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The present study investigates the performance of persons with reading disabilities (PRD) on a variety of sequential visual-comparison tasks that have different working-memory requirements. In addition, mediating relationships between the sequential comparison process and attention and memory skills were looked for. Our findings suggest that PRD perform worse than normally achieving readers (NAR) when the task requires more than a minimal amount of working memory, unrelated to presentation rate. We also demonstrate high correlations between performance on the task with the most working-memory demands and reading-related skills, suggesting that poor working-memory abilities may be one of the underlying mechanisms of dyslexia. The mediating model analysis indicates that order judgment tasks are mediating to verbal working memory, suggesting that visual sequence memory precedes auditory sequence memory. We further suggest that visual tasks involving sequential comparisons could probe for poor working memory in PRD.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to examine the relationships between dimensions of parental scaffolding and children's self-regulated learning (SRL). One hundred and thirty Chinese kindergarten children participated in a range of problem-solving tasks with their parents and independently. Parent-child interactions and child-alone behaviours were video-recorded for an in-depth observational analysis. Parental cognitive support, emotional support, and contingency were coded in parent-child interactions. Children's cognitive, metacognitive, and motivational strategic behaviours and task performance were coded and assessed within the context of child-alone tasks. Results showed that contingency was particularly important for children's SRL. Parental contingency was the only independent predictor of children's SRL among the three aspects of parental scaffolding and mediated the effect of parent education levels on children's SRL.  相似文献   

Mary Dozier 《Child development》1991,62(5):1091-1099
The reported experiments demonstrate that young children's ability to use previous behavioral information to predict future behavior emerges on quantitative, but not dichotomous, judgment tasks. In a first experiment, kindergartners, second graders, and fourth graders made quantitative liking judgments and predictions for peers after being presented 2 pieces of behavioral information. Children of all 3 age groups used both pieces of information in their liking judgments and predictions. In a second experiment, kindergartners were presented with 2 types of tasks; one was a quantitative prediction, comparable to the task in Experiment 1, and the second were dichotomous predictions, comparable to judgment tasks typically used in other experiments. Children's predictions were significantly more consistent with the behavioral information on the quantitative task than on either of the dichotomous tasks. These results suggest that young children believe in the ability of interpersonal behavior, but have difficulty dealing with the complexity of some prediction tasks.  相似文献   

Students with differing profiles of epistemological beliefs—their beliefs about personal epistemology, intelligence, and learning—vary in thinking, reasoning, motivation, and use of strategies while working on academic tasks, each of which affect learning. This study examined students’ epistemological beliefs according to gender, school orientation, overall academic achievement, and performance on two differently structured academic tasks. Epistemological beliefs in fixed and quick ability to learn, simple knowledge, and certain knowledge differed significantly as a function of gender, school orientation, and levels of academic achievement. These beliefs, particularly the belief in simple knowledge, significantly predicted overall performance and reflective judgment scores on the ill‐structured task but not on the well‐structured task. Implications concerning the relations among epistemological beliefs, reflective judgment, gender, school orientation, task structure, and achievement are discussed.  相似文献   

The development of reading skills may depend to a certain extent on the development of basic visual perception. The magnocellular theory of developmental dyslexia assumes that deficits in the magnocellular pathway, indicated by less sensitivity in perceiving dynamic sensory stimuli, are responsible for a proportion of reading difficulties experienced by dyslexics. Using a task that measures coherent motion detection threshold, this study examined the relationship between dynamic visual perception and reading development in Chinese children. Experiment 1 compared the performance of 27 dyslexics and their age- and IQ-matched controls in the coherent motion detection task and in a static pattern perception task. Results showed that only in the former task did the dyslexics have a significantly higher threshold than the controls, suggesting that Chinese dyslexics, like some of their Western counterparts, may have deficits in magnocellular pathway. Experiment 2 examined whether dynamic visual processing affects specific cognitive processes in reading. One hundred fifth-grade children were tested on visual perception and reading-related tasks. Regression analyses found that the motion detection threshold accounted for 11% and 12%, respectively, variance in the speed of orthographic similarity judgment and in the accuracy of picture naming after IQ and vocabulary size were controlled. The static pattern detection threshold could not account for any variance. It is concluded that reading development in Chinese depends to a certain extent on the development of dynamic visual perception and its underlying neural pathway and that the impact of visual development can be specifically related to orthographic processing in reading Chinese.  相似文献   

