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This article is intended to appraise the insights gained from Critical Race Theory (CRT) in Education. It is particularly interested in CRT's relationship with Marxist discourse, which falls under two questions. One, how does CRT understand Marxist concepts, such as capital, which show up in the way CRT appropriates them? The article argues that Marxist concepts, such as historical classes, class-for-itself, are useful for race analysis as it sets parameters around the conceptual use of historical races and a race-for-itself. Two, how does CRT understand the role of capitalism, therefore shedding light on its position regarding the class problem? It is no doubt attentive to class power, but this is not the same as performing an immanent critique of capitalism. As a result, within CRT class achieves a color whereby class becomes a variant of race, better known as classism. Race becomes the theory with class vocabulary superimposed on it. Last, I suggest areas where CRT could combine with Marxism in order to forge a Critical Raceclass Theory of Education.  相似文献   

马克思劳动价值论是马克思主义经济学的理论基石。马克思劳动价值论不是价值分配理论,而是价值创造理论,价值分配关系由生产资料所有制决定。社会主义市场经济条件下,按劳分配和按生产要素分配相结合的理论基础是马克思劳动价值论。探索形成价值的生产劳动的内涵和外延是发展马克思劳动价值论的重要内容。  相似文献   

Moving from opposition to participation, the Adolescent Family Life Act (1981) and the development of abstinence education marks the conservative movement's pivot to a rhetorical strategy of tolerance that enabled it to coopt the public culture of sex discourse. Working from Herbert Marcuse's theory of “surplus repression,” I argue that the New Right seized the liberationist argument for open public discourse about sexuality to sublimate libidinal desires into a national project of familial (re)productivity. The AFLA is significant in the rhetorical history of sex education because it demarcates the transition to a productive form of biopolitics that sought to manage sexuality by instrumentalizing rather than censuring bodily desire. Conservative sex talk illustrates how Eros—transgressive, creative, and erotic desires—is channeled into the discursive production of hyper-functional subjects invested in their own subjugation.  相似文献   

耗散结构理论是指用热力学和统计物理学的方法,研究耗散结构形成的条件、机理和规律的理论。详细介绍了耗散结构理论的内容,在此基础上运用耗散结构理论分析了中国改革开放政策的正确性,从系统论的角度分析了改革开放的科学性。  相似文献   

米歇尔·福柯的权力理论主张从权力实际运作的机制、过程和效果出发来研究权力问题,全文运用该理论来解读“非典”期间的权力及其运作模式,并肯定其生产的、积极的作用。  相似文献   


In A Theory of Moral Education, Michael Hand defends the importance of teaching children moral standards, even while taking seriously the fact that reasonable people disagree about morality. While I agree there are universal moral values based on the kind of beings humans are, I raise two issues with Hand’s account. The first is an omission that may be compatible with Hand’s theory; the role of virtues. A role for the cultivation of virtues and rational emotions such as compassion is vital in accounting for the emotional aspect of morality. The second issue pertains to Hand’s foundational premise of human beings’ rough equality. Following Martha Nussbaum, I argue that contractarian approaches must be critically evaluated to ensure the social contract properly includes and accounts for the human dignity of those who are typically excluded from the benefits of society. Hand’s justificatory arguments rely upon a contractarian premise, and the contract itself needs scrutiny and adjustment if it is to support a viable theory of moral education.  相似文献   

论马克思的科学发展观——以《资本论》研究对象为视角   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
《资本论》研究的对象是资本主义生产关系以及和它相关的生产力。生产力的源泉是劳动力和自然资源,资本主义生产关系促使生产力高速发展,但是资本主义生产关系下的生产力发展是扭曲的。马克思以劳动价值论为基础得出,推动生产力合理发展的生产关系的内涵是公平劳动。马克思科学发展观的本质是:在全体社会成员公平占有自然资源基础上实现公平劳动的生产关系作用下,促进生产力中创造财富的源泉——劳动力和自然资源的科学开发及使用,实现生产力的可持续发展。马克思的科学发展观对中国在社会主义初级阶段如何通过调整生产关系促进生产力的可持续发展有重要启示。  相似文献   


