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按照演员塑造人物形象与导演的关系,由被动到主动来划分,可以把电影演员的表演分为四种表演状态:完全被动的表演状态、基本表现的表演状态、理解体现的表演状态和创造互动的表演状态。演员由被动到主动的人物形象塑造过程,是演员由一个活动道具变为一个优秀演员的过程。演员要实现这个过程的转变,需要经过大量的学习和实践,不断提高自己的素质。  相似文献   

There is an active strand of research on how affect and self-regulatory activities influence performance and learning outcomes, but the mechanisms through which they interact during learning remain poorly understood. Additionally, these constructs have been under-researched in medical education. Using multimodal data in the context of a clinical reasoning task for medical students learning case diagnosis, we explored the temporal nature of cognition, affect, motivation, and self-regulation. With a sample of n = 10 medical students, we collected data on self-regulated learning (SRL) processes through think-aloud analyses; emotion data through facial expressions; and achievement goal orientations and habitual emotion regulation strategies through self-report questionnaires. Results from our sequential data mining techniques and quantitative analyses suggested that high-performing medical students (who arrived at an accurate diagnosis) differed from low-performing students (who did not arrive at correct diagnosis): Low performers reported higher performance goal orientation, and expressed more emotions overall, than high performers. High performers exhibited marginally more monitoring SRL behaviours, while low performers tended to orient and reorient throughout the task. High and low performers also differed on the co-occurrences of, and sequential transitions between, emotions and SRL behaviours. The implications of these findings with respect to research and medical education are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies on the interface between cognitive ability (intelligence) and personality in the prediction of academic performance have yielded mixed results so far. Especially an interaction between conscientiousness (and its facet achievement striving) and intelligence has been investigated. The hypothesis is that conscientiousness enhances the impact of intelligence on performance. Based on findings supporting the idea of a non-linear relationship between conscientiousness and performance the present study aimed at a clarification of the mixed results. Given such a non-linear relationship, studies investigating a possible moderating effect should pay attention to the performance level. A sample of N = 271 students completed a conscientiousness and an intelligence measure. Moderated regression analyses revealed a moderation for conscientiousness but not its facet achievement striving in the total sample. However, splitting the sample into a low and a high performer group revealed an enhancing effect of achievement striving for low performers and a buffering effect for high performer. Practical as well as theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Many pre‐health professional programs require completion of an undergraduate anatomy course with a laboratory component, yet grades in these courses are often low. Many students perceive anatomy as a more challenging subject than other coursework, and the resulting anxiety surrounding this perception may be a significant contributor to poor performance. Well‐planned and deliberate guidance from instructors, as well as thoughtful course design, may be necessary to assist students in finding the best approach to studying for anatomy. This article assesses which study habits are associated with course success and whether course design influences study habits. Surveys (n = 1,274) were administered to students enrolled in three undergraduate human anatomy laboratory courses with varying levels of cooperative learning and structured guidance. The surveys collected information on potential predictors of performance, including student demographics, educational background, self‐assessment ability, and study methods (e.g., flashcards, textbooks, diagrams). Compared to low performers, high performers perceive studying in laboratory, asking the instructor questions, quizzing alone, and quizzing others as more effective for learning. Additionally, students co‐enrolled in a flipped, active lecture anatomy course achieve higher grades and find active learning activities (e.g., quizzing alone and in groups) more helpful for their learning in the laboratory. These results strengthen previous research suggesting that student performance is more greatly enhanced by an active classroom environment that practices successful study strategies rather than one that simply encourages students to employ such strategies inside and outside the classroom. Anat Sci Educ 11: 496–509. © 2018 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

视听表演者权利保护制度在中国现行法中没有明确规定.视听表演者权在影视演出合同蜕变为署名权和劳务报酬请求权.在表演者权侵权判决书中一部分体现为对录像制品的表演者权,一部分体现为对影视作品的署名权和劳务报酬请求权.著作权法第三次修改草案取消了录像制品,规定了对视听作品的后续使用获酬权,取消了“约定”规定,但非主要表演者权利的剥夺,似有不公平之嫌.  相似文献   

在彝族史诗研究中存在着过度重视口头传承的集体性而忽略了民众个体的普遍倾向。史诗演述的传承人作为史诗"勒俄"(hnewo,史诗演述)传统背后的一个特殊群体,是史诗得以世代沿传的中坚力量。因此,对传承人的跟踪与研究是考察史诗传统的主要环节。在诺苏彝族史诗演述人的成长过程中,书写与口承这两种传统的教授与学习是始终相伴、相得益彰、互为表里的内驱力。"克智"(kenre,口头论辩)的兴起和传承,在客观上激活了"勒俄"的口头传播和动态接受,使史诗传承人脱离了各种书写文本的制约而走向面对面的社群,融入民俗生活的文化情境中,并在特定的竞争机制中不断提高自己的口头创编能力与演述艺术,从而也促进了史诗传统的长期流布和动态发展。  相似文献   

