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印度高等教育的私有化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪90年代,印度高等教育系统发生了重要的历史性变革。在这十年间,印度的高等教育一直致力于私有化方向的改革,并取得了一定的进展。但由于缺少与之发展相适应的政府长期规划,引发了高等教育系统的混乱。  相似文献   

论公共权力私有化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共权力私有化是一切形式腐败的直接根源。公共权力私有化产生的原因既有不能忽视的客观环境,又有种种主观心理机制因素。公共权力私有化得以实现至少依赖于三条路径。公共权力私有化花样百出,令人防不胜防。公共权力私有化对于党和国家等公共利益和家庭私人利益的破坏具有巨大的冲击力。积极采取有效措施防控公共权力私有化。  相似文献   

到目前为止,民营化在我国已经有20多年的历史,积累了不少成功的经验,同时也发现了一些问题。民营化已经涉及到我国的各个领域,如何使民营化健康发展,特别是在基础设施领域的民营化,是当前学术界讨论的热点。党的十六届三中全会提出放宽市场准入,允许非公有资本进入法律法规未禁入的基础设施、公用事业及其他行业和领域,为全面推进我国民营化进程提供了政策保障。  相似文献   

《经济科学》杂志1999年第6期发表了北京大学教授智效和撰写的《关于什么是私有化的讨论》一文.该文着重探讨了怎样给私有化下定义的方法论原则,原文约1.3万字,现摘要如下. 在讨论什么是私有化时,有必要把个别企业私有化与……  相似文献   

对俄罗斯私有化的认识,目前学术界存在几种观点。其中美国经济学家BernardBlack等人从公司治理层次进行的考察最值得注意。他们认为俄罗斯企业控制者内部交易行为的泛滥给俄罗斯社会经济生活带来了严重后果,为了避免这种后果,必须推行分步私有化模式。这种思路对中国进行国有企业改革与经济结构调整带来启示。  相似文献   

21世纪初,随着美国经济的又一次衰退,美国公立高校的民营化趋势愈演愈烈,公立高校开始依赖私人资金,并不断扩大自主权。对近20年来美国公立高校经费来源结构的变化作大致的分析,有助于探究目前美国公立高校民营化倾向的原因及其表现,并分析其对教育公平性、教学质量、高校管理、乃至整个美国高等教育系统所产生的影响。  相似文献   

私有化必定是非均衡的历史灾难--与刘小玄同志商榷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘小玄的<国有企业民营化的均衡模型>一文主张国有企业全面私有化,在立论上存在三个"虚前提",这一模型必然带来三个"非均衡"的结果.三个"虚前提"表明它主张的全面私有化毫无理论和事实依据,立论不能成立;三个"非均衡"表明私有化与MBO向少数暴富者倾斜、全面否定国有企业、助长社会两极分化,必然造成历史的灾难.  相似文献   

我国城市公用事业由于存在投资主体单一、缺乏竞争、效率低下、服务质量差等问题,急需实行民营化以激活民间资本,提高公共产品的供给效率。政府要清除现存的法律、体制以及政策为民营企业设置的一些障碍,同时也要积极引导民营企业以确保公用事业的公益性。  相似文献   

市场经济体制的建立改变了我国高校由国家直接管理、政府统一办学的单一形式,提倡政府办、社会办、企业办、集资办等多种办学形式.但是,目前中国高校经营非市场化,严重地阻碍了中国高等教育的健康发展.基于此,笔者对中国高等教育走私有化之路进行探析.  相似文献   

Privatization refers to the changing funding base for public higher education. Beginning in the late 1970s, state governments slowly but steadily decreased the level of support for higher education. As the state support declined, student tuition rose, both in absolute terms and as a percentage of the support for the Education and General budgets of public colleges and universities. At the same time, the rationale for higher education changed, from viewing it as a public benefit—with the major share of the cost borne by the public—to describing it as a private benefit—with the students paying the major share of the cost. A public policy issue of this magnitude requires the involvement of the public in an informed discussion before change occurs.  相似文献   

With the fall of communism in 1989, Eastern and Central Europe would quickly become part of an already strong global tide of privatization in higher education. Nowhere else did private higher education rise so suddenly or strongly from virtual nonexistence to a major regional presence. A fresh database allows us to analyze the extent and dimensions of that presence, including various national and subregional quantitative dimensions. Yet the private sector is strongly challenged on several fronts, including paradoxically by the public sector’s own partial privatization, sometimes closely linked to the private-sector growth. Nonetheless, private higher education has continued to grow thus far into the new century, with shifting national and subregional patterns. Higher education privatization remains a noteworthy reality in Eastern and Central Europe but it is an evolving reality.  相似文献   

