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The results of educational assessment are as much or more dependent on the culture of the evaluation team as they are on the culture, strengths, and needs of the children who are evaluated and their families. This article reviews selected ethnographic approaches to the study of team culture, discusses the manifestations of the culture of developmental or educational assessment teams, and describes an ethnographic study of an early intervention team and the way the team culture affected its assessment and intervention strategies.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate how students' conceptions of assessment relate to one another, how students define assessment, and how student conceptions of assessment relate to their definitions of assessment. A nationally representative sample of New Zealand secondary students (N = 705) responded to a 45-item Conceptions of Assessment inventory and a list of 12 assessment practices. Well-fitting measurement models were found. The more students agreed that assessment was to help them improve the more they associated assessment with teacher-controlled practices. Further, the more students perceived assessment as irrelevant the more they defined it as interactive–informal practices. Thus, more student-oriented practices were conceived as creating a positive social environment that was irrelevant to learning.  相似文献   

With the increasing popularity of peer assessment as an assessment tool, questions may arise about its measurement quality. Among such questions, the extent peer assessment practices adhere to standards of measurement. It has been claimed that new forms of assessment, require new criteria to judge their validity and reliability, since they aim for specific goals and address different aspects of learning. But although new criteria have been formulated, little is known about how they are deployed and operate in actual peer assessment practices. This study intends to explicate the quality criteria relevant to the context of peer assessment. We conducted a survey in vocational education on peer assessment quality criteria applied in classrooms. Fifty-six teachers using peer assessment rated several quality criteria as relevant to their teaching practice. The findings suggest that peer assessment practices entail many of the quality criteria recognized in measurement and evaluation, although in an embedded way: the generic quality criteria are tuned or adapted to the peer assessment setting. The findings also show that peer assessment is very much in the hands of the teacher, who organizes and orchestrates the appraisal process in which students receive clear guidelines to appraise one another's work. Our results indicate that quality criteria hardly differ from the function peer assessment serves in classrooms, either within a summative or formative evaluation context. By gaining insight on the specific criteria of peer assessment and their precise purposes, we believe it becomes possible to help teachers improve its measurement quality.  相似文献   

分类评价是拓展高校社科研究自由度、发挥高校教师创新能力,提高高校社科管理科学化水平的必然趋势和选择。以代表作为基础的个体类型评价,以核心任务为基础的团队功能评价,以公平监督为基础的成果价值评价集中体现了"以质定型"和"以用定性"的分类评价思路;配置性评定与任期评估相结合、形成性评定与有效监督相结合、发展性评定与社会影响相结合的管理模式将积极推进高校社科管理的"人本化"与"科学化"进程。  相似文献   

团队合作近来一直是企业、社会、学校非常关心的一个问题,可如何结合课程进行团队合作的学习,大部分陷于了口号与说教。数控铣削加工课程作为武汉职业技术学院数控专业核心课程之一,近年来一直以项目任务为目标,通过大量行为活动的工作学习过程,开展团队合作学习和探索,积累了丰富的经验。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the ethical and methodological significance for children and university researchers to participate together in data collection and research interpretation. We examine this process in the context of a three-year study with the aim of understanding how children become identified as having difficulties in a diverse, semi-urban minority French-speaking Catholic elementary school in Ontario (Canada). First, we review the literature on child informed consent. Then, we describe the setting and the process of how children in this study became informed participants. We describe how the children became active in exercising their discretionary consent to be observed during the data collection process, then how they progressively became engaged in observing their social context in terms of their own sense-making of the research project. We discuss how the children gave a new direction to the original project proposed by the university research team investigating on identification and special needs children. Lastly, we revisit the ways in which we addressed the various subject positions that became possible for us and for the children as co-researchers within the social relations of the classroom-based research team in a French minority language school. It became apparent throughout the research that informing consent was more than an act on the part of researchers to explain and thus establish a research framework in which collecting data from children would take place. Rather, we found that our research with children involved children's active participation as co-researchers informing the project from its design to its data analysis.  相似文献   

