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In the traditional evaluation of information retrieval systems, assessors are asked to determine the relevance of a document on a graded scale, independent of any other documents. Such judgments are absolute judgments. Learning to rank brings some new challenges to this traditional evaluation methodology, especially regarding absolute relevance judgments. Recently preferences judgments have been investigated as an alternative. Instead of assigning a relevance grade to a document, an assessor looks at a pair of pages and judges which one is better. In this paper, we generalize pairwise preference judgments to relative judgments. We formulate the problem of relative judgments in a formal way and then propose a new strategy called Select-the-Best-Ones to solve the problem. Through user studies, we compare our proposed method with a pairwise preference judgment method and an absolute judgment method. The results indicate that users can distinguish by about one more relevance degree when using relative methods than when using the absolute method. Consequently, the relative methods generate 15–30% more document pairs for learning to rank. Compared to the pairwise method, our proposed method increases the agreement among assessors from 95% to 99%, while halving the labeling time and the number of discordant pairs to experts’ judgments.  相似文献   

Document retrieval systems based on probabilistic or fuzzy logic considerations may order documents for retrieval. Users then examine the ordered documents until deciding to stop, based on the estimate that the highest ranked unretrieved document will be most economically not retrieved. We propose an expected precision measure useful in estimating the performance expected if yet unretrieved documents were to be retrieved, providing information that may result in more economical stopping decisions. An expected precision graph, comparing expected precision versus document rank, may graphically display the relative expected precision of retrieved and unretrieved documents and may be used as a stopping aid for online searching of text data bases. The effectiveness of relevance feedback may be examined as a search progresses. Expected precision values may also be used as a cutoff for systems consistent with probabilistic models operating in batch modes. Techniques are given for computing the best expected precision obtainable and the expected precision of subject neutral documents.  相似文献   

The Authority and Ranking Effects play a key role in data fusion. The former refers to the fact that the potential relevance of a document increases exponentially as the number of systems retrieving it increases and the latter to the phenomena that documents higher up in ranked lists and found by more systems are more likely to be relevant. Data fusion methods commonly use all the documents returned by the different retrieval systems being compared. Yet, as documents further down in the result lists are considered, a document’s probability of being relevant decreases significantly and a major source of noise is introduced. This paper presents a systematic examination of the Authority and Ranking Effects as the number of documents in the result lists, called the list depth, is varied. Using TREC 3, 7, 8, 12 and 13 data, it is shown that the Authority and Ranking Effects are present at all list depths. However, if the systems in the same TREC track retrieve a large number of relevant documents, then the Ranking Effect only begins to emerge as more systems have found the same document and/or the list depth increases. It is also shown that the Authority and Ranking Effects are not an artifact of how the TREC test collections have been constructed.  相似文献   

This paper studies how to learn accurate ranking functions from noisy training data for information retrieval. Most previous work on learning to rank assumes that the relevance labels in the training data are reliable. In reality, however, the labels usually contain noise due to the difficulties of relevance judgments and several other reasons. To tackle the problem, in this paper we propose a novel approach to learning to rank, based on a probabilistic graphical model. Considering that the observed label might be noisy, we introduce a new variable to indicate the true label of each instance. We then use a graphical model to capture the joint distribution of the true labels and observed labels given features of documents. The graphical model distinguishes the true labels from observed labels, and is specially designed for ranking in information retrieval. Therefore, it helps to learn a more accurate model from noisy training data. Experiments on a real dataset for web search show that the proposed approach can significantly outperform previous approaches.  相似文献   

Relevance judgments occur within an information search process, where time, context and situation can impact the judgments. The determination of relevance is dependent on a number of factors and variables which include the criteria used to determine relevance. The relevance judgment process and the criteria used to make those judgments are manifestations of the cognitive changes which occur during the information search process.Understanding why these relevance criteria choices are made, and how they vary over the information search process can provide important information about the dynamic relevance judgment process. This information can be used to guide the development of more adaptive information retrieval systems which respond to the cognitive changes of users during the information search process.The research data analyzed here was collected in two separate studies which examined a subject’s relevance judgment over an information search process. Statistical analysis was used to examine these results and determine if there were relationships between criteria selections, relevance judgments, and the subject’s progression through the information search process. Findings confirm and extend findings of previous studies, providing strong statistical evidence of an association between the information search process and the choices of relevance criteria by users, and identifying specific changes in the user preferences for specific criteria over the course of the information search process.  相似文献   

