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研究生个人在成长中所遇到的思想困惑、心理障碍、人际关系、专业学习、职业选择等很多问题需要得到辅导员的正确引导。运用压力和压力管理等心理学知识,研究生辅导员可以针对研究生开展思想政治教育、心理健康辅导、职业规划和就业指导、学业指导、生活援助服务等工作。  相似文献   

This study investigates the career guidance needs of 600 Black secondary school students. It also examines how Black secondary school principals perceive the guidance programs in their schools. The results indicate sixteen categories of career guidance needs which should receive priority in planning guidance services for this population. The students consistently felt their needs were not being met. Not less than 60% expressed a need for additional help with finding jobs and careers, understanding the guidance program, developing self-understanding, career awareness, exploration and planning, interpersonal relationships, value clarification, selection of courses and acquisition of decision-making skills in sharp contrast to the help they feel they have received. Career guidance in Black South African schools has not received proper attention for a long time. It has only been in recent years that this phenomenon has attracted the attention of educationists (Cloete and le Roux 1978). Students have always experienced difficulties when making decisions about their careers. Tenuous choices seemed to be a result of the students' lack of sufficient knowledge regarding themselves (i.e. their abilities, attitudes, interests and values) as well as vocational careers, school preparatory subjects and courses leading to those careers, educational and vocational opportunities available to them and financial assistance (Prediger et al., 1973). Self-understanding is the single basic goal of school guidance programs. Through self-understanding, students can begin to know, appreciate and utilize their aptitudes, interests, values and limitations. It improves analytical and critical thinking, growth and development. Students who understand themselves are characterized by their ability to make more rational educational and vocational plans. McDaniel and Shaftel (1956) maintained that every individual should be helped to study and understand himself as a unique person and to respond to the pressures and stimuli of the time and place in which he lives; Holland (1973) suggested that one needs appropriate and accurate information about oneself as well as the occupational field in order to make a realistic choice of vocation. Self-understanding and acceptance is a pre-requisite for the process of choosing an occupation. Super (1957) observed that along this road to self-knowledge every young person needs assistance and that success in understanding oneself is a sine qua non for the development of independence and decisionmaking skills. Interests are important in that they can help students begin thinking seriously about educational planning, vocational exploration and eventually about career development. Ginzberg (1966) believed that many young people do not know enough about the world of work to be able to translate their interests and capacities readily into occupational choices. Hoppock (1967) holds the view that one develops interest in an occupation because one has been exposed to it before. The same is still true today. Many young people are unaware that the choices of subjects they make and the activities they participate in at school can influence vocational choices which will affect their future lives. Super (1957) further contends that probably no other decision a young person makes is as crucial for happiness in life as his or her choice of work, including the educational preparation for it. Carlyle says that ‘it is the first of all problems for man to find out what kind of work he is to do in this universe’. Illuminating the importance of work in one's existence, Karl Marx said ‘man becomes man through his work’. Boy and Pine (1971) speak of work as ‘a therapeutic and personally integrating experience’. A careful look at the secondary educational system of South Africa reveals emphasis on an academic curriculum that is designed for college-bound students though not all Black students go to college. For most, secondary school is the terminal point in their formal education. This being so, the secondary school curriculum ought to provide them with sufficient self-knowledge concerning their aptitudes, interests, aspirations and skills to become successful and productive members of society. Napier (1972) contends that a society which fails to nurture the capabilities and talents of its youth fails in its obligation to them and to itself. As Tyler (1970) has observed, high school students are generally concerned about becoming independent adults, getting jobs, marrying, gaining status with their peers and helping to solve the ills of the world. Generally speaking, this is also true for South African youth. To assist them with these concerns, career guidance is essential for Black South African secondary school students today. With the help of adequate career guidance, every student should leave the school system equipped with the ability to think critically and make realistic personal decisions and plans for their future. However, this need students have for career guidance in their schools is sometimes overlooked. It is also conceivable that the degree to which individual students need guidance should vary. Differences in need seem to depend largely on differences in physical maturity, socioeconomic and cultural forces, and personality characteristics. Available evidence suggests that although there may be a common set of students' needs their priority for certain students varies and shifts in accordance with age, sex, experience and geographic location (Prediger et al., 1973; Crites, 1974, Carney and Barak 1976). According to Herr and Cramer (1979) guidance has been defined ‘as that part of pupil personnel services — and therefore of elementary and secondary education — aimed at maximal development of individual potentialities through devoting school-wide assistance to youth in the personal problems, choices and decisions each must face as he moves towards maturity’. There seems to be a consensus among guidance authorities that the following major services constitute the guidance program: the inventory service, the information service, the counselling service, the placement service and the follow-up and evaluation services. These services are an intergral part of the total school curriculum and they facilitate the instructional program as it attempts to help each student attain the maximum level of his or her potential. Research studies (Super, 1949 and 1968; Holland, 1973; Boy and Pine, 1971; Hoppock, 1967, Napier, 1972) indicate that out of an effective guidance program grows the capacity and freedom of the participants to contend more assertively for their beliefs and plan and execute strategies for making vocational decisions more efficiently and effectively. It is, therefore, imperative that each student be helped to reach the highest level of his or her potential as a human being. The present study sought to investigate the career guidance needs of Black South African secondary school students and the degree to which these needs are being met by the present guidance services in the schools. In addition, the views of the principals of the selected schools regarding the present status of guidance services were sought.  相似文献   