Critical thinking when engaged in science problem solving around even simple tasks such as the Piagetian volume conservation task is a complex endeavor. Tasks such as the conservation task often require the interaction of multiple cognitive systems. Parity judgment, retrieval, and lateral thinking are three examples of such systems interacting with critical thinking during a student’s attempt to solve the Piagetian task. The purpose of this computational ablation study is to establish the role of critical thinking as a necessary component of a system of cognition used for the completion of the Piagetian volume conservation task. This ablation study consists of three phases. The confidence interval between the ablation model and the elementary students do not overlap, indicating they are not statistically significantly different. This provides evidence that the model successfully emulates aspects of human cognition and the model can provide a robust picture of science student cognitive processes.  相似文献   

When readers search for misspellings in a proofreading task or for a letter in a letter detection task, they are more likely to omit function words than content words. However, with misspelled words, previous findings for the letter detection task were mixed. In two experiments, the authors tested the functional equivalence of both tasks. Results reveal similar patterns of omissions for both search tasks when misspellings were produced by substituting one letter for another: There were more omissions for function words than for content words. However, when two letters were transposed, differences between the two tasks emerged. It is possible to conclude that letter detection and proofreading are based on common cognitive processes but the nature of the target can modulate the effects. Results are interpreted in light of the attentional disengagement model and the guidance organization model of the missing-letter effect.  相似文献   

Previous work with rats showed slower active avoidance (AA) and passive avoidance (PA) learning in a light-go/noise-light no-go task (L+NL?) than in a noise-go/light-noise no-go task (N+LN?), independently of noise intensity and of presence or absence of AA pretraining. Experiment I compared these two tasks and the corresponding discriminations with a compound AA and a simple PA signal. The latter were learned at a faster rate, with only negligible differences between the two types of stimulus arrangements (NL+L? vs LN+N?). Experiment II investigated the acquisition and reversal of four go/no-go tasks with a simple AA signal, with either a simple or a compound no-go signal and asymmetrical reinforcement, i.e., with an extinction instead of a PA contingency during the presentation of no-go signals. As in previous experiments with symmetrical reinforcement, the groups with a simple no-go signal (L+N?, N+L?) acquired AA with little or no generalization to the other stimulus. In reversal, however, the L+N? group (formerly N+L?) responded to the no-go signal much more frequently than the other (N+L?, formerly L+N?). Both the L+NL? and the N+LN? groups gave a large number of responses to the extinction signal, but the differences between the two groups were at least as large as in previous work with a PA contingency. These data show that perceptual or attentional phenomena cannot explain stimulus nonequivalences in situations with a compound no-go signal. Furthermore, the similar nonequivalences found in situations with and without differential fear conditioning (AA-extinction tests vs AA-PA tests) leads to complex, highly speculative models concerning possible interactions between response and drive-modulating properties of various stimuli.  相似文献   

This study investigated sensitivity to rhymeand phoneme among readers and nonreaders with Down syndrome (DS) and normally developingchildren. Three tasks were administered toevaluate sensitivity to rhyme and phoneme: arhyme detection task, an initial phonemedetection task, and a middle phoneme detectiontask. Results for the normally developingchildren replicated the results of previousstudies suggesting that the ability to detectrhyme is a developmental precursor of theability to detect phonemes. Although all taskswere very easy for the children who had alreadystarted to read, the nonreaders found the rhymedetection task significantly easier than eitherthe initial or the middle phoneme detectiontask. On the other hand, there was scarcelyany indication that the individuals with DSfound the rhyme detection task easier thaneither one of the phoneme detection tasks.While all tasks were very difficult for thenonreaders with DS, the DS individuals who hadalready started to read found the rhymedetection task significantly more difficultthan both the initial and the middle phonemedetection tasks.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the capacity of illiterate adults to master three different metalinguistic tasks: judgment of phonological length of words, initial consonant deletion, and lexical segmentation of sentences. Illiterates’ performance, during a pre-test and after training, was compared with that of literates and partial illiterates (adults at the beginning of the process of acquiring literacy) who received the same training. In the pre-test, illiterates were lower than literates in the three tasks; and partial-illiterates were at an intermediate level in two of the tasks. The three groups profited from the training, especially illiterates and partial-illiterates for whom improvement was dramatic across all three tasks. Finally, the results revealed a hierarchy of difficulty across the tasks. The capacity to focus on the phonological dimension seemed to be a prerequisite for the phoneme deletion ability. The task of lexical segmentation seemed to be more a measure of syntactic awareness than a measure of phonological awareness.  相似文献   