Term weighting for document ranking and retrieval has been an important research topic in information retrieval for decades. We propose a novel term weighting method based on a hypothesis that a term’s role in accumulated retrieval sessions in the past affects its general importance regardless. It utilizes availability of past retrieval results consisting of the queries that contain a particular term, retrieved documents, and their relevance judgments. A term’s evidential weight, as we propose in this paper, depends on the degree to which the mean frequency values for the relevant and non-relevant document distributions in the past are different. More precisely, it takes into account the rankings and similarity values of the relevant and non-relevant documents. Our experimental result using standard test collections shows that the proposed term weighting scheme improves conventional TF*IDF and language model based schemes. It indicates that evidential term weights bring in a new aspect of term importance and complement the collection statistics based on TF*IDF. We also show how the proposed term weighting scheme based on the notion of evidential weights are related to the well-known weighting schemes based on language modeling and probabilistic models.  相似文献   

In this paper results from three studies examining 1295 relevance judgments by 36 information retrieval (IR) system end-users is reported. Both the region of the relevance judgments, from non-relevant to highly relevant, and the motivations or levels for the relevance judgments are examined. Three major findings are studied. First, the frequency distributions of relevance judgments by IR system end-users tend to take on a bi-modal shape with peaks at the extremes (non-relevant/relevant) with a flatter middle range. Second, the different type of scale (interval or ordinal) used in each study did not alter the shape of the relevance frequency distributions. And third, on an interval scale, the median point of relevance judgment distributions correlates with the point where relevant and partially relevant items begin to be retrieved. The median point of a distribution of relevance judgments may provide a measure of user/IR system interaction to supplement precision/recall measures. The implications of investigation for relevance theory and IR systems evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

Contextual document clustering is a novel approach which uses information theoretic measures to cluster semantically related documents bound together by an implicit set of concepts or themes of narrow specificity. It facilitates cluster-based retrieval by assessing the similarity between a query and the cluster themes’ probability distribution. In this paper, we assess a relevance feedback mechanism, based on query refinement, that modifies the query’s probability distribution using a small number of documents that have been judged relevant to the query. We demonstrate that by providing only one relevance judgment, a performance improvement of 33% was obtained.  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation about how to automatically formulate effective queries using full or partial relevance information (i.e., the terms that are in relevant documents) in the context of relevance feedback (RF). The effects of adding relevance information in the RF environment are studied via controlled experiments. The conditions of these controlled experiments are formalized into a set of assumptions that form the framework of our study. This framework is called idealized relevance feedback (IRF) framework. In our IRF settings, we confirm the previous findings of relevance feedback studies. In addition, our experiments show that better retrieval effectiveness can be obtained when (i) we normalize the term weights by their ranks, (ii) we select weighted terms in the top K retrieved documents, (iii) we include terms in the initial title queries, and (iv) we use the best query sizes for each topic instead of the average best query size where they produce at most five percentage points improvement in the mean average precision (MAP) value. We have also achieved a new level of retrieval effectiveness which is about 55–60% MAP instead of 40+% in the previous findings. This new level of retrieval effectiveness was found to be similar to a level using a TREC ad hoc test collection that is about double the number of documents in the TREC-3 test collection used in previous works.  相似文献   

Typical pseudo-relevance feedback methods assume the top-retrieved documents are relevant and use these pseudo-relevant documents to expand terms. The initial retrieval set can, however, contain a great deal of noise. In this paper, we present a cluster-based resampling method to select novel pseudo-relevant documents based on Lavrenko’s relevance model approach. The main idea is to use overlapping clusters to find dominant documents for the initial retrieval set, and to repeatedly use these documents to emphasize the core topics of a query.  相似文献   

Rocchio relevance feedback and latent semantic indexing (LSI) are well-known extensions of the vector space model for information retrieval (IR). This paper analyzes the statistical relationship between these extensions. The analysis focuses on each method’s basis in least-squares optimization. Noting that LSI and Rocchio relevance feedback both alter the vector space model in a way that is in some sense least-squares optimal, we ask: what is the relationship between LSI’s and Rocchio’s notions of optimality? What does this relationship imply for IR? Using an analytical approach, we argue that Rocchio relevance feedback is optimal if we understand retrieval as a simplified classification problem. On the other hand, LSI’s motivation comes to the fore if we understand it as a biased regression technique, where projection onto a low-dimensional orthogonal subspace of the documents reduces model variance.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new robust relevance model is proposed that can be applied to both pseudo and true relevance feedback in the language-modeling framework for document retrieval. There are at least three main differences between our new relevance model and other relevance models. The proposed model brings back the original query into the relevance model by treating it as a short, special document, in addition to a number of top-ranked documents returned from the first round retrieval for pseudo feedback, or a number of relevant documents for true relevance feedback. Second, instead of using a uniform prior as in the original relevance model proposed by Lavrenko and Croft, documents are assigned with different priors according to their lengths (in terms) and ranks in the first round retrieval. Third, the probability of a term in the relevance model is further adjusted by its probability in a background language model. In both pseudo and true relevance cases, we have compared the performance of our model to that of the two baselines: the original relevance model and a linear combination model. Our experimental results show that the proposed new model outperforms both of the two baselines in terms of mean average precision.  相似文献   