高职生职业生涯规划是指学生在大学期间进行系统的职业发展道路的设想和规划。大学时期是人一生中的重要阶段,学生应好好度过,并在教师指导的基础上认真规划自身的职业生涯,做好四个"三",即认识人生三种关系,树立人生三个支点,把握个人发展的"三级跳",构建三方面结构。  相似文献   

The research focuses on Estonian university students’ emerging teacher identity and their interest in becoming teachers. Five hundred and sixty‐five first, third and fifth year students participated in the survey. The results suggest that pedagogical reasons for entering teacher education and clear motives for studying are significant indicators of teacher potential. Pedagogical reasons for entering teacher education or the teaching profession and the wish to function as a change agent in the society were related to academic self‐efficacy beliefs and the belief that the teacher expertise is mainly pedagogical in nature. However, at the point in their studies at which the students are able to choose their masters programme and entry into teacher education, their likelihood of choosing teacher education remains low, indicating that there is a need to develop pedagogical content, study counselling and career guidance services to encourage students’ continued interest in and entry to teacher education and the teaching profession.  相似文献   

With the increasing diversity of students attending university, there is a growing interest in the factors predicting academic performance. This study is a prospective investigation of the academic, psychosocial, cognitive, and demographic predictors of academic performance of first year Australian university students. Questionnaires were distributed to 197 first year students 4 to 8 weeks prior to the end of semester exams and overall grade point averages were collected at semester completion. Previous academic performance was identified as the most significant predictor of university performance. Integration into university, self efficacy, and employment responsibilities were also predictive of university grades. Identifying the factors that influence academic performance can improve the targeting of interventions and support services for students at risk of academic problems.  相似文献   

This case study explores student perceptions and experiences of advising at a New Zealand university. It considers the implications arising from the students’ responses and also investigates the influence of students’ demographic characteristics on perceptions of advice. Both first‐ (n = 191) and final‐ (n = 171) year cohorts of students were surveyed to determine why they chose particular courses, what advice they received and how aware they were of various support services. Although students were happy overall with the advice received, many had little or no expectations of the type of advice they should be receiving. The main sources of advice were the University enrolment pack, family and University School’s Liaison Officers. Academic advisers were less well used as a source of advice, even during later years of study. Advisers need to be educated about particular advising issues related to first‐generation students, part‐time students and international students. Many students had a career path in mind so it is important to provide holistic developmental academic advice that includes future career options.  相似文献   

毕业生就业率是衡量高校办学质量、办学水平的重要指标,大学生就业指导课程的开设也就成为各高校促进毕业生就业的有效手段。职业生涯规划是就业指导课的一个重要组成部分。但是,很多高校对就业指导课程的开设认识不足,教学形式单一,师资力量薄弱,难以满足和帮助学生设计适合自己职业生涯规划的目的。拟对存在的问题进行梳理,以期对该课程的建设提供参考意见。  相似文献   

