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“有个性色彩”是高考《考试大纲》“发展等级”中“有创新”的具体要求之一,《语文课程标准》也明确提出了“力求有个性、有创意地表达,根据个人特长和兴趣自主写作”的要求。有个性色彩,就是要张扬考生鲜明的个性,发掘考生写作的潜质,展示考生思维的智慧,激发考生写作的情感;  相似文献   

考试是教育测量的重要手段,而教育测量本身就是一种心理测量。因此,在应试过程中应试者的心理状态直接影响着应试的结果。本文试图从心理学角度分析一下影响考生的心理因素及如何消除不良的心理障碍。 一、影响考生应试的心理因素 考生的个性心理。考生的个性心理主要表现在两方面,一是个性的倾向性;二是个性心理特征。个性的倾向性是指人在社会生活中逐渐形成的思想倾向,它主要包括兴趣与爱好、需要与动机、信念与理想等等。个性心  相似文献   

传统的师资选拔只注重对考生在知识和技能方面的考查,忽视对考生个性品质的测评,而要成为一名成功的教师,必须具备某些重要的个性品质.对一个个体而言,个性品质具有相对稳定性.因此笔者认为在进行师资选拔时,应该加强对考生个性品质的测评.本文试图从必要性和可能性两方面来论述该观点,并对师资选拔方式的改进提出了一些粗浅设想.  相似文献   

虽然许多省(区市)的考生已在考前填报了志愿,但仍有部分省(区市)是考后填报志愿,无论是考前填志愿还是考后填志愿,注重个性发展都是值得关注的问题。本文从考生个性发展和兴趣爱好出发,阐述了志愿选择的现状、考虑个性发展的意义及几点建议。现刊发于此,希望能对考后填报志愿的考生有所启迪。  相似文献   

2004年的《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(数学)考试大纲》首次提出了考查考生个性品质要求,并给予了明确的界定:个性品质是指考生的情感、态度和价值观.要求考生以实事求是的态度解答试题,树立战胜困难的信心.随着新高考对创新意识和  相似文献   

“3+X”高考改革的核心是高考内容改革,集中体现在“更加注重能力立意”的命题上。能力是人的个性心理特征之一,高考试题在基于学科能力而测量考生个性心理特征差异时,存在一定的考试心理机制。不同的考生存在认知的个性心理特征差异,有各自不同的应考行为表现;考生的个体心理特征差异所表现的能力差异,也就通过注重能力测验的高考试题和高考分数给出了一定的表达。  相似文献   

近年来,开放性试题在中考语文试卷中频频出现,这些试题突出考查考生的创造精神和剑新意识,并为考生展示自己的才华提供了广阔的舞台,让考生的个性得到了充分张扬。  相似文献   

高考作文命题改革的关键,是探寻封闭性与开放性的契合。对于千差万别的考生来说,写作统一的作文题,本身就带有对考生个性的限制,这是不可避免的。然而,过去的命题,往往把限制推向极端,变成了主题的严酷封闭,强行规定惟一合法的主题,这既扼杀考生个性,也窒息了多元话语空间,与高考检验考生素质的目标背道而驰。  相似文献   

<正>在2004年高考数学考试大纲中新增添了对学生"个性品质"的考查要求,所谓"个性品质"主要表现在考生的情感、意志和价值观。要求考生具有一定的数学视野,认识数学的科学价值和人文价值,崇尚数学的理性精神,形成审慎的思维习惯,体会数学的美学意义。要求考生克服紧张情绪,以平和的心态参加考试,合理支配考试时间,以实事求是  相似文献   

<正>所谓体育考生的心理训练就是有意识的对体育考生的心理过程和个性心理特征施以影响,为取得优异的考试成绩做好各种心理准备的教育过程。  相似文献   

高考作为一项曾经在中国社会影响广泛的重大考事,随着高等教育整体环境的变化,其外部的社会意义已在逐渐蜕化,其内部的激励考生健全人格修养的教育意义正在逐渐加强,这将有利于逐步消除与高考内含无关的社会负载和超常要求,使高考回归其检验考生知识和人格素质、激励考生自觉修养健全人格的本质。  相似文献   

This study investigated the hypothesis that conventional role stereotypes of rehabilitation and non-rehabilitation counselors attract counselor candidates who differ in preferred modes of counseling interview behavior and in personality characteristics. Twenty-four rehabilitation counselor candidates and 21 non-rehabilitation counselor candidates enrolled in a beginning counseling course held interviews with a standard client. Candidates' responses were classified employing a content analysis scale. All subjects had taken the 16 PF at the beginning of the course. Results found rehabilitation counselor candidates used informative, questioning, diagnosing, and probing responses more frequently and feeling responses less frequently than did non-rehabilitation candidates. Non-rehabilitation candidates appeared less practical, conservative, and group adherent on the 16 PF than rehabilitation candidates.  相似文献   

先秦时期,客观上,诸侯纷争,天下离崩,出于需求,诸侯们迫切招挽士人;主观上,士人们掌控了文化的生产与销售,处于主动地位,因此他们的人格精神能够得到尽情彰显。两汉以降,天下一统,君主们相继推出三种取士制度(察举制、九品中正制、科举制),控制了士人们的出仕之途,士人们逐渐处于被动地位,从而他们的人格精神也受到压抑,逐渐走向萎缩。  相似文献   