By using latent profile analysis eight stable and interpretable subgroups of readers were identified. The basis for subgrouping was different performance measures with four aspects of reading in focus: reading of continuous texts, reading of document texts, word reading and reading speed. Participants were 9-year-old Swedish students included in the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) Reading Literacy Study in 1991 (n = 4,184) and in 2001 (n = 5,099). The eight subgroups were compared on different background variables, such as gender, language at home, and cultural and socioeconomic factors. It was concluded that latent profile analysis proved to be a feasible methodology. The even performance profiles of good and average readers imply that reading is a skill with a high degree of transfer and generality. Several subgroups of poor readers with more heterogeneous performance patterns could be identified. The three most stable subgroups proved to be comprised of high performers, poor comprehenders and dyslexic students.  相似文献   

This study examined whether high performers performed better (a) under individual and group incentive pay than under hourly pay and (b) under individual incentive pay than under group incentive pay. Participants were 11 college students. An ABCDC within‐subject design was used in which A was hourly pay with individual feedback, B was individual incentives with individual feedback, C was individual incentives with individual and group feedback, and D was group incentives with individual and group feedback. Participants performed better under both individual and group incentive pay than under hourly pay (p<.01). They did not significantly decrease performance when switched from individual to group incentives, but increased their performance when switched back to individual incentives (p<.01). Individual incentive pay was rated as the most preferred and most satisfying of the three pay systems, and group incentive pay as the least preferred, least satisfying and most stressful. These data suggest that high performers perform better under individual than group incentive pay after exposure to both and are highly likely to prefer individual incentive pay.  相似文献   

在钢琴演奏的时,钢琴音色是表演者不断追求的目标,音色的变化使得钢琴艺术更加具有想象空间。而音色的变化和钢琴表演者有着密切的联系,本文通过研究钢琴演奏技巧与钢琴音色的关系。从而不断提高钢琴演绎者表演水平。  相似文献   

音乐表演实践、表演效果与表演者的情绪状态之间有着紧密联系,它们是相互作用、相互影响的。一次成功的音乐表演,不仅在于大量的舞台实践、技能技巧改进,而且也在于表演者情绪状态的调节和改善。反过来,表演者良好的情绪状态,又对技术发挥、角色塑造起着促进作用,从而使表演取得良好效果。  相似文献   

人类的一切有目的的行动都是以意念为前提所产生的。在一切表演活动中,意念是以意、意象、意境为前提的,是以演奏者的主观意识对客观世界的审美体验为前提的,音乐演奏需要演奏者对客观世界的审美体验进行提炼和再创造,表演出新的带有演奏者自己的“烙印”的音乐艺术。  相似文献   

相对于其他艺术作品的创作,音乐作品的创作过程相对特殊。它是由作曲家与音乐表演者相互协作才能完成的活动。作曲家的创作一度创作,是有意识地把众多音符组织在一起形成有结构的作品。音乐作品只有通过表演者的舞台演唱(奏),才能在听众的脑海中形成鲜活生动的艺术形象,这种表演是建立在表演者对作曲家了解及音乐作品的理解的基础上,称为二度创作。  相似文献   

Background: Professionals who use measures of adaptive behaviour when working with special populations may assume that adaptive behaviour is a consistent and linear construct at various ability levels and thus believe the construct of adaptive behaviour is the same for high and low performers. That is, highly adaptive people simply are assumed to have a higher level of adaptive behaviour than their less adaptive peers (i.e. individuals with special need, including intellectual disability). This study examines the viability of this assumption and poses an alternative hypothesis: adaptive behaviour is qualitatively different for high and low performers. Methods: Portions of the Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System-II’s standardisation sample were used to examine the structure of adaptive behaviour in high and low performers. Results. Results of factor analysis indicated that the amount of variance attributable to a general factor of adaptive behaviour declines at lower levels of adaptive ability, indicating that adaptive behaviours are not organised in the same manner across the spectrum of adaptive ability. Conclusions: Additionally, knowledge of an individual’s adaptive skills, not merely their general adaptive composite, seemingly is especially important when working with special needs children and youth who display deficits in adaptive behaviour.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between altruism and positive illusion, as formulated by Taylor and Brown (1988). It was predicted that, compared to the non-exemplary, general population, exemplary altruists would exhibit a higher level of positive illusion, which, in turn, suggests a higher level of mental health. Forty exemplary altruists and forty non-exemplary altruists were assessed in terms of positive illusion and compared with each other using Hotelling T2followed by univariatet-test. The results supported the prediction that exemplary altruists showed higher scores in terms of positive illusion than that of the non-exemplary general population. The implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

