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This is the third and final article in a series of three that reviews the citation patterns of references cited in the entire collection of International Society for Performance Improvement journal articles (1962–2007) and all chapters published in the three human performance technology handbooks (Pershing, 2006; Stolovitch & Keeps, 1992, 1999). The first article (Huglin, 2009a) reported on the journal articles cited most frequently in this collection; the second article (Huglin, 2009b) provided an analysis of books and book chapters cited, including which books are cited most frequently, both overall and by decade. This article reports on the most cited authors: overall, by type of reference, and by decade.  相似文献   

This article is the first of a series of three that reviews the citation patterns of references cited in the entire collection of International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) journal articles (1962–2007) and all chapters published in the three editions of Handbook of Human Performance Technology (1992, 1999, and 2006). It includes an analysis of journal articles cited and lists which journals and particular articles are cited most frequently, both overall and by decade. Part 2 in this series will present an analysis of books cited in the entire ISPI literature collection, and part 3 will report on the most cited authors, both overall and by type of reference (e.g., journal articles, books, sections of books, reports, conference papers, dissertations).  相似文献   

Blended learning is a diverse and expanding area of design and inquiry that combines face-to-face and online modalities. As blended learning research matures, numerous voices enter the conversation. This study begins the search for the center of this emerging area of study by finding the most cited scholarship on blended learning. Using Harzing’s Publish or Perish software (http://www.harzing.com/pop.htm), we determined the most frequently cited books, book chapters, and articles on the subject of blended learning, as well as the journals in which these highly cited articles appeared. Through these findings we offer some conclusions about where the conversations about blended learning are happening, which scholars are at the forefront of these conversations, and other emerging trends in blended learning scholarship.  相似文献   

帛书<易传>整体形成在秦代<挟书律>施行之前,帛书<易传>的散乱期和<挟书律>的施行期基本重合,帛书的整理期在<挟书律>废除到汉文帝前元十二年之间.帛本<易传>中<说卦>前三章的归属问题,帛本<系辞>与今本<系辞>的先后关系问题,帛书<易传>的成书时间问题,都可在这一框架下得到合理的解释.  相似文献   

《白鲸》是美国作家麦尔维尔的传世之作。我国1999年出版的姬旭升译本,是流传广泛的译本,但是这个译本的错误和遗漏非常严重。原著中重要的预言被遗漏,预言者被搞错,随意增加、改变、减少原著中没有的细节,严肃的旨趣被掩盖,甚至情节也有倒错的地方,译本的标题也大多和原著标题不符。  相似文献   

丁福保、周云清编写的《四部总录·算法编》出版于 195 6年 ,它的结构是除了自己编撰的正文之外 ,又将梅文鼎、刘铎等人的书挑选后列入书目中 ,称为“补遗” ,还将一些散见的书目收集起来作为“拾补” ,从而使古算书目趋于完善。它的内容的最大特点是标明了所列书的存佚状况 ,并将一些书目按现代分类法进行了分类。  相似文献   

张仲谋教授的新著《宋词欣赏教程》,是南京大学出版社出版的“江苏省高等学校精品教材系列”中的一种。该书共8章,既构成一个严谨的教学体系,又多有创新出彩之处;对于词的艺术个性有深刻的把握和精当的阐发;又善于引导学生,循循善诱。该书既是教材,亦具有学术专著的品格。  相似文献   

Our review of Henry Giroux's Stealing Innocence , Alex Molnar's Giving Kids the Business , and Kenneth Saltman's Collateral Damage describes how these authors assess the problems posed by contemporary corporate influences on public schools and considers the solutions they offer to counter those influences. We also examine Henry Levin's edited collection Privatizing Education , in which various authors address research on privatization in schooling. In our analysis of this book, we highlight the underlying themes of the wide-ranging chapters. Next, we critique all four books, focusing primarily on the books by Giroux, Molnar, and Saltman. We suggest that these three authors provide a somewhat totalized and ahistorical portrait of contemporary corporate influences on schooling and offer a solution that depends on teachers acting as democratic revolutionaries, though there is no realistic possibility that teachers today would take on this role. In contrast, we call for a critical theory and practice that is grounded both in a more complex understanding of the current historical context and also in a dialogical engagement with students, teachers, parents, and other community members.  相似文献   

