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美国教师教育改革新趋势对中国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国奥巴马政府执政以来,增加联邦教育经费,招募教师和吸引人才,进一步提高学生学业标准并奖励优秀教师,出台了一系列对美国的教师教育发展产生深刻影响的教育革新计划。美国大学在通识教育、培养模式、教学实习、教师资格等方面的改革举措有:在教师教育课程方面,更加注重多学科知识基础;在培养模式上更加多元化;延长教育实习期,完善实习专业标准;严格教师资格认定标准,建立考试体系。美国教师教育改革的经验和创新措施,对我国的启示主要有以下四点:建立和完善国家教师教育课程标准,强化教师综合素质提升;完善教育实习顶层制度设计,建立国家级教师教育实习基地;健全和完善国家评定标准,把好教师准入关;完善多层级的专业发展模式,建立教师资格证书进阶制。  相似文献   

面对教育改革面临的诸多社会挑战,包括新冠疫情对美国教师队伍的冲击以及美国中小学教师队伍离职率高、缺乏多样性等问题,美国联邦政府将教师教育改革纳入其“重建更好”一揽子改革计划的重要组成部分。“公平”价值转向、从“缺陷”到“优势”的政策话语转变和弗雷泽三维社会公正理论构成了美国联邦政府教师改革政策的重要理论基础。美国联邦政府采取的教师教育改革措施主要包括:修改大学和高等教育的教师教育援助计划;实施“培植你自己”教师教育项目;完善一年制教师驻校培养模式;加大对少数族裔学校的资助力度;提高教师工资与专业发展水平。美国联邦政府的教师教育改革凸显了社会公平与多元种族和谐相处的政策价值导向,其政策机制体现了联邦政府协调角色的不断增强和市场化教师教育改革方式的适度消退。  相似文献   

This study explores the beliefs and attitudes that university students enrolled in teacher education programmes in Spain, England and the US (Texas) hold about individuals who differ. A beliefs and attitudes toward difference scale (BATD) was constructed using nine dimensions of diversity; culture, language, socioeconomic status/social class, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political ideology, disability and special talent. A two‐way factorial analysis of variance indicated significant main effects due to the respondent groups on culture, religion and sexual orientation; significant main effects of worldview of difference on political ideology; and no interaction between the two factors on each of the nine domains of difference. An exploratory factor analysis was also performed in order to explore the viability of the theoretical model. The data suggest that attitudes towards people who differ include etic, emic and individual properties. These are discussed in terms of the uses of cross‐cultural data and further research opportunities.  相似文献   

澳大利亚自20世纪90年代开始对教师教育课程标准进行持续的改革,从最初的入职教师能力框架到首次建立全国教师专业标准框架,再到大体形成全国教师教育认证制度,并经过多次修订于2010年颁发了完整的全国教师专业标准,从而最终形成比较完善的教师教育认证机制和教师教育课程体系。最新的全国教师专业标准以其更加明确具体的标准结构和内容、充分体现教师专业发展阶段性和持续性的评价方式、从以过程为导向转为以结果为导向的认证要求,体现了澳大利亚教师教育课程标准更加开放灵活的发展理念,反映出国际教师教育改革的共同趋势和澳大利亚教师教育改革的鲜明特色。  相似文献   

在我国 ,腐败现象仍然比较严重 ,其原因主要有 :政治体制改革滞后遗留一些弊端 ;市场经济的负面效应使国家工作人员产生不良心理倾向 ;惩治贪污贿赂犯罪的法律制度不健全。对此应采取以下预防对策 :推进政治体制改革 ,强化监督制约机制 ;加强对党政干部的思想政治教育工作 ,杜绝或减少国家工作人员的不良心理倾向 ;健全惩治贪污贿赂犯罪的法律制度  相似文献   

