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客观与主观:当代课程哲学的两种知识观评析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
知识观分歧的日益尖锐化,客观上要求今天对课程改革的任何一种判断必须给出其知识论根据。本文以“王钟之争”为切入点,在梳理传统派和改革派知识观分歧的基础上,详析了客观主义与主观主义的基本主张及其认识论根据,指出知识的客观性与主观性问题背后的核心问题是真理问题;进而从剖析互动的知识观之由来及其与传统知识观的分歧入手,将分歧的关键定位于知识的独立自在性问题方面;最后以渡普尔的“世界3”为根据,给出消解分歧的一种建议。  相似文献   

论高校德育隐性课程开发   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
隐性课程是独立存在的一种课程形式,它对人的影响本质上是一种价值影响,其德育影响是最大的,居于核心的地位。站在建设和谐社会的高度,从课程理论的角度看,高校思想政治教育的显性课程与隐性课程的不和谐是大学生思想政治教育工作低效现象的根本原因。对高校德育中的隐性课程进行有目标、有计划的设计与优化,就是要最大限度地实现显性课程与隐性课程的和谐,提高高校德育的实效。  相似文献   

本文就如何处理离任审计的矛盾、把握审计的内容、注意审计的方法及其他一些相联因素等方面进行探讨。从可操作性、可借鉴性出发,给出了在离任审计中的一些具体处理方法与技巧,供大家探讨。  相似文献   

高等学校课程管理若干问题的探讨   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
高等学校课程管理在我国是一个刚刚才开始进行系统研究的学术领域 ,也是一个很有前景的领域。本文评介了欧美近年来在这方面的一些研究成果 ,并就课程管理的概念、范围、意义、功能、管理者 ,以及课程改革中的管理等问题做了一些探讨 ,旨在为今后我国这方面的深入研究提供一些思路和借鉴  相似文献   

A bstract .  Although the natural sciences are dedicated to understanding the natural world, they are also dynamic and shaped by cultural values. The sciences and attendant technologies could be very responsive to a population that participates in and uses them responsibly. In this essay, Nancy Brickhouse and Julie Kittleson argue for re-visioning the sciences in ways that respond to diversity. By way of educational processes, the sciences might be reshaped to advance critical issues such as social justice and eco-justice. This vision of science and science education opens up new possibilities for what counts as scientific knowledge and what it means to participate in science. We envision schools where young people learn to engage in science in ways that lead to the development of the science we need. To disengage in science is to leave it in the hands of elites whose values may work against the possibility of an ecologically and socially just society.  相似文献   

课程体系结构和教学是专业人才培养过程中非常重要的环节,尤其是一个好的课程体系和教学方法对人才的培养起着很重要的作用。论文用模块化的思想对网络工程专业的课程体系结构和教学方法进行全面的研究和改革,从而使之能更好地适应应用型本科院校专业人才的培养。  相似文献   

Research typically has focused on the benefits of mentoring for those who are mentored by more experienced educators (Odell &; Huling, 2000 Odell, S. J. and Huling, L. 2000. Quality mentoring for novice teachers, Indianapolis, IN: Kappa Delta Pi.  [Google Scholar]; Feiman-Nemser, 2001 Feiman-Nemser, S. 2001. Helping novices learn to teach. Journal of Teacher Education, 52(1): 1730. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Few studies examine the inherent benefits for the mentors. This study investigates the benefit of the mentoring experience for the veteran educator. It analyzes how the experience has changed the way the mentors view themselves as educational leaders. Based on group and individual interviews, written documents and surveys, the data reveal the personal and professional significance of being part of a structured mentoring community.  相似文献   


The present study investigated specific teacher factors that potentially influence teacher‐child relationships with preschool‐age children. One demographic questionnaire and three rating scales were used to survey 152 head teachers of 3–6‐year‐old children in community‐based childcare and preschool centers in one mid‐western state. There were 46 teachers who reported on their relationship with a child with a disability or concerning developmental delay. Positive correlations were found between teacher‐child relationships and the teachers’ educational backgrounds, self‐reported teaching efficacy and parent‐teacher relationships. The parent‐teacher relationship appeared to be the strongest teacher‐related factor predicting the quality of teacher‐child relationships. Compared to other teachers, the teachers of children with delays or disabilities reported comparable parent‐teacher relationships and more positive teacher‐child relationships, especially when more than one child with concerns was reportedly enrolled in the classroom. Teachers with children who had developmental delays reported lower teaching efficacy scores. The role of parent‐teacher relationships is highlighted as a possible moderator when teachers feel less than capable or positive about individual children in their program.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This paper draws on the work of Basil Bernstein to offer a (re-) conceptualisation of creativity for the English further education (FE) sector. It begins by locating creativity within the political economy of FE and argues that teaching and learning is constrained by an instrumental remit for the sector, which prioritises perceived economic needs over broader conceptions of education and training. The paper goes on to analyse the FE curriculum, relating Bernstein's work on generic modes to critiques of competence. It proposes a central role for knowledge and broad conceptions of skill in FE in order to contest an instrumental approach to teaching and learning arising from official discourse on competitiveness. The paper uses Bernstein's typology of vertical and horizontal discourse to argue that creativity needs to be re-defined in a way that recognises the value of principled, conceptual knowledge in vocational education whilst acknowledging the socially constructed nature of creativity and knowledge.  相似文献   

Aging related social work research structures are vital in demonstrating the effectiveness of social work services with the elderly population, especially with the current focus on cost-effectiveness of services. However, not much is known about strategies employed by schools of social work to engage in social work research in the field of aging. This study surveyed all accredited MSW programs in the United States and had a response rate of 62%. The survey explored curriculum issues and interest levels in aging at both Master's and Doctoral levels, formal aging research structures within schools of social work and identified strengths and limits of these formal structures. The study also identified strategies for developing social work research in the field of aging in graduate schools of social work.  相似文献   

广西中小学教师实施新课程的心理适应性调查及调适研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于新课程的实施与原有的教育环境、教育观念、评价标准、教育自身的条件都可能存在矛盾与冲突,因而,在推进基础教育课程改革的进程中,教师对新课程的心理适应性的问题显得尤为突出。运用团体测量法和个人访谈法对1679名中小学教师实施新课程的心理适应性进行了研究。结果表明,广西中小学教师实施新课程的心理适应性整体上呈良性发展态势,表现在大多数教师对新课程普遍持认同态度并积极接受,且有良好的自身发展规划、合作意识和学生观。但不可否认的是,新课程的实施同样也给教师带来了一定的心理压力。  相似文献   

This article reviews the challenges provided by a plural condition toward doing religious education in the Philippines. The problem of Philippine religious education hinges on the fact that the growing plural condition in the educational system remains until now “un-discussed” or integrated in many schools. Not much is heard about proposing a platform of dialogue within religious education. Dialogue is more often associated with inter-faith initiatives beyond the learning environment. If religious education should be an instrument in the formation of the right Christian attitudes among the young, dialogue must be an urgent Christian agenda in Philippine religious education.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访问法、理论分析法等研究方法,对体育教育专业体操课程教学现状及课程体系存在问题进行分析,并从教学内容、教学方法、教学组织、教学资源等方面对体育教育专业体操课程体系的构建进行初步的探讨.  相似文献   

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