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在小学数学教学中,传道、授业、解惑不是唯一的目标,更重要的是不仅要教会学生如何学习,而且要注重培养他们的数学思维能力,在掌握数学基础知识的前提下,鼓励学生克服困难独立思考,运用不同的思考方式来解答问题。  相似文献   

小学教师对学生课堂问题行为的认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
课堂问题行为指发生在课堂教学中,违反课堂行为规范和教学要求,影响课堂正常教学秩序、教师教学、自身及他人学习,并给教师教学和学生学习带来消极影响的课堂行为。教师对学生问题行为的知觉和态度直接影响其教育行为,[1]因此,众多研究者开始关注教师是如何知觉和解释这些课堂问题行为的,[2]如此,才能更好地了解教师行为背后的深层原因,提高教师干预效果。  相似文献   

This mixed method study examines Finnish pupils' (N = 825; age groups 12–13, 15–16) views on the place of religion in the public school. Religious landscape in Finnish society has changed significantly in recent years, as the `new' diversity (Vertovec 2015) has supplemented the `old' one. The role of institutionalized religion has diminished, whereas globalism, secularism and an interest in new religious movements have been on the rise. The traditionally strong Evangelical Lutheranism has become a more cultural, secular feature underlying societal history and nationalism. In this changing situation, it is important to obtain knowledge about how the pupils themselves see the position of religion in the public education system. In this article, we examine pupils' views on the place of religion both as a formal part of the National Curriculum and as a part of social interaction and physical environment, and whether background factors explain variance in their conceptions.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of the role of parent governors in five neighbouring rural primary schools in Zimbabwe. The study proposed that despite the presence of a legal decentralised school governance structure in which parents form the majority, they did not have the capacity to function effectively therein, and were still marginalised in school governance decision-making. Four areas of decision-making were investigated: school organisation; curriculum; employment and appraisal of teaching staff; and financial resources. Interviews were conducted with parent governors, school heads and teachers. Findings show that all the respondent groups perceived significant parental involvement in the area of school finances only. However, parents were perceived to lack the capacity to make decisions in all four areas. The study concludes that the role of parents in the running of schools in the country has not significantly grown from that of being school financiers and builders of infrastructure. Therefore, building school governance capacity among parents is necessary.  相似文献   


In this article the writer explores the importance of and difficulty surrounding dialogue between students and teachers. This discussion is set within the wider context of a debate about the education of the emotions in our society and the argument is that this dialogue has a part to play in the education of the emotions. Thinking in the field of psychotherapy is drawn on as well as the writer’s experience as an educator, counsellor and trainer. She is currently working in higher education and concerned with teacher education and research. This background is relevant in that this experience is drawn on and it also shows up the focus of much of the work. This is concerned with personal, social and emotional development in education and with making this integral to education and organizations.  相似文献   

When classrooms are not gender responsive, boys and girls seating in the same classroom and learning from the same teacher receive very different education. Each and every textbook and all learning materials tell a story about people; how they relate to one another and to the environment within which they live. The present study is a desk research conducted to establish the extent of gender responsiveness of selected primary school English textbooks in Zimbabwe. Using the ABC of Gender Analysis framework, the study made quantitative and qualitative analyses of two selected series of primary school English textbooks, which are Step in New Primary English (Grade 1 to 7) and Ventures English Alive! (Grade 1 to 7 Pupil's Book). Components of the ABC of Gender Analysis were used to make a critical analysis of the textbooks. Despite the fact that a number of measures have been put in place to address issues of gender inequality in all sectors, findings from the study revealed that the selected primary school English textbooks continue to perpetuate gender discrimination and bias. This impacts negatively on the education of girl children and it is detrimental to equal educational attainment for boys and girls. Girls tend to be affected and lag behind, others fail to excel and even drop out. The study recommends the promotion of zero tolerance to gender biases and stereotypes in all learning and teaching environments. The study also recommends that school textbooks be exposed to the rigour of gender analysis before they are recommended for use in any educational activity.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of the role of parent governors in five neighbouring rural primary schools in Zimbabwe. The study proposed that despite the presence of a legal decentralised school governance structure in which parents form the majority, they did not have the capacity to function effectively therein, and were still marginalised in school governance decision-making. Four areas of decision-making were investigated: school organisation; curriculum; employment and appraisal of teaching staff; and financial resources. Interviews were conducted with parent governors, school heads and teachers. Findings show that all the respondent groups perceived significant parental involvement in the area of school finances only. However, parents were perceived to lack the capacity to make decisions in all four areas. The study concludes that the role of parents in the running of schools in the country has not significantly grown from that of being school financiers and builders of infrastructure. Therefore, building school governance capacity among parents is necessary.  相似文献   

