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行动研究是一种实践性很强的实验方法,立足于解决教学实际问题.运用课程行动研究方法研究大学英语课程,不但能改善教学效果,而且对培养教师的反思性教学能力有着积极的意义.  相似文献   

陶亚萍 《文教资料》2008,(31):85-87
反思型教师的核心特征是反思性,在教育行动研究中,教师实现了与自我的对话、与学生的对话、与群体的对话和与理论的对话,实现良好的反思性.要成为真正的反思型教师还必须将反思性实践于所有教育行为中.  相似文献   

反思型教师的培养有助于解决教育理论研究与教育实践脱节的问题。由于反思型教师教育与行动研究具有根基上的一致性和方法上的互通性,行动研究就一直被作为促进反思型教师成长与发展的主要的,行之有效的方法之一。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,我国为了促进教育的快速发展,掀起了新一轮基础教育课程改革的浪潮。在课程改革的过程中反思性教学作为一种基础理论和教学模式受到了格外重视。什么是教学反思,怎样进行教学反思以及教师反思能力如何培养等问题,成为我们教育工作者必须思考的问题。  相似文献   

针对实证主义认识论所造成的理论与实践、研究者与实践者相分离的状况,舍恩在《反思性实践者》一书中提出"行动中反思"的实践认识论,描述了知行合一的反思性实践者的形象。本文对其理论渊源进行了梳理,并通过对其在教育界的反响进行评述,探讨了舍恩的实践认识论对于教师专业发展的意义。指出这一理论框架为揭示教师的缄默知识和实践性知识、帮助教师进行专业自主发展以及探索教师的知行合一等问题提供了有力的支持。  相似文献   

本文作者采用个案研究方法,在"师徒制"和"校本教研"体制下实施了一项旨在促进新教师教学反思能力发展的行动研究。为期两年的研究发现:反思方法指导有助于提高新教师教学反思能力;基于"师傅"或同伴的反馈的新教师教学反思较独立反思更有广度和深度;与简单的自我反思相比,"反馈+反思"、"反思+反馈"、"反思+反馈+再反思"和"对比反思"等教学反思模式更能有效提高新教师的教学反思能力。  相似文献   

反思对于促进教师专业化的成长、教育教学能力的提高以及新形势下角色的转变具有重要作用,但目前教师反思的内容不够全面,反思意识比较淡漠,反思的途径单一,反思的视角狭窄。教师的教学效能感、学校反思氛围以及教师自身的反思品质都是影响反思的重要因素。  相似文献   

从一则反思日志出发,指出在讨论教师反思的时候,应具有水平意识。根据反思内容,教师反思可以被区分为六种不同水平:行动、能力、信念、知识、身份、使命。倡导一种中间水平的反思,即对于"信念"、"知识"的反思。学科加工为教师提供了一种开展"信念"、"知识"水平反思的路径。  相似文献   

本研究选取大四教育实习阶段的实习教师,采取质的研究方法,对实习教师教学反思行为进行考察。研究发现,实习教师的教学反思的内容多是集中在对教学方面和对学生方面的主动的反思,反思的时机多是选择在教学后,反思的层次上以技术的反思居多,实际的反思次之,而批判的反思则是明显不足。教师个人特质和学生的反应对实习教师的教学反思有很大的影响。通过本研究,研究者对实习教师的教学反思有了比较全面的认识和深刻的了解,并根据研究的发现和所获得的结论提出一些启示与建议。  相似文献   

As a result of group discussions with working class pupils from areas of high delinquency it was postulated that there were at least three broad and overlapping categories of pupils attending comprehensive schools in these districts. These were termed school‐orientated pupils, nonchalant pupils and anti‐school pupils. An attempt was then made to ascertain some of the main differences in attitudes towards school between offenders and non‐offenders. Generally speaking it was found that non‐offenders occupied the first and second of the above categories and offenders the second and third. Questionnaires were given to 120 pupils composed of a group of 60 non‐offenders and a group of 60 offenders. All the pupils were attending school but while all the non‐offenders were still at day school most of the offenders were in the care of their local authorities. The offenders were found to have presented more problems for the school authorities either through misbehaviour or truancy. On attitude items (Likert‐type scale) relating to school and lessons there were differences in responses from the two groups at a high level of significance. The remaining items (both concerning teachers) showed no significant differences.  相似文献   

