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Although writing learning journals is a powerful learning tool, instructional support is needed to overcome deficits in the use of self-regulated learning strategies. In a 2 × 2 experimental design with high-school students (N = 70), we analysed the effects of two modes of instruction (namely, informed prompting and learning-journal example) along with prompts. Informed prompting that provided background information on the prompted strategies enhanced learning in the training and transfer session. A learning-journal example that modelled the application of the strategies primarily fostered the strategy used in the training session and learning in the transfer session. Theoretically, the results provide support for the self-regulation view of writing-to-learn.  相似文献   

Much of the literature on problem based learning (PBL) is concerned with efficacy or with guidelines on design or implementation. Relatively few articles focus on problems with problem based learning, and none that we could find provided suggestions as to how interactive multimedia might help alleviate those problems. In this article we begin with a review of problem based learning including a rationale for its use in the curriculum. Then we identify some of the problems inherent in designing and implementing problem based learning, and end the article with a discussion of how multimedia might be used to address some of those problems.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the effects of two treatments supplementing students’ (16 to 18 years of age and in pre-university education) regular course in economics. One treatment, labelled concept treatment, aimed at the solidification of the students’ knowledge about economic concepts and their interrelations. The other treatment, labeled context treatment, aimed at the solidification of the connections between economic concepts and practical contexts. The aim of the study was to find out which treatment was most effective in meeting two demands that have been made by educators and advisory boards. The first demand is that students should gain competence in analysing practical problems from an economic perspective. The second demand is that students should be prepared for transfer of what they learned in the lessons to problems that are new to them.  相似文献   

The authors searched five scholarly databases for a decade of research publications examining learning from failure as an instructional strategy. Out of 187 publications, 62 were found to be relevant to the topic from which only 12 used experimental design to examine the issue and reported statistics appropriate for meta-analysis. The studies also represented only two of our search domains-productive failure and failure-driven memory. The small number of experimental studies on this topic is a telling indication of the state of experimental research in this area. However, they revealed a moderately positive result for the effect of learning from failure. An examination of moderating variables indicated that participants’ grade level, subject matter domain, and study’s duration, while not significant in explaining the differences across the examined studies, showed positive medium effect sizes. Instructional design implications of our findings and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

“自主式”教学模式是在现代信息技术条件下开展教学活动的重要形式,是教育改革的重要成果。当前,在教育与学习出现全球化的趋势下,应继续坚持,使之更加完善。  相似文献   

当前教学设计研究面临两大现实困境:一方面由于其受心理学以及心理学实验的影响较深。研究成果不能有效反映现实情境,对教学实践的指导作用受到质疑;另一方面已有的教学设计研究集中在描述性问题和因果性问题上,缺乏对“如何设计”这一机制性或过程性问题的深入思考。当前国际有关学习与教学设计研究的发展趋势表明,教学设计研究需要创建可用的、境脉申的、聚焦学习的教学设计理论。在创建和改进教学设计理论过程中,“前设性”与“涌现性”的理论创建与改进研究路线是两条可能的研究路线。这种研究路线必须扎根于真实课堂情境,在真实教学境脉中发现和解决问题,并将革新的学习环境设计活动与基于证据的经验研究结合起来。这是创建可用的教学设计理论、走出教学设计现实困境的必由之路。  相似文献   

Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability - The original version of this article unfortunately contained mistakes.  相似文献   

教育评价现作为一种价值判断的依据,对高校的教育实践具有重要的指引和调控功能。现行的高校教师评价多以实施绩效评价为主,但是绩效评价理论其本身就具有一定的缺陷性,因此以绩效评价为主的高校教师评价需要引入以人为本的教育评价观,从而关注高校教师的整体性发展,关注其专业化成长,关注教育主体间交往关系的良性发展,促使评价真正成为教育主体发展和进步的工具,最终回归高校教师评价的本真意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this special issue is to examine current theory, research, and practice concerning the design of instructional text. In this introductory article, paper- and computer-based forms of instructional text are compared and their advantages identified. Text comprehension and text design research are viewed as strongly connected, with the former guiding the latter. Because "desk-top publishing" capabilities are rapidly expanding, many instructors are designing computer-based texts. A model of the operations that an instructor engages in when authoring a text is presented and used to introduce the articles of this special issue. Finally, some future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

