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An investigation of patterns of innovation has been carried out, using a paired case study approach. The project has considered product and process innovations in the chemical and scientific instruments industries. Each ‘pair’ consists of one attemp at innovation which was successful and another which was relatively unsuccessful or a failure. Success and failure have been evaluated in commercial terms. Results of the project were derived from statistical analysis of a large number of paremeters observed in the paired studies, and have been described elsewhere. The present paper describes in detail two of the innovations investigated, and traces events from basic research to commercial exploitation. The instruments involved are the X-ray microanalyser and the scanning electron microscope. The events described are briefly reviewed in the light of some existing hypotheses about innovation, and are related to the findings of the statistical analysis.  相似文献   

 Parmelia is a genus of economical importance.   According  what  was  recorded, Meyen & Flotow were the first foreigners to study Chinese lichens in 1843.  Up to the present time 74 species, 24 varieties and 11 forms have been described from China.      The majority of specimens reported in this paper were collected by many Chinese botanists and collectors from 21 provinces from 1928--1962, while a few of them were collected by Licent from 1916 to 1917 and by Poliansky in 1957.      The system of classification adopted here is that held by A. Zahlbruckner in 1926. But in section Hypotrachyna, the two subsections-Myelochroa and Myeloleuca proposed by Asahina are adopted and Parmelia xanthocarpa which has not been properly placed before, is here referred to the subsection Myelochroa.      In the subgenus Hypogymnia the writer discovers that the length of spores of two species are longer than 10μ, especially  Parmelia macrospora reaches  17.5μ long.  So far as the writer knows, the upper limitation of the spore length  recognized  by  many lichenologists has been 10μ in this subgenus.  The spore measurement of this subgenus needs, therefore, to be revised in future.       In this paper 78 species, 14 varieties and 6 forms are presented.  Among them, 5 species, 5 varieties and 1 forms are considered as new and two new combinations have been made.  Out of all these, 31 species, 6 varieties and 2 forms are first recorded from China.  All the materials cited are deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of Instituteof Microbiology, Academia Sinica, Peking.  相似文献   

This research has investigated the feasibility of using a distance measure, called the Bayesian distance, for automatic sequential document classification. It has been shown that by observing the variation of this distance measure as keywords are extracted sequentially from a document, the occurrence of noisy keywords may be detected. This property of the distance measure has been utilized to design a sequential classification algorithm which works in two phases. In the first phase keywords extracted from a document are partitioned into two groups—the good keyword group and the noisy keyword group. In the second phase these two groups of keywords are analyzed separately to assign primary and secondary classes to a document. The algorithm has been applied to several data bases of documents and very encouraging results have been obtained.  相似文献   

The secondary electron emission from alkaline-earth oxide-coated cathodes has been investigated under both continuous and pulsed bombardment. Various factors affecting the yield, such as dependence upon primary voltage, collecting voltage, temperature, time, and angle of incidence, are noted, and the present state of the theory is discussed.Experiments have been performed with three types of apparatus. Yield vs. Energy data reveal values of δ of 4–7 at room temperature, with a more or less flat maximum at approximately 1,000 volts primary energy.The yield increases with temperature in an exponential manner, and plots of log Δδ (i.e. δK° ? δ300°K) vs. 1/T give straight lines. Values of Q1 between 0.9 – 1.5 eV. are generally indicated, and from extrapolation of these curves, yields exceeding 100 at 850° C. are deduced. The secondary emission depends upon the degree of activation, and increases with enhancement of the thermionic emission characteristics. Short-time effects such as growth or decay of secondary current after the onset of primary bombardment or persistence after the cessation of bombardment have not been observed, and values of yield obtained by pulsed methods are in accord with those obtained under D.C. conditions. Tail phenomena reported by J. B. Johnson and interpreted as “enhanced thermionic emission” from oxidecoated cathodes become manifest only under experimental conditions characterized by certain space-charge effects, and have been effectively simulated by bombarding a tantalum target adjacent to an electron-emitting tungsten filament. Various measurements of the energy distribution of secondary electrons as a function of primary voltage and temperature have been obtained. It was observed that the average energy of the secondary electrons decreases with temperature at a rate which more than compensates for the increase in the number of secondaries emitted per incident primary. The mechanism of the observed dependence of yield upon temperature is not well understood. Various alternative explanations are discussed and, in the light of the present state of our knowledge, regarded as untenable.  相似文献   