The outstanding events of the years 1988 and 1989 in the field of historical research were the bicentenary of the death of the “enlightened monarch”, Charles III of Spain and that of the French Revolution. Those years were devoted mainly to the Enlightenment ("La llustración” in Spain) and the first phase of revolutionary liberalism, the reform movement and the final death throes of the “ancien régime”, the rise of a new liberal social and political order, with diverse viewpoints certainly as far as the placing of the reform movement within a historical perspective is concerned. Differences exist between those who lay the emphasis on the changes and innovations and those who bring out the weaknesses and limitations of the Enlightenment. Compared to the 70s during which the main priority was given to university reform, the work recently carried out has stressed primary and mass education together with the new educational establishments of the Enlightenment era and the reforms undertaken in the fields of secondary, professional and technical education as well as the new scientific institutions and scientific activity in general.  相似文献   

教师教育课程是教师教育质量提高的关键所在,科学合理的教师教育课程教学评价的标准是培养高水平教师的重要因素,也是教师教育教学质量持续不断提高的有效保障。目前,我国教师教育课程教学存在的诸多问题无不与教师教育课程教学评价的标准有关。在当前我国高等教育“质量工程”和教师教育课程改革的大背景下,应用CIPP评价模式评价教师教育课程教学质量,对促进学生发展、教师发展、课程改进和教学资源优化配置等具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

课程改革是地方高师院校教师教育改革的必然选择。教师教育课程一体化是教师教育一体化的重要组成部分。从教师教育课程整合的要素来讲,教师教育课程一体化包括教师教育课程结构一体化、课程内容一体化和课程实施一体化等方面。地方高师院校教师教育课程一体化建设中存在的主要问题是课程结构比例失调、课程类别不合理,课程之间内容融合度低、教育实践课程欠整合,课程实施方式变革步伐缓慢、学生评价单一等。建立模块化课程网络体系、合理整合课程内容、优化课程实施过程等是教师教育课程一体化构建的基本对策。  相似文献   

Modern economics has placed lifelong learning (LLL) at the center of an intensive ongoing political debate. Evidenced-based interventions are needed, not only in continuing education courses for teachers, but also in schools. This paper introduces evaluation results of TALK, a teacher education program for professional teachers with the objective of fostering LLL in schools. Two main goals were investigated: effects on teacher competences and cooperation. 40 secondary-school teachers participated. Repeated measures in a control group design established the gains of TALK: It must be evaluated as a program which is successful in the robust enhancement of teacher competences and cooperation.  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育工作队伍是加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的组织保证,其构成主要包括学校党政干部和共青团干部、思想政治理论课和哲学社会科学课教师、辅导员和班主任、其他各学科教师等四支队伍,他们各有分工、各有侧重,缺一不可。  相似文献   

段微晓 《高教论坛》2014,(2):8-10,23
从高校思想政治教育过程参与者的角度来说,学校、教师和学生共同构成了高校思想政治教育系统中的主体。在思想政治教育活动中,学校、教师和学生都具有自主性、主动性和创造性的主体性质。实现"学校-教师-学生"之间的良性互动,有助于增强高校思想政治教育的实效性,进而实现三方的共同发展。  相似文献   

Educational reform in Australia recognizes the need for an effective teacher evaluation system but has fallen short of actually prescribing one. Current practice does not align to policy intent, with teacher evaluation largely an exercise in compliance around performance management as opposed to a process that promotes evaluative thinking, continuous improvement and connection to student outcomes. The recent introduction of the Australian Professional Standards for Teaching has gone some way to providing a common language and the idea of a nationally acceptable pathway for teacher development and performance. Nonetheless, two things are missing in the Australian context: the privileging of developing evaluative mindsets in teachers and school leaders and the tools and methods that provide the ‘how’ of evaluation and support this thinking. Situated against a period of reform in Australia’s diverse federal and multi-sectoral education system, this article first provides an analytical review of the Australian approach to teacher evaluation. It then presents two innovative approaches that support the process of evaluation and the broader information needs of an evaluation system while developing teachers’ and school leaders’ evaluative thinking which engages evidence-informed change and ultimately more sustainable outcomes for the education system.  相似文献   

