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本文在对语言系统用法和具体用法的区分基础上,讨论了话语中形式得体和功能得体与语篇连贯之间的正相关关系。话语是否得体在于它能否充分发展特定语篇的交际意义;得体的话语不是系统用法的展示,而是对交际意义的实现。为改变我国学生英语口语得体性较差的状况,文中提出了一些改进建议。  相似文献   

文章论述了英语中的指示现象。英语中的指示语分为五类:人称指示、时间指示、地点指示、话语指示和社交指示。同时还举例说明了指示语的具体用法,特别是指示语的身势用法和象征用法,以及照应用法和非照应用法。指示是语用学研究的一个重要课题,这是因为语言中存在指示这一语言现象充分说明了语言和使用语言的环境之间的密切关系。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,语言中涌现了大量的流行词语。“超”作为其中的一员,越来越多地运用到人们的语言话语中,显示出强大的语言活力。本文将重点探讨“超”的具体用法、存在动因及发展趋势。  相似文献   

人类的交际体系在结构上可分为言语和非言语两大交际体系。非言语交际行为的特征是具有社会性或文化性。而语用学关于语境和言语行为的理论指出语言交际中的话语含义会随着语境的变化而变化,人们在交际活动中一定遵守语言的用法规则。在跨文化非语言交际活动中,更要根据交际时的具体文化语境,充分理解话语的语力,得体地使用非语言交际行为。  相似文献   

李春雷 《海外英语》2012,(8):242-243
英语中的颜色词汇用法丰富,含义广泛。该文对英语颜色词汇的基本用法作了详细的探究和论述,具体阐述了其在中西方不同的文化内涵。因此,在学习中要注意平时的积累,多了解英语民族的历史和文化背景,多了解颜色词汇的象征意义及习惯搭配,只有这样才能真正的把握其在具体语境中的正确意义和用法,从而进行顺畅地语言交际。  相似文献   

模糊限制语作为一种特殊的语言形式很早就引起了人们的关注。一方面它可以改变句子的真值,另一方面它可以使语言表达变得模糊,使话语显得委婉、得体。本文通过对模糊限制语的意义及语用功能的研究,帮助英语学习者掌握其用法。并提高他们的语用意识,同时也强调其在语言教学中的意义。  相似文献   

专题三 词语     
词语(包括成语)的积累也反映着一个人的语文素养,“课标”对词语是这样要求的:体味和推敲重要词句在语言环境中的意义和作用。这告诉我们学习掌握词语的方法.就是“词不离句”,即通过具体的语言环境理解把握词语的意义和用法:  相似文献   

张燕 《海外英语》2023,(20):14-16
请求是交际中高频出现的言语行为,以往请求研究多从产出层面分析请求话语的语用策略和语言特征,较少从感知层面分析请求话语的交际效果。文章通过英语本族语者感知评分,分析中国学生英语会话中请求话语的得体度,探讨影响请求话语得体度的语言因素。结果显示:1)中国学生英语请求话语的得体度整体尚可,部分学生请求话语得体度仍有较大改进空间;2)英语请求话语的得体度,受其内部修饰语、句末语调走势等语言特征的影响。  相似文献   

维特根斯坦后期提出的语言用法论,突破了长期占有主导地位的意义"指称论",认为语词的意义就是它在语言中的使用,主张在具体的语言环境中把握语词的意义,强调语言使用的规则,揭示了语言和人类其他行为间存在的多维的、动态的、交互的关系,将语言的具体使用与日常生活联系起来,为言语行为理论的形成和语用学的发展做出了重要贡献。但其用法论本身存在缺陷,否认了语言所具有的指称外在事物的功能,而过于片面和绝对,走向了语言意义理论的相对主义之路;用法论也不能解释元语言的话语使用。  相似文献   

语言得体的层次性是语言得体理论的一个重要问题 ,对丰富得体理论和切实有效指导语言交际有不容忽视的意义。本文具体论述了语言得体的三个层次 ,并指出了它们的相互联系、弹性特点、深层原因等  相似文献   

The present project studied the relationship between the use of developmentally appropriate practices and children's perception of self-competence in Head Start classrooms. Self-competence is defined as children's confidence in succeeding in certain tasks. Developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) as proposed by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) are teaching practices that are age appropriate, individually appropriate and culturally appropriate. Seventy-two children attending six Head Start centres participated in the study. Trained researchers filled out the Rating Scale to assess the use Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Early Childhood Classrooms. The participating children's perceived self-competence was measured using the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance. Correlational analysis showed that some of the subscales assessing the use of developmentally appropriate practices were correlated with two of the subscales of the children's perception of self-competence. The above results provide some insight into the importance of the use of developmentally appropriate practices and their effects on children.  相似文献   

