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This work assesses the performance of two N-gram matching techniques for Arabic root-driven string searching: contiguous N-grams and hybrid N-grams, combining contiguous and non-contiguous. The two techniques were tested using three experiments involving different levels of textual word stemming, a textual corpus containing about 25 thousand words (with a total size of about 160KB), and a set of 100 query textual words. The results of the hybrid approach showed significant performance improvement over the conventional contiguous approach, especially in the cases where stemming was used. The present results and the inconsistent findings of previous studies raise some questions regarding the efficiency of pure conventional N-gram matching and the ways in which it should be used in languages other than English.  相似文献   

Webpages are mainly distinguished by their topic (e.g., politics, sports etc.) and genre (e.g., blogs, homepages, e-shops, etc.). Automatic detection of webpage genre could considerably enhance the ability of modern search engines to focus on the requirements of the user’s information need. In this paper, we present an approach to webpage genre detection based on a fully-automated extraction of the feature set that represents the style of webpages. The features we propose (character n-grams of variable length and HTML tags) are language-independent and easily-extracted while they can be adapted to the properties of the still evolving web genres and the noisy environment of the web. Experiments based on two publicly-available corpora show that the performance of the proposed approach is superior in comparison to previously reported results. It is also shown that character n-grams are better features than words when the dimensionality increases while the binary representation is more effective than the term-frequency representation for both feature types. Moreover, we perform a series of cross-check experiments (e.g., training using a genre palette and testing using a different genre palette as well as using the features extracted from one corpus to discriminate the genres of the other corpus) to illustrate the robustness of our approach and its ability to capture the general stylistic properties of genre categories even when the feature set is not optimized for the given corpus.  相似文献   

The widespread availability of the Internet and the variety of Internet-based applications have resulted in a significant increase in the amount of web pages. Determining the behaviors of search engine users has become a critical step in enhancing search engine performance. Search engine user behaviors can be determined by content-based or content-ignorant algorithms. Although many content-ignorant studies have been performed to automatically identify new topics, previous results have demonstrated that spelling errors can cause significant errors in topic shift estimates. In this study, we focused on minimizing the number of wrong estimates that were based on spelling errors. We developed a new hybrid algorithm combining character n-gram and neural network methodologies, and compared the experimental results with results from previous studies. For the FAST and Excite datasets, the proposed algorithm improved topic shift estimates by 6.987% and 2.639%, respectively. Moreover, we analyzed the performance of the character n-gram method in different aspects including the comparison with Levenshtein edit-distance method. The experimental results demonstrated that the character n-gram method outperformed to the Levensthein edit distance method in terms of topic identification.  相似文献   

Signature files and inverted files are well-known index structures. In this paper we undertake a direct comparison of the two for searching for partially-specified queries in a large lexicon stored in main memory. Using n-grams to index lexicon terms, a bit-sliced signature file can be compressed to a smaller size than an inverted file if each n-gram sets only one bit in the term signature. With a signature width less than half the number of unique n-grams in the lexicon, the signature file method is about as fast as the inverted file method, and significantly smaller. Greater flexibility in memory usage and faster index generation time make signature files appropriate for searching large lexicons or other collections in an environment where memory is at a premium.  相似文献   

Many operational IR indexes are non-normalized, i.e. no lemmatization or stemming techniques, etc. have been employed in indexing. This poses a challenge for dictionary-based cross-language retrieval (CLIR), because translations are mostly lemmas. In this study, we face the challenge of dictionary-based CLIR in a non-normalized index. We test two optional approaches: FCG (Frequent Case Generation) and s-gramming. The idea of FCG is to automatically generate the most frequent inflected forms for a given lemma. FCG has been tested in monolingual retrieval and has been shown to be a good method for inflected retrieval, especially for highly inflected languages. S-gramming is an approximate string matching technique (an extension of n-gramming). The language pairs in our tests were English–Finnish, English–Swedish, Swedish–Finnish and Finnish–Swedish. Both our approaches performed quite well, but the results varied depending on the language pair. S-gramming and FCG performed quite equally in all the other language pairs except Finnish–Swedish, where s-gramming outperformed FCG.  相似文献   

Researchers in indexing and retrieval systems have been advocating the inclusion of more contextual information to improve results. The proliferation of full-text databases and advances in computer storage capacity have made it possible to carry out text analysis by means of linguistic and extra-linguistic knowledge. Since the mid 80s, research has tended to pay more attention to context, giving discourse analysis a more central role. The research presented in this paper aims to check whether discourse variables have an impact on modern information retrieval and classification algorithms. In order to evaluate this hypothesis, a functional framework for information analysis in an automated environment has been proposed, where the n-grams (filtering) and the k-means and Chen’s classification algorithms have been tested against sub-collections of documents based on the following discourse variables: “Genre”, “Register”, “Domain terminology”, and “Document structure”. The results obtained with the algorithms for the different sub-collections were compared to the MeSH information structure. These demonstrate that n-grams does not appear to have a clear dependence on discourse variables, though the k-means classification algorithm does, but only on domain terminology and document structure, and finally Chen’s algorithm has a clear dependence on all of the discourse variables. This information could be used to design better classification algorithms, where discourse variables should be taken into account. Other minor conclusions drawn from these results are also presented.  相似文献   

