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工作场所学习是一个典型的跨学科研究领域,涉及教育学、心理学、经济学、管理学等范畴,在成人教育、企业培训、组织发展、人力资源开发等领域都产生了丰富的研究成果。随之而来的是各领域研究者对工作场所学习的概念、内涵及理论基础的认识千差万别,不利于在同一话语体系内进行学术交流和研究成果共享。本研究吸收了不同领域学者的观点,试图从认识论、知识观和学习理论的视角建立一个工作场所学习研究的理论框架,在工作场所学习理论建设方面做出一定的探索。  相似文献   

在终身学习理念的影响下,工作场所自然成为学习的重要空间。一般而言,工作场所学习的时间比学校学习的时间还要漫长,因此,对工作场所学习这一研究领域的重要性怎么强调也不为过。个体可以通过工作场所学习实现自我价值、促进其生涯的发展;组织可以通过工作场所学习提升整体的竞争力和实现其持续性发展;当社会的经济和结构处于转型阶段,工作场所学习更成为促进个体和组织适应环境变化和主动创新的重要措施。借在美国学习的机会,笔者访谈了人力资源开发领域的著名学者雅各布斯(Ronald L.Jacobs)博士,他在访谈中论述了多个与人力资源开发专业相关的问题,并认为工作场所学习与绩效咨询是人力资源开发重要的实践领域,他整合了在该领域的教学经验、研究主题和咨询项目,实现了三者的互动和连通,多维度地促进该领域的发展。雅各布斯博士,美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,简称UIUC)人力资源开发专业教授,另外还担任该校教育学院国际事务处主任一职,他在各类期刊发表了百余篇论文,出版了六本人力资源开发方面的书籍。1994年,雅各布斯博士获得了由美国培训与开发协会(ASTD)颁发的教学科技研究奖;1995年,人力资源开发学会(AHRD)表彰了他在学术上对人力资源开发领域的卓越贡献。从1998年到2001年,他担任《人力资源开发季刊》(Human Resource Development Quarterly)(SSCI来源期刊,且为人力资源开发领域的主要学术期刊)的主编,现在仍担任该杂志的客座编辑。雅各布斯博士还担任ASTD工作场所学习与绩效(Workplace Learning and Performance)认证机构的顾问委员,并于2012年当选为新一届人力资源开发学会主席。雅各布斯博士早在1987年就提出"结构化在职培训"这一概念,并著有《员工岗位培训手册》(StructuredOn-the-Job Training),该书成为很多人力资源开发实践者和培训师的参考书,且被翻译为简体中文、繁体中文、韩文与阿拉伯文等多种语言,他早期的研究着重于研究结构化在职培训的经济效益,协助组织做出与培训相关的决定。目前,韩国就业及劳动部已在全国范围内实施大规模"结构化在职培训"试行计划,以帮助本国中小型企业提高竞争力。雅各布斯博士在人力资源开发领域整合了系统理论、工作场所学习、绩效咨询等理念,并在ISO10015培训质量标准中完善了绩效分析与投资报酬率等概念。雅各布斯博士曾受邀至荷兰乌特列支大学、台湾师范大学、新加坡南洋理工大学、华东师范大学等高校担任客座教授或特聘教授。他有三十多位博士学生现供职于全球各大学人力资源开发及相关领域的教授。雅各布斯博士多年来积极参与对实践的指导工作,他为许多企业组织与政府机构提供过咨询,包括通用汽车、荷兰航空公司、雅培、现代汽车、希捷、莫顿盐业、科威特国家石油公司、沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司等。雅各布斯博士参与的咨询项目通过开发工作场所绩效系统来满足对员工的能力需求,擅长采用合作研究整合其咨询活动、学术研究和教学为一体。雅各布斯博士喜欢航海、高尔夫,以及他在伊利湖畔别墅的夏日时光。  相似文献   

伴随人类社会的快速变迁,与工作相关的学习的必要性与重要性日益凸显,工作-学习作为一个独立而专门的学术探究领域,已然成为教育科学的新疆域.本文基于对西方工作-学习领域若干学术期刊近十年来发表的论文及经典文献的梳理,针对两种典型范式,即人力资源开发范式和工作场所学习范式,从工作场所学习的本质分析、工作场所学习观的创新、工作场所作为一种独特的学习环境、工作-学习作为一个学术领域的合法性等方面,评述该领域已取得的重要理论成果,以期为我国开展工作-学习领域的研究活动与本土理论建设提供国际参照,从而更好地服务于我国9亿劳动者的人力资源开发与发展.  相似文献   

