Ann Arbor) are presented. These results shed light on issues regarding publication types (and, to a lesser extent, use of citations) in studies of program quality in the field. It is suggested that faculty publication types should be differentiated in program evaluations, that book production by faculty is important to such evaluations, and that the role of humanities-oriented LIS faculty may be misread or lost without attention to book production. Finally, based on these considerations, a formula is suggested for LIS program evaluation.  相似文献   

The U.S. Government's role as overseer of the World War II airwaves was significant, given the government's task of establishing a supervisory mechanism for the radio industry that would serve the need of national security and, at the same time, minimize the need for bureaucratic intrusion into program decision making. A mechanism also was needed to police the domestic airwaves for unlicensed intruders and to monitor the international airwaves for enemy propaganda. To accomplish these tasks, the government enlisted the services of three agencies: the Federal Communications Commission, the Defense Communications Board, and the Office of Censorship. This paper examines the structure, operation, and contribution of each.  相似文献   

The loss of localism has been a common trend in most radio markets in Europe and the United States. Deregulation of ownership led to a concentration phenomenon that has affected local radios in several western democracies. New forms of regulation have been considered as possible ways to stop the erosion of localism by applying rules to markets in the defense of diversity, pluralism, and the local dimension. This article analyses the local radio market in Portugal, by assessing the changes in the legislation and by examining the regulatory action that can, according to its remit, act preventively to avoid market forces to harm these principles.  相似文献   

The importance of the media in the Portuguese 1974 Revolution is recognized by the military, politicians, and journalists. In this context, the major role of the radio broadcast in the course of events is undisputable. In the dawn of April 25, a popular Portuguese song was the start signal for the military coup and other counter signals followed, sounds that became symbols of the Revolution. Radio was the medium chosen by the Armed Forces Movement (MFA or Movimento das Forças Armadas in the original) to communicate with the parties involved in the coup and it was also used to inform the population of the goals and progress of the military operations. The following manoeuvres eventually transformed Radio Clube Português, one of the radio stations, in the commanding post of all the operations and the Portuguese people became aware of the MFA goals and victories by the bulletins that were broadcasted by the military on the radio. In a country with high illiteracy, radio played a crucial role in terms of information, which confirms its unquestionable centrality in the course of the April Revolution (also known as the Carnations Revolution). This study aims to explain how this process was achieved and it is based on the recollection of documents, archives, and other information. The recovery of testimonies and reconstruction of events allow us to explore the way military interacted with radio personnel and how radio logics prevailed and helped the military to successfully achieve their goals.  相似文献   

This study takes a qualitative look at illegal radio operations as defined by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). It offers a better understanding of the character and motivations of these broadcasters to operate outside the law. Additionally, the project examined reactions to recent FCC inquiries to create legitimate low power "micro radio" broadcasting for licensed small broadcasters. The study concludes that, depending on the specific broadcaster, there can be several motivating factors influencing the decision to bypass the FCC and start up a radio station. Many of these unlicensed operators do not see themselves as true criminals but rather counter-culture renegades of the air- waves. Researchers also found a strong interest in micro radio pro- posed by the FCC.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency and types of evaluation research methods used in communication training programs. A random sample of internal or in‐house human resource (HR) trainers were surveyed and asked to respond to a series of questions concerning evaluation practices used in planning, implementing, and assessing communication training programs. The findings suggest that: (1) HR trainers, for the most part, do not conduct needs analyses while planning communication training programs; (2) the majority of HR trainers collect data on trainees’ attitudes toward communication training programs; (3) the majority of HR trainers do not measure changes in cognitive, affective and psychomotor behaviors or job performance that may occur as a result of participation in communication training programs; (4) experimental and quasi‐experimental designs are used by only a very small percentage of HR trainers; and (5) cost benefit analyses are seldom used to assess the economic effects of communication training programs. The findings of this study suggest that although communication training programs have significantly increased in the past decade, the use of systematic and controlled evaluation research is presently not being undertaken to plan, implement, and assess communication training programs.  相似文献   