我国煤炭业发展至今基本呈现出六个方面的现状特征,分别是煤炭产业是我国的传统产业;由于资源赋存依赖性强,煤炭产业在我国的分布不均衡;总体上煤炭资源利用方式粗放、生态环境破坏严重;煤炭业是一个高危行业;煤炭业的进入壁垒较为复杂;开采技术决定煤炭产品生产效率与效益而非煤炭产品质量。  相似文献   

The Leiden methodology (LM), also sometimes called the “crown indicator”, is a quantitative method for evaluating the research quality of a research group or academic department based on the citations received by the group in comparison to averages for the field. There have been a number of applications but these have mainly been in the hard sciences where the data on citations, provided by the ISI Web of Science (WoS), is more reliable. In the social sciences, including business and management, many journals and books are not included within WoS and so the LM has not been tested here. In this research study the LM has been applied on a dataset of over 3000 research publications from three UK business schools. The results show that the LM does indeed discriminate between the schools, and has a degree of concordance with other forms of evaluation, but that there are significant limitations and problems within this discipline.  相似文献   

白豆杉属Pseudotaxus Cheng属裸子植物红豆杉科Taxaceae。  该属仅有一种,即白   豆杉Pseudotaxus chienii(Cheng)Cheng。  关于红豆杉科在松柏类植物中应该占据什么   地位问题,一直持有不同意见。为此,作者从化学角度对红豆杉科各属有关植物化学成份进   行研究。我们曾报道白豆杉枝干中的一重要特征成份—铁杉树脂醇(tsugalacton,tsugare-   sinol)(马忠武等1982)。为了获得更多的化学证据,我们又从白豆杉叶的精油中分离了38个   成份,鉴定了其中的33个成份。就其组成比看,其特点是柠檬烯、α-蒎烯和δ-3-蒈烯的总含   量占整个精油成份的1/3以上。这一精油成份的组成特征与红豆杉科榧属植物香榧Torreya  grandis cv.‘Merrillii' 树叶精油成份的组成特征(何关福等1986)是一致的。  相似文献   

The analytic expressions of the unit-impulse and the unit-step responses ofthe classical m-derived and the composite filters are derived. The equations have been computed by means of an IBM 360 Model 44 digital computer. Normalized curves of the unit-step response are presented. They are completely universal and can be applied to specific situations by rescaling the axes.  相似文献   

土地已经成为社会主义市场经济重要的宏观调控手段,价格杠杆调控是城市土地资源优化配置的重要组成。城市地价动态监测体系的建立,可及时掌握城市地价的变化动态,量化反映城市地价变化信息。以镇江市城市地价动态监测体系建立为例,在GIS支持下,探讨其建立方法,对地价区段的划分、地价监测点的选择、地价指数的编制等做了完善和细化。计算结果显示,镇江市商业用地地价指数自1998年到2002年,总趋势是稳中有升,各级升幅不等,以二级地地价升幅最大,为29%;六级地升幅最小,为7%。研究表明: ①地价监测点的选择和确定是该体系建立的关键步骤,合理运用城市土地定级和基准地价评估资料,是城市地价动态监测体系建立的前提; ②体系建设中,地理信息系统的使用,可以快速方便地进行检索、查询、图形显示以及数据管理; ③《城市地价动态监测体系技术规范》在技术准备、监测点设立、监测点资料整理等方面具有可操作性和合理性,但也存在问题值得讨论。  相似文献   

