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This study investigates the effect of a shared concept-mapping task on high school students' learning about kinematics in a collaborative simulation-based inquiry setting. Pairs of students were randomly assigned to a concept-mapping condition (12 pairs) or a control condition (13 pairs). Students in the concept-mapping condition had a computer-supported collaborative concept-mapping tool that aimed to integrate concepts and propositions. Students in the control condition used the same learning environment without the concept-mapping tool. Students' interactions with each other and with the simulation were tracked by log files. Learning was assessed with tests of intuitive and structural knowledge and a proposition test. Students in the concept-mapping condition exchanged significantly more chat messages related to experimentation, interpretation, and drawing conclusions and were more engaged in integration-oriented consensus building, which regression analysis showed to be positively related to learning gains for both intuitive and structural knowledge. Students in the concept-mapping condition outperformed their peers on the intuitive and structural knowledge tests. These results suggest that concept maps can positively influence consensus-building activities and learning in a collaborative inquiry-learning setting. The findings of the current study thereby contribute to the ongoing debate about (shared) graphical representations as scaffolds for collaborative learning.  相似文献   

网络环境下研究性学习的实施模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述网络环境下实施研究性学习的四种主要模式:创设情境引导学生开展微型探究;整合课堂教学和网上探究实施拓展学习;设计整合多学科领域的问题开展基于网络的主题探究学习;创建网上学习社区实现研究共同体。  相似文献   

美国的科学探究课程IQWST提供了把科学探究学习进阶理论转化到教学实践的有效方式。其开发理念为:依据学习进阶框架确定课程目标,以"驱动问题"为线索设计、组织课程内容,强调科学知识和科学实践能力共同进阶。这启发我们在落实以"核心素养"为目标的课程改革中要注重知识的部分与整体的联系,课程中合理设置科学实践活动,做好科学探究课程与传统课程的结合。  相似文献   

"学习环"模式有利于学生探究能力、推理能力、概念的建构和运用能力的提高。文章介绍了"学习环"模式在美国广泛的研究和应用及其如何指导教师进行探究教学。这一模式对于中国目前教育中开展探究教学具有十分重要的借鉴意义。在探究教学中,教师可以依据"引入环节→探索环节→概念建构环节→概念应用与拓展环节→评价环节"的步骤运用"学习环"模式,以促进学生理解科学概念,发展学生的科学思维,提高其推理能力及参与科学活动的积极性。  相似文献   

本文通过列举案例的方法,结合教者自身的教学实践,着重探讨如何构建学生自主探究学习模式.  相似文献   

活动学习是学生学习的一类方式,它凸显了新课程改革的理念,对于培养学生的实践能力、创新能力和综合素质具有重要作用。操作活动、探究活动、考察活动、艺术活动、交往活动、读书活动的实施模式,可以促进活动学习的实施,深化新课程改革。  相似文献   

组织作为一个整体,具有记忆和认知的功能,整体搭配不良的组织结构会阻碍组织和个体的发展。本研究认为,网络学习社区相对于传统的学习环境具有更优越的组织结构,从组织学习的视角提出了一个功能更为健全、结构更为合理的网络学习社区模型,并对其中功能模块的设置进行了说明。  相似文献   

网络探究学习模式主要是指通过互联网提供的资源, 以类似科学研究的方法, 去获得和运用知识的一种学习模式.学生在教师的引导或指导下, 重点强调学生从学科或生活中的问题(或任务)出发, 通过形式多样的探究性活动, 获得知识技能、培养实际能力、养成科学研究态度、获得情感体验.它不强求学生活动的全面发现性, 而更注重学习者在学习过程的主动参与, 通过追根求源和多方寻求答案来解决疑问等.通过对该模式的特点、应用要点分析以及两个典型模式的比较, 来探究网络探究学习模式的本质.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine how the Interrogative Modelof Inquiry (I-Model), developed by Jaakko Hintikka and Matti Sintonenfor the purposes of epistemology and philosophy of science, could be applied to analyze elementary schoolstudents' process of inquiry in computer-supported learning. We review the basic assumptions of I-Model,report results of empirical investigation of the model in the context of computer-supportedcollaborative learning, and discuss pedagogical implications of the model. The results of the studyfurnished evidence that elementary school students were able to transform initially vagueexplanation-seeking question to a series of more specific subordinate questions while pursuing theirknowledge-seeking inquiry. The evidence presented indicates that, in an appropriate environment, it is entirelypossible for young students, with computer-supportfor collaborative learning, to engage in sophisticatedknowledge seeking analogous to scientific inquiry. We argue that the interrogative approach to inquiry canproductively be applied for conceptualizing inquiry in the context of computer-supported learning.  相似文献   

