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数字鸿沟的危害性及其跨越策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
数字鸿沟将进一步加剧贫富分化,威胁国家安全乃至全球政治经济的稳定,威胁世界文化财富和语言的多样性,剥夺一些人参与社会活动的权利。应调动一切可以调动的力量,携手解决这个问题。要加快发展中国家和农村的通信基础设施建设;在通信技术的研究开发中,优先考虑缩小数字鸿沟的技术;要全面提高教育水平,普及信息技术教育。  相似文献   

This research—a pilot study on the cognitive mediation model (CMM) in Singapore—seeks to revisit and test the applicability of an extended CMM in the context of nanotechnology by examining perceived familiarity as a separate outcome variable in addition to factual knowledge. A cross-sectional survey was administered to a nationally representative sample of 719 adult Singaporeans. Results demonstrated partial support for the hypothesized CMM. First, elaboration was positively associated with both factual knowledge and perceived familiarity, whereas interpersonal discussions about science was associated only with familiarity. Results also showed differential relationships between attention to media platforms (traditional vs. new media) and reflective integration (composed of elaborative processing and interpersonal discussion); whereas attention to science reporting in newspapers and science television programs were associated with elaboration, media attention across all platforms were associated with interpersonal discussions. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This investigation focused on gender differences in young adults related to health consciousness and online health information seeking. Contrary to prior research, gender was not a significant predictor of either health consciousness or health information-seeking behavior. Furthermore, health consciousness was found to be a more influential predictor of online health information-seeking behaviors than gender.  相似文献   

最具发展潜力的数字出版正面临着数字鸿沟的挑战,从根本上看,数字鸿沟涉及的是信息平等和社会公正.面对数字资源获取维度不平衡引发的“信息鸿沟”,数字化技术普及过程中出现的“技术鸿沟”,以及数字技术增长导致的数字思维分化鸿沟,数字出版必须坚持数字技术利益分配上的公平正义原则,扩大数字出版物的共享尺度,提升从业人员的数字素养,加强数字技术协作,唯有如此,才能真正将数字挑战转化为数字机遇.  相似文献   

目前学界在数字原住民和数字移民的概念界定上尚未达成共识。在以往对信息管理的研究中,不同类型的用户通常在动因、认知风格和行为模式上存在较为显著的差异。本文在相关文献研究的基础上对数字原住民和数字移民的概念进行系统性解析和述评,并从认知科学、行为科学和设计学的角度提出数字悟性(digital savvy)的概念,建议暂时搁置对于数字原住民和数字移民的学术争辩,从整合的研究视角出发跨越两者间单纯的二元对立,为用户信息行为领域的理论和实证研究提供新的构念和研究方向。图2。表1。参考文献55。  相似文献   

提出传统的数字鸿沟正在缩小,新数字鸿沟出现。分析新数字鸿沟产生的原因,介绍其主要几个表现形式,最后从宏观角度给出对策。  相似文献   

数字化技术的日益兴盛,引发了知识生产方式的重要变迁,而媒介在“知识—社会”系统中充当的角色则从传统意义上的信息传播者转变为知识生产者.文章借助知识社会学的视角,分析媒介在知识生产过程中的三大具体功能:知识生产传播功能、知识节点链接功能、知识讨论平台功能,进而通过知识生产源头、知识流动秩序、知识内容表征、知识统筹方式等4方面探讨数字化与知识生产联姻后的情况,为数字媒介研究提供新的理论思路.  相似文献   

Since the electronic resources and Internet Web sites became popular, distance education courses offered via the Internet could play an important role in providing global digital resources and teaching the knowledge of international library and information standards for bibliographic databases with electronic and web resources.This paper uses the example of the author‘s new online course: ILS 608 Cataloging and Development of a Digital Union Catalog for Ancient Chinese Books to demonstrate the global re...  相似文献   

进入九十年代,中国人文和社会科学界掀起了学术史研究的热潮:文学、历史、哲学、政治、法律、经济等各个学科均从自己的视角出发,对近现代以来中国的学术道路、学术建树进行某种程度的总结,企望通过冷静反省鸦片战争以来尤其是新文化运动以来中国的文化命运和学术走势,来构成对中国学术和中国社会相互关系的深入理解,并在此基础上构筑对新世纪之新学术前景的展望。作为一门相对年轻的学科,中国的“新闻与传播学”在九十年代中国学术史研究的大合唱中显得有些底气不足,尤其在方法论上,表现出与其它人文一社会科学进行交流和国外同类研究展开对话的手段不多。造成这种结果的原因是多方面的,但解决问题的途径只有一个,就是增进了解。  相似文献   