党中央高度重视科技体制改革工作,“十三五”时期部署的科技体制改革重点任务已基本完成,改革“四梁八柱”基本确立,重点领域和关键环节多点突破。进入新发展阶段,经济社会发展和民生改善对科技领域改革发展提出更高要求。但目前科技体制改革落实还不平衡不到位,有些改革举措尚未完全落地。调研发现,这其中既有新形势新变化带来的体制机制问题;也有长期存在的老问题、“硬骨头”未能突破;还有改革虽然已经部署,但因为抓落实不到位,效果释放与科研人员期望存在差距。解决这些突出问题,要坚持问题导向、有限目标的思路,着力从强化科技统筹与部门协同、完善科技资源配置方式、持之以恒推进科技评价改革、强化企业创新主体地位、深化科研院所改革、完善改革容错和正面激励机制六大方面攻坚突破。  相似文献   

On electrets     
(I) Evidence has been given that the so-called permanent electrets of Eguchi are not permanent, but that their polarization decays with the time. At room temperatures this decay is too slow to be observed directly; but it is the decay of the polarization that, at least in part, accounts for the presence of the free charges that are always observed. At higher temperatures the results that have been obtained are consistent with the view that the rate of decay of the polarization increases very rapidly with the temperature; so much so that the polarization may be almost completely destroyed at a temperature which is not high enough to cause any appreciable softening of the waxes that form the substance of the electrets.(2) As is to be expected from Lord Kelvin's hypothesis as to the cause of pyro-electricity, these electrets have been shown to possess the pyro-electric property.(3) The piezo-electric effect, which always accompanies the pyro-electric property, has been shown to be exhibited by these electrets.  相似文献   

学费问题涉及到每一个大学生及其家庭,是一个敏感而又复杂的问题,过高的学费会使很多学生无力支付,过低的学费又使学校财力不足而无法保证运转.学费问题近来在各种媒体上引起了热烈的讨论.分析了当前我国高等教育学费的现状,指出我国高等教育学费增长速度远超过城镇、农村家庭收入的增长速度.讨论了影响学费标准的各种因素,给出了合理的学费标准准则.  相似文献   

Tångeberg P 《Endeavour》2000,24(4):147-151
The seventeenth-century Swedish Royal warship Vasa was painted and decorated with almost 500 figure sculptures and many carved ornaments. It is probably the most extensive sculptural work in wood to have been preserved from this period in European history. The ship's decorations are of particular importance given the scarcity of knowledge of how sculptures in general, and large ships in particular, were painted in Northern Europe during this period. About 20 different pigments have been characterized and it has been possible to reconstruct the appearance of many of the sculptures and to extend this knowledge to the ship's original appearance.  相似文献   

利用动态偏离-份额模型对2003-2012年广东省农业产业结构和竞争力进行研究,发现除农林牧渔服务业外,广东省农业及其种植业、林业、牧业和渔业部门的发展主要依靠全国农业发展带动;广东省农业结构调整取得了一定成果,但种植业和牧业结构尚需调整;广东省农业及其部门发展均缺乏竞争力,并且除农林牧渔服务业以外,竞争弱势是制约各部门发展的首因。所以,在调整农业结构的进程中,提升农业竞争力将卓有成效地促进广东省农业发展。  相似文献   

