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Forming more effective partnerships with national governments in the Asia-Pacific region has been an important policy focus for the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) since 2006. AusAID is increasingly engaging in sector-wide approaches and working through partner government systems. This paper explores how new partnerships are impacting education policy in the vastly different contexts of Lao PDR, Vanuatu, Indonesia, and the Philippines from 2006 to 2009. Conclusions are that policy discourse and current practice indicate an active effort to develop partnerships in education with donors and partner governments. But the reality in the field is that while sector-wide approaches are outlined in policy discourse, practice indicates loosely harmonized arrangements with like-minded donors, and slow progress toward sector-wide involvement.  相似文献   

This paper examines New Labour's curriculum policies since its election to office in May 1997. It begins with an overview of the curriculum legacy inherited by New Labour from the previous Conservative government. New Labour's curriculum polices are then analysed in relation to the continuities and disjunctures with those of its predecessor. It is argued that under New Labour ‘standards’ has replaced ‘curriculum’ as the discursive hub of educational policy making. This discursive shift has led to the government imposing greater control over classroom pedagogy in order to meet prespecified educational targets. Moreover, it has engendered policies that substantially erode the principle of a broad and balanced curriculum entitlement, generally regarded one of the redeeming features of the 1988 Education Reform Act. The paper concludes with some tentative suggestions for a conception of curriculum that will more effectively meet the challenges of the 21st century  相似文献   

The paper reflects on the use by the UK central government of statistical evidence in educational policy matters. Particular attention is given to school league tables. The paper is generally critical of government attitudes, but suggests that progress towards rational decision‐making does occur.  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代中期以来,我国的教育政策无论在数量还是在质量上都有很大的发展,但是,这种发展呈现出较大的波动性和非连续性,这种现象在一定程度上反映了政府意志的方向,以及控制教育改革与发展的力度的大小。本文把教育政策作为一种非常重要和独特的资源,通过教育政策的统计分析,研究了教育政策的类型、层次、性质等问题,并从数量的变化中反映教育发展的规律和内在机理,并对教育政策的发展方向进行预测。  相似文献   


The co‐ordination, control and financing mechanisms for higher education institutions have been the subject of ongoing political analysis and technical debate within university systems over recent years. The interrelationships between governments (as the ones in charge of university policy), universities and society have in recent years undergone a restatement process, due principally to the widespread changes that have occurred in the higher education environment. In this context, the university system of Catalonia (Spain's most advanced and dynamic autonomous region) has, since 1997, been undergoing a new co‐ordination experience between the government and universities centred around the programme‐based contract formula, which has opened the way to a new system of financing and control of academic outputs for universities. The object of this paper is to critically analyse this experience (completely new to the Spanish university scene) in order to draw conclusions from the debate in progress on higher education co‐ordination, financing and university autonomy.  相似文献   

岳阳自古不仅为兵家必争,而且是税关重地。从1899年岳州正式开埠到1939年岳州关全部关闭,近40年时间,一直由洋人统治。闭关了50年后,1988年,岳阳海关又重新建立。新的岳阳海关是岳阳国民经济发展到一定程度,进出口贸易达到一定水平后重建的。本文站在历史的角度,从岳阳海关的衰败到兴盛,反映出中国自改革开放以来主权的不断强大和经济的迅猛发展。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国经济与社会发展迅速,取得了举世公认的巨大成就与进步。然而,作为一个多民族的大国,各民族、各地区经济与社会发展及其现代化进程是不平衡的,少数民族和民族地区发展相对缓慢,并逐渐拉大了与东部沿海地区的差距。对于造成这一差距的自然条件、历史原因、人文环境、政策环境、劳动力素质等因素,学术界已有诸多论述,我们无意重复。这里,我们试图将各民族、各地区发展差距拉大的原因放在当代中国地方政府间竞争的背景中加以探讨,使这一分析更具实际意义,以便于寻求缩小发展差距的现实途径。  相似文献   