高师地理专业教育实习探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是作者通过近十年的探索和实践.总结出搞好高师地理专业教育实习的重要途径,对今后的教育实习有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

理论在教师专业发展中的作用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文结合教师工作的特征,质疑了"理论联系实际"这一提法在教师专业发展中的适用性,提出教师不仅需要学术理论,更重要的是发掘和提升自己的实践理论教师在自己实践性理论的基础上与学术理论展开对话,才能更有效地提高自己的思维和行动品质,进而促进教师个体和集体的专业发展。  相似文献   

近三年我国的竞技健美操有了长足的发展,取得了历史性的突破,但与世界先进水平相比,仍存在着一定的差距,运用录像资料法、数理统计法对2002年以来的世界健美操锦标赛前三名的运动员、我国运动员及我国健美操锦标赛前三名运动员的成套动作进行了观察、统计,深入分析了我国运动员的成套动作在艺术性、难度动作以及动作的完成三个方面与世界优秀运动员之间的差距,研究发现动作完成的质量差,音乐风格不突出,主题不明确,整套动作的强度不够,动作的过渡与连接单调、欠流畅,运动员的身体形态欠佳,难度动作在组别、属类选择上缺乏多样性,单人项目难度动作的总分值稍低等问题仍很突出。。  相似文献   

NBA的发展,经历七十多年的历史,它们有着完善的运营机制和竞赛体制,有着广泛的青少年篮球爱好者作为基础,有着庞大的NCAA(全美大学生篮球联赛)及ABA(NBA次级篮球联盟)作为递队,致使NBA蓬勃发展,经久不衰。而我国篮球职业联赛———CBA的发展才刚刚十几个年头,整体水平还处于落后状态,和欧美相比还存在较大差距,特别是青少年篮球运动员的培养和挖掘,和美国相比还有很大一段距离。然而如何提高水平,缩小差距是我们每一位篮球工作者应肩负的责任和义务。  相似文献   

我校92-94级新生(除音乐、体育、美术三个系的学生)1822人的视力低下者占69.87%,其中女生视力低下率高于男生;农村学生视力低下车高于城市;文科学生视力低下率高于理科,这三个年级新生的视力低下单有逐年增加的趋势.表明我校新生的视力低下率较严重,这应引起有关方面重视.  相似文献   

In the present study, attitudes of elementary school teachers toward different types of bullying (verbal, physical, and relational) were investigated. Six written vignettes describing all types of bullying were given to 405 elementary school teachers (F = 218; M = 187). Results indicated that teachers perceived relational bullying, specifically, social exclusion, less serious than verbal and physical bullying. Unlike previous findings, however, the teachers considered verbal bullying behaviors more serious than physical bullying behaviors and were also more empathetic toward the victim physically bullied and the victim verbally bullied than the victim relationally bullied. Coherent with the findings of empathy, they were also more likely to intervene in verbal and physical bullying behaviors than relational bullying behaviors. Gender of the participant was a significant factor for all variables. The most rated intervention strategy was having a serious talk with the bully, regardless of the type of victimization. Multiple regression analysis illustrated that seriousness and empathy scores both predicted the need for intervention scores significantly in all types of bullying. The findings of this study highlight the importance of increasing teachers’ awareness and knowledge about all types of bullying, their consequences, and intervention skills to lessen bullying behaviors.  相似文献   

This research examined whether prospective teachers’ emotion regulation styles, dispositional empathy, and conceptions of competent student emotion and behavior were predictive of their attitudes about bullying and proposed responses to peer conflict. Overall, participants perceived physical bullying as more serious than verbal and relational bullying. Prospective teachers also expressed higher levels of sympathy for victims and a greater likelihood of intervention in response to physical bullying. Regression analyses demonstrated that valuing emotional competence and the role of teachers in supporting its development were meaningfully associated with expressed support for victims and with proposed responses to the perpetrators of this type of classroom aggression. Interestingly, those respondents who reported higher levels of situationally specific sympathy for victims (and not dispositional empathy) also reported that they would be more likely than their counterparts to intervene on their behalf. The emotional reactivity component of dispositional empathy was, however, positively associated with regulated responses to peer conflict involving a difficult child. The emotion regulation variables, although associated with the outcome measures in correlational analyses, were not unique predictors of prospective teachers’ bullying attitudes.  相似文献   

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