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富有时代意义和民族精神的中国古代家训,是中华优秀传统文化的内容之一,对于当下社会主义核心价值观的培育具有积极意义。要从家庭教育、社会教育和学校教育三方面入手,积极发挥古代家训在社会主义核心价值观培育中的作用,把家训对核心价值观培育的积极意义落到实处。  相似文献   


Sociological research into the changing nature of the family provided the context for a pilot project on the family values of Year 4 children in an inner-city school in Birmingham. An innovatory aspect of the research was that the researcher communicated with the pupils mainly through the means of email. The project’s findings indicate that the family values that the children bring to school may not coincide with those of their teacher. This raises the question of how far the school and its teachers have the right to challenge values that are learned in the home and that underpin family life.  相似文献   

Sociological research into the changing nature of the family provided the context for a pilot project on the family values of Year 4 children in an inner-city school in Birmingham. An innovatory aspect of the research was that the researcher communicated with the pupils mainly through the means of email. The project's findings indicate that the family values that the children bring to school may not coincide with those of their teacher. This raises the question of how far the school and its teachers have the right to challenge values that are learned in the home and that underpin family life.  相似文献   

张小诗 《海外英语》2014,(10):285-286
Different context of mass media between countries can be reflected on the view of family values.In this paper,the author is taking family values as an example to explore the differences between China and America.It is come to a conclusion that mass media have a big influence on family values in both countries.The comparison of different family values also give an inspiration to the development of media industry in China.  相似文献   

蒙曼 《中华家教》2021,(2):49-59
中国传统文化具有重视家庭价值的特性,也因此形成了悠久的家教传统和优良的家风,传承有序的家教、家风对中华民族的整体塑造起到了重要作用.当代中国社会环境、社会观念家庭结构、家庭规模、家庭关系都发生了重大变化,通过重视理论建设、制度建设和人才培养,以及筑牢德育本色、重塑健康家庭等方式弘扬悠久的家教传统,探索出一种既关照文化传...  相似文献   

家庭美德是社会道德体系的基础层次,是每个家庭成员都应遵守的最起码的道德准则,是社会为维护婚姻家庭生活和谐而提出的最基本的道德要求。大学生具有较高的文化知识和科学素养,应该做自觉遵守家庭美德的模范,为构建和谐社会做出积极的贡献。文章就大学生与家庭美德、当前大学生实践家庭美德的状况以及大学生家庭美德养成的主要途径进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

历代家训与古代家庭教育的价值取向   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
中国古代家训,产生于西周,成熟于隋唐,完善于明清。纵观历代家训,其中既有精华又有糟粕,应予以肯定的积极方面有:修身、齐家与治国相结合,重爱国主义教育。其消极方面有:第一,灌输愚忠愚孝、男遵女卑等封建思想;第二,灌输学优而仕、兴祖耀宗的名位思想;第三,灌输免祸、保身的处世哲学;第四,实行棍棒主义,与灌输宗法专制思想相适应。中国历代家训自始至终都是以封建伦理道德作为教育的最高价值取向的,这种价值取向又表现在:第一,重义轻利的非功利主义价值观;第二,重家长权威和社会价值而轻个人价值的价值取向;第三,重教育的政治作用而轻经济作用的教育价值观。  相似文献   

家庭是个体成长的第一社会组织,也是一个伦理道德教育的天然实体.中国传统家庭教育在发展中积淀了丰富的道德经验,它们对现代家庭教育极具启示:耕读传家的家训有利于培养自立自强的精神;孝亲忠君的家训有利于感恩品德和责任意识的养成;惩戒性规范教育有利于提升抗挫折能力;道德教育强调循序渐进的方法;教子成人的道德理想主义尤其应当成为现代家教的价值追求.  相似文献   

在当代英国社会里,传统的家庭观念愈来愈淡,单身,无终身同居以及单亲家庭等成了普遍的社会现象,这一切皆源于个人主义及自由主义,个人主义与自由主义推动了生产力的发展,同时也给英国社会带来了许多消极面。  相似文献   

Despite the fact that the family is extremely significant in the system of values of young people (in Russia), the number of divorces is increasing in this population group. Our analysis of this contradiction establishes that young people need to be specially prepared for family life. The paper presents the results of a large empirical study conducted in eight regions in various federal districts of Russia. The study covered a representative sample of over 7,000 respondents from two-parent and one-parent families, families with one to two children and large families; they were inhabitants of large and small Russian cities and villages.