重庆市主城郊区征地问题的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
重庆市发展面临重大历史性机遇,城市规模必然得到空前发展,主城郊区征地问题则是影响农村向城市转变关键,征地问题的实施顺利与否,将直接影响重庆市十二五规划的实现。本文以重庆市主城郊区征地问题中突出的问题进行研究分析,结合当前形势和新拆迁法的理念,提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

王毓珣 《教育探索》2006,(12):16-17
目前,科学发展观已经深入人心,教育的科学发展也成了人们追求的目标。因此,按照经济学的成本效益分析、规模经济与人力供需等理论开展教育工作,进而达成人、财、物、力的合理配置,达成数量与质量、规模与效益、速度与适度的有机统一,是教育的科学发展进程中必须注意解决的重要问题。  相似文献   

传统教学管理在一定程度上制约了幼儿园教师的专业发展,而教学领导却对教师的专业发展具有现实意义,它赋予了教师专业发展的自主权,可以激发教师专业发展的内驱力,给教师专业发展提供条件和保障.促进幼儿园教师专业发展,应实现从传统教学管理到教学领导的转变,包括转变观念和提高教学领导力、建立学习型组织、提供专业支持、给予政策和制度上的保障.  相似文献   

教学文化是师生共同体在长期的教学活动中形成的并依然存在于该共同体的关于"教与学"的比较稳固的心理模式与相应的行为方式。教学改革的关键不是技术与方法的变革,而是教学文化的转型。对于当前正在进行的教学改革而言,亟需实现从"忠实型教学文化"到"创生型教学文化"的转换。具体而言,可以通过变革教学观念、教学制度和教学行为的方式来促成这一转换。  相似文献   

Although the transfer of on-the-job training to the workplace belongs to the realm of educational research, it is also highly related to labour economics. In the economic literature, the transfer of training is based on the theoretical framework of human capital theory and has been extensively analysed empirically in econometric studies that take account of unobserved heterogeneity of workers and the selectivity in training participation. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the underlying theoretical paradigm in economics, and the challenges faced in empirical research. The economic literature finds that participation in training is beneficial for both the participating workers and their employers, although there is also evidence that selectivity of workers matters. Despite this progress in the economic literature, the underlying processes through which training leads to a higher productivity remain unclear. We argue that this ‘black box’ offers opportunities for multi-disciplinary research projects on the transfer of training that relate the perspectives of educational and economic research.  相似文献   

语料库方法与隐喻理论相结合近年来已发展成为隐喻研究领域中的主流趋势。该方法为隐喻研究提供了实证性理据的支撑,拓宽了隐喻研究的范围,在一定程度上克服了早期隐喻研究在方法论层面的诸多缺陷与不足。然而这一研究范式在语料收集与识别等方面依然受到学界的质疑与挑战,具体表现在语料的检索方法、语料的代表性与平衡性及语料的间接性方面的问题。文章对这些问题进行了系统梳理与分析,并对未来的语料库隐喻研究提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

In this review all empirically based articles published in the years 1997 and 1998 in five acclaimed journals in the field of research of high ability and talent will be compared. For this purpose several questions will be taken into consideration, including the problems of the identification procedures used, the predominating research questions and the quality of the methodological standards. The results show that it is difficult to compare the studies due to the various procedures used to identify giftedness. In contrast, regarding the thematic orientation of the research studies themselves, the existence of a virulent problem in gifted research could be confirmed. The methodological standards adhered to in the studies give rise to troubling thoughts, possibly the most worrisome outcome being that the integration of a control group occurred in less than one-quarter of the studies. A definitive result of the study is the confirmation that gifted research is conducted within the framework of a fragmented research community where studies are performed under various methodological viewpoints, which are often unsatisfactory. The appearance of approximately one new publication per day is accompanied by the dangers of a metamorphosis of quality into pure quantity and the loss of any sort of conceptual overview. The aim of this article is, therefore, to determine whether these suspicions can be substantiated specifically regarding theoretical and methodological aspects of empirical studies in giftedness research.  相似文献   

教学设计的思想在学科教学中的应用重要性越显突出,但作为"教学设计"课程教学又该如何设计?本文结合"教学设计"课程自身特点,立足课程教学现状,总结归纳,初步探索出一套适合该课程的"讲、做、述、思、评、修、行"的七步教学法.该方法在教学实践中多次应用,收效良好,学生教学设计实践能力稳步提高.  相似文献   

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