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20世纪60年代初,张家口地区部分农村在社会主义公有制前提下,创造了多种形式的农村生产责任制,如“分配大包干”、“三包到组”、“操心田”、“包干、包产到户”等,虽中连夭折.但成效明显,影响深远,其经验教训对当前张家口解决“三农”问题仍具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

《全国农村工作会议纪要》(以下简称《纪要》)指出:“我国农业必须坚持社会主义集体化道路,土地等基本生产资料公有制是长期不变的,集体经济要建立生产责任制也是长期不变的”.深刻阐明了我国农业经济的发展道路和建立各种形式的生产责任制的性质,为我们进一步落实和完善农业生产责任制指明了方向.本文根据《纪要》的精神,就集体经济为什么要建立生产责任制,实行生产责任制与巩固和发展集体经济,坚持农业的社会主义集体化道路的关系,谈谈粗浅的认识.  相似文献   

今年党中央一号文件指出:“农业生产责任制的普遍实行,带来了生产力解放和商品生产发展”。那么,农业生产责任制同商品生产发展有何内在联系?当前我国农村商品生产发展有何特点?发展趋势如何?探索这些问题,对于社会主义经济建设和社会主义商品理论的研究,都有极其重要的意义。本文仅就上述问题,谈点粗浅的认识,就教于同志们。  相似文献   

建国以来,我国农业生产责任制经历了一个漫长而曲折的演变过程。从土地改革到农业合作化,从人民公社到家庭联产承包经营,每一步探索和改革都与广大农民的切身利益息息相关。为此,2014年高考江苏卷第10题进行了相关考查。笔者无意褒贬试题.只是站在求实的立场.认为该题值得商榷,以求证于同仁。试题如下:  相似文献   

在中国,解决农村和农民问题是历史发展的必然要求。长期从事党的农村工作的邓子恢同志,从建国初开始就对这个问题进行了艰难的探索。他提出了一系列关于农业生产责任制的见解和主张。尽管这些见解和主张在当时的历史条件下没能得到应有的重视,并受到不公正的批判,但在农村以家庭承包经营为基础,统分结合的经营体制已经确立的今天。回顾这一艰辛曲折的探索历程,我们更能从中得到深刻的启示。  相似文献   

20世纪40年代初,新西兰著名社会活动家、教育家路易·艾黎在我国探索教育的过程中,提出了"创造分析"的教育思想,为我国的解放事业和社会主义建设事业培养了大批人才,蜚声国内外;80年代初,邓小平同志提出了"三个面向"的教育理论,为我国现代化和未来的教育改革和发展指明了方向."创造分析"与"三个面向"虽然提出的背景和称谓等不同,但它们二者之间却有着极为密切的联系,对我国教育事业的发展都有着极大的现实指导意义和深远的历史意义.  相似文献   

据有关部门统计,一九八一年上半年,生产队的组织规模、各种农业生产责任制和其他劳动组织形式继续在发展变化中,生产队总数已达五百八十七万个,增加百分之四点六。建立各种形式生产责任制的生产队已达总数的百分之九十以上。农业生产责任制  相似文献   

一个从事蔬菜生产的大队,在贯彻农业责任制、发展多种经营的过程中,怎样才能获得较好的经济效益呢?我们曾带着这个问题到实行农业生产责任制的先进单位——彭家寨公社西北园大队作了调查。他们实行农业生产责任制、发展多种经营的成就和经验,给我们留下了比较深刻的印象.下面,我们就以他们的足迹为序,向大家介绍这些成就和经验。一、“大锅饭”时期的西北园  相似文献   

<正> 农民教育是为农业生产服务的.它的教学内容要服从于农业生产发展的需要,它的办学形式也要同农业生产的组织形式相适应.党的三中全会以来,郊区发生了巨大变化.由于全面调整了农村经济政策,实行多种形式的生产责任制,这就给农民教育提出了新课题.对此,我们必须认真加以研究. 去年以来,我区各农村公社的生产责任制逐渐趋于完善,大体有五种形式:①生产队划分若干作业组,生产任务落实到组,实行联产计酬;②承包到组到户,大包干,实行按产量比例分成;③按作物、按专业、按品种包工,实行定工定产定酬;④按季节小段包工到组或到户,计工分配;⑤少数贫困队包产到户.这五种责任制,多数是套着用.生  相似文献   

发轫于20世纪50年代的包产到户责任制,三起三落,在农业经营史上历经曲折,终于突破社会动乱、政策失误等因素造成的重重阻滞,冲破传统体制的束缚,发展为家庭联产承包责任制这一比较稳定的农业经营制度。它的历史变迁既是国家决策、农民选择、干部推动等因素互动的结果,也是近几十年来中国农业生产经营形式在试错中的必然选择。  相似文献   

语言性别歧视研究作为语言性别差异现象研究的一部分一直为社会语言学家们所关注。本文通过对比20世纪60年代与90年代以后出版的美国《读者文摘》各300篇文章的内容及语言,来看英语语言性别歧视现象是否呈减弱趋势。通过实例研究我们发现,在过去的三、四十年问,通过女权运动以及语言改革浪潮的推动及公众意识的提高,英语语言性别歧视现象有减弱的趋势.并指出语言性别歧视研究对外语教学的意义。  相似文献   