This paper is a response to Richard Niesche’s recent JEAH paper claiming a ‘theory turn’ in educational leadership. Bringing Niesche’s argument into conversation with recent work on social epistemology in the field, I argue that any claim for a theory turn is premature and arguably requires further nuancing of enduring issues. Framed around the relational methodology, the argument articulates my own complicity with the proposed theory turn, before problematising the idea of a turn and highlighting the importance of time and space. Importantly, I seek to go beyond the analytical dualism of theoretical and atheoretical categories for the purpose of offering a productive contribution for advancing understanding in the field. This is not to refute Niesche’s argument, rather to highlight some of the problems and possibilities it identifies and to the push the ideas further in the interest of scholarly dialogue and debate.  相似文献   

理论的创新不以形式的新旧或产生时间的先后为标尺。当代创新的美学理论应该具备优秀的理论品格,其中包括坚实的哲学根基和开放性的品格,应将其理论牢固地搭建于科学的哲学基石之上,汲取各种理论学说的合理成分以使自身日臻完善、与时俱进,从而立于时代的高峰。  相似文献   

Rooted in feminist philosophy, critical race theory, and participatory action research (PAR), I partnered with four faculty and four students at an elite, private, college preparatory day school for boys in order to examine bullying. In this article I closely examine the role of language and discourse when conducting counter hegemonic research with people who are predominantly privileged and within institutions designed to reproduce those privileges. I briefly describe the co-construction of our theory and instrument to illustrate that our close attention to language in regards to bullying both helped us understand our work and changed how we went about conducting the study. I describe how our strategic use of language to broadly define bullying helped us capture interesting data and interrupt power. And finally, I discuss our political use of language to others and suggest that while it paved a safer space for us to conduct our work it also may have restricted our work from having the power to resist co-optation and promote sustainable, systemic change.  相似文献   

当前西方国际关系理论界较流行的“民主和平论”实际上是为西方大国尤其是美国干涉他国内政,推行强权政治提供依据。以肯尼斯.华尔兹的基本理论框架为分析工具,把国际关系的历史考量与理论阐说结合起来探讨时下流行的“民主和平论”具有重大的理论和实践意义。历史已经而且将继续证明“民主和平论”不仅不科学,而且行不通。  相似文献   

生产力标准和人民利益标准是邓小平的“猫论”和“社会主义本质论”所共同折射出的两大标准。因而“猫论”与“社会主义本质论”这两大论断就在回答主题的同一性、思想发展轨迹的承继性、思维方式的辩证统一性及揭示社会主义本质的层次性 ,即“四性”上有着深刻的逻辑关系。正是“猫论”的提出及同一时期邓小平对毛泽东错误思想的批判与纠正 ,为邓小平理论的起源提供了滋生的土壤和养分  相似文献   

巴赫金把躯体分为内在躯体与外在躯体。"我与他人"成为构建内在与外在躯体的重要参与因素。而在人与人的交往对话中,人群又共同构建了一个富有象征意义的"巨大躯体"。躯体和物质世界具有天然的开放性的交换关系,躯体成为内在自我与外在世界沟通的中介。巴赫金所阐释的"躯体"是一种价值向度上的"躯体",其在文学艺术等方面有重要的表现。  相似文献   

This paper, which is particularly centered on the student’s learning process, is the first half of a detailed study of selectivity in Whitehead’s philosophy of education. Here, by setting forth the analogy between the creative process exhibited in Whitehead’s Theory of Prehensions and the learning process through an interpretation of the term, ‘prehending subject’ as ’learner,’ I argue that selectivity, via ‘negative prehensions,’ is the efficient motive power at work in the process of learning. Various concrete classroom examples of selectivity are alluded to, which lend support to this thesis. With clues from the Aims of Education, by reading the theory of prehensions with some conceptual modifications made for the purposes of education, I present the perspective that, as one side of a logical contrast, Whitehead’s theory of prehensions can be said to be conducive to a critical pedagogy.  相似文献   

