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In this article I describe three key design issues which underlie a CIRG project building an open learning hypertext package for teaching writing skills. These are issues in:
  • ? combining flexible materials with fixed structures;
  • ? giving students real flexibility in learning;
  • ? the nature of interaction in hypertext writing teaching.
  • I outline a design strategy to meet problems in all these areas.  相似文献   

    Mathematics, seen as a model of pure science, often conveys the image of a science constructing itself in quite poor technological environments; it nevertheless develops by elaborating (and by exploiting) powerful material and symbolic tools. Actually mathematics teaching is closer to this image of mathematics than to mathematical practice: its goal seems to transmit a form of culture rather than efficient computation tools and theoretical means of their control (Kahane, 2002). This situation is viable if the tools can be held at distance, outside the classroom; it is no longer viable when computation tools (essentially calculators) are imported by students themselves inside the classroom and integrated into their mathematical practice. Thus established conflict between the social legitimacy of these tools and their school illegitimacy (Chevallard, 1992) deeply destabilises mathematics teaching itself. We present here a general framework to think about the integration of the tools in the teaching and learning of mathematics. More precisely, we propose:
    1. A theoretical approach, which allows us to understand the influence of tools on human activity and in particular on professional and school education processes;
    2. An analysis of computerized learning environments, which shows the importance of students' control of their own activity;
    3. Some elements that help to think about the temporal and spatial organization of study in such environments and to guide students' activity;
    4. A reflection about the conception of pedagogical resources, which is all the more necessary if one wants to facilitate an evolution of teachers' practices.

    Based upon a nation wide campaign called Public Private Partnership—Schools in the Net (PPP-SiN) (Public Private Partnership—Schule im Netz (PPP-SiN), 2000) we were able to initiate an externally financed project of in-service teacher education. The paper describes the realization of this project. Reflections are given on why teachers hesitate to integrate ICT into their teaching. Media competencies are recognized to be key in this context. We reflect upon the following five questions:
    1. How do we educate the right thing as well as educate the right way?
    2. Which ambient conditions must be met?
    3. Which preliminary actions have to be taken and implemented?
    4. Which tools, methods and instruments do we need?
    5. How do we make sure that the transfer of learned knowledge will take place to find its way into successful teaching?

    This survey presents the essentials of a study concerning problem solving ability in children aged 12–13. It forms part of a large project concerning the impact of calculators and computers in school mathematics and the consequences for certain basic abilities. The contents of the survey are in brief:
  • ? definition of problem solving ability;
  • ? test construction;
  • ? interviews;
  • ? supplementary investigations.
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    In the article three parts of classroom conversation are studied with respect to the linguistic interference between teacher and pupils. Special attention is given to the reference of words and symbols of teacher and pupils. Some conclusions are:
  • - In classroom conversation we may consider the references of speech act as one of the basic features of learning.
  • - For succesful transfer of references between teacher and pupil, it is necessary that they are handling the same referential frameworks. Those frameworks are very fundamental in every day speech (‘form’ and ‘color’).
  • - Differences in references between teacher and pupils may lead to blockages in the learning. Sometimes they result in learning that is an imitation of teacher behaviour.
  • - To avoid these unwanted effects of learning, the teacher has to ensure that learning takes place within the everyday language of the pupils. So he will have to stimulate the pupils to explicate by themselves what they perceive and what they think.
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    Today’s societies place challenging demands on individuals, who are confronted with complexity in many parts of their lives. What do these demands imply for key competencies that individuals need to acquire? Defining such competencies can improve assessments of how well prepared young people and adults are for life’s challenges, as well as identify overarching goals for education systems and lifelong learning. Why are competencies so important today? The PISA 2000 results underline the importance of student engagement. PISA found strong relationships between students’ attitudes, learning strategies and performance. In addition to skills related to specific parts of the school curriculum, students need to be equipped with some general competencies to solve life’s challenges. As they progress to adulthood, they need to learn to be able to complete not just pre-rehearsed exercises, but must also be able to solve problems set in unfamiliar situations by thinking flexibly and pragmatically. PISA 2003 therefore made a first-time assessment of students’ problem-solving skills. Findings revealed that just under one in five 15-year-olds in OECD countries are ‘reflective, communicative problem solvers’ able to tackle difficult tasks and also just under one in five students have problem-solving skills that cannot even be classified as ‘basic problem solvers’. What could be the basic problem and what resolution can be sought for? There are several examples in learning theory that suggests promises which need to be revisited. Barr and Tagg [From teaching to learning. Change. November/December pp. 13–25. Retrieved June 15, 2006 from http://critical.tamucc.edu/~blalock/readings/tch2learn.htm, 1995] defined the differences of paradigms in terms of learning theory comparing the notions of ‘teaching’ and that of ‘learning’, obviously expressing preferences to the later for its more in-depth effect on the learner. One of the main learner-centric approaches providing adequate positive results is problem based learning (PBL). This paper revisits the pedagogic theory behind PBL and examines it through a practical case study of a TeaM challenge game [TeaM challenge games: http://kihivas.ini.hu] with respect to its value in teacher education. It will concentrate on issues centred around:
    • Traces of use of higher order thinking skills—according to Bloom’s taxonomy.
    • Pedagogic pre-assumptions (designer’s side): requirements for design and supposed impact of students and teachers.
    • Assignment within teacher training (training side): as the task of setting up such game is performed within Informatics teacher training at ELTE University and games were launched into public education.
    • Pedagogic realities (facilitator’s side): how the teachers at a specific participant school viewed their role, the game, its impact and pedagogic value, its role in fulfilling the National Curriculum and its benefit for students.
    • Indirect impact (staff’s side): how the game has affected the whole staff at school and what impact it had of the attitude of teachers.
    • Results (evaluator’s side): how the game was evaluated in several ways and what new methods it has introduced into public education.