目的:掌握上高县小学生的肥胖发生情况,为防控小学生原发性肥胖提供依据。方法:制定纳入排除研究对象的标准,随机抽取上高县实验小学的学生,调查其肥胖状况并分析其肺活量、肺活量指数等指标。结果:共获得调查对象645名小学生。超重和肥胖总检出率分别为4.3%和2.0%,男生、女生超重、肥胖和超重肥胖合计的检出率分别为6.2%和2.1%、2.8%和1.0%、4.3%和2.0%。超重、肥胖小学生的肺活量均大于正常体重小学生,但肺活量指数前者均低于后者。结论:县城小学生尤其是男生的肥胖问题已较严重,应加强预防控制,以保障和促进其心肺功能的健康发育。  相似文献   

Flynn (1991) proposed that students from Asian cultural backgrounds typically achieve at higher levels than non-Asian students with the same IQs. This study investigated relationships between IQ, study time, educational and occupational aspirations, and academic achievement among Australian school children ( n = 160) from Chinese, Vietnamese and Anglo-Celtic backgrounds. Mathematics grades for Chinese and Vietnamese Australian children were higher. They spent more time studying and were more likely to desire an occupation requiring tertiary qualifications than Anglo-Celtic Australian peers. Consistent with Flynn's hypothesis, students from Asian backgrounds obtained higher mathematics grades than their Anglo-Celtic Australian peers with the same IQ. However, study and occupational aspirations formed only part of a more complex socio-cultural package that contributed to group achievement differences. Parents' support for studying and aspirations may interact with these factors to produce high achievement.  相似文献   

高校成人教育学历证书电子注册工作浅谈   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实行电子注册是高校成人教育学历证书管理改革的重要举措,在证书管理的科学化、规范化、杜绝假证、维护学校声誉和利益等方面产生积极的效果,由于该项工作起步较晚,时间短,为做好该项工作,提高工作水平,必须进行积极的探讨。  相似文献   

Biology knowledge and understanding is important not only for the conversion of the loftiest dreams into reality for a better life of individuals but also for preparing secondary pupils for such fields as agriculture, medicine, biotechnology, and genetic engineering. But a recent study has revealed that many aspects of school science (biology included) pose problems of understanding for pupils, simply because of the teaching methods used and the lack of adequate instructional resources. Nevertheless, a program was designed to incorporate the use of computer technology innovation called the computer-mediated simulations (CMS) program to enhance pupils' learning outcomes in school biology. The study was carried out in a real biology classroom setting. It involved comparisons between the treatment and control groups. A Solomon-Three Group quasi-experimental design was employed to involve three secondary schools situated along Njoro-Mau Narok and Elburgon-Molo roads in Nakuru district that were purposively sampled on the basis of easy accessibility and the availability of IBM compatible computers. A total of 102 pupils enrolled in three intact classes were exposed to the same content on cell division for a period of 3 weeks. Three dependent measures—the Biology Achievement Test (BAT), the Biology Classroom Environment Questionnaire (BCEQ), and the Pupil Attitude Questionnaire (PAQ)—were used to assess the effectiveness of the program on the pupils' academic achievement in cell theory, their perception of the classroom environment, and attitudes towards the biology course on cell theory. The findings of the study affirmed the impact of the CMS program on the pupils' learning outcomes in that the mean gains of the participants in the treatment groups were significantly higher than that of their counterparts in the regular program. Also, the results indicated that the mean differences between the experimental group and the true control group were statistically significant in favor of the treatment group. The findings also showed no relationship between the participants' gender and their learning outcomes. The study concludes that the use of the CMS program to augment conventional biology teaching has major implications for secondary biology instruction in this area.  相似文献   