This study applies the knowledge gap and the belief gap hypotheses to explore knowledge about same-sex marriage rights in the United States. Whereas the knowledge gap predicts that individuals of higher socioeconomic status will be better informed on political issues, the belief gap suggests that that political ideology is a stronger predictor of knowledge and beliefs than education or income levels. Results from this study indicated that higher income levels were a significant predictor of more knowledge about same-sex marriage policy but education was not related to knowledge. As for the belief gap, political party affiliation was not a stronger predictor of knowledge than education level. However, political party affiliation and partisan media (both conservative and liberal) indirectly impacted knowledge through attitudes toward homosexuality, such that Democratic partisanship and liberal media use indirectly led to more knowledge about same-sex marriage rights and conservative media indirectly led to less knowledge about same-sex marriage rights.  相似文献   

数字鸿沟研究的未来:境外数字不平等研究进展   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
从分析传统数字鸿沟研究的局限性出发,对国际学术界数字不平等研究的最新进展进行综述,认为数字不平等的核心内涵是: ICT接入者和利用者的分层化和多样化;ICT接入和利用背后的动机、利用能力和效果的不平等及其所反映出的各类社会不平等;数字不平等是文化复制的结果;传统社会阶层之间的控制与反控制关系在ICT利用和接入中的表现等。数字不平等表现维度的研究有传统的ICT接入、利用、心理及技能视角,有从资本角度的研究,还有综合的衡量方法。表1。参考文献37。  相似文献   

A "Digital Divide" in information and technological literacy exists in Utah between small hospitals and clinics in rural areas and the larger health care institutions in the major urban area of the state. The goals of the outreach program of the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library at the University of Utah address solutions to this disparity in partnership with the National Network of Libraries of Medicine-- Midcontinental Region, the Utah Department of Health, and the Utah Area Health Education Centers. In a circuit-rider approach, an outreach librarian offers classes and demonstrations throughout the state that teach information-access skills to health professionals. Provision of traditional library services to unaffiliated health professionals is integrated into the library's daily workload as a component of the outreach program. The paper describes the history, methodology, administration, funding, impact, and results of the program.  相似文献   

Mapping the digital divide in America is a multifaceted issue; however, the influence of underlying socioeconomic causes, the shift in the conversation to new divides including broadband accessibility and digital literacy, and the importance of the library in narrowing the divide are all prominent points of focus in the literature today. As conversations surrounding the digital divide begin to shift from a divide in access to a divide in skills and/or literacy, attention must be drawn to meeting those needs in equal measure to maintaining access as the primary means of closing the digital divide in America.  相似文献   

缩小数字鸿沟--图书馆的作用与举措   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
数字鸿沟已成为一个严重的社会问题,引起世界各国政府的重视。本文分析我国的数字鸿沟现状,阐述图书馆缩小数字鸿沟的作用,并提出图书馆缩小数字鸿沟的举措。  相似文献   

汤曼  肖烨 《图书馆学刊》2010,32(7):63-65
数字鸿沟分为两种:一级鸿沟和二级鸿沟。一级鸿沟是计算机或互联网接入方面存在的差距;二级鸿沟指计算机使用方面存在的差距。信息素质教育旨在提高用户对信息和知识的获取和利用能力,它在缩小二级鸿沟中发挥着重要的作用。从我国信息素质教育现状展开分析,指出全面加强信息素质教育是缩小二级鸿沟的一种重要途径。  相似文献   

我国"数字鸿沟"问题研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“数字鸿沟”是社会成员拥有数字信息的差异,它已经成为一个严重的社会问题,引起世界各国政府的重视。本文分析我国的数字鸿沟问题和产生的原因,作者介绍了国外解决数字鸿沟的措施,并提出我国应加快经济的发展,加大对信息产业的投入,普及信息技术,并实施相关的优惠政策和普遍服务原则,缩小和消除“数字鸿沟”。  相似文献   

This article models media manipulation in which a sender or senders manipulate information through the media to influence receivers. This article shows that if there is only 1 sender who has a conditional preference for maintaining its credibility in reporting accurate information and if the receivers face a coordination situation without information about their opponents' types, the sender could influence the receivers to make decisions according to the sender's primary preference by manipulating the information through the media, which makes the report common knowledge. This is true even when the sender and the receivers have contradictory primary preferences. This result extends to the cases in which the sender has imperfect information or in which the sender's primary preference is to maintain its credibility. In the case of multiple senders, however, when there is enough competition among the senders or when simultaneous reporting takes place, the receivers could play their favored outcome against senders' preferences, which sheds light on a solution to the media manipulation problem.  相似文献   

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