For over 50 years, seven plus or minus two has been a commonly used guideline for gauging how many chunks of new information should be presented at one time in learning and performance situations. Often cited as the limit of working memory, this guideline was created as a result of misinterpreting an article by Miller (1956). More recent studies suggest that the limit for working memory is more like three, and sometimes four, with various factors influencing the capacity of an individual's working memory. Given too much novel information at one time, learners and performers can be derailed by cognitive overload. Instructional designers and performance consultants can adjust the presentation of new information to manage intrinsic, extraneous, and germane cognitive load. This column provides suggestions about how to reduce cognitive overload to improve learning and performance.  相似文献   

The annual performance appraisal is a ubiquitous and often‐dreaded process in the workplace. Evaluation biases generated by both the evaluator and the performer threaten to undermine the efficacy and utility of this evaluation milestone. There is research to support that methods can be used to reduce these biases while simultaneously improving evaluation outcomes and engagement. Employing structured methods, identifying specific aims, and ensuring that there is added value in the eyes of the stakeholders can mitigate evaluation biases. Self‐assessment methods can be utilized and enhanced through use of clear criteria; a systematic approach; instruction, cues, and feedback; and opportunities for revision and improvement. Efforts to reduce evaluation biases while simultaneously engaging performers in structured self‐assessment create an opportunity to transform the annual performance appraisal process from dreaded event to a vista for performance improvement.  相似文献   

The article reports an Economic and Social Research Council‐funded study of the early career experiences of secondary school music teachers in England, set within a wider national picture of decreasing age‐related pupil engagement with school music, career perceptions of music teaching, variable patterns of teacher recruitment and possible mismatches between the musical biographies of young people and intending music teachers. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected from a short‐term longitudinal survey (first questionnaire: n = 74, second questionnaire: n = 29), supplemented by case studies (n = 6) and open‐ended, written questions (n = 20). Analyses suggest that only a half of the newly qualified participants chose to teach full‐time in a mainstream, state‐funded school music classroom. Of these, the majority were faced with a range of early career challenges stemming from curricular, extra‐curricular and non‐curricular school expectations. These included the need to balance their existing musical performer identity with that of being a new teacher.  相似文献   

This inquiry focuses on the overall instructional leadership approaches used by exemplary principals in three high performing Canadian provinces to overcome three persistent obstacles to effective teacher supervision and evaluation: (a) the management challenge, (b) the complexity challenge, and (c) the learning challenge. Analysis of data collected from interviews, focus groups, observations, field notes, documents, artifacts, and reflective research journals yielded the following four assertions: (a) Shared, distributed, and collective approaches to overall instructional leadership deepen and widen impact. (b) Effective supervision and evaluation are part of a career-long continuum of practice that fosters teacher growth while ensuring quality teaching. (c) There are multiple learning pathways to effective overall instructional leadership. (d) Policy contexts that place teacher supervision and evaluation practice within a broader conception of overall instructional leadership are beneficial.  相似文献   

低音提琴声部是管弦乐队中的一个重要的和声基础,整个管弦乐队演奏出的美妙的、立体式的音响效果,不单单是指挥、高中音乐器、打击乐器等对作品的音乐表达,而是低音提琴声部与其他高中音乐器、其他低音声部乐器等共同创造出来的。如果低音提琴的演奏效果不到位,将会直接影响整个乐队对于演奏作品的表达。从低音提琴的演奏动作及其规范问题、气息的调整与多种弓法的熟练掌握、演奏者之间的交流和专业沟通三个方面分析强化基础训练与提升演奏效果的关系,指出感知与领会乐曲是增强乐曲演奏感染力的重要环节,并从把握乐曲本身所反映的内涵和情感、将演奏者的感情融入到作品中去、增强团队精神和协奏意识等方面进行论述。  相似文献   

This paper reports an experimental evaluation of a children's safety training programme,Kidscape, which aims to increase primary school children's ability to deal with four types of potentially unsafe situation: being bullied, being approached by a stranger, being subject to inappropriate intimacy from a known adult and to pressure from such adults to keep such intimacy secret. Assessments of children's safety awareness were carried out in three schools which used the programme, and in three matched control schools which did not, with children at two age levels, 6 years and 10 years. These assessments of children's awareness were made on three occasions: before, immediately after and 2‐3 months after the training programme for the experimental sample (60 children) and on corresponding occasions for the control sample (60 children). The results revealed a significant improvement in the safety awareness of the experimental (trained) group after training and also a significant difference between the groups, in favour of the trained group. However, an improved performance of the control (untrained) group suggests that factors other than the Kidscape programme itself may influence these differences. Age differences in children's wariness of the four safety situations are also discussed.  相似文献   

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