农村小学寄宿制对学生综合素质发展影响的调查与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江苏射阳县地处黄海之滨,苏北平原中部,人口105万,面积2795平方公里.是江苏省土地面积最大的县份之一。三年来.全县先后撤并小学283所,撤并学校数占原有数的70%,作为学校布局调整必然产物和有力助推器的小学寄宿制,射阳县从2001年开始试点,2002年全面铺开.至2003年全县寄宿制小学增至70所,占农村小学的71.4%;  相似文献   

Two experiments explored the relationship between 15‐16‐year‐old ninth‐formers’ working memory (WM) capacity and school achievement. In the first experiment, WM capacity was measured administering complex WM span tests on 107 subjects. These measures correlated highly significantly with performance in four school subjects: mathematics, foreign language, Finnish (native language) and geography. In the second experiment, additional WM tasks were used to measure two WM components: the phonological loop and the central executive component as suggested by Baddeley (1986). The tasks that were assumed to measure the central executive were strongly linked to performance in school subjects. Maximally, they shared 31 % of the variance with school achievement. Partial correlations showed that digit span correlated, independently of the central executive measures, with performance in foreign language. This result suggested that the phonological loop is specifically related to foreign language learning. The relationship between WM and the general intelligence factor g is discussed.  相似文献   

A self-report questionnaire about involvement in different types of bullying, what behaviours were regarded as bullying, and attitudes towards bullying, bullies and victims was completed by pupils in Year 7 (aged 11/12) through to Year 10 (aged 14/15) ( n = 170). Overall, direct verbal assault was the most commonly reported, and stealing the least frequently reported, type of bullying. For six specific types of bullying investigated, and for a composite measure of all types of bullying, significantly fewer Year 9 pupils than pupils in the other three years reported that they had behaved in these ways in the previous week. No significant sex differences emerged on these measures. These findings suggest that general patterns in bullying activities as a function of age and sex obtained in previous studies do not always hold. Although most pupils indicated that they thought that six out of eight types of behaviour viewed as bullying by researchers should be regarded as bullying, a substantial minority did not. The present study also extended bullying research by examining associations between pupils' definitions and attitudes towards bullying and their reports of bullying others. For one specific type of bullying, 'Forcing people to do things that they don't want to do', significantly fewer pupils who reported that they had behaved in this way than who reported that they had not done so included it in their definition of bullying. A consistent pattern of significant negative correlations of moderate size between attitudes and self-reported involvement in specific types of bullying were obtained. The implications of these findings for those concerned with tackling bullying in schools were discussed.  相似文献   

This article uses survey data on 15,800 high school students from 3 urban school districts to investigate the impact of school-level support for higher educational attainment and school racial composition on students' actual educational aspirations. We examine students' perceptions of school support for postsecondary participation and test alternative measures of school racial composition in order to account for the increasingly multiracial makeup of today's urban high schools. We include both school-level and student-level characteristics in a multilevel logistic regression model to see if perceived school support for higher educational attainment differs by school racial composition. The results provide support for the hypothesis that school racial composition and school support have an effect on students' reported educational aspirations, and that alternative specifications of school racial composition provide different interpretations of these important relationships.  相似文献   

论职业院校校企合作的形式、条件及目标效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
校企合作是职业院校与企业之间形成的战略联盟,职业院校可以资源共享、工学交替、订单培养、授权冠名的形式。寻找具有鲜明现代企业特征和良好市场前景的企业开展校企合作,实现学校教育理念与企业精神、学校培养目标与企业用人需求、教学内容与企业生产技术等方面“零距离”的目标效果。  相似文献   

高考改革推进过程中不同利益主体基于风险收益权衡选科决策,引发了选科决断异化风险。澳大利亚制定了考试中心指引、高校专业限定、高中选科支持、家社协同指导、成绩科学赋分、录取综合评定的科目自选支持体系,但其也涌现出了选科倚重成绩、走班编排冲突、大学限定缩水、考生趋易避难的异化风险。以往鉴来,应配备学生发展专兼职指导教师,把生涯发展规划贯穿科目选择全过程;优化高中教学组织编排管理,建立规范、高效、有序的选科走班运行机制;激发高校科目限定主动权,提升大学人才培养与高中自主选科的关联度;优化科目加权赋分机制,防控田忌赛马机会主义风险;落实多元评价方式,提升生源甄别选拔精准度。  相似文献   

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