Evidence from large-scale studies of primary and secondary students’ technology practices at school over the last decade show disparities in student practices and suggest that schools need to do more to cater for all students. Research that explores the influence of social and cultural factors may be useful for understanding such inequality in student practice. Bourdieu’s theory of practice [(1977). Outline of a Theory of Practice. London: Cambridge University Press] is proposed as an example of a sociological theory that can be adopted in educational technology research to move towards understanding the wider complexities of technology practice. To encourage discourse and application of Bourdieu’s sociology in the field of educational technology research, this paper provides an introduction to the theory, a review of its application in research of primary and secondary students’ technology practice and relevant conceptual work. The paper presents a conceptual framework based on Bourdieu’s theory that has been developed through two recent studies, and review of empirical and conceptual works and invites its application in future research so that it can be critiqued and further developed.  相似文献   

From the vantage point of liberal education, this article attempts to contribute to the conversation initiated by Michael Young and his colleagues on ‘bringing knowledge back’ into the current global discourse on curriculum policy and practice. The contribution is made through revisiting the knowledge-its-own-end thesis associated with Newman and Hirst, Bildung-centred Didaktik and the Schwabian model of a liberal education. The central thesis is that if education is centrally concerned with the cultivation of human powers (capacities, ways of thinking, dispositions), then knowledge needs to be seen as an important resource for that cultivation. A theory of knowledge is needed that conceives the significance of knowledge in ways productive of this cultivation. Furthermore, a theory of content is needed that concerns how knowledge is selected and translated into curriculum content and how content can be analysed and unpacked in ways that open up manifold opportunities for cultivating human powers.  相似文献   

19世纪末20世纪初,美国资本主义工业化基本完成,成为世界头号强国。在美国经济飞速发展的过程中,科学技术起了决定性的作用,它已经起着社会生产力,甚至体现第一生产力的作用。这一历史经验对内蒙古地区在九五期间赶超全国先进地区提供了重要的启示。  相似文献   

后现代主义教育管理思想解析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
后现代主义是当代西方最具影响力的思潮之一 ,其基本概念 ,比如权力、对话、知识等被运用到教育管理理论中 ,形成了后现代主义教育管理理论。后现代主义教育管理理论认为组织是人的社会创造物 ,是变化的、发展的 ;教育管理知识或理论也是变化的 ,不存在唯一正确的教育管理理论 ;教育管理的权力也是变化的 ,分权可以使权力扩大 ,下属参与管理能够提高管理效率 ;组织本身的动态性决定了管理方法和手段的多样性 ,把权力变为管理的实践需要有效的对话和沟通等等。这些基本思想对我国的教育管理理论和实践具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper starts from a brief sketch of the ‘classical’ figure of critical educational theory or science (Kritische Erziehungswissenshaft). ‘Critical educational theory’ presents itself as the privileged guardian of the critical principle of education (Bildung) and its emancipatory promise. It involves the possibility of saying ‘I’ in order to speak and think in one's own name, to be critical, self‐reflective and independent, to determine dependence from the present power relations and existing social order. Actual social and educational reality and relations are approached as a limitation, threat, alienation, re/oppression or negation of ultimate human principles or potential. The task of critical educational theory becomes one of enabling an autonomous, critical, self‐reflective life. While ‘critique’ and ‘autonomy’ have meanwhile become commonplace, and ‘critique’ and ‘autonomy’ are reclaimed and required from everybody, we should also consider the question of the relation between an institutional or ideological framework as that which claims to question this frame and to constitute its opposite. The trivialisation of critique is taken as occasion to recall Michel Foucault's analysis of power relations and especially his thesis according to which the ‘government of individualisation’ is the actual figure of power. Starting from the framework offered by Foucault, it can be made clear that the autonomous, critical, self‐reflective life does not represent an ultimate principle but refers to a very specific form of subjectification operating as a transmission belt for power. The autonomous, critical, self‐reflective person appears as an historical model of self‐conduct whereby power operates precisely through the intensification of reflectiveness and critique rather than through their repression, alienation or negation. This brings us back then to the question of how to conceive of the task of a critical educational theory at a time in which critique, autonomy and self‐determination have become an essential modus operandi of the existing order.  相似文献   

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