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辛亥革命的动力是由革命党、立宪派、统治集团内部改革派等多种力量组成的反清阵营,立宪派压抑党人,袁世凯迫孙让位应视为阵营内部的斗争,不能作为失败的依据。立宪派"保路"引发武昌起义,策动"独立"促进清朝统治的瓦解,袁氏集团拥护"共和"迫使清廷退位,革命阵营扩大恰与胜利同行。辛亥革命的目标可以理解为"主体预设"和"后人规定"等多层任务,要求彻底完成后人规定的反帝反封建任务,违背了历史主义原则,据此不足以证明其失败。辛亥革命基本完成了主体预设的三民主义,也参与了反帝反封建的任务,表明了胜利。辛亥革命付出代价决定于专制的顽固与满汉之间的对峙,革命后的割据根源在于封建经济与列强干预,代价与混战也不能证明失败。革命促进了政治体制、经济基础与文化意识的进步,受益大于成本,再次印证胜利。  相似文献   

辛亥革命是必然和偶然因素交相作用的结果。清末社会各种矛盾的纠集和社会不满情绪的日益滋长,注定了这场革命必然会到来;湖北宝善里的爆炸声终于引发了这场酝酿已久的革命。湖南作为武昌起义的首应之区,合奏了革命党人与立宪派绅士共同倒清的雄壮乐曲,推动了全国革命高潮的来临,为推翻封建帝制做出了重要贡献。但是,在湖南"光复"不到10天的时间,革命政权却由革命党人焦达峰和陈作新的手中转入了立宪派首领、参议院院长谭延闿的手中。焦、陈被杀,立宪派难辞其咎,谭延闿政权较之焦、陈政权虽有妥协倒退的一面,但仍不失为一个以反清为主旨的革命政权。这个政权在"文明革命"的幌子下,带有较为浓厚的改造的革命与革命的改造的历史痕迹。  相似文献   

辛亥武昌首举义旗后,上海南阳路10号“惜阴堂”宾客云集。“惜阴堂”主人赵凤昌为策动各省响应起义,为中华民国南京临时政府的成立及南北和谈出谋划策,奔走呼号。“惜阴堂”并非如有的学者认为的那样是南北议和代表和立宪派进行阴谋活动的场所;赵凤昌除和清朝旧官僚及立宪派频繁往来外,与革命党人亦过从甚密,赵凤昌是辛亥革命的热心支持者和积极参与者。  相似文献   

“武昌起义”是中国近代史上的第三次革命高潮——辛亥革命——过程中的一件大事。我在市校际教研组的组织下,曾进行了一次讲授这一段历史的观摩教学。我在准备这一节课的过程中,有几点体会,介绍如下。(一)深入领会教材。我阅读“武昌起义”这节教材后,感到要深透领会这节教材必须弄清以下几个问题:(1)武昌起义在整个辛亥革命过程中的地位和作用问题。其中包括:为什么以前的历次起义都失败了,而武昌起义却能迅速得到胜利;领导武昌起义的文学社、共进会的性质和它们与同盟会的关系;武昌起义后为什么推举黎元洪为都督和黎元洪当都督以后中华  相似文献   

长期以来 ,中国近代现代史讲到武昌起义时 ,认为革命党人举枪逼一贯仇视革命的黎元洪就任湖北军政府都督是一个错误。此为立宪派旧官僚陆续投机革命 ,掌握地方政权开了先例 ,最终导致了辛亥革命的失败。笔者在多年的教学实践中发现 ,依当时形势而言 ,这并不是错误 ,而是一种高超的策略。理由是 :(1)武昌起义爆发后 ,很短时间内除步兵、炮兵、骑兵参加起义外 ,水兵、工人、学生、市民也踊跃加入起义队伍 ,使革命军总兵力达万人以上。此时 ,孙中山远在美国 ,黄兴在香港 ,宋教仁在上海 ,而具体策划起义的孙武、蒋翊武、刘复基或被俘牺牲 ,或受…  相似文献   