随着校企合作和职业教学改革的深入,高职院校的企业兼职教师队伍不断壮大,然而目前大部分高职院校在兼职教师队伍建设方面依然存在着一些共性的问题。因此,必须科学构建兼职教师有效管理的框架:依托合作基地,打造管理平台;搭建沟通桥梁,促进专兼融合;落实绩效考核,保障运行质量;营造组织文化,增强管理效能。对兼职教师的考核是其中的重点和难点,借鉴西方企业盛行的"360度考核法",并阐述了如何健全兼职教师的考核机制。加强兼职教师队伍建设意义深远,直接影响高职教育人才培养目标的实现。  相似文献   

To gain insight in the social processes that underlie knowledge sharing in teams, this article questions which team learning behaviors lead to the construction of a shared mental model. Additionally, it explores how the development of shared mental models mediates the relation between team learning behaviors and team effectiveness. Analyses were performed on student-teams engaged in a business simulation game. The measurement of shared mental models was based on cognitive mapping techniques. The results indicate that a team learning perspective provides insight in how people share knowledge. Particularly the team learning behaviors identified as co-construction and constructive conflict are related to the development of shared mental models. In addition, a shared mental model of the task environment in a team leads to improved performance. This underscores the importance of developing shared cognition in teamwork.  相似文献   

基于灰色聚类的大学生创业团队胜任力综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业团队的创业绩效要优于个人创业绩效,在分析胜任力和创业团队胜任力理论的基础上,建立了由团队基本能力评价、经营管理能力评价、未来发展能力评价三个方面组成的,包含团队关系和文化、专业背景、核心人物素质、公民意识和法律意识、管理及执行力等10个指标的大学生创业团队综合评价体系,并运用灰色聚类分析对大学生创业团队综合评价进行了实例量化研究。  相似文献   

The argument-based approach to validation has been widely adopted in validation theory. However, this approach aims to validate the intended interpretation and use of a single test or assessment. This article proposes an extension of the argument-based approach for validation of multiple tests. This extension is illustrated with the validation of a competency assessment program (CAP). This CAP was validated in collaboration with a quality manager of an educational program. In this case study, it became apparent that this approach fosters an in-depth evaluation of the assessment program and that the approach appears suitable for validation efforts of competency assessment programs. The approach guides validation research from a more general perspective, but also guides more detailed validation efforts.  相似文献   

评优评先是高校的常规总结性工作之一,是加强校园文明建设的重要手段,它关乎学生的切身利益,同时在促进大学生全面发展、树立良好的价值观等方面起着重要的引导作用.而且,作为一种奖励性的荣誉,它能够鼓励先进、带动后进,达到共同进步的目的,实现双赢的良好效果.如何科学、公平、公正地进行评优工作,如何使评优依据科学化是学生事务工作过程中需要积极研究的问题.笔者就量化考核对高校评优的影响和作用进行了探讨,试图手求一种较为科学的评优方法.  相似文献   

大学英语网络教学改革已实施多年,然而在实践中如何提高大学生网络学习效率却始终是一个难题。以学生为中心的形成性评估注重对学习过程的评价,较之传统的评价模式,它更能全面、客观地评价学生的学习,因此有助于提高大学英语网络学习效率。  相似文献   

Students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have vastly different educational needs. Although some students with ASD may perform well across subjects within the general education classroom, other students with ASD may need more individualized support outside of the classroom. Historically, ASD assessments in schools have primarily focused on the measurement of cornerstone behaviors of ASD such as deficits in social communication and restricted or repetitive behaviors while underestimating the focus of academic skills even though both factors are required in the evaluation process and for an eligibility classification. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of academic assessment practices in the schools by highlighting best practices in ASD evaluation, outlining ASD academic profiles and how to identify academic skill deficits, and reviewing the available literature that comes from different formal- and function-based assessment practices that are commonly used in schools today. The authors also discuss how formal- and function-based assessments both serve a purpose and are recommended to be used in conjunction with one another to best demonstrate a student's academic profile. Practitioners are ultimately encouraged to use a multi-informant, multi-modal approach when it comes to psychoeducational evaluations for individuals with ASD as it is evident that an individualized approach is essential due to the discrepancy of academic profiles related to this disability category as well as understanding that no measure is a perfect representation of any one skill.  相似文献   