晚清小说十六回本《扬州梦》的主要人物陈晚桥,其原型是“扬州八怪”中的郑板桥。这篇小说描绘了十八世纪前期扬州社会的众生相和风俗画,比较真实地再现了当时的社会生活。小说结构上多用书中人物讲述往事的形式串联故事,故事情节大部分可以从《扬州画舫录》、《板桥集》等书中找到出处。小说中主要描写了三种人:文人、盐商、妓女。盐商和妓女的故事都是从文人口中道出,小说对他们之间的关系把握得相当准确。  相似文献   

基辛格的中文译本《大外交》于1998年推出后,引起广泛关注,并被学术界广为引用。然而《大外交》中存在着大量的翻译错误,这些错误可分为三种情况:错译、多译和漏译。文章就这三种情况分别举例分析,并就外文专业文献的中译问题提出几点建议。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explore issues of immigration and Otherness through a study of the first of Michael Bond’s Paddington books. I will argue that this book and those which follow in the series, intended for a readership of young children, deal with the issue of immigration at a more subtle level than more recent books which are largely aimed at older children who, it is assumed, are better able to cope with the complex political and psychological issues involved. Paddington, as a series of books begun in the late 1950s, presents issues of anti-racism and ‘Otherness’ which can be revealed through a close textual analysis of the introductory chapters of the first book in series, A Bear Called Paddington (1958)1, whilst also showing how the dominant culture retains its superior status. Angela Smith is Senior Lecturer in Language and Culture at the University of Sunderland, where she teaches in the areas of sociolinguistics and children’s language acquisition. She has published articles on issues relating to language and gender and language and the media. Van Dijk, ‘sDiscourse, ethnicity, culture and racism’s Smith, National Identity  相似文献   

《孟子》全书自梁惠王起至尽心止,总共七篇。七篇之中,分二百六十一章,有三万四千六百八十五个字。现代学者认为《孟子》和《论语》同为中国早期的散文,依据它们文体特征和意义表述方式,称之为语录体散文。但两者创作时间相距百年,有许多不同的地方。本文试图从其意义表述方式入手来谈谈《孟子》一书的文体特征,表明《孟子》是中国说理散文的开端。  相似文献   

In this essay, Elizabeth Campbell reviews three recent books that address the ethical nature of professional practice: Knowledge and Virtue in Teaching and Learning: The Primacy of Dispositions, by Hugh Sockett; The Good Life of Teaching: An Ethics of Professional Practice, by Chris Higgins; and Towards Professional Wisdom: Practical Deliberation in the People Professions, edited by Liz Bondi, David Carr, Chris Clark, and Cecelia Clegg. While the first two books are situated within the context of teaching and education, the third book, as an edited volume, contains chapters that represent a multidisciplinary perspective on the work of professionals within nursing, social work, counseling, and the ministry, as well as in teaching. Each of the books engages in the careful inquiry into philosophy broadly and educational philosophy specifically from conceptual frameworks widely associated with Aristotelian virtue ethics. Writing from an applied perspective on the field of scholarship relating to the moral and ethical dimensions of teaching, Campbell applauds the books for their timely reminder of the central role or persona of the individual professional as a moral agent and ethical practitioner. She argues that within the contemporary context of teacher education, which tends either to neglect or narrowly define the ethics of the profession, such an emphasis on the cultivation of personal character and responsibility within a framework of clear ethical dispositions or virtues is a welcome contribution to the field. It enables teachers, teacher educators, and student teachers to concentrate on both the ethics of practice and the practice of ethics in the ongoing quest to further their own development of virtue, practical wisdom, and personal and professional knowledge.  相似文献   

刘向编撰《新序》、《说苑》的主要目的在于说理。二书各卷中对于材料的组织安排并非是无序的。经过仔细研究可以发现,编撰者是先收集材料,然后再在材料的整理编排中明确主题。因此,各材料(“章”)之间,往往是在某一主题下的分配,也可以说是被某一思想贯串起来的。反过来,这些材料在编排上又起到强化主题的作用,其表现形式主要有对照、连贯等。此外,二书各卷中往往出现一系列事件情节大体相同的材料,有时一个结束,另一个接着出现,中间很少有停顿或过渡。像这样连贯出现的故事,也是作者为了强化主题而特意编排的。  相似文献   

高壮  吴玲 《鸡西大学学报》2013,(10):139-141
刘知几《史通》,为中国古代史学理论的代表性著作。其中重要原因在于当时他提出许多具有代表性、专业性的观点和认识,总结中国古代史书编撰的理论和方法,其中不仅有“实录”“简洁”等史学编撰理论的探讨,也有文史关系的阐述。此书一直是史家津津乐道的史学专著之一。  相似文献   