对陈英士褒贬不一的现象,辛亥革命初期他任沪军都督时就存在了。由于国民党及其前身同盟会,历来是各种社团、会党汇流的混合体。武昌起义后,立宪派、清廷官僚、军阀纷纷“咸与维新”,民党日趋庞杂,派系林立,相互攻讦。陈英士及其它辛亥人物的贬辞,有来自敌对阵营,也有出于自己营垒。解放以来,史学界对辛亥革命及其人物,往往肯定不  相似文献   

武昌起义后,国内立宪派的首领张謇,曾一度拥护袁世凯.据此,史学界长期斥张为袁的"帮凶"、"反革命助手".本文也想就张謇拥袁谈谈自己的看法,请同志们批评指正.武昌起义前,张謇曾登门拜访被贬归乡的袁世凯,袁要求张有朝一日给予合作;在南北和谈中,张謇暗中参与了"惜阴堂"计划,终使袁世凯一箭双雕,坐上了总统宝座;在袁世凯操纵的"第一流人才内阁"中,张謇慷慨陈词要扶危济困.这些都是事实,但这只是问题的一个侧面,并不能展示张在这一历史时期的全貌,我觉得对此问题还应作进一步的分析.  相似文献   

武昌起义前的西北地区,经济凋敝,阶级矛盾激化。一方面,革命党人参加和组织的各种秘密会社活动频繁;一方面,留日学生已成为一股政治力量。武昌起义后,西北地区率先响应。以陕两为中心,清军先后由东西两线进兵,集中围剿,成为延续了两千多年封建帝制结束前西北地区的一场悲剧性战争。西北地区响应武昌起义其间,沉重打击了清政府在西北的统治,为辛亥革命浪潮起了推波助澜的先决作用,为西北辛亥革命向纵深发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

发生于1911年12月31日的滦州起义,是对辛亥武昌起义“最得力之应援”。本文从孙中山的革命总体部署和滦州起义后清帝迅速退位,论述了辛亥滦州起义的历史地位。并从5个方面分析了起义业绩长期未得弘扬的原因。  相似文献   

《中国近代史》上册关于武昌起义,南京临时政府建立二节中,出现了两面旗帜,其中武昌起义后建立的湖北军政府使用的旗帜是十八星旗,事隔不到两个月,在南京临时参议院上,又决定以五色旗为国旗.教材中同时刊印了两幅图片.如下图:  相似文献   

媒体话语对教育改革的负面影响及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵慧臣 《教育科学》2012,28(2):12-16
媒体具有强大公共话语塑造功能,媒体话语与教育改革之间的关联非常紧密。媒体话语对教育改革产生强大的影响力,甚至表现为负面的影响,让教育改革失去应有的冷静、客观。面对媒体话语对教育改革的负面影响,应当实施绩效评估制度,激励教育改革者重塑信息能力,转变信息获取方式,以提高教育改革的科学性与合理性。  相似文献   

The national curriculum reformers, regarded as members of the social elites and intellectuals, projected their vision of identity onto the curriculum which they constructed and influenced the next generation’s national consciousness. In the tangled relationship between politics and education, the selection of the reformers in a sense dictates the direction of the new curriculum. This article interviewed 18 reformers, members of the latest citizenship curriculum of 2010, to investigate their individual views on identities and the monolithically-promoted Chinese configuration in the old curriculum. Although the new citizenship curriculum, renamed Curriculum Guidelines for Civics and Society, puts nothing in writing in favour of either a Chinese or Taiwanese national identity, according to the discovery in this research, the Curriculum Committee implicitly embedded a transformed inclusive and hyphenated Taiwanese national identity in the new curriculum in the hope of accentuating Taiwan’s exclusive sovereignty. The inner thinking of the reformers is uncovered to reveal their reasoning that a broadly constructed national identity can concurrently accommodate diverse personal identities and suits the society better than the previously prescribed Chinese identity. This article also records the evolution of the curriculum from the previous China-centred narratives to Taiwan-centred narratives, something that happened in line with the changes in Taiwanese society.  相似文献   