埃尔多安就职土耳其总理以来在内政外交政策上做了很大的调整:对内打击军方势力,扩大新兴阶层的影响,调整经济政策促进了经济的快速发展,赢得了人民的支持.对外正发党政府实现了外交的多元化,其外交政策显示出更大的独立性;同时正发党政府以“零问题”外交方针改善了与中东各国的外交关系.中东剧变后,正发党政府适时调整自己的中东政策,巩固了土耳其的地区大国地位,使正发党政府的内外政策得到进一步施展.  相似文献   

Built on a sociocultural framework of policy analysis and Wertsch's concept of mediation, the present study examines how early childhood teacher education has changed as a result of interactions between reform policy and the action of teacher educators. Ten teacher educators participated in the study, along with eight early childhood leaders, 15 kindergarten principals and child care centre supervisors, and one policy‐maker. Data collected through interviews, focus‐group discussions, and reviews of government and organisational documents as well as press materials were analysed. The findings revealed that early childhood organisations were more active than teacher educators in the process of negotiation. Although early childhood teacher education has expanded since the handover in 1997, the voice and identity of the profession are still in an embryonic state. The study offers implications for redefining the roles of teacher educators and restructuring teacher education contexts to help facilitate the development of ideological consciousness and new understanding.  相似文献   

This article links the prospects of sustainable development to democratic socialism and those forms of knowledge and learning developed by the global anti‐capitalist movement. While socially critical approaches to education for sustainable development (ESD) can accommodate these forms, they are marginalised by New Labour’s policies on sustainable development and education. Contradictions between neo‐liberalism and social democracy in these policies explain why ESD has made limited progress and suggest the kinds of initiatives and ESD indicators the UK government is likely to favour. The article establishes the policy context for a second article that focuses on how the UK ESD community responded to the author’s report on possible approaches to an ESD indicator, commissioned by the Sustainable Development Commission.  相似文献   

不同时期教育政策研究有着不同的研究旨趣或意图,旨趣的变迁又直接影响着教育政策研究的基本内涵、内容取向与研究范式。比照国际教育政策研究的三次旨趣变迁,三十多年来,我国教育政策研究也逐步发展了从政府管理取向到学科科学取向到综合理解取向的研究线索,并在这一过程中形成了我国教育政策研究的本土特征,暴露出政府主导性、结构性失衡和基础性薄弱等问题。本文希望通过对我国教育政策研究的旨趣变迁及其本土特征的解读,获得有关我国教育政策研究现状的基本认识,并以此为基础关照我国教育政策研究的未来发展。  相似文献   

"白澳政策"是澳大利亚联邦政府在1901年建国后作为一项基本国策而确定下来的种族歧视性移民政策,其含义是保证澳大利亚为白种人所有,排斥有色人种移民澳大利亚。它历经七十余年,走完了从严厉到开明,从开明到消亡的演变过程。了解"白澳政策",对发展中澳关系有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

The 10‐year anniversary of the first democratic elections in South Africa in 2004 provoked much reflection and fuelled new policy debates on both the progress and failures of educational reform. While a myriad of achievements have been touted and are well‐known to international audiences, a swelling critique from inside South Africa shows that much work remains to be done. By glancing backward as a way to understand how to move forward, we review several important recently published books on post‐apartheid education policy to learn how policies were conceived, what went well and what went seriously wrong. In engaging this extended analysis we provide a glimpse into the unique set of circumstances and challenges faced by the South African government over the last 15 years (namely the tensions between equity and redress and global competitiveness), while offering a sustained critique of the resulting policy outcomes through a social justice lens.  相似文献   