Privatization Or Marketization: Educational Development in Post-Mao China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In the post-Mao era, the reformers have taken significant steps to privatize social policy and social welfare. Revamping the social security system and commodifying social services have become more prominent since the mid-eighties. Despite the post-Mao leaders' discomfort about the term "privatization", signs of state withdrawal from the provision of social policy and welfare are clear. The author argues that the emergence of private educational institutions indicates that China's educational development has gone through a similar process of privatization or quasi-marketization though the Chinese experience is different from that of Western counterparts. Specifically, this paper tries to examine how the flourishing market economy and the policy of decentralization have affected the development of China's higher education. No longer solely relying on public schools, private and minban (people run) educational institutions are becoming more popular in the new socialist market system. This paper attempts to examine how privatization and quasi- marketization have affected educational development in mainland China. The paper concludes with a discussion of the policy implications of the privatization of education in China.  相似文献   

This article examines youth protests against education privatization in the post-Soviet countries of Latvia, Russia, and Ukraine. Drawing on a sample of online sources and scholarly articles, this study uses critical discourse analysis and visual methodologies to examine why and how post-Soviet university students have organized to protest against education privatization reforms. The study also critically analyzes visual and discursive representations of youth protests by government officials, mass media, and academia in the post-Soviet education space. The study reveals that while student protesters are deeply concerned about the future of public education, the messages (and images) generated by youth protesters are reappropriated in various ways by mass media, often beyond the control of protesters themselves.  相似文献   

The voucher model of financing schooling is becoming increasingly common throughout Latin America, with at least 12 countries using vouchers or voucher-like schemes. The present study focuses on the voucher models of Colombia and Chile, which have the most extensive programs of this type and those of the longest standing in the region. Using empirical evidence, the author compares the two models along four evaluative dimensions: educational quality, segregation, choice and socialization. After weighing the successes and weaknesses of each system, he concludes that, among other characteristics, the most effective and equitable voucher model features: (a) a flexible interpretation of educational quality; (b) financial grants which target solely the poor; (c) vouchers which cover the entire cost of tuition; (d) open enrolment at participating schools; (e) the participation of both secular and religious private schools; (f) accessible and meaningful information to parents; and (g) strong systems of accountability.  相似文献   

教育民营化与教育的准市场制度   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
教育民营化是当代世界教育改革的一个重要趋势。在教育领域引入市场机制是教育民营化的主要制度安排之一。教育领域中的市场机制应该是一种准市场制度环境,其特征是追求公共教育供给者的多样化,在教育领域引入公平竞争机制和自由选择机制,并保持政府对教育准市场的有力规制。教育的准市场制度环境下,保障教育的公益性需要做出特殊的制度安排。  相似文献   

高等教育私营化是世界高等教育发展的重要趋势之一,在我国主要表现为民办高等教育的发展.我国高等教育私营化的程度还不够高,存在着产权不明、法律不完善、民办高校同质化等问题,可以借鉴发达国家的有效经验来促进我国高等教育私营化的发展与完善.  相似文献   

公共物品理论与福利经济学为城市公用事业民营化奠定了理论基础。市场经济体制的确立、发展以及事业单位体制改革对城市公用事业发展走上民营化发展道路提出了现实要求。公私合资经营、合同外包、特许权经营是实现城市公用事业民营化的有效路径选择。当然民营化也并不必然可以解决城市公用事业垄断的问题,其负面效应也是相伴而生的,这就使得我们在推行公用事业民营化的过程中,应该更加注重各种制度的全面建设,尤其是法律制度的完善和规范,要使民营化担负起公用事业反垄断的任务。城市公用事业民营化后,并不意味着政府责任的让渡,政府依然要肩负起引导、监管、协调等责任。  相似文献   

The voucher model of financing schooling is becoming increasingly common throughout Latin America, with at least 12 countries using vouchers or voucher-like schemes. The present study focuses on the voucher models of Colombia and Chile, which have the most extensive programs of this type and those of the longest standing in the region. Using empirical evidence, the author compares the two models along four evaluative dimensions: educational quality, segregation, choice and socialization. After weighing the successes and weaknesses of each system, he concludes that, among other characteristics, the most effective and equitable voucher model features: (a) a flexible interpretation of educational quality; (b) financial grants which target solely the poor; (c) vouchers which cover the entire cost of tuition; (d) open enrolment at participating schools; (e) the participation of both secular and religious private schools; (f) accessible and meaningful information to parents; and (g) strong systems of accountability.  相似文献   

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