戊戌维新时期,在湖南的开明官绅支持下,维新派开办南学会作为宣传救亡维新思想的阵地。通过学会讲学活动,维新派提倡“文明排外”,开展“学战”,倡明“素王改制”思想,以期于拯救危亡,启蒙大众,推进维新变法。讲学活动有力地推动了湖南地区的维新活动。  相似文献   

处在大时代中的中国基础教育改革者,如何“在中国”进行基础教育改革?需要基于“方法论”的眼光,审视中国基础教育改革;站在“中国立场”,创造“基础教育改革”的中国经验;以“耐心和从容的心态”,面对中国基础教育改革的成败得失。  相似文献   

在 18 95 - 1898年由维新派发起的维新运动中 ,作为洋务派的重要领袖 ,张之洞曾参与其中。虽然 ,他们之间存在一些分歧与矛盾 ,但综合张之洞在运动前及运动中的表现 ,他是支持维新运动的 ,而不是“假维新”。  相似文献   

This paper considers the history of ship schools for young offenders. In particular the paper focuses on two floating reformatories that were established on the River Mersey in the middle of the 19th century. Attention is drawn to the positive light in which Victorian penal reformers viewed these institutions. Important parallels are also observed between the concerns and ambitions of these reformers and current discussions about the treatment of children with emotional and behavioural difficulties when they are in trouble with the law.  相似文献   

This paper pinpoints and discusses key aspects of the current approaches to school reform in the Arab world against the backdrop of what is accepted as the best practice in the international literature on effective school reform and educational change. The main goal of the paper is to highlight deeply ingrained assumptions and practices that are likely to create barriers for reformers who are interested in effectively implementing educational reform in the Arab region. The paper concludes with a list of recommendations informed by the current international literature on effective school reform, and deemed promising for overcoming the identified barriers and achieving effective and sustainable reform in the region. While the case of reform in the Arab region has its unique characteristics, it shares with other developing countries many of the challenges it faces. Lessons learned in this region offer promising insights to reformers in other developing regions of the world.  相似文献   

晚清重商思想是晚清重要的思潮之一,是中西方军事、经济、文化发生碰撞时产生的。这一思潮影响广泛,引起了社会变局。洋务派、早期维新派、维新派都提出了自己的重商主张,虽言论不一,但主要商业思想较为一致,他们都从各自的角度阐述了商业的重要性。  相似文献   

This article investigates the introduction of a systemic curriculum change, the Essential Learnings curriculum framework, in the Australian state of Tasmania. Using Gee's [(2003). Language in the science classroom: Academic social languages as the heart of school-based literacy. In: R. Yerrick, & W.-M. Roth (Eds.), Establishing scientific classroom discourse communities: Multiple voices of teaching and learning research (pp. 19–37). Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates] six claims regarding the importance of language in science education, the responses of the science teachers within a secondary school to the curriculum reform were investigated. This research utilised a narrative methodology to elucidate the processes by which science teachers attempted to negotiate a sense of meaning for the reforms within their work context. Three particular challenges are highlighted for curriculum reformers. These challenges involve the potential for a linguistic distance between teachers and reformers, understanding the importance of the work context in teacher learning and the dangers of a superficial application of reform language to teacher practices. The article concludes by emphasising that the negotiation of a situated language can provide both teachers and reformers with both coherence and a common ownership of a reform, thus strengthening the potential for its implementation and institutionalisation.  相似文献   

研究性学习是新一轮基础教育课程改革倡导的主要学习方式之一.本文以化学学科知识为基础,结合普通高中课程标准内容,设计了一则测定维生素C含量的研究性学习案例,并进行了相关的实验研究,为中学化学教师开展相关研究提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

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