Using a dataset covering over 10,000 Australian school teachers and over 90,000 pupils, I estimate how effective teachers are in raising students’ test scores. Since the exams are biennial, it is necessary to take account of the teacher's work in the intervening year. Even adjusting for measurement error, the teacher fixed effects are widely dispersed, and there is a strong positive correlation between a teacher's gains in literacy and numeracy. Teacher fixed effects show a significant association with some, though not all, observable teacher characteristics. Experience has the strongest impact, particularly in the early years of a teacher's career. Female teachers do better at teaching literacy. Teachers with a master's degree or some other form of further qualification do not appear to achieve significantly larger test score gains. Overall, teacher characteristics found in the departmental payroll database explain only a small fraction of the variance in teacher performance.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to stage some questions concerning methodology and education, inspired by Ophelia in Shakespeare's Hamlet and by Jacques Derrida's poetic philosophical oeuvres. What are at stake are the long traditions of preferences of sanity over madness, friend over enemy, male over female and of clean, unambiguous univocal language over the poetic. I will argue that educators will have an extra responsibility towards challenging the ancient tradition of phallogocentrism, both in our teaching and in our research.  相似文献   

摘要:目前,大多数高校都没有按照自己的办学定位制定与之相匹配的教师绩效考核办法,出现了“重数量轻质量”、“重业务轻师德”、“重结果轻素质”的现象,这种绩效考核不利于教学质量的提升,也不能真正地达到考核的目的。因此,高校要树立“以教师职业发展为主、绩效为辅”的考核理念,制定符合学校实际的教师绩效考核体系,建立规范化、科学化的教师绩效考核指标,达到教师绩效与组织绩效“双赢”的目的。  相似文献   

<正>Marriage is an important institution in our society,which binds men and women the most frequently.When men and women are together,the gender relationship becomes obvious.Most societies in the world are patriarchal,so men’s power penetrates everywhere,including the marriage institution.Marriage institution is built on men’s power,and at the same time,it contributes to men’s power.Arranged marriage is a good example to illustrate how men’s power is over women,which was prevailing in China.China also has arranged marriage today,but particularly in rural areas.Urban China develops a new form of arranged marriage recently,but whether traditional arranged  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(4):377-399
A group's average test score is often used to evaluate different educational approaches, curricula, teachers, and schools. Studies of group test scores over time often try to measure "value-added" by holding constant certain student characteristics such as race, parents' education, or socioeconomic status; however, the important statistical phenomenon of regression to the mean is often ignored. There is a substantial literature on the importance of regression to the mean in a variety of contexts, including individual test scores. Here, we look at regression to the mean in group averages. If this regression is not taken into account, changes in a group's average test score over time may be misinterpreted as changes in the group's average ability rather than natural and expected fluctuations in scores about ability. California Academic Performance Index scores are used to illustrate this argument.  相似文献   

Understanding persistence in adult learning   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The paper summarizes recent data on the retention and non‐completion patterns of adult students, especially those over the age of 25 who have had a gap since completing full‐time education. While data on further and higher education suggest that older learners are less likely than younger ones to complete longer, qualification‐bearing programmes, central statistics do not distinguish between students in their early‐to‐mid 20s, many of whom still have much in common with those in their late teens, and those in their 30s, 40s and 50s whose lifestyles, learning goals and aspirations are often qualitatively different.

The section on retention data is followed by a summary of the reasons for not completing courses commonly cited by adults learning in conventional education settings, and reflection on whether these are significantly different from those cited by younger students and students in open or distance learning programmes. The paper ends with a summary of the kind of factors that might increase adult retention rates in both kinds of learning programme.

For the purposes of this paper, ‘adults’ are defined as those over the age of 25 who have had a gap since completing full‐time education.  相似文献   

公费留学作为培养人才的风向标,在留学教育中占据着重要的地位。在台湾地区近60年(1949-2009年)的发展历程中,公费留学政策经历了探索、确立、完善、弹性化、多元化等多个发展阶段。以1954年颁布的《国外留学规程》为标志,台湾地区试图建立公费留学考试制度。但是,受制于经济等因素的影响,此时公费留学基本上处于停顿状态。20世纪60年代,台湾经济得到一定程度恢复后,正式确立了以通过考试机制,选拔人才为核心的公费留学政策。70年代至80年代,台湾地区结合社会政治经济的发展,在留学规模、学科分布、国别选择等方面都做了诸多完善。90年代后,台湾地区公费留学政策向弹性化方向发展,加强高层次人才培养选拔的力度。进入21世纪后,以留学奖学金的设置为标志,台湾地区公费留学政策呈现多元化发展趋势。  相似文献   

This study explores aspects of teachable-moment-oriented curriculum practice by questioning whether a teacher's teachable moment is relevant to the learner's 'learnable moment'. For teachable-moment-oriented curriculum practice to result in developmentally and culturally appropriate meaningful learning, transforming the identity between learner and teacher seems imperative. Data collected from naturalistic settings in various teacher education contexts over the last few years are used. Both prospective and in-service teachers' images of teachable-moment-oriented curriculum practices are presented  相似文献   

彝族主要分布在我国的云南、四川、贵州及广西等省和自治区,全国的彝族人口有800多万,是我国人口较多的少数民族之一。凉山彝族自治州是全国最大、最集中的彝族聚居区域,这里传承和延续了彝族最为古老的生活习俗,保存了彝族最为完整的文化传统,这些与彝族的谱系文化有着重要的关联。本文从三个方面对彝族的谱系文化进行了展示和揭秘,认为谱系不但是维系彝族原始血缘的纽带,而且是记载彝族历史的珍贵档案,最后谱系还是维护彝族社会制度的重要形式。  相似文献   

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