约瑟夫·D·诺瓦克(Joseph D.Novak)教授是著名的教育心理学家、概念图和概念构图的创始人,曾入选《美国名人录》、《世界医药健康名人录》、《世界科学与工程名人录》和《世界名人录》,现为美国康奈尔大学荣誉退休教授、西佛罗里达大学人机认知研究所(IHMC)高级研究科学家,以及诺瓦克知识咨询公司(Joseph D.Novak Knowledge Consultants,Inc.)总裁。 Novak教授至今共出版了(包括与他人合作出版)专著26部,在专业期刊和杂志上发表学术论文130余篇(章),担任过400余所大、中、小学和公司的顾问。他和Gowin1984年合作出版的《学会学习》(Learning How to Learn)迄今已被译成8种语言被世界广泛阅读。Novak最近的著作《知识的学习、创建和使用:概念图作为学校和公司学习的促进工具》(Learning,Crearing and Using Knowledge:Concept Maps as Fa cilitative Tools in Schools and Corporations)也正被翻译成6种语言出版于世界各地。Novak当前的研究工作主要包括:学生对学习的观点和认识;如何将教育理论和工具(如概念构图)运用到公司环境和远程教育项目中。当前的工作还包括开发作为学习脚手架的“专家框架图(Expert Skeleton)”;如何在网络环境下使用CmapTools和其他资源等。  相似文献   

谈近年来西文图书验收工作的变动及应对策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自2007年起,中国矿业大学图书馆将授权出版的图书(影印版)以及国内出版的西文学术著作入西文目录数据库,相应的西文图书验收工作也随之调整。根据一年来西文图书验收工作的实践,形成了将西文原版、影印版和国内版西文学术书三类图书分类送编的西文图书验收模式。  相似文献   

《旧京词林志》是明代浙江宁波人周应宾所编的南京翰林院志。该书是记载明代南京翰林院文献留存不多的志书之一,可以补充参证明代黄佐所修的《翰林记》。《旧京词林志》在修成之后即被很多书目和笔记纷纷引用,显示了此书记录文献的真实性、客观性的特点。是继唐代李肇《翰林志》之后,又一部具有较高文献利用价值的古代翰林院志书。  相似文献   

约瑟夫·D·诺瓦克(Joseph D.Novak)教授是著名的教育心理学家、概念图和概念构图的创始人,曾入选《美国名人录》、《世界医药健康名人录》、《世界科学与工程名人录》和《世界名人录》,现为美国康奈尔大学荣誉退休教授、西佛罗里达大学人机认知研究所(IHMC)高级研究科学家,以及诺瓦克知识咨询公司(Joseph D.Novak Knowledge Consultants,Inc.)总裁。 Novak教授至今共出版了(包括与他人合作出版)专著26部,在专业期刊和杂志上发表学术论文130余篇(章),担任过400余所大、中、小学和公司的顾问。他和Gowin1984年合作出版的《学会学习》(Learning How to Learn)迄今已被译成8种语言被世界广泛阅读。Novak最近的著作《知识的学习、创建和使用:概念图作为学校和公司学习的促进工具》(Learning,Crearing and Using Knowledge:Concept Maps as Fa cilitative Tools in Schools and Corporations)也正被翻译成6种语言出版于世界各地。Novak当前的研究工作主要包括:学生对学习的观点和认识;如何将教育理论和工具(如概念构图)运用到公司环境和远程教育项目中。当前的工作还包括开发作为学习脚手架的“专家框架图(Expert Skeleton)”;如何在网络环境下使用CmapTools和其他资源等。  相似文献   

The Royal Society Young People's Book Prize is awarded annually in the United Kingdom for the best science information book, and the winning book is chosen by panels of young people. This article discusses the findings of a study of the responses to the books and to their judging experience of young people who participated on panels in the 2011 Royal Society Young People's Book Prize. Interviews were conducted with 46 young people, aged from 8 to 14 years, from across the United Kingdom. The nature of contemporary non‐fiction books is discussed, specifically science information books. The impact of their design and format on reading is explored, as is the social nature of reading, which was a consequence of the judging panel context. The young people had opinions on the age range for which each book was most suitable, but they generally did so in such a way as to include themselves. It was found that their judging responsibilities contributed to these young people displaying a positive reading identity and sense of self‐efficacy.  相似文献   

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