教育心理学是研究人的心理与行为改变规律的科学,是心理科学的一个重要应用分支,学校情境中学与教的基本心理学规律是其研究的主要对象。教育心理学是心理学与教育长期结合的产物,当其作为一门独立学科在20世纪初诞生后,曾给当时教育研究走向科学化以强有力的推动。近一二十年来教育心理学研究在学习与认知,动机、情绪与信念,教学与学科学习,学习的个体差异等主题上有了较大进展。研究发展趋势表现在:一般认知过程的研究转变为课堂里具体学科学习中的认知研究;教学心理研究受到重视;研究视角多元化;开始从对个体的关注转到对社会文化情境中个体的关注;计算机与网络等技术因素对学习的影响成为一个新的研究领域。最后,作者从发挥教育心理学作为沟通心理学与教育桥梁的功能出发,对我国教育心理学发展提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with a collection of plant fossils from the Wu- yun Group of Heilongjiang Province.  These fossils belong to 28 families, 39 genera and 53 species.  The flora is composed of 7 species of pteridophytes, 8 of conifers and 37 of angiosperms.  All have been fully described, of which ten are new species.      Most elements of this flora are subtropic or warm-temperate, with only a few of them are temperate ones.  The flora consists of conifers and broad-leaved trees adapted to humid warm-temperate or subtropic climate.        With the physiognomy of leaves, 40 per cent of them are of entire margin, and most are medium-sized, with some megaphyllous. The nervation is mostly palmate.  These characters indicate that the climate was warm-temperate or subtropic.      Among 35 genera known from the Late Cretaceous of East Asia, 27 are also found in North America, which indicates that the floristic relationship between East Asia and North Americal was closer  at that time than it is now. Therefore the number of genera in common has been decreasing through the age, because these two regions have been detached from each other since the late Eocene, as a result of continental drift. Only some relic forms left on both sides, and only 4.1% of genera are common to both continents.  After the early Tertiary the floras of East Asia and North America have been developing independently.       The Chinese flora of the Late Cretaceous may be divided into three Zones from the north to the south: (1) warm temperate-subtropic zone, rich in Metasequoia, Ginkgo, Trochodendroides, Platanus, Trochodendron, Protophyllum, Ampelopsis Pterospermites and Menispermites; (2) subtropic or dry subtropic transitional zone; and (3) subtropic- tropic zone, rich in Brachyphyllum, Cinnamomum, Nectandra and Palms.       The Wuyun flora is considered closely related to the Chajiayang Group and Sikhote- Alin flora of USSR, with 15 genera in common and also related to the Kuji flora of Japan (Cenonian), with 11 genera in common.  It is interesting to note that 11 genera are also found in North America (Canada and Alaska) of the Late Cretaceous.  The pa- lynological assemblage of the Wuyun flora is closely related to Minshui flora of the So- uliao Basin, 15 genera being common to the both.  Seventy per cent of megafossils of the Wuyun flora have become extinct, which seems to show that the age of the flora is older than Paleocene and is assigned to the Latest Late Crataceous (Maestrichtian-Dani-an).  相似文献   

In the present work, Dirac delta function (DF) set and sample-and-hold functions (SHF) set are used for microprocessor-based simulation of discrete time as well as sample-and-hold systems. Such simulations are useful for identification of control systems with known input and output sequence. The presented method utilizes operational matrices of different orders in the DF and SHF domain to develop different operational transfer functions. A few open-loop as well as closed-loop systems have been studied and the simulation results obtained are compared with exact solutions derived with the help of z-transform analysis. Experiments have also been carried out to establish the validity of the proposal.  相似文献   

   数字创新颠覆了传统创新管理理论,然而目前对数字技术赋能企业创新的复杂机理尚未开展深入研究。利用数字技术赋能技术创新,对实现制造企业的创新驱动发展具有重要意义。因此,本文采用案例研究法,运用程序化扎根理论的编码技术进行数据处理,对数字技术赋能企业技术创新活动的“黑箱”进行探究,以丰富数字创新理论。本文的主要结论有:(1)界定了数字技术对制造企业技术创新赋能的内涵,包含三个层面:对创新主体、过程以及结果赋能;(2)提出了数字技术赋能制造企业技术创新的模型;(3)提炼出三条路径及其选择机制,即以技术整合为中心的产业链协同创新路径、以产品智能化为中心的开放式创新路径和以消费者个性化需求为导向的两端创新路径,从而为数字技术赋能下制造企业的技术创新提供理论指导。  相似文献   

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