The study showed that (a) the family is of primary importance in the formation of young people’s values. (b) Most respondents believe that a family is an indispensable condition for happiness. (c) Most respondents believe that one should be specially prepared for family life. (d) Only a third of respondents believe that a school course on family issues could solve this problem. (e) Most respondents noted that their parental families failed to be role models. (f) Young people’s reproductive attitudes, which mainly involve having two or three children, do not correspond to actual modern demographic statistics. (g) More than half of the respondents approve of common-law marriages. (h) But the young people were less tolerant of births out of wedlock. (i) Mothers had the greatest influence on young people as they were growing up. (j) Fathers took second place, with a large gap between them and mothers. (k) The generalized portraits of mothers and fathers were entirely positive; that is, there were no negative characteristics. (k) The most popular adjectives used to describe both mothers and fathers were the following: kind, dependable, caring, responsible, family-oriented, and smart.  相似文献   

杨军剑 《天中学刊》2014,29(6):24-28
倡导和培育社会主义核心价值观,要面向实践,面向大众,应当在了解、研究大众价值取向的基础上实事求是地考察大众实践.研究大众价值取向问题,应从大众价值取向的理论视角、现实实践、负面因素多维度剖析.努力推进社会主义核心价值观大众化,让兴国之魂走向大众实践,是培育社会主义核心价值观的必由之路.  相似文献   

家庭是社会的基本单位,也是社会主义核心价值观落细、落小、落实的社会基点。通过家训家风建设有利于家庭成员的价值观养成。正确看待并运用好家训家风建设有利于社会主义核心价值观的培育。因而需要分析家训家风建设形式、内容和途径,挖掘其德育内涵,为社会主义核心价值观教育塑造合格主体、孕育家庭氛围、探索有效途径,构建社会主义核心价值观教育的文化传承和升华机制、社会共识机制、文化宣传动员机制、价值延伸机制和"四位一体"的动力机制,不断提升社会主义核心价值观教育的水平。  相似文献   

德国在核心价值观体系建设和价值观教育方面拥有较为成熟的理论体系和实践模式.德国的核心价值观体系以《基本法》为总体性纲领,是一个包容、发展、开放式的共享价值基础平台.德国价值观教育中贯穿"价值共生"理念,其教育实践不仅致力于传递社会共享的基础价值,也注重培养个体的价值能力,并且在当下社会条件下尤其强调应培养社会成员合理应对价值多样性的能力.德国价值观教育分为直接价值观教育和间接价值观教育两种基本类型,以儿童和青少年群体为中心对象,以"参与"模式为核心模式.德国学界呼吁实施价值观教育的诸多主体(家庭、学校、幼托机构、青少年事务工作机构等)应协同合作.  相似文献   

新时期大学生价值取向与价值观教育   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
通过对全国10省市13所高校2 650名大学生的问卷调查表明:大学生个人性目标可根据重要性依次排序为工作成就、自身修为、荣誉地位、金钱物质;社会性目标依次排序为合格公民、友谊爱情、婚姻家庭;超然性目标依次排序为回归自然、贡献国家、人类福祉。手段价值依次排序为知识努力、人格品质、智慧机遇,规则价值依次排序为道德良心、法律规范、舆论从众。对81名大学生的内隐联想测验结果也在一定程度上验证了上述结果。大学生的价值观教育应该根据其价值取向特点有针对性地进行。  相似文献   

晚清郑珍所撰《亲属记》是一部富有特色的称谓辞书.该书系统收录了汉语亲属称谓词语,具有较高的语言学价值,主要表现在科学运用训诂学术语、从语源学角度厘定文字的形音义、初步的词汇史观念三个方面.  相似文献   

《女勇士》是汤亭亭的处女作,也是其作为第二代华裔妇女在适应美国文化过程中矛盾、复杂内心世界的具体表露.以Hofstede的价值观维度为理论框架,从跨文化冲突的角度分析汤亭亭在《女勇士》中通过第一代华裔妇女与其子女之间的矛盾所展现的华裔妇女面对中美文化差异的彷徨、痛苦和选择,能够探究作者企盼东西方文化相互沟通、理解与融合的跨文化交际思想.  相似文献   

《朱子家训》虽为朱子小制,但中所体现出来的对人格美的自觉完善与追求,良好人际关系的建构,以及严整、朴实的形式美使其具有独特的美学价值。  相似文献   

马克思劳动价值论既有抽象和具体两种形态,又有经济学与政治经济学两重功能。改革开放30年的伟大变革,为劳动价值论新的发展提供了基础,呈现出新的当代价值:创造价值的劳动是体力劳动与脑力劳动的“总和”,是生产商品的劳动与生产服务的劳动有机耦合,私营企业主是社会财富的创造者,生产要素是价值创造的重要条件。  相似文献   

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