工程技术学科期刊出版时滞研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李莘  于光 《编辑学报》2007,19(4):264-266
以工程技术学科的5种核心期刊组成的学科期刊系统为研究对象,统计分析该学科期刊1998-2005年的出版时滞情况,得出该学科期刊文献的平均出版时滞年代分布;在期刊平均出版时滞指标的基础上,提出了通过解决整个系统的积压稿件问题从而根本解决学科期刊系统的平均出版时滞问题的方法,为我国期刊管理部门对整个期刊系统出版的宏观调控提供了一个良好的借鉴模式.  相似文献   

期刊优先数字出版及出版时滞与科学发展的关系及其展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐会永 《编辑学报》2014,26(4):315-317
我国关于优先数字出版的研究和应用刚刚起步。对目前已发表的43篇文章进行调研和思考,从我国优先数字出版的编辑教育存在的问题、与国际期刊出版时滞的差距和原因分析、优先数字出版对出版时滞的影响、优先数字出版与科学发展的关系等几个方面阐述新的认识,并对未来优先数字出版进行展望。  相似文献   

2001年,在党中央的亲切关怀下,在中宣部、广电总局的正确领导下,中央人民广播电台圆满完成了各项工作任务。宣传上始终坚持正确的舆论导向,紧紧围绕中央的精神与部署,精心策划,精心组织,做到了把握准确,基调平稳,引导有力。播出安全,圆满完成了党和人民交给的宣传任务。节目改革,人事制度改革等工作继续顺利推进,各项事业得到了新的发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this column is to highlight information literacy activities that are occurring in organizations and institutions outside of libraries. Academic libraries have done much to advance information literacy in postsecondary institutions. Yet, much activity is also occurring outside of academic libraries in relation to information literacy. This column will feature some of those organizations and activities so that academic librarians may share information with them and develop new partnerships that will further advance the goals of information literacy.  相似文献   

出版物国际交换的现状与理论研究刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对出版物国际交换的历史背景、国际、国内的现状、运作模式、理论研究等方面做了全面的论述和探讨。提出了文献的国际交换工作在我国存在的诸多问题,并论证了全国性的文献国际交换中心的建立的必要性。  相似文献   

本文对美国Ei公司的多种工程信息产品进行了归类整理,并对其现状和进展情况作了调查与综述,并通报了其最新产品Ei信息2村.  相似文献   

Although community radio has a long history in South and North America, new models are evolving in other parts of the world from South Africa to Central Eurasia. True to its community roots, stations reflect the unique history, culture, and political climate of each country. Radio is the most democratic of media both in providing easy access to citizen participation and in being widely available. In rural areas from subsistence farmers in Mozambique to nomadic herders in Mongolia, radio is the only medium. With limited resources in new democracies, it is the most cost-effective medium. The expressive human voice and natural sound engage the imagination through story telling. Radio stations are not simply passive transmitters of information or hit music; they are a catalyst for building community, for improving health and education, for fostering a civil society. These are no longer theoretical visions; many stations now demonstrate all of these goals.  相似文献   

In this report, responses to a questionnaire to the directors of the sixteen past and present medical library education programs are presented. The questionnaires indicate a rather wide variety of training programs with emphases that vary from preparation of management personnel to preparation of subject specialists and those skilled in the techniques of information storage and retrieval. The content of the degree programs is fairly evenly divided among general retrieval and outside courses. The internship programs place more emphasis on the work experience than do the degree programs, supplementing this experience with appropriate courses in science, health sciences, management, and information storage and retrieval. Program directors indicated that new or expanded programs are needed in medical library education, although caution is reflected in comments concerning the limited job market. Most of the internship directors stated that they could not accommodate more individuals in their programs without expansion of staff and facilities.  相似文献   

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