Mathematical tasks and tools, including tasks in the form of digital tools, are key resources in mathematics teaching and in mathematics teacher education. Even so, the ‘design’ of mathematical tasks is perceived in different ways: sometimes seen as something distinct from the teaching and learning process, and sometimes as integral to it. Whilst task design has often been carried out by designers or mathematicians (perhaps as textbook authors), the focus for this review article is research that has involved mathematics teachers as partners in the design of tasks. The article provides a state-of-the-art review of relevant literature and is presented under three headings that consider, in turn, the role of mathematical ‘tasks’; the nature of ‘task design’; and the notion of ‘partnerships for task design’ in mathematics education. Subsequently, we present current research that is providing new insights into tasks, task design, and task design partnership. Based on this, we argue that ‘task design’ needs to pay particular attention to what to design, which tools are necessary or beneficial, and under what conditions; digital tools and task resources offer particular affordances that traditional resources cannot provide; and not only do teachers benefit from being partners in task design (in terms of their professional learning) but without their involvement some aspects of task design would most likely be neglected.  相似文献   

20 3-month-old infants participated in a nonsocial contingency task immediately following a social interaction with their mothers. A measure of the time the dyads spent in a state of vocal turn-taking predicted individual differences in the infants' subsequent performance on the contingency task. These results parallel the social transfer effects we reported earlier in which the turn-taking dimension of social structure was experimentally manipulated to assess its effect on a subsequent nonsocial contingency task.  相似文献   

本论文主要研究两种写作任务(大规模考试中的写作任务和任务型课堂教学中的写作任务)对中国英语学习者书面语产出在准确度、复杂度和流利度三方面表现的影响。研究发现,学习者在这两种写作任务中的表现存在显著差别,笔者尝试用Skehan任务难度分析理论解释了造成这些差别的原因,认为任务环境、语言输入等因素对学生语言产出有重要作用。该研究旨在更深入地了解这两种写作任务之间的差别,以及可能对学习者产生的影响,从而对写作教学任务和考试写作任务的设计以启示。  相似文献   

Inhibitory control, the ability to restrain a prepotent but ineffective response in a given context, is thought to be indicative of a species’ cognitive abilities. This ability ranges from “basic” motoric self-regulation to more complex abilities such as self-control. During the current study, we investigated the motoric self-regulatory abilities of 30 pet dogs using four well-established cognitive tasks – the A-not-B Bucket task, the Cylinder task, the Detour task, and the A-not-B Barrier task – administered in a consistent context. One main goal of the study was to determine whether the individual-level performance would correlate across tasks, supporting that these tasks measure similar components of motoric self-regulation. Dogs in our study were quite successful during tasks requiring them to detour around transparent barriers (i.e., the Cylinder and Detour tasks), but were less successful with tasks requiring the production of a new response (i.e., A-not-B Bucket and A-not-B Barrier tasks). However, individual dog performance did not correlate across tasks, suggesting these well-established tasks likely measure different inhibitory control abilities, or are strongly influenced by differential task demands. Our results also suggest other aspects such as perseveration or properties of the apparatus may need to be carefully examined in order to better understand canine motoric self-regulation or inhibitory control more generally.  相似文献   

本文对基于模态振型的结构损伤识别方法进行了研究,提出一个新的模态参数——振型差值曲率,阐述了用它作为参数进行结构损伤识别的思想与方法,然后建立了一个悬臂梁的数值模型,用有限元分析计算结果作为损伤诊断的依据,对不同的模拟损伤用本丈所研究的方法进行了识别,结果表明采用振型差值曲率法可找到结构损伤的位置并确定结构损伤的程度,分析判断简便有效。  相似文献   