成人在职学生通过网络接受远程教育时需要知识管理策略(knowledge management strategies),其中最核心的应对策略包括基本的资源库整理技能以及时间管理策略(技能)。应对策略的最佳教授方式主要是学生之间的相互辅导(peer-to-peer tutoring),虽然对于接受同学指导的学生而言,他们不能在学习上取得明显进步,但对于提供指导的学生而言,他们在以元认知的方式(meta-cognitively)进行自我辅导(self-tutoring)后,学习效果显著,学习成绩大幅提高。另外,高年级学生能够帮助低年级学生构建并运用个人知识管理体系,特别能在时间管理、信息搜寻与信息提取等方面提供指导。  相似文献   


University summer bridge programs or transitional programs for low‐income and minority transfer students are becoming an established part of the effort to recruit, retain, and graduate a population of students underrepresented in higher education. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a summer bridge program on the academic, personal, and social development of underrepresented and low‐income transfer students during their first year at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The 1988 entering cohort of Transfer Summer Program (TSP) students was tracked through their first two quarters at UCLA, collecting both attitudinal and academic data.

The results of the study clearly suggest that summer bridge programs for underrepresented and low‐income students can help facilitate their transition and adjustment to university life and improve their academic performance and persistence rates. This is accomplished by increasing transfer students' control over their academic future by preparing them to effectively participate in a classroom, to assess their academic abilities, and by introducing them to campus services and encouraging the utilization of these services.  相似文献   

Counseling students need to become knowledgeable about existing online career development tools to provide effective career development services today. The authors describe the characteristics of a Web site developed to foster career information literacy among students taking graduate career courses and examine its academic usefulness. Student evaluations suggest that the Web site is useful in promoting career information literacy and knowledge. Students who used the Web site showed a significant gain in perceived self‐knowledge as well as in actual knowledge of career information. Ways of using the career Web site to improve students' knowledge of online career resources are explored.  相似文献   

This study examined at two Australian university campuses the types of problems that prompt international students to seek counselling services. The concerns reported by ninety students fell within three broad categories; adjustment issues, academic concerns and psychosocial problems. Follow-up interviews with a subset of these students (21) were used to gain more detailed information about their personal adjustment issues and also their experience of counselling services. Counsellors were also interviewed to obtain their perspective on the adjustment and counselling experience of students. Most problems for students occurred within the first 12 months of commencing studies and for many tended to reduce in incidence thereafter, but for some students the issues and problems remained ongoing. While the findings are limited to international students at only two Australian campuses, and furthermore the sample sizes are not large, the results suggest that these students often face extreme adjustment difficulties. Moreover, it is suggested that such students tended to only access counselling services when near the point of collapse, or following academic referral. The importance of pre-departure orientation packages for prospective students, while still in their home country, might reduce the incidence of such adjustment issues.  相似文献   

This study describes job activities, role expectations, and jobs satisfactions of academic advisers. The sample consisted of 452 faculty and staff academic advisers in five colleges at the University of Minnesota (Twin Cities). Seventy-two percent of the sample completed the questionnaire. The work of the academic adviser can be classified into four clusters of job activities. Three involve helping students: (1) with special academic, social, or financial problems, (2) with emotional or psychological problems, and (3) with academic and career guidance problems. The fourth involves administrative activities. Results from this study also suggest that advisers spend most of their time approving registration cards and providing information about academic requirements. Most advisers view themselves as appropriate sources of help in academic and vocational guidance areas rather than in personal or social ones. In general, most academic advisers are satisfied with their work as an adviser. A substantial percentage is dissatisfied with the amount of recognition they receive. Finally, those advisers with more advanced degrees and those with larger numbers of advisees tend to be more dissatisfied.  相似文献   

This paper presents a 2‐year, associate degree curriculum as a basic model for training in gerontology. The curriculum was designed to assure that each student would gain the necessary background to pursue either a paraprofessional career in the field or advanced education at a 4‐year institution leading to a professional career. The curriculum accomplishes the first objective by incorporating courses that train students in the specific skills they will need, as determined by an investigation of the employment needs in the community. It accomplishes the second objective by including courses from traditional academic disciplines, such as the social and biological sciences, which provide a broad base of knowledge. The program is closely coordinated with and transferable to a university and can be initiated with a minimum of new personnel.  相似文献   