The paper describes the OntoNotes, a multilingual (English, Chinese and Arabic) corpus with large-scale semantic annotations, including predicate-argument structure, word senses, ontology linking, and coreference. The underlying semantic model of OntoNotes involves word senses that are grouped into so-called sense pools, i.e., sets of near-synonymous senses of words. Such information is useful for many applications, including query expansion for information retrieval (IR) systems, (near-)duplicate detection for text summarization systems, and alternative word selection for writing support systems. Although a sense pool provides a set of near-synonymous senses of words, there is still no knowledge about whether two words in a pool are interchangeable in practical use. Therefore, this paper devises an unsupervised algorithm that incorporates Google n-grams and a statistical test to determine whether a word in a pool can be substituted by other words in the same pool. The n-gram features are used to measure the degree of context mismatch for a substitution. The statistical test is then applied to determine whether the substitution is adequate based on the degree of mismatch. The proposed method is compared with a supervised method, namely Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Experimental results show that the proposed unsupervised method can achieve comparable performance with the supervised method.  相似文献   

We will explore various ways to apply query structuring in cross-language information retrieval. In the first test, English queries were translated into Finnish using an electronic dictionary, and were run in a Finnish newspaper database of 55,000 articles. Queries were structured by combining the Finnish translation equivalents of the same English query key using the syn-operator of the InQuery retrieval system. Structured queries performed markedly better than unstructured queries. Second, the effects of compound-based structuring using a proximity operator for the translation equivalents of query language compound components were tested. The method was not useful in syn-based queries but resulted in decrease in retrieval effectiveness. Proper names are often non-identical spelling variants in different languages. This allows n-gram based translation of names not included in a dictionary. In the third test, a query structuring method where the Boolean and-operator was used to assign more weight to keys translated through n-gram matching gave good results.  相似文献   

The use of non-English Web search engines has been prevalent. Given the popularity of Chinese Web searching and the unique characteristics of Chinese language, it is imperative to conduct studies with focuses on the analysis of Chinese Web search queries. In this paper, we report our research on the character usage of Chinese search logs from a Web search engine in Hong Kong. By examining the distribution of search query terms, we found that users tended to use more diversified terms and that the usage of characters in search queries was quite different from the character usage of general online information in Chinese. After studying the Zipf distribution of n-grams with different values of n, we found that the curve of unigram is the most curved one of all while the bigram curve follows the Zipf distribution best, and that the curves of n-grams with larger n (n = 3–6) had similar structures with β-values in the range of 0.66–0.86. The distribution of combined n-grams was also studied. All the analyses are performed on the data both before and after the removal of function terms and incomplete terms and similar findings are revealed. We believe the findings from this study have provided some insights into further research in non-English Web searching and will assist in the design of more effective Chinese Web search engines.  相似文献   

In a typical inverted-file full-text document retrieval system, the user submits queries consisting of strings of characters combined by various operators. The strings are looked up in a text-dictionary which lists, for each string, all the places in the database at which it occurs. It is desirable to allow the user to include in his query truncated terms such as X1, 1X, 1X1, or X1Y, where X and X are specified strings and 1 is a variable-length-don't-care character, that is, 1 represents an arbitrary, possibly empty, string. Processing these terms involves finding the set of all words in the dictionary that match these patterns. How to do this efficiently is a long-standing open problem in this domain.In this paper we present a uniform and efficient approach for processing all such query terms. The approach, based on a “permuted dictionary” and a corresponding set of access routines, requires essentially one disk access to obtain from the dictionary all the strings represented by a truncated term, with negligible computing time. It is thus well suited for on-line applications. Implementation is simple, and storage overhead is low: it can be made almost negligible by using some specially adapted compression techniques described in the paper.The basic approach is easily adaptable for slight variants, such as fixed (or bounded) length don't-care characters, or more complex pattern matching templates.  相似文献   

A simple time-domain procedure is presented for deriving simplified models for linear time-invariant systems. It is based on deriving a new realization form for the Cauer continued fraction expansion about sa and s0 alternately. A new similarity transformation is also developed which can be used to construct approximate aggregation matrices for the reduced order models obtained by the proposed procedure. Particularly when the original state-space model is in a phase-variable canonical form, the similarity matrix is given explicitly.  相似文献   

One of the best known measures of information retrieval (IR) performance is the F-score, the harmonic mean of precision and recall. In this article we show that the curve of the F-score as a function of the number of retrieved items is always of the same shape: a fast concave increase to a maximum, followed by a slow decrease. In other words, there exists a single maximum, referred to as the tipping point, where the retrieval situation is ‘ideal’ in terms of the F-score. The tipping point thus indicates the optimal number of items to be retrieved, with more or less items resulting in a lower F-score. This empirical result is found in IR and link prediction experiments and can be partially explained theoretically, expanding on earlier results by Egghe. We discuss the implications and argue that, when comparing F-scores, one should compare the F-score curves’ tipping points.  相似文献   