工作场所学习课程作为一种自然而然产生的课程,是一种情境课程。比利特工作场所学习课程开发理论描述了基于活动访问和指导双重原则下工作场所学习课程的理论框架。本文试图从工作场所学习课程开发的哲学基础、指导原则、开发流程及课程的合法性等方面,对比利特的工作场所学习课程思想进行解读。  相似文献   

在工作背景下的成人继续教育培训领域,先后出现了三种影响深远的理念——培训与开发、人力资源发展和工作场所学习,本文对这三种理念的产生与嬗变过程进行了梳理,并从定义、理论假设、目标、关于学习的信念、关系、动机、实践领域、模型等诸方面进行了比较。  相似文献   

【本刊讯】第九届国际人力资源开发学会(Academy of Human Resource Development)年会(亚洲分会)日前在华东师范大学召开。国际人力资源开发学会是国际人力资源开发领域最为权威的学术组织之一,每年分别在美国、欧洲和亚洲举办的年会,是该领域的重大国际盛会,它在推动全球各类组织的人力资源开发,发展工作场所学习与绩效改进  相似文献   

2010年11月11-14日,第九届国际人力资源开发学会(Academy of Human Resource Development)年会(亚洲分会)在华东师范大学成功举办.本次年会以"工作场所学习与个人、组织及社会的可持续发展"为主题,引发了国内外教育理论界与实践界对这一新兴领域的诸多关注.本文就"企业培训"、"人员开发"、"生涯发展与工作生活平衡"、"组织开发与组织学习"、"理论发展与学科建设"等五大会议热点对这次年会进行剖折.进而对这一领域的发展作较为全面的评述和展望,以期对我国推动工作场所学习这一新兴领域的理论研究与实践探索提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

工作场所学习作为终身学习、泛在学习的重要组成部分,在促进人力资源开发、人力资本绩效提升、人才强国和学习型社会建设等方面发挥至关重要的作用。近年来,我国工作场所学习研究主要围绕工作场所学习的内涵、理论基础、学习策略、类型划分、影响因素等方面展开。回顾、梳理、整合我国工作场所学习的研究成果,并针对存在问题提出相应改进策略。  相似文献   

<正>吴峰、江凤娟在《教育研究》2017年第3期中撰文,指出了工作场所数字化学习对企业从人力资源数量优势向人力资源质量优势转型过程中具有关键性作用,归纳了工作场所数字化学习的特征,并通过问卷调查和案例分析发现了工作场所数字化学习的价值,提出了三种工作场所数字化学习的模式,并在此基础上揭示了工作场所数字化学习的发展趋势。首先作者从学习对象、学习过程、学习目标三个维度对工作场所数字化学习、学校场所数字化学  相似文献   

随着非正式学习的重要性日益受到认可,工作场所学习领域对于非正式学习的研究与日俱增:研究主题逐步从理论探讨走向实践研究,即从概念辨析、理论模型设计到影响因素的实证研究、促进学习的技术实现等实践方向发展;研究对象日益多样化,聚焦的工作场所逐步从企业拓展至学校、医院等,研究对象也覆盖人力资源开发专业人员、企业主管/员工、教师、医务工作者、银行职员、社会工作者等;研究视角受到传统知识观向实践知识观的转变,从关注个体同时也从个体行为导向的视角,到关注个体与情境之间的交互,再到更广的社会-历史-文化视角;研究方法既有聚焦影响因素研究的量性研究,也有聚焦学习机制研究的质性研究。今后,工作场所非正式学习的研究需要进一步关注从经验中学习、非正式学习与正式学习之间的关系、虚拟空间的非正式学习、非正式学习的激发与支持、基于团队或组织视角的工作场所非正式学习研究等主题。  相似文献   

在大力推进终身教育与构建学习化社会的背景下,自20世纪90年代以来成人工作场所学习被西方研究者广泛关注,并取得一系列研究成果。本文选取了具有代表性的比利特、古宁汉姆、约根森和瓦林朗等研究者的成人工作场所学习理论,通过对它们的比较和分析,探讨西方成人工作场所学习理论研究的发展。  相似文献   