This article examines the cyclical nature of government policy vis‐à‐vis work‐related learning. First, it looks at the purposes and types of work‐related learning which exist in the 14–19 educational phase. Second, it describes the policy history surrounding work‐related learning, highlighting policy emphasis on recurring themes such as enterprise education, workplace socialisation, motivation and academic achievement. Third, the way in which work‐related learning has been organised is described. This leads to a discussion of whether and to what extent the multiplicity of purposes of work‐related learning set out by the government can actually be achieved. More importantly, it suggests that the organisational and policy aspects of work‐related learning are offered as ‘new and improved products’ every so often, and that more empirical research should be undertaken and thought given before the results of this agenda can be judged effectively.  相似文献   


This article reviews recent progress in the reform of initial teacher education in England and Wales. The first part outlines the development of government policy, with particular emphasis on changes announced in the speech of Kenneth Clarke, Secretary of State for Education, to the North of England Education Conference in January 1992. The second part presents an analysis of the policy, identifying its roots and some conceptual and practical difficulties. Part three surveys ways in which provision of initial teacher education in institutions of higher education has been responding to internal and external pressures for change, with emphasis on developments since 1989. The final part makes proposals about the future direction of policy, arguing that there remain key questions to be addressed about the nature of teacher education, the process of change, and the relationship of teacher education to higher education.  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代以来,韩国政府一直实施积极的住宅供给政策。四十多年过去了,韩国的住宅供给政策取得了巨大成果。但是,随着住宅市场环境的变化,依然停留在强化住宅供给层面的韩国住宅政策越来越显示出其局限性。本文对韩国现行的住宅政策存在的问题进行了分析,并借鉴美国和新加坡两个国家在解决住宅问题上所采取的有效措施,寻求韩国住宅供给制度的改善方案。  相似文献   

近年来,我省职业教育发展在取得显著成绩的同时,也存在着管理上政出多门、用人编制上统得过死以及不公平的招生政策等严重制约职业教育协调发展的突出问题。建议政府加强协调和统筹,将所有职业教育机构纳入统一的轨道,科学合理地调整编制,加快职教师资队伍建设步伐,完善招生政策,规范招生行为,促进我省职业教育的快速协调发展。  相似文献   

朝鲜核危机与美国及东亚主要国家的立场分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朝鲜核危机由来已久。20世纪90年代和去年10月以来发生的两次核危机,引发朝鲜半岛与东亚地区的严重安全问题。对此问题,东亚地区主要国家的态度迥异。韩国坚持和平解决危机立场,也不排斥必要时采取强硬手段;日本主张采取强硬措施;中国政府则坚持多方会谈、和平解决危机。美国克林顿政府与小布什政府的立场不尽相同,在美国对伊拉克战争期间,小布什已制定基本政策。事态发展令人关注。  相似文献   

The Evolution of Government Policy on Widening Participation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the evolution of government policy in England on widening participation. It traces government policy on widening participation in relation to social class from Robbins (1963 ) through Dearing (1997 ) to ‘The Future of Higher Education’ (2003 ) and the passing of the Higher Education Act (2004). The paper concludes that there is a lack of participation in policy formulation by certain key groups, particularly those directly affected by widening participation policy. In addition, although the government's widening participation policy has generally progressed, it has done so within an overly bureaucratic system of control that fails to give higher education institutions the autonomy they need. There are also occasions when aspects of policy seem to be taking backward steps. Moreover, while the government adopts a rhetoric of strategic rationality, policy on widening participation often appears to be ad hoc, piecemeal and lacking a cohesive, evidence‐based rationale. Finally, there are times when New Labour appears to lack the political will to implement radical policies.  相似文献   

在我国特有的社会背景下,包括教师聘任制度在内的高等教育管理体制改革和创新过程体现出很强的政府主导性特征,政府的政策导向功能和规范作用在聘任制改革中的作用极为明显.这一"政府主导下的渐进改革模式"在一定程度上揭示了改革可以行进的边界条件.但是实践证明,政府作为聘任制改革的主要政策制定者,对高校人事制度存在着既供给不足又缺少边界的问题,这就造成大学在试图进行聘任制改革时面临诸多制约因素.  相似文献   

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