The focus of this article is the development of adult education. As Kjell Rubenson maintains, adult education has gone through three eras of development: the humanistic, the strong economic period and a softer version of the economic period. Based on this model, we examine whether the development of adult education has similarities across countries and time. The development of adult education is analysed in relation to political and social development in two countries and one region: Portugal, Norway and the region of Andalusia in Spain. We discuss similarities, differences, important aspects and concepts to pinpoint some key factors that have strong influence on the development of adult education in the region and the two countries.  相似文献   


This study examines the perceptions of teachers in special education schools regarding the use of inclusive practices for students with severe permanent disabilities. The research was performed in Andalusia (Spain), using surveys as the main data collection method. To this end, a specific scale was designed and validated, and surveys were filled out by 428 teachers who worked in one of the 59 special education schools in the region. The data analysis shows that the teachers had positive perceptions of the use of inclusive teaching practices; there were significant relationships between variables related to the type of school, as well as gender, age and teaching experience.  相似文献   

Who Counts?     
This article recovers a 1972 essay from James Moffett entitled ‘Who Counts?’ that the National Council of Teachers of English commissioned at the onset of US standards and accountability reforms. The essay historicises NCTE’s positions on teacher accountability by comparing its recent positions on teacher evaluation and the Common Core Standards with Moffett’s opposition to behavioural measurement and business-federal collusion in education reform. These historical juxtapositions highlight how NCTE’s recent policy agenda has reconfigured ‘who counts’ in US English education: its positions now hedge NCTE’s longstanding critiques of behavioural measurement in English, mix quality assurance with professional development, and adopt the educational priorities of federal grants, corporate philanthropy and private sector partners. The article de-naturalises NCTE’s political realignment and considers how Moffett’s prescient critiques of ‘who counts’ in English education might inform individuals’ and organisations’ positions on standards and accountability reforms.  相似文献   

新课程改革为思想政治课的改革提出了许多新问题和新要求。以往的政治思想课主要弊端在于教学内容枯燥、教学形式单一。其带来的后果是政治思想课严重滞后于社会实际,严重滞后于学生实际。思想政治课新课程改革存在的主要问题包括教学中存在的主要问题;管理中存在的主要问题;评价中存在的主要问题。解决这些问题需要教师、学校以及社会共同努力,才能一一解决。  相似文献   

教师教育大学化成为世界各国特别是西方发达国家教师教育改革的重点。教师教育大学化具有自身的政策语境,教师教育大学化政策变革主要涉及到三种模式,即政治驱动模式、大学参与模式和专业自治模式;教师教育大学化的发展过程主要体现为三种取向的质量观。  相似文献   

从中国传统的师德观浅谈当代高等学校的师德建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建设一支具有良好师德的高校教师队伍,是高等教育改革和发展的基本要求,是青年学生健康成长、坚持社会主义办学方向的重要保证。近年来,由于受各种因素的影响,高校教师中出现了一些师德失范的现象。因此,以中国古代师德观为基础,对教师加强思想政治教育和公民道德教育,学校大力进行和谐校园建设,各级政府和政府官员率先垂范应当成为师德建设的重要举措。  相似文献   

目前,高中数学教师对新课程的基本理念普遍认同、教师的教育观念有所转化、教师的教学行为有所改进等;部分教师存在消极心理、教师自身素质缺失、教师感觉工作负担加重等.影响教师适应新课程的主要因素是:教师自身因素;教师评价体制因素;教材因素;教师培训因素.据此提出如下建议:教师应增强自我调节意识,主动适应新课改;建立科学合理的教师评价机制;不断修订完善教材;完善教师培训和校本教研机制.  相似文献   

英国基础教育教师评价制度改革评鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自20世纪80年代以来,英国基础教育教师评价制度改革取得了令人瞩目的成绩,并相继提出了发展性教师评价制度、薪金与绩效挂钩(Performance Related Pay,简称PRP)的教师评价制度和绩效管理教师评价制度。文章对英国基础教育教师评价制度改革进行了概括性分析,并结合我国基础教育中教师评价的现状,提出了英国教师评价制度改革中值得我们借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

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