In Finnish VET, students’ work experience is explicitly defined as workplace learning, instead of the practice of already learnt skills. Therefore, vocational students’ learning periods in the workplace are goal-oriented, guided and assessed. This paper examines the characteristics of students’ workplace learning and compares them with the characteristics of employees’ workplace learning. The data were collected with an Internet questionnaire from final-year vocational students (N = 3106). In total, 1603 students (52 %) answered the questionnaire. The data were analysed using quantitative methods. The results indicate that features typical of employees’ workplace learning can also be found in student learning as well. However, VET-related workplace learning has a number of characteristics that have not been brought to light in research on employees’ workplace learning thus far. We suggest that in developing educational practices it would be useful to draw on some of the features of workplace learning such as the use of collaboration and shared practices; conversely for workplace practices it would be useful to draw on some of the features of educational practices. For example, by utilising the structures of students’ workplace learning system presented in this study, learning at work could be transformed towards more goal-directed, guided and assessed activity.  相似文献   

The article presents a thematic review of the recent research on workplace learning. It is divided into two main sections. The first section asks what we know about learning at work, and states four propositions: (1) the nature of workplace learning is both different from and similar to school learning; (2) learning in the workplace can be described at different levels, ranging from the individual to the network and region; (3) workplace learning is both informal and formal; and (4) workplaces differ a lot in how they support learning. The second section focuses on workplace learning that is related to formal education. Different models of organising work experience for students and the challenges of creating partnerships between education and working life are described. It is concluded that the worlds of education and work are moving closer each other and that the integration of formal and informal learning is an essential prerequisite for developing the kinds of expertise needed in response to the changes taking place in working life.  相似文献   

While learning journals (LJs) have been shown to support self-regulated learning strategies, reflection and learning outcomes in academic contexts, few studies have investigated their relevance in vocational education. A mobile and online learning journal (MOLJ) was developed to support reflection on workplace experiences. However, acceptance of the mobile and online learning journal by apprentices and supervisors is not trivial. This study investigated how apprentices use the mobile and online learning journal and why they use it that way. The mobile and online learning journal was developed for apprentices in the field of bakery and contains a recipe book, a smartphone app to take pictures of workplace experiences, and a learning journal for reflection. Apprentices’ workplace supervisors have access to the mobile and online learning journal to provide support and feedback. A mixed method study was conducted with 16 apprentices. Indicators of their use of the mobile and online learning journal were recorded, while reasons for use were studied by questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Four kinds of users of the mobile and online learning journal were identified: Multifunction users, picture takers, learning journal users, and overall low users. The most determining factors for the acceptance and use of the mobile and online learning journal by apprentices were their interest in the use of a smartphone at the workplace, their acceptance of reflection on workplace experiences through the mobile and online learning journal, and supervisors’ participation and provision of feedback. Promoting the use of learning journals by apprentices requires strong guidance in the design of the learning journal as well as support and feedback from supervisors. Taking pictures from the workplace proves useful for learning and sharing experience in vocational training.  相似文献   

Workplace learning is becoming a central tenet for a large proportion of today’s employees. This seems especially true for so-called knowledge workers. Today, it remains unclear how differences in the quality of workplace learning are affected by differences in perception of the workplace environment and the motivation of knowledge workers to learn. Moreover, the possible role of motivation as a mediating factor between workplace climate factors and learning is underexplored. This paper therefore investigates direct and indirect links between perceptions of the workplace climate, motivation to learn and approaches to learning in the workplace. Knowledge workers (N?=?202) in one knowledge intensive organisation were questioned using existing and adapted questionnaires to measure learning approaches, motivation and workplace climate. Correlations and multivariate regression analyses were carried out to assess direct relationships amongst variables. Path analysis was carried out to assess the mediating role of motivation. Results show that both workplace climate factors and motivation directly influence employees’ approaches to learning. Some direct relationships between workplace climate factors and motivation were also uncovered. Results regarding the mediating role of motivation showed that the effect of good supervision on deep learning is completely mediated by autonomous motivation. The effect of choice independence on deep learning approach is partially mediated by the same motivational drive. A-motivation was found to partially mediate the link between good supervision and a surface disorganised approach. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