    This article examines factors affecting the development and implementation of Education Policy with special reference to the 1981 Education Act for England and Wales. Research is reported about professional practice and administrative behaviour in special education assessment. Six professional and administrative factors are identified which may affect the implementation of the new special education legislation:
    1. The nature of the professional domain of special education assessment;
    2. The emergence of competing definitions of special educational need and good practice;
    3. The concern for professional and administrative accountability;
    4. The concern for the rights of users of special education provision;
    5. The politicisation of special education through the development of interest groups;
    6. The market relations between supply and demand in special education provision.

    Two basic points are made in this article:
  • -We must make a choice whether we ‘isolate’ people from or ‘include’ people in our communities. Including people is the only viable option.
  • -The key to ‘including’ people is with the very people we most often label as ‘the problems’. These ‘problem people’ can help generate answers when we learn how to listen, and when we offer genuine learning opportunities and valid partnerships with those who have been ‘missed’ and discarded.
  • Examples from various Frontier College programs illustrate these points and elaborate the central philosophy of the College (Student Centred Individualized Learning — SCIL), which is based on the beliefs that:
  • -All are welcome
  • -All belong
  • -All can learn
  • -All have contributions to make
  • The programmes are focused on ‘literacy’, which is a great deal more than reading and writing — it is about what kind of society we want. Literacy is a tool for ‘inclusion’ in communities. It is hard work, and includes love and tears, grief and joy, families and friends. It is based on the Right to Learn, and builds dignity, self esteem and choices.  相似文献   

    The purpose of this two-part article is to point the way towards more sophisticated educational technologies with specific reference to educating the disadvantaged. In Part I, after summarizing some of the current problems in educating the disadvantaged, a new theory of structural learning is proposed and relationships between this theory, educational technology, and curriculum development are made explicit. This conceptual framework then is used as a basis for planning curriculum development in education. Part II shows in more detail how this plan may be applied in the real world with special reference to three specific projects:
    1. An efficient and self-instructional way to diagnose and teach the basic arithmetical skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
    2. A systematic way of teaching children how to read critically based on a behavioral analysis of the process in terms of logical reasoning.
    3. A plan for in-service teacher education which deals with mathematical processes (as opposed to content).

    In teaching, representations are used as ways to illustrate the concepts underlying a specific topic. For example, use symbols (e.g., 1?+?2?=?3) to express the concept of addition. To compare students’ abilities to interpret different representations in mathematics, the symbolic representation (SR) test and the pictorial representation (PR) test were designed, and then administered to 681 sixth graders in Taipei, Taiwan. This study adopts two different modeling perspectives, the testlet perspective and the multi-ability perspective, to analyze this SR and PR test data in the context of item response theory. The main results show that:
    1. Students scored on average significantly higher on the SR test than the PR test.
    2. The effects of the item stem testlets could be large, but they are statistically non-significant; however, the influence of the number of items in the testlet should also be considered.
    3. The nature of the option representations, SR and PR, represents two different mathematics abilities.
    4. The main factor that influences students’ item responses is students’ abilities to interpret SR and PR, and the testlet effects generated from the shared item stem can be ignored.
    5. Regarding the parameter estimates of the best-fitting model: (a) the person ability variance estimates show that the ability distributions on the SR and PR dimension may not be the same, (b) the correlation estimate between the SR and PR dimension indicates that these two abilities are moderately correlated, and (c) the item difficulty estimates for different models are similar.
    Suggestions for teaching practice and future studies are provided in the Conclusion.  相似文献   