求解恰当方程的一个新方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对恰当方程的结构进行了分析.把方程适当组合,提出了一种求解恰当方程的新方法,使得求解恰当方程更为快捷.新方法与传统的方法相比,节约了一半的工作量.  相似文献   

课堂情境中的学习具有三大特征:更强调学习本质上是思维活动;体现了学习发生的水平;学习的可操作性比较强。促进课堂情境中学习的关键条件是优质的课堂教学问题配以合适的教学策略。但当前很多的课堂教学问题及实施难以促进学生进行较高水平的学习。而评价课堂教学问题的量规,是指导教师设计促进学习的课堂教学问题的实用工具。选用合适的课堂教学策略,应从合适的时间和适当的支持两个维度系统地决策。  相似文献   

Student-Teacher Interaction on Facebook: What Students Find Appropriate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Web 2.0 technologies such as Facebook, a popular social networking site, provide educators with new possibilities for reaching their students. As these technologies are new, there is not a total understanding of how these technologies could best be used in education. This study helps to develop this understanding by investigating how appropriate students find student-teacher interactions on Facebook. The results indicate that students find passive behaviors more appropriate than active behaviors with no difference depending on whether students or teachers perform the behaviors. Additionally, men find student-teacher interactions on Facebook more appropriate than women while no difference exists between undergraduate and graduate students, and age was not related to finding the interactions more or less appropriate.  相似文献   

2009年8月12日,教育部印发了名为《中小学班主任工作规定》的文件,其规定第十六条“班主任在日常教育教学管理中,有采取适当方式对学生进行批评教育的权利”之“适当批评”得到了社会各界的广泛关注,主要存在强力惩戒和温和批评两种解读,二者分别从不同的视域对“适当批评”进行了精细的释义,虽然看似矛盾,水火不容,却又存在着一定程度的一致性。究竟孰是孰非,还有待教育实践的进一步验证。  相似文献   

Teachers of young children know the importance of designing developmentally appropriate activities to encourage motor development but are not always prepared with the information they need to accomplish this design. When teachers choose movement activities, motor development theory must be understood and utilized in the planning of activities to ensure that the choice of the movement task, equipment, and the movement environment interact to encourage developmentally appropriate movement experiences. Basic motor development theory is explained as the basis for examples of appropriate movement tasks for young children.  相似文献   

A developmentally appropriate learning environment for young children is vital for successful learning. However, implementing developmentally appropriate practices can be a challenge for 1st-year teachers because of the pressures of standardized testing. The purpose of this study was to examine the struggles teachers encounter in implementing developmentally appropriate practices in their 1st year and to identify what helped them overcome those obstacles. We conclude with several ideas for teacher preparation programs as well as suggestions for 1st-year teachers.  相似文献   

文章着重论述了语言得体的文化渊源和制约语言得体的文化背景因素 ,以期有助于更好地理解和把握语言得体的文化内涵  相似文献   

Recently, developmentally appropriate practices have been distinguished from traditional practices and have been advocated as one way to reform primary general education classrooms. Relatively little research has examined the efficacy of developmentally appropriate versus traditional practices. In particular, concerns have been raised about the effectiveness of this approach for students with disabilities. This study examined the relationship between primary teachers' implementation of developmentally appropriate and traditional teaching methods and the mathematics achievement of general and special education students. Observations, interviews and questionnaires were used to measure the mathematics teaching practices used with general and special education students. Because developmentally appropriate and traditional teaching practices are often characterized in terms of a continuum, principal components methods were used to generate continuous composite variables that described teacher presentation, materials, grouping, and curriculum. The outcome measure was a curriculum- based measure of mathematics achievement. Principal components results showed that the composite variables most clearly associated with the developmentally appropriate v. traditional continuum were not related to mathematics achievement. Instead, consistent with previous research, achievement was associated with a reported measure of instruction that emphasized mathematical processing and strategy instruction. Further, a reported "laissez faire" method that emphasized individual student choice and treated special education students like general education students was negatively related to achievement, as was placement in special education class.  相似文献   

国际贸易要求各国的商人们在讲究礼仪的同时将文化因素考虑进来。本文从文化理论入手浅析了文化因素对各国商人洽谈的约定方式,问候、寒暄方式,洽谈的人员选择,切入谈判的时机以及谈判交流方式的影响。  相似文献   

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