马巍 《情报科学》2006,24(7):1066-1068
本文介绍了用以词为基础的概念学习法来自动扩展提问式的算法,该算法通过学习出现在当前提问中的概念描述词来逐词扩展提问。实验表明,与传统的向量空间检索模型及相关反馈算法相比,本算法能大大提高查全率和查准率。该方法可用于数字图书馆和WWW等的检索中。  相似文献   

The problem of results merging in distributed information retrieval environments has gained significant attention the last years. Two generic approaches have been introduced in research. The first approach aims at estimating the relevance of the documents returned from the remote collections through ad hoc methodologies (such as weighted score merging, regression etc.) while the other is based on downloading all the documents locally, completely or partially, in order to calculate their relevance. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. Download methodologies are more effective but they pose a significant overhead on the process in terms of time and bandwidth. Approaches that rely solely on estimation on the other hand, usually depend on document relevance scores being reported by the remote collections in order to achieve maximum performance. In addition to that, regression algorithms, which have proved to be more effective than weighted scores merging algorithms, need a significant number of overlap documents in order to function effectively, practically requiring multiple interactions with the remote collections. The new algorithm that is introduced is based on adaptively downloading a limited, selected number of documents from the remote collections and estimating the relevance of the rest through regression methodologies. Thus it reconciles the above two approaches, combining their strengths, while minimizing their drawbacks, achieving the limited time and bandwidth overhead of the estimation approaches and the increased effectiveness of the download. The proposed algorithm is tested in a variety of settings and its performance is found to be significantly better than the former, while approximating that of the latter.  相似文献   

Previous studies have repeatedly demonstrated that the relevance of a citing document is related to the number of times with which the source document is cited. Despite the ease with which electronic documents would permit the incorporation of this information into citation-based document search and retrieval systems, the possibilities of repeated citations remain untapped. Part of this under-utilization may be due to the fact that very little is known regarding the pattern of repeated citations in scholarly literature or how this pattern may vary as a function of journal, academic discipline or self-citation. The current research addresses these unanswered questions in order to facilitate the future incorporation of repeated citation information into document search and retrieval systems. Using data mining of electronic texts, the citation characteristics of nine different journals, covering the three different academic fields (economics, computing, and medicine & biology), were characterized. It was found that the frequency (f) with which a reference is cited N or more times within a document is consistent across the sampled journals and academic fields. Self-citation causes an increase in frequency, and this effect becomes more pronounced for large N. The objectivity, automatability, and insensitivity of repeated citations to journal and discipline, present powerful opportunities for improving citation-based document search.  相似文献   

基于机器学习的图像检索机制的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
主要针对当前基于低水平特征的图像检索机制不能捕获图像语义的状况 ,讨论了使用长期学习的方法来学习用户的相关反馈 ,以此推断语义 ,构造语义空间 ,并结合短期学习方法 ,通过运用学习监督机制来推断用户信息需求 ,优化查询 ,逐步提高搜索引擎的性能  相似文献   

It is well-known that relevance feedback is a method significant in improving the effectiveness of information retrieval systems. Improving effectiveness is important since these information retrieval systems must gain access to large document collections distributed over different distant sites. As a consequence, efforts to retrieve relevant documents have become significantly greater. Relevance feedback can be viewed as an aid to the information retrieval task. In this paper, a relevance feedback strategy is presented. The strategy is based on back-propagation of the relevance of retrieved documents using an algorithm developed in a neural approach. This paper describes a neural information retrieval model and emphasizes the results obtained with the associated relevance back-propagation algorithm in three different environments: manual ad hoc, automatic ad hoc and mixed ad hoc strategy (automatic plus manual ad hoc).  相似文献   

Measuring effectiveness of information retrieval (IR) systems is essential for research and development and for monitoring search quality in dynamic environments. In this study, we employ new methods for automatic ranking of retrieval systems. In these methods, we merge the retrieval results of multiple systems using various data fusion algorithms, use the top-ranked documents in the merged result as the “(pseudo) relevant documents,” and employ these documents to evaluate and rank the systems. Experiments using Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) data provide statistically significant strong correlations with human-based assessments of the same systems. We hypothesize that the selection of systems that would return documents different from the majority could eliminate the ordinary systems from data fusion and provide better discrimination among the documents and systems. This could improve the effectiveness of automatic ranking. Based on this intuition, we introduce a new method for the selection of systems to be used for data fusion. For this purpose, we use the bias concept that measures the deviation of a system from the norm or majority and employ the systems with higher bias in the data fusion process. This approach provides even higher correlations with the human-based results. We demonstrate that our approach outperforms the previously proposed automatic ranking methods.  相似文献   

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