    This study investigated how Israeli teacher-counselors view their actual performance and what it is that teacher-counselors themselves feel should be their ideal roles. Counseling services were introduced into the educational system in Israel in 1960. Due to the fact that there was an urgent need to help students in their vocational plans and with their learning difficulties (Klingman and Ajzen, 1978), supervisors in The Ministry of Education suggested that teachers who have at least three years of teaching experience start a two year in-service training program in order to prepare them as specialists in helping pupils in the elementary schools plan for their future. A second objective was to help exceptional children with their learning problems. These goals caused the teacher with two years of special training to add a new role to his/her educational and teaching role. This dual role has been called ‘Teacher-counselor.’ In 1960, thirty four teacher-counselors started their work in different schools in Israel. Their major work was concentrated on disadvantaged children and with 7th and 8th graders helping them with their learning difficulties. To prevent overlapping with other helping professions and confusion concerning this new profession, a follow up study was conducted by Malinovski and Malinovski (1964) in order to define the role of the teacher-counselor. They have defined it to include eight activities which teacher-counselors were found to be involved with:
    1. Help students adjust to school and community.
    2. Help students reach self-understanding.
    3. Provide information needed for vocational plans.
    4. Help students understand their interests, values, and aptitudes.
    5. Help students in human relationships.
    6. To be a consultant for teachers and other professional workers.
    7. Help parents in decision making concerning vocational plans for their children, and assist them in coping with behavioral problems.
    8. Referral to special institutions when needed.
    Since its origins in 1960, school counseling in Israel has been developed rapidly. This is reflected especially in the increasing number of teacher-counselors (43 teacher-counselors in 1964 to 800 teacher-counselors in 1976 and to 1366 teacher-counselors in 1981). Teacher-counselors now work not only in the Ministry of Education but also in the Ministry of Labor providing vocational services to teenagers who dropped out of school and who are encouraged to work and learn at the same time. As mentioned earlier, originally teacher-counselors were certified teachers who were selected after three years of experience in teaching and then they participated in a two-year program of in service training to become teacher-counselors. This state of affairs did remain for long. Soon after the introduction of the counseling services, universities responded to the newly created need and developed academic programs (for B.A. and then M.A. degrees) in counseling education. This evolution in training programs took place in the mid 1960's and brought a new sense of professionalism to the field of counseling. Until the mid seventies, universities limited admissions to counselor training to only those candidates who were already certified teachers with at least three years of experience. Currently, admission is not limited to teachers only but includes ‘fresh’ in-experienced students who can be admitted when they qualify on two criteria: Academic achievement and personality variables. The latter development has two significant meanings. First, the quality of students has become higher as they are selected from a larger population. Second, it is well known in Israel that for the teaching profession there exists what is called in Israel ‘negative selection: the less able go to teacher training seminaries to become teachers. Thus, by limiting admission to programs of training counselors only to graduates of these seminaries, the educational system's weaknesses were perpetuated. By widening the range of potential candidates not only has the quality of students and departments greatly improved, but also the educational system has gained much from these highly able counselors even though they are less experienced.  相似文献   

    The acquisition of knowledge, the development of the individual's knowledge bases, does not occur in a vacuum. The social context, both social structure (the perceived regularities in the social network) and social knowledge, appears to be related to the individual's acquisition of knowledge. In this article, the relationship between the social world and individual knowledge acquisition is explored. A general theory is postulated and then formulated as a model. The basic theory is predicated on the assumption that social interaction is the driving force behind knowledge acquisition. A selection of results pertaining to social learning will be presented. These include, but are not limited to the following:
    • ? Social structure affects knowledge acquisition; e.g., individuals in tightly knit social groups develop similar cognitive structures, but not necessarily similar evaluations of those structures.
    • ? Social knowledge evolves slowly and relative to shared experience.
    • ? Individual knowledge acquisition is limited; e.g., individuals and groups talk past each other because of the lack of critical paths in their respective knowledge bases.

    This study reviews the literature on academic environments with particular reference to the academic department which is seen as the most important factor in the teaching and learning environment. Departmental environment characteristics as identified by faculty and by students are described. For students the most important are:-
  • Student-Faculty Relationships;
  • Interest and Engagement in Teaching; and
  • Satisfaction with Instruction.
  • Differences between teaching and between learning environments are explained, especially differences between social science and natural science departments. These differences reflect the interaction between discipline, personal styles of faculty and students, and faculty-student relationships. Student academic satisfaction seems to be heavily dependent upon the relationships between students and faculty. Student achievement in relation to students' perception of the academic department seems to be dependent on the degree of their adaptation to the department. The studies reviewed clearly show that there are differences between departments. They also show that these differences may be explained not only by differences with regard to the characteristics of the academic discipline concerned, but also by differences concerning student-faculty relationships, faculty interest in students and teaching and the interaction between these factors. Teacher and student satisfaction and student achievement are affected by these variables.  相似文献   

