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邓小平立足于中国社会主义现代化建设的需要,领导中国走出了社会发展中出现的诸如混淆革命与建设、具体制度与基本制度、人治与法治、民本与民主以及将资本主义与社会主义、公与私、贫与富、计划与市场、体力劳动者与脑力劳动者对立化等一系列观念困境,努力创新,从而开创了中国社会主义建设的新局面。  相似文献   

现代化是以现代性成长为动力,从传统社会向现代社会的转型过程.中国作为后发外源现代化国家,由于社会生长力不足,经济发展具有第一优先性.但单纯经济发展又会导致社会分裂和失衡.构建社会主义和谐社会的命题,将传统文化精髓融入现代化战略中,注重现代化进程中经济发展和社会发展的均衡问题,形成了全新的现代化发展模式.  相似文献   

曹秀先是南昌地区最重要的历史文化名人,曹氏家庙是乾隆皇帝降旨建造的两座家庙之一。"一朝六进士,五里两尚书",显赫的曹氏家族是古代耕读文化的代表。重建曹氏家庙具有重要的社会价值和经济价值。  相似文献   

The theme of ‘new directions for research in relation to social justice and teacher education’ raises questions about not only the broad economic and cultural shifts which now frame education (what types of exclusions and unfairnesses are being created?), and not only about the changing construction of inequalities in education in the reshaped education institutions (what is social justice?). It also raises the very difficult issue of how older research and reform agendas meet, or fail to meet, the subjectivity of students today; and the problem of how adequately the (human) subject, subject formation and the historical specificity of human subjects is now considered in the reform agendas. This paper will illustrate some of these questions by drawing on a seven-year longitudinal, qualitative study, now nearing completion, of students going through school. It will argue for the continued utility of this form of more traditional academic research, in addition to the types of action-directed and ‘partnership’ research that are commonly seen as the task of ‘teacher education’ now. From this study of the current generation of students at school, the paper will point to some continuities and some shifts regarding how winners and losers are being created through schooling today. It will also revisit the old issue for researchers and reformers in education, about who is speaking to whom and with what effects.  相似文献   

经济建设是我国当前的中心工作,也是解决我国社会主义初级阶段各种内外部矛盾的关键所在,但是无数经验告诉我们经济发展与法制密不可分,在我国法治体系中,经济法无疑是我国经济建设工作的直接法制保障。任何法律的制定必然是出于一定的社会目的,而任何法律的价值也在于实现了一定的社会功能,所以本文就从功能角度对我国经济法进行研究,包括对经济法社会经济功能的概述,以及经济法的社会经济信息传输功能,经济行为组织与利益分配功能,刺激社会经济发展功能,避免经济纠纷功能等具体功能。  相似文献   

Graham Nuthall was drawn to social constructivist theories but relatively pessimistic about the feasibility of social constructivist approaches to teaching, except in rather narrowly specified situations. This article summarizes Nuthall's views on these issues and the research findings that shaped them, drawing in particular on a chapter in which he spoke to the issues directly. The author then draws on some of his work to support and elaborate on Nuthall's conclusions, and argue for more theory and research on both the affordances and constraints of social constructivist teaching.  相似文献   

Adolescent girls and young women in urban slum areas in developing countries face a myriad of challenges regarding education, sexual health, livelihoods and gender-based violence. One way of understanding how these challenges interact with each other is through the Asset Building Framework, which posits that girls need a combination of social, health and economic assets in order to make a healthy transition from childhood to adulthood. This study sought to examine barriers and facilitators to health behaviour change and economic activity for girls within the context of this framework. It involved a combination of focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with 128 young women who were in the age range of 18–25 years, living in various slums in Nairobi, Kenya. We found that economic assets reduce young women's dependence on others (especially parents and relationships with men) so that they are able to make positive changes in health behaviour. Social networks, self-esteem and financial literacy all played important roles in positively positioning girls to make the transition to economic activity safely and successfully. We suggest that programmes that seek to improve girls’ and young women's health behaviour or economic activity include elements of asset building within all three categories of assets.  相似文献   

社会公平是社会主义和谐社会的根本内容和重要特征;社会公平具有多重内涵;我国目前还存在着许多不公平的现象,严重制约着和谐社会的建设;只有实施制度创新,才能确保社会公平的实现。  相似文献   

影响经济增长有四个因素:资本、人力资源、自然资源、技术进步。但分析它们是假定在社会制度和意识形态已经符合了经济增长的要求这一前提之下的要求这一前提之下的。传统的经济增长理论把因素撇开来的。但是作为一个动态的过程,经济增长不能忽视制度的因素。制度创新能让技术进步更有效地转化为生产力,使劳动力和资本发挥更大的作用,从而实现高经济增长。中国改革开放20多年,取得了举世瞩目的成绩,制度创新始终贯穿其中,起到重要作用。随着改革的深化,其难度也愈来愈大,制度的已成为中国经济体制改革的关键。  相似文献   

足球经济,指的主要是以运动本身、还有与其相关的产业的开发、流通作为主要的产业内容的经济形式。足球经济的流通,主要的实现手段是球员的转会还有足球产品的流通。当前,随着社会经济的不断发展,足球产业的范围也在不断的扩大,总体来说,足球产业已经成为了一个重要的经济产业。本文从足球经济对就业、制造业和建筑行业的影响分析,指出足球产业是国民经济的重要产业,应当引起国家重视,并合理规划,以促使其健康发展。  相似文献   

本文认为政治稳定,经济稳定与社会稳定三者思想基础相同,即均以邓小平理论为基础;但内容各不相同,三者相互联系,相互制约,在社会主义现代化建设中共同发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

现代和谐社会结构的根本特征在于各利益群体自觉维持的利益均衡格局以及中间阶层的兴起.中国社会阶层结构变迁表现出明显的路径依赖和封闭性特征,其根本原因在于各阶层占有的社会资本的不同导致了获取资源的机会的不平等.创新体制,弱化社会资本的作用,建立交易成本更低的市场经济体制,在利益群体的博弈过程中形成利益均衡格局和利益协调机制,促进阶层流动,是构建和谐社会的一个重要方面.  相似文献   

经济专业高等数学课程改革初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在详细分析现行经济数学课程存在问题的基础上,初步提出了经济数学课程改革的思路.  相似文献   

经济全球化背景下的高等教育国际化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济全球化使高等教育国际化超越了传统的政治外交的价值标准,高等教育国际化成为国家间高等教育资源的交换过程。发达国家成为高等教育国际化的最大受益者,新兴工业化国家和经济快速发展的经济转型国家为高等教育国际化做出了巨大贡献。高技术在教育领域的广泛应用,为高等教育国际化提供了新的技术手段,使国际间高等教育资源不再依附于人员流动,形成高等教育国际化新的增长点。  相似文献   

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