Research indicates an increasing number of college students are experiencing severe psychological problems that are impacting their academic performance. However, many colleges and universities operate with constrained budgets that limit their ability to provide adequate counseling services for their student population. Moreover, accessing off-campus mental health services can be difficult for college students, in particular community college students, for a variety of reasons. This article describes a partnership between a community college and university that utilizes a graduate training program to provide on-campus counseling to both student populations enabling both institutions to maximize their resources.  相似文献   

Adjustment to the university environment is regarded as an important factor in predicting university outcomes. This study explores the pathways taken by adjustment and other psychosocial variables (help‐seeking, academic motivation, self‐esteem, perceived stress, and perceived academic overload), in relation to the success of economically and educationally disadvantaged students at university. Participants were 194 first‐year students on need‐based financial aid at a South African university; they completed questionnaires that measured these psychosocial variables, and their final first‐year academic results were obtained via the university’s records office. Path analyses showed that adjustment did not function as a pure mediator on academic performance as the dependent variable. Furthermore, the psychosocial factors explained much (59%) of the variance in the students’ adjustment and 20% of the variance in their academic performance. Hence, the psychosocial variables better explained the students’ adjustment to university than academic performance.  相似文献   

While students have always found balancing their finances difficult, the current generation are faced with unprecedented debt burdens during and on completion of their studies. Student debt is now an expected outcome of attending university and, apart from the negative consequences it may have on participation in higher education, it may have a detrimental impact on the academic performance and psychological well‐being of students as they strive to fund their education and reduce their debt through part‐time working patterns. However, student debt can be managed better if students possess adequate personal financial awareness, have a responsible attitude to debt and are able to budget carefully. This study attempts to measure the personal financial awareness, attitude to debt and budgeting capabilities of 149 first‐year business school undergraduates using a specially developed test. The mean test score of 34 per cent on the financial awareness section indicates significant gaps in their personal financial knowledge and it appears that they are entering a critical stage of their lives ill‐equipped to cope with the severe cash restrictions they will encounter. This study is a valuable starting point in understanding the financial challenges faced by students in higher education in the UK and highlights how academic institutions can provide support to increase the financial awareness of students so that they can manage better their personal finances while at university.  相似文献   

学生的就业率是独立学院生存与发展的生命线,学生就业率的高低受学校职业指导工作质量的影响与制约。全面、准确、及时地进行职业信息采集是职业介绍和职业指导的重要基础和关键环节,做好职业信息采集对促进大学生就业工作有重要的现实价值与影响。文章以独立学院广东海洋大学寸金学院为例,在分析现阶段其在职业信息采集过程中存在的问题及其产生原因的基础上提出对做好职业信息采集工作的几点对策。  相似文献   

Mastery of academic writing skills remains one of the greatest challenges for university students, especially in the first year. Amongst the reasons offered for the challenges are lack of clarity about the university’s expectations and low levels of teacher feedback on work submitted, a failure to engage, and low levels of contact with teaching staff and other students. Academic staff are challenged by increased class numbers and increased student diversity in classes and university policies to adopt a wide range of information technologies into teaching modes. In this paper, we offer one attempt at addressing these three important contemporary academic challenges: use of information technology to provide timely feedback through formative assessment to help students with a range of abilities to acquire the academic writing skills necessary to succeed in higher education. Early indications show that students find this form of formative assessment very useful. They value the timely and focused feedback from the lecturer and are developing collegiality as they learn from each others’ writing and feedback. We believe that this strategy is sustainable and can be adapted to facilitate academic and social integration for students across many disciplines.  相似文献   

王荔 《昆明大学学报》2007,18(A01):120-122
就业问题是当前大学生思想政治工作的重要内容,高校辅导员解决大学生思想问题必须要注重与解决大学生就业难问题相结合,以职业规划教育为突破口,为学生顺利就业提供职业规划指导,从而减轻大学生就业方面的思想困扰,增强思想政治教育的实际效果。辅导员作为大学生工作的直接管理者与服务者,充分发挥在大学生职业规划教育中的重要作用是其主要职责。  相似文献   

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