    This study deals with the observation of a class composed of children aged 8–9 solving division problems. The analysis aims at differentiating the attitudes of pupils confronted with situations resulting from ‘EMPIRICAL’ learning from those observed in situations involving action resulting from ‘DIALECTIC’ learning. Two learning sequences are described in the course of the study:
  • * The first includes four classical terms which allow the use of empirical methods to find the quotient and the remainder.
  • * The second includes two terms elaborated so that they favour a dialectic of action with the children.
  • The observed differences reveal that:

  • * The repetition of drills of the same nature during the first learning sequence does not result in important variations as far as success and solution procedures are concerned.
  • * On the other hand, during the second learning sequence, all pupils use a more economical solution procedure with high level success rate.
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    Research often reports an overt discrepancy between theoretically/out-of context expressed teacher beliefs about mathematics and pedagogy and actual practice. In order to explore teacher knowledge in situation-specific contexts we have engaged mathematics teachers with classroom scenarios (Tasks) which: are hypothetical but grounded on learning and teaching issues that previous research and experience have highlighted as seminal; are likely to occur in actual practice; have purpose and utility; and, can be used both in (pre- and in-service) teacher education and research through generating access to teachers’ views and intended practices. The Tasks have the following structure: reflecting upon the learning objectives within a mathematical problem (and solving it); examining a flawed (fictional) student solution; and, describing, in writing, feedback to the student. Here we draw on the written responses to one Task (which involved reflecting on solutions of $ {\left| x \right|} + {\left| {x - 1} \right|} = 0 $ ) of 53 Greek in-service mathematics teachers in order to demonstrate the range of teacher knowledge (mathematical, didactical and pedagogical) that engagement with these tasks allows us to explore.  相似文献   

    This paper presents results of research concerning the construction of the concept of natural integers by children. By testing the same children, whose school history was known with accuracy, at one year in tervals, we have sought to determine:
  • — How their competence in counting and numeration evolved during this period.
  • — What the mechanisms of this evolution were.
  • — What role school learning played.
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    Research on learning to teach repeatedly cites the disjuncture in teaching practices promoted across universities and K–12 schools. Much of the literature that is focused on this “two-worlds pitfall” (Feiman-Nemser & Buchmann, 1985 Feiman-Nemser, S. and Buchmann, M. 1985. Pitfalls of experience in teacher preparation. Teachers College Record, 87(1): 5365. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) describes the influence of cooperating teachers' more traditional teaching practices on teacher candidates' developing practice. This article, however, provides a case study of a student teacher whose commitment to social constructivist practices was reinforced by the intersection of competing views of teaching and mentoring that collided during her student teaching. We highlight the significant impact of the cooperating teacher's approach to mentoring—more so than teaching—on a student teacher's developing practice. We conclude with recommendations for supporting student and cooperating teachers to develop shared understandings of the purpose of student teaching and mentoring and to engage in educative dialogues about teaching that support the cross-institutional negotiations inherent in mentoring and learning to teach.  相似文献   

    This study reports on grade 4 children’s (Ss) knowledge of constraints and characteristics of persuasive written requests (RQ).
    1. All Ss wrote a first RQ asking money to improve their computer lab.
    2. Experimental (E) and control (C) Ss evaluated 4 different RQ.
    3. selected and ordered, out of 30 scrambled sentences, those appropriate for a “good” RQ.
    4. A week later, E Ss had a collective “training discussion” on requests.
    5. A week later, E and C Ss wrote a second RQ asking money for their science lab.
    Results pertaining to different aspects of the produced RQ showed that the training did have some effects but both groups improved in their II RQ. The results were interpreted as suggesting that both groups actually learned what an appropriate request is by carefully evaluating the 4 requests and by constructing a request from a sentence list.  相似文献   

    The understanding of concepts in social science was investigated by interviewing students studying two foundation courses in Social Science at the Open University. The investigation was carried out using the research paradigm of phenomenography (Marton, 1981) where the content of learning is seen as a quality rather than as a quantity. There were two aims of the research.
    1. To discover the different understandings that students hold of particular important concepts in Social Science.
    2. To use the method as a method of formative evaluation to influence the production of new course materials.
    This paper concentrates on describing the results in terms of two evaluation strategies: Formative evaluation, where the students' understandings of the concept before the course were used to influence the teaching strategy of the remade course. Summative evaluation, where the students' answers before and after the course were compared to evaluate their learning on the course.  相似文献   

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