协作探究模式与英语自主学习能力的培养   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
协作探究模式以合作学习为操作形式,以探究学习为操作程序,基于群体动力理论营造情感氛围和学习环境,通过任务前师生沟通、介入学习策略、制定个性化学习目标和计划、分编学习小组、设置学习任务、定期反思学习过程和积极评价学习效果等环节为学生营造宽松的英语学习环境,使学生在群体中完善了个性化学习,不仅在个人、社会和心理3个层面上有利于自主学习能力的培养,而且有利于学生的全面发展.  相似文献   

网络研究性学习平台模型的构建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究性学习是伴随着教育改革产生的新的教育教学模式,它对促进学生对知识的掌握和理解具有重要的价值。然而,传统教学条件下,研究性学习的广泛开展面临着诸多的问题。网络的普及为这些问题的解决提供了帮助。本文在分析了传统教学条件下研究性学习的问题后,提出了如何构建一个有效促进基于网络的研究性学习平台,同时详细描述了该平台必不可少的几个组成部分,最后,对该平台的软硬件基础提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

在开展研究性学习的过程中,提出问题是关键,而在分析问题和解决问题时,教师则要注意引导学生将一个复杂的问题分解为几个简单的问题来解决,还要注意引导学生分析问题的现象、本质和解决问题的方法,以促进师生之间的良好互动,培养学生自主探究的能力。在“微小形变演示实验”的研究性学习案例中,研究性学习应作为一种教育理念贯穿于教学之中。  相似文献   

自2008年以来,微课在世界各地以燎原之势席卷而来,震动了整个教育界,引发了各界的密切关注。微课是课堂教学的有效补充形式,不仅适合移动学习时代知识的传播,也适合学生个性化、深度学习的需要。文章梳理了国内外微课教学现状,简单分析了个性化学习的理念。在此基础上提出基于个性化学习理念的微课教学模式,以期为个性化学习及微课应用提供借鉴和指导。  相似文献   

结合团队学习和探究式学习特点,文章提出“基于项目”的团队探究式学习模式,并将其运用于英语阅读与写作课堂,进行为期6个月的行动研究。结果表明,学生对本研究采取的新模式表示肯定,认为在团队中以探究的方式学习,他们能更熟练地掌握探究式和发现式学习策略,增强学习自主性,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

Providing learners with computer-generated feedback on their learning process in simulation-based discovery environments cannot be based on a detailed model of the learning process due to the “open” character of discovery learning. This paper describes a method for generating adaptive feedback for discovery learning based on an “opportunistic” learning model that takes the current hypothesis of the learner and the experiments performed to test this hypothesis as input. The method was applied in a simulation–based learning environment in the physics domain of collisions. Additionally, the method was compared to an environment in which subjects received predefined feedback on their hypotheses, not taking the experimentation behavior into account. Results showed that overall both groups did not differ on knowledge acquired. A further analysis indicated that, in their learning processes, the learners in the experimental condition built upon their intuitive knowledge base, whereas the learners in the control condition built upon their conceptual knowledge base. In addition, measures of the learning process showed that the subjects in the experimental condition adopted a more inquiry-based learning strategy compared to the subjects in the control condition. We concluded, therefore, that providing learners with adaptive feedback had a different and beneficial effect on the learning process compared to more traditional predefined feedback.  相似文献   

自主探究式外语学习模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自主探究是以学习者为主体,强调学习者积极主动地去探索学习的一种学习方法.运用自主探究式学习模式的基本理论框架和传统的外语学习模式.可以构建出一个全新的外语学习模式,这种模式可以引入并渗透到外语教学实践中,为进一步研究第二语言习得提供新的视角.  相似文献   

将网络技术应用于探究式学习是一种创造性的尝试。基于网络的探究式学习的兴起,并依据建构主义学习理论、双主互动教学设计模式和探究式学习的特征,分析了网络对于探究式学习的支持后,提出了基于网络的探究式学习模式。并结合高职学科教学中的需要,设想了网上探究式学习室的设计架构、思路和教学目标。  相似文献   

小学英语探究式学习是一种全新的思维模式和方法,可以较好地促进小学英语教学的实效性,在改善传统英语教学模式的同时,还可以凸显出小学英语学习过程中英语知识的发现和探究过程。  相似文献   

新的化学课程将科学探究人为课程改革的突破口。介绍了探究学习教学模式的构建、实践意义以及运用原则。  相似文献   

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