In second‐language writing, assessment has traditionally focused on the written products and how well (or badly) students perform in writing. Teachers dominate the assessment process as testers, while students remain passive testees. Assessment is something teachers ‘do to’ rather than ‘with’ students, mainly for administrative and reporting purposes (i.e. summative). Such assessment, being more retrospective than prospective, holds little value for teaching and learning. In recent years, with a major paradigm shift in assessment and evaluation in English language teaching, writing assessment informed primarily by a product and summative orientation, is considered increasingly inadequate. Such assessment, which focuses on measurement – i.e. marking, monitoring and checking, fails to capture the formative potential of assessment for promoting learning. A formative approach to assessment, on the other hand, focuses more on inquiry – i.e. discovering, diagnosing and understanding, as well as the opportunities assessment provides for improving teaching and learning. To harness the potential of formative assessment in the writing classroom, it is axiomatic that classroom assessment practices be geared towards maximizing student learning. This provides the impetus for my study, which investigates an EFL teacher's attempt to implement formative assessment in her writing classroom and its impact on her classroom practice and students' beliefs and attitudes to writing.  相似文献   

通过对会计计量属性发展演变过程的研究,提出专业评估可以为公允价值计量提供技术支持的观点,在此基础上针对专业评估在公允价值计量实际运用中存在的问题,提出发展专业评估的建议。  相似文献   

This study presents a comparative evaluation of analytical methods to allocate individual marks from a team mark. Only the methods that use or can be converted into some form of mathematical equations are analysed. Some of these methods focus primarily on the assessment of the quality of teamwork product (product assessment) while the others put greater emphasis on the assessment of teamwork performance (process assessment). The remaining methods try to strike a balance between product assessment and process assessment. To discuss the characteristics of these methods, graphical plots generated by the mathematical equations that collectively cover all possible team learning scenarios are discussed. Finally, a typical teamwork example is used to simplify the discussions. Although each of the methods discussed has its own merits for a particular application scenario, recent methods are relatively better in terms of a number of evaluation criteria.  相似文献   

校企共同评价教学质量应以教学方案、教学过程、教学管理和教学成效作为主要评价内容.在具体实施过程中应做好顶层设计,制订共同评价制度,成立评价委员会、评价小组之类的评价机构,培养专门的评价队伍.根据不同性质的评价活动,采用集中论证、实境体验、节点剖析和学业测量等灵活多样的评价方法,建立定期通报、结果关联、双向整改等评价结果运用制度.  相似文献   

Scholars have studied collective teacher efficacy mainly at the school level. The present study also focuses on collective teacher efficacy expectations, but it emphasises the collaborative teaching of two teachers working together in one classroom. This study investigates personal, contextual, and systemic factors (e.g. experience, gender, class composition, pleasure with Co-teaching and its standards, knowledge about specific Co-teaching skills, the way how the team partner was chosen, etc.) that may influence collective self-efficacy expectations of Co-teacher teams. For the present study, 264 teachers who were part of a Co-teaching team finished an online questionnaire. Results from multiple regression analysis indicated that team characteristics influenced the subjective evaluation of efficacy expectations in teams much more than individual characteristics or the social context in which Co-teaching teams worked.  相似文献   

This study looks at how an information and communication technologies (ICT)‐rich environment impacts team conflict and conflict management strategies. A case study research method was used. Three teams, part of a graduate class in instructional design, participated in the study. Data were collected through observations of team meetings, interviews with individual members, plus analysis of electronic documents exchanged among team members. Findings indicate that all teams experienced conflict at some level and that conflict management strategies evolved over time. ICT played a dual role in the conflict management of teams. These technologies seemed to facilitate conflict management by offering a formal means of communication, by making communication more effective with minimal waste or unnecessary effort, and by creating opportunities for more thoughtful reactions, with chances for reflection on the content. However, ICT also aggravated conflict, specifically when strategies for use were imposed, when team members became blunt and forthright, and when misinterpretations occurred because of differing senses of urgency in replying to emails.  相似文献   

This article reports on an evaluation to interrogate the efficacy of a Scottish Government sponsored initiative to introduce an arts‐infused education model to primary (elementary) and secondary (high) schools called Arts Across the Curriculum. Between April 2005 and December 2007 the evaluation team gathered data about this three‐year pilot project, using a variety of instruments including surveys, structured observations, interviews and video diaries. This article presents some of the findings from the evaluation and in particular it focuses on the artists' views of the efficacy of the project; in short we wanted to know how they ‘saw it’. It should be noted that the research team that evaluated the initiative had no say in the design of the project.  相似文献   

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