Modern web search engines are expected to return the top-k results efficiently. Although many dynamic index pruning strategies have been proposed for efficient top-k computation, most of them are prone to ignoring some especially important factors in ranking functions, such as term-proximity (the distance relationship between query terms in a document). In our recent work [Zhu, M., Shi, S., Li, M., & Wen, J. (2007). Effective top-k computation in retrieving structured documents with term-proximity support. In Proceedings of 16th CIKM conference (pp. 771–780)], we demonstrated that, when term-proximity is incorporated into ranking functions, most existing index structures and top-k strategies become quite inefficient. To solve this problem, we built the inverted index based on web page structure and proposed the query processing strategies accordingly. The experimental results indicate that the proposed index structures and query processing strategies significantly improve the top-k efficiency. In this paper, we study the possibility of adopting additional techniques to further improve top-k computation efficiency. We propose a Proximity-Probe Heuristic to make our top-k algorithms more efficient. We also test the efficiency of our approaches on various settings (linear or non-linear ranking functions, exact or approximate top-k processing, etc.).  相似文献   

Propaganda is a mechanism to influence public opinion, which is inherently present in extremely biased and fake news. Here, we propose a model to automatically assess the level of propagandistic content in an article based on different representations, from writing style and readability level to the presence of certain keywords. We experiment thoroughly with different variations of such a model on a new publicly available corpus, and we show that character n-grams and other style features outperform existing alternatives to identify propaganda based on word n-grams. Unlike previous work, we make sure that the test data comes from news sources that were unseen on training, thus penalizing learning algorithms that model the news sources used at training time as opposed to solving the actual task. We integrate our supervised model in a public website, which organizes recent articles covering the same event on the basis of their propagandistic contents. This allows users to quickly explore different perspectives of the same story, and it also enables investigative journalists to dig further into how different media use stories and propaganda to pursue their agenda.  相似文献   

Many traditional works on off-line Thai handwritten character recognition used a set of local features including circles, concavity, endpoints and lines to recognize hand-printed characters. However, in natural handwriting, these local features are often missing due to rough or quick writing, resulting in dramatic reduction of recognition accuracy. Instead of using such local features, this paper presents a method called multi-directional island-based projection to extract global features from handwritten characters. As the recognition model, two statistical approaches, namely interpolated n-gram model (n-gram) and hidden Markov model (HMM), are proposed. The experimental results indicate that the proposed scheme achieves high accuracy in the recognition of naturally-written Thai characters with numerous variations, compared to some common previous feature extraction techniques. Another experiment with English characters also displays quite promising results.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of H filtering for neutral systems with mixed time-varying delays and nonlinear perturbations is investigated. Some new delay-dependent sufficient conditions are presented to ensure that the filtering error system is asymptotically stable with a prescribed level of H noise attenuation. In addition, the design procedures for the existence of such filter are presented in terms of a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Slack variables and convex combination technique are adopted to reduce the conservatism of obtained results. Finally, three numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Language modeling (LM), providing a principled mechanism to associate quantitative scores to sequences of words or tokens, has long been an interesting yet challenging problem in the field of speech and language processing. The n-gram model is still the predominant method, while a number of disparate LM methods, exploring either lexical co-occurrence or topic cues, have been developed to complement the n-gram model with some success. In this paper, we explore a novel language modeling framework built on top of the notion of relevance for speech recognition, where the relationship between a search history and the word being predicted is discovered through different granularities of semantic context for relevance modeling. Empirical experiments on a large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) task seem to demonstrate that the various language models deduced from our framework are very comparable to existing language models both in terms of perplexity and recognition error rate reductions.  相似文献   

An h-type index is proposed which depends on the obtained citations of articles belonging to the h-core. This weighted h-index, denoted as hw, is presented in a continuous setting and in a discrete one. It is shown that in a continuous setting the new index enjoys many good properties. In the discrete setting some small deviations from the ideal may occur.  相似文献   

This paper studies mathematical properties of h-index sequences as developed by Liang [Liang, L. (2006). h-Index sequence and h-index matrix: Constructions and applications. Scientometrics,69(1), 153–159]. For practical reasons, Liming studies such sequences where the time goes backwards while it is more logical to use the time going forward (real career periods). Both type of h-index sequences are studied here and their interrelations are revealed. We show cases where these sequences are convex, linear and concave. We also show that, when one of the sequences is convex then the other one is concave, showing that the reverse-time sequence, in general, cannot be used to derive similar properties of the (difficult to obtain) forward time sequence. We show that both sequences are the same if and only if the author produces the same number of papers per year. If the author produces an increasing number of papers per year, then Liang’s h-sequences are above the “normal” ones. All these results are also valid for g- and R-sequences. The results are confirmed by the h-, g- and R-sequences (forward and reverse time) of the author.  相似文献   

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