In the Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) curriculum, reflection on workplace activities is widely used to support student learning. Recent critiques have demonstrated the limitations of current approaches to support students' reflective learning of workplace practices. By employing a practice-based approach, we seek to refocus WIL reflection on workplace practices, emphasising the ‘embedded (social), engaged (practice) and embodied (material) aspects' of students' reflective practices in the workplace. We argue that reflection-in-the-midst-of-action includes an often-overlooked phenomenological contribution that shifts attention from cognition to action. This study uses a case study of one typical WIL student to illustrate the importance of reflection-in-the-midst-of-action and the limitations of pedagogical structure using an e-log and reflective journal to capture reflection-in-the-midst-of-action. We argue that the move to consider reflection as a practice, and the move to refocus reflection to reflection-in-the-midst-of-action, supports a learning approach that is more congruent with workplace action and context.  相似文献   

This study builds on two assumptions regarding agency in teachers' workplace learning. (1) While teachers enact school reform in daily school and classroom practice, they actively redefine the reform. (2) In this learning process, in which working and learning are integrated, teachers reinterpret and reinvent the workplace conditions in their school. These workplace conditions function as enabling and/or constraining environments for learning. Teachers' perception of workplace conditions in their schools and their definitions of and attitudes toward reform are regarded as more or less integrated results of and conditions for workplace learning. As such, they are expected to be related. The question in this article is if this relationship can be demonstrated. Data are collected in a comparative case study of 18 secondary school teachers in the context of the reform of students' active and self-directed learning. Results show that schools as learning environments are interpreted by teachers as complex and multidimensional, rather than dual ideal types. Teachers' definitions of and attitudes toward reform are related to their perceptions of workplace conditions in the predicted direction.  相似文献   

The research discussed in this article focuses on workplace learning in industrial manufacturing work. Everyday work episodes contributing to workplace learning are investigated in four companies operating in the Finnish and Swedish package-supplier sectors. The research adopts a qualitative, interpretive approach. Interviews with employees and managers along with workplace observations were used to gather data on work and learning. The findings indicate that workplace learning may have two purposes: routine-generating learning that contributes to the basic job mastery, and regenerative learning that promotes employees’ ongoing competence and generates new work methods. Routine-generating learning occurs when an employee joins an organization and is planned, supported, and assessed in the companies. However, the lack of job rotation delimits further routine-generating learning. Regenerative learning takes place at the individual level but is not adequately supported at the collective level. The paper advances practical ideas on how to promote these two instances of workplace learning in industrial work.  相似文献   

Many professional educational programs combine learning at an educational institute with learning in the workplace. The differences between these contexts, and the resulting challenges for learning, have been well-documented. However, there are few studies that explore the same students’ learning in both contexts, and even fewer that compare that learning to the learning that results from an integration of learning in both contexts. In this study we investigate, in detail, the similarities and differences of students’ learning activities both within and between the formal educational and workplace contexts of a professional educational program in the Netherlands. To that end, we analysed 1866 learning experiences of 148 students in a dual teacher education program. Analyses revealed that although the different contexts appear to be more conducive to certain kinds of learning activities, thereby confirming prior research, all learning activities did occur in all contexts. Our findings also confirm the value of learning that combines the educational and the workplace contexts, as this learning results in integrations of theory and practice and reflections on professional identity. Implications for dual education programs include focussing on increasing the diversity of learning activities within a single context and supporting students in learning how to learn, next to what to learn, irrespective of the context in which this learning takes place.  相似文献   

In the knowledge economy, many companies are well aware of the vital need to maintain the professional expertise of their workers at a high level. Though there have been a lot of research studies in the areas of professional expertise and workplace learning, few examined the learning pathways novice workers went through to become experts in their professions. Most of the research studies on expertise focused on the nature of expertise and few on its development. As for workplace learning research, most studies focused on the learning resources and methods workers used and the affordances of the workplace in making learning possible. Based on the accounts of expertise development collected from individual information technology (IT) workers in Hong Kong, this paper proposes a four-phase model of professional expertise development in the workplace and discusses its similarities to and differences from extant theories of expertise and skill development.  相似文献   

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