This study examines the extent to which personality traits and intelligence scores predict school level academic performance (AP), (British GCSE: General Certificate of Secondary Education; America Grade 10) in different disciplines. The participant sample consisted of approximately 250 school pupils from three schools in the South East of England. A series of hierarchical regressions were performed with participant discipline-specific subject grades being the criterion variable and demographic, as well and intelligence and personality test scores, the predictor variables. For overall grade intelligence accounted for a fifth of the variance and personality an incremental validity of 8%. Whilst a combination of intelligence, personality and sex accounted for around a quarter of the variance in all four core subjects the pattern was rather different for elected subjects. The results are discussed in terms of the usefulness of psychometric assessments of candidates at selection.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine if relationships exist between selected personal and academic attributes of and differences between affective characteristics of a 1980s sample and a 1990s sample of teacher candidates. MANOVA and follow‐up univariate ANOVA procedures identified statistically significant differences between current and past candidates' concerns about the task of teaching, anxieties about teaching, and confidence about becoming teachers. Relationships were found between the affective characteristics and the gender, planned level of teaching, father's educational level, locus of control orientation, prior teaching‐like experiences, scholastic aptitude, and personality types of the candidates.  相似文献   

Although self-assessing one's knowledge is an integral part of a teacher's professional development, little is known about the accuracy of teacher candidates' self-assessments. In particular, not much attention has been paid to their self-assessment accuracy assessed on an individual level. Using measures from research on metacognition, we investigated the accuracy and bias of 513 mathematics teacher candidates who were tested in and self-assessed their professional knowledge in the three core domains of mathematical content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. In addition, we examined the consistency of self-assessment accuracy across the three knowledge domains and its relation to personal characteristics such as cognitive ability, personality traits and occupational self-efficacy. Results showed that in all three domains of professional knowledge, most teacher candidates were either over- or underconfident in their knowledge and unaware of their strengths and weaknesses. Cognitive ability reduced the risk of being overconfident, whereas self-efficacy was predictive of overconfidence. The Big Five personality traits were not systematically connected to self-assessment accuracy, and variance in self-assessment accuracy is still to be explained by further research. We address shortcomings of measures that are commonly used in self-assessment research and advocate for the use of metacognitive methods in future studies that focus on teacher self-assessments.  相似文献   

From this evidence, it is clear that tutors do make assessments of personality during interview, and that this assessment determines selection. In general, their responses on the forms show that this is done with some care. Tutors try to put candidates at ease and give every opportunity for them to display their best; for example a number of forms make reference to initial nervousness of candidates, but this made no difference to the final outcome and ‘nervous’ is only included in the categories if it refers to a specific and persistent quality (e.g., ‘too nervous a disposition’). Although offset by unfavourable judgments and often qualified, all rejected candidates had something positive said about them. In general, the remarks about rejected candidates are fuller and more individual than those for accepted candidates.The expressions tutors record on the interview form may differ in detailed wording, but the kinds of qualities laid down by the DES are measured and the students selected are perceived to have those qualities to a greater degree than those rejected. The insights which can be gleaned from comparing the judgments made at interview with the outcomes of the course indicate that not only do interviewers take this responsibility seriously they also carry it out well in respect of subsequent performance in practical teaching.  相似文献   

1928年7月7日,新疆都督杨增新被戕,引发新疆乱局.这一偶然性事件为南京国民政府统合新疆提供了一个契机.随后,国民政府就经略新疆之人选引发了一场风波,白崇禧卷入其中.从国民政府试图统合新疆的历程来看,面临着三重困境:一是自身力有不逮,无法掌控新疆局势;二是所得人选的个人心境;三是来自新疆地方政府的反应.但从结果来看,显然实现了多赢的效果:中央政府获得了新疆地方的高度认同;新疆地方得到了中央政府的授权,维护了统治的合法性;白崇禧则掌握了舆论上的主动.  相似文献   

通过有声思维实验方法并辅以刺激回忆,收集四名不同性格倾向的评分员在配对口语考试评分时进行的思维报告数据,定性分析结果表明:在实际评分中,评分员对评分量表的理解和使用存在很大的差异性,具体表现在:(1)外向的评分员在评分过程中,表现的比内向的评分员更为宽容;(2)内向的评分员更多地关注评分量表中的各项具体指标和标准,而外向的评分员强调任务的完成状况和考生之间的比较、交流,和互动;(3)外向的评分员比内向的评分员更少地依赖评分量表,更多地使用非语言的特征。本研究结果对考试评分标准的修订和评分员培训均有启示。  相似文献   


Educational theorists and researchers have often overlooked potential links between successful teaching and a teachers personal qualities. This investigation explored associations among three psychological characteristics and classroom performance ratings of prospective teachers. Fifty‐three students enrolled in a teacher education program participated in the study. The students were assessed on personality style, creative thinking, motivation, and classroom performance competency during student teaching. Correlational statistical analysis found significant relationships among three creativity measures and ratings of preservice teachers’ classroom performance. Further, regression analysis revealed originality, one subscale of creativity, was a significant predictor of effective student teaching. Findings indicate that creative constructs may have potential value in assessing teacher education candidates.  相似文献   

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