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Growth Theory Reconsidered   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Nordic curriculum history research basically forms part of an international universe historically related to the new sociology of education and critical curriculum theory. In many ways this tradition can be seen as a critical corrective of the optimistic scientific‐rational conception of curriculum and the study of curriculum history on that base. However, the critical tradition can be further developed by being related to ways of analysing on‐going contestation over curriculum questions, using and elaborating a societal theory of curriculum history and the critical pragmatic perspective.  相似文献   

There is, on the face of it, a logical difficulty as well as a practical one about ascribing to parents both a right to give their children a religious upbringing and a duty to avoid indoctrinating them. Curiously, this logical difficulty was largely overlooked in the debate on religious upbringing and parental rights between Terence McLaughlin, Eamonn Callan and Peter Gardner in the 1980s. In this paper I set out the terms of the logical problem and propose a solution to it.  相似文献   

Radical Constructivism is currently a very influencial view in mathematics education. This paper examines its philosophical roots through a review of the book Radical Constructivism by Ernst von Glasersfeld. It begins by describing the structure of the book, and then considers a number of philosophical issues raised by the book. The paper concludes with some reflections on the relationship between philosophy and mathematics education which the book provoked.  相似文献   

Constructivism is a concept that in recent years has garnered considerable attention among science education researchers. Essentially, constructivism is a model of how learning takes place. Yager (1991, p. 53) called it a "most promising model" of learning. Yeany (1991, p. 1) alluded to a Kuhnian paradigm shift and suggested that constructivism may lead to a gelling of existing thought as well as the stimulation of new ideas. We do not believe this is hyperbole. In fact, we would add that the potential extends far beyond the bounds of science education (see e.g., Aderman & Russell, 1990). It seems to us that constructivist thought is applicable in any learning situation, including educational and psychological consultation. In this column, we first briefly describe constructivist thought as it has developed in the field of science education. Second, we suggest that constructivism can provide a promising conceptual framework for organizing research and practice in the various fields in which consultation is practiced.  相似文献   

社会建构主义力图理解个体与个体间的意义和动机,它视个人为具备资格能力和沟通能力的行动者,积极主动地建构着社会世界,其学术脉络大致可分为受韦伯影响的现象学、常人方法学以及受齐美尔影响的符号互动论.社会建构主义深刘地影响了以塔克曼、甘姆逊等为代表的新闻建构论,使后者更为关注社会系统中的互动、意义和符号,并将作为符号载体与源泉的新闻传播过程引入其后更深更广的历史背景与社会结构,在历史社会语境中考察新闻的生产、传播与接收.  相似文献   

Constructivism Examined   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper I examine constructivism as a view of learning which has come to dominate educational debates about learning in the field of teacher education. The major claims of a variety of constructivist theories are considered and found to be largely wanting, in that they either differ little from common sense empiricist views, or else provide misleading and incomplete views of human learning, with consequently misleading implications for teaching in classrooms.  相似文献   

Constructivism deconstructed   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper examines the doctrine of constructivism as presented by Ernst von Glasersfeld (1989). Part I attempts to elicit a clearer statement of the concepts, positions and arguments for the latter than is immediately available in the paper. Part II discusses the problem of intersubjectivity in constructivism. The general conclusions drawn from these sections is that the basic concepts and theses of constructivism are, mostly, at best very obscure, that there is very little argument involved, and that where there is it is quite unsatisfactory. Part III ventures an explanation of at least some of the weaknesses in the doctrine, this involving a brief independent treatment of some relevant epistemological questions.  相似文献   

战国中期,各家各派开始论证社会治乱的根源,并致力于探讨人类社会历史的发展过程,因此历史观成为诸子百家争鸣的一个重要领域。其中,孟子历史观中的天命论、过程论和动力论就体现出了鲜明的时代特点。  相似文献   

In this article, I explore the tensions between constructivism and feminism in teaching a course on social work practice with women. Drawing on modernist feminist theory, I examine the conflict between validating the stories that women construct for themselves, while raising women's awareness of the difficulties in constructing liberated stories in an oppressive society. I discuss strategies I have used in the classroom to address, albeit not resolve, these tensions.  相似文献   

The historical concept of professionalism is questioned as a model for the future of ACES as an organization. Two major issues are raised. The first issue is the lack of clarity of purpose within ACES and counselor education. Counselor Education in ACES and APGA usually refers to school counseling. Questions are raised about the nature of ACES and the structure of APGA. The second issue speaks to the question of the social responsibility and role of a profession. It is suggested that counselor education has strong social responsibilities, including the possibility of opening new career patterns for the poor.  相似文献   

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