Task orientation is currently a prominent concept under discussion in primary school didactics. It focuses on tasks along which pupils acquire competences on distinct levels of competence. The qualitative empirical study TAPSE (Textbook Analysis in Primary Science Education) pursues the question which conception of task orientation is present in current textbooks in primary science education. The study follows two foci: (a) The introduction of a new category system for the analysis of the task-orientation potential of tasks, based on the further development of existing category systems for analyzing tasks; and (b) the analysis of 994 task statements in science textbooks with respect to the didactic quality of their task orientation. The sample included nine primary science textbooks, four from Germany, and five from Luxembourg. Textbooks were selected from the most frequently sold series in the respective country. All tasks of the textbooks were analyzed deductively and inductively by four coders in three steps: (a) Identifying tasks with task-oriented potential; (b) itemizing different types of task-orientation potential; and (c) comparing the textbooks with respect to country- and period-specific manifestations of task orientation. Analysis indicated that (a) there are few tasks which meet the criteria of task orientation; (b) distinct types of task orientation can be generated, among which implicit forms dominate; and (c) differences occur in the characteristics of task orientation between older and newer textbooks as well as between German and Luxembourgish ones. Central points of discussion ensue from this: The need to develop models for social and cognitive activation for tasks, challenges for professional development for teachers, and support for pupils—in particular high achieving heterogenization.  相似文献   

The problem was to investigate the 4 poor leader-membrane relation cells of Fiedler's contingency model on fourth-grade elementary school groups. High and low least-preferred co-worker (LPC) leaders with strong and weak power were compared on structured and unstructured group tasks. When the task was structured, high LPC leaders were more effective than low regardless of position power. For the unstructured task, high LPC leaders were more effective than low for strong position power on 2 of 4 measures used, while low LPC leaders were more effective than high for weak position power on 1 of 4 measures.  相似文献   

The question of the tasks of different schools at different levels and of different types is the most important question in education. The [kind of students that] schools take to be the targets of their nurturing, the content and substance of education and teaching, and the scale of school operation are all determined on the basis of the tasks of the schools. At the same time, the task also determines the structure of education itself. If the schools share the same task, that is, if they have the same targets for nurturing, then quite naturally we will have a unified and singular eduational structure. Historically, the tasks of the ordinary senior middle schools in our country have been defined as a dual set of tasks: On the one hand, they are required to cultivate a rich and superior reserve labor force; on the other hand, they are expected to provide for institutions of higher education qualified new students. Although the written expressions of these dual tasks may not have been consistent over the last thirty-odd years, their basic content and nature have largely remained the same. Therefore, these dual tasks have become the primary guiding thought for the operation of ordinary senior middle schools and one of the standards by which we measure whether the orientation of running the schools is correct.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous computing (HC) environment utilizes diverse resources with different computational capabilities to solve computing-intensive applications having diverse computational requirements and constraints. The task assignment problem in HC environment can be formally defined as for a given set of tasks and machines, assigning tasks to machines to achieve the minimum makespan. In this paper we propose a new task scheduling heuristic, high standard deviation first (HSTDF), which considers the standard deviation of the expected execution time of a task as a selection criterion. Standard deviation of the expected execution time of a task represents the amount of variation in task execution time on different machines. Our conclusion is that tasks having high standard deviation must be assigned first for scheduling. A large number of experiments were carried out to check the effectiveness of the proposed heuristic in different scenarios, and the comparison with the existing heuristics (Max-min, Sufferage, Segmented Min-average, Segmented Min-min, and Segmented Max-min) clearly reveals that the proposed heuristic outperforms all existing heuristics in terms of average makespan.  相似文献   

Studies of basic (nonspeech) auditory processing in adults thought to have developmental dyslexia have yielded a variety of data. Yet there has been little consensus regarding the explanatory value of auditory processing in accounting for reading difficulties. Recently, however, a number of studies of basic auditory processing in children with developmental dyslexia have suggested that a reduced ability to discriminate the rate of change in amplitude envelope onsets (rise time) may be linked to phonological processing difficulties and thereby to reading difficulties. Here, we select a range of different rise-time tasks used with children, and give them to adults with developmental dyslexia, along with 2 other auditory tasks (intensity discrimination and temporal order judgment). Deficits in both rise-time perception and temporal order judgment were found to predict literacy attainment in adults with developmental dyslexia, but the data were suggestive of different causal pathways.  相似文献   

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