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农民工子女的教育问题一直以来都是社会各界广泛关注的课题,必须依靠国家的教育政策才能有效解决。本文以农民工子女校外艺术教育为例,紧紧围绕农民工子女校外艺术教育问题与对策这一问题进行深入研究与分析。  相似文献   

伴随我国工业化进行加快,城市化水平提高,越来越多的农村剩余劳动力进入城市打工就业。随之而来的进城务工农民子女受教育成为考验城市教育资源与教学体制的问题。社会对于农民工子女接受九年义务教育的关注使得这一情况得到国家政策与地方教育部门的支持,但是农民工子女初中后续教育问题的关注度很少。农民工子女接受初中后续教育也是农民工教育的一部分,研究其政策既有宏观的教育研究意义,又有在农民工子女教育研究基础上的显著的差异性。  相似文献   

又是一年一度的学生求职高峰,尚未签约的应届毕业生将可能加入日益庞大的青年失业者行列。近年来,学校毕业生就业难现象引起了社会各界的广泛关注,职业教育的就业导向、学生的职业观教育、职业教育与劳动力市场的对接等职业教育与就业的关系问题已成为教育政策和社会科学研究的关注重点。如何确定在就业过程中学校与企业之间的关系,直接关系到职业教育能否在促进就业过程中实现其应有的效用。在已有的相关研究中,学校毕业生就业难的原因大致被归结为:诸如社会传统文化的影响、劳动力市场的供求失调、学校教育和企业用人之间的脱节,还有学生…  相似文献   

大城市农民工中青年人所占的比例较大,这部分流动人口有其自身的特点,在以往的调查研究中大多没有通过对比其他年龄人群的方法对此加以总结.上海市闵行区的流动人口抽样调查数据显示,青年农民工在职业结构特征、寻找工作途径、工作时间与工资报酬、更换工作的频率与原因等方面与其他年龄人群的流动人口相比具有明显的差异;由此可以发现青年农民工就业中存在的主要问题,即受教育程度偏低,相互关联的就业隔离与社会隔离,针对流动人口中青年人的就业扶助政策还不够等.因此,有关部门应从发展职业教育、培育劳动力市场、完善制度和法规以及促进青年流动人口的社会整合等方面着手解决上述问题.  相似文献   

农民工作为一个特殊的劳动力群体,其教育培训产生的巨大效益,社会各界已形成共识。农民工教育培训需求是在需要基础上有支付能力的部分,农民工教育需求分为个人需求、社区需求和国家需求。农民工教育培训具有正外部性,即提高农民工的知识和能力素养,同时农民工得到教育培训后,会提高社会的物质资本生产力,提高国民整体生活水平。从国家整体利益出发,国家和社区对农民工教育培训具有需求,应当对农民工教育培训提供补贴。因此,适宜采用公共和个人联合供给且联合融资模式,实行国家补贴机制。建议采用失业保险制度,构建待遇规范模型评估指标体系,采用AHP方法,建立农民工教育培训补贴制度,以促进就业和预防失业。  相似文献   

对湖南若干县市的农民工进行问卷调查,并运用SPSS17.0统计方法对农民工就业稳定性影响因素进行了实证研究。研究表明,农民工就业稳定性受个人特征因素、社会环境因素、企业环境因素、政府政策因素、经济形势因素五个方面的影响。其中,年龄、就业渠道、担任的社会角色,住房及医疗保障、参加培训情况、政府政策、子女就学难与农民工就业稳定性成正相关,受教育程度、享有的社会待遇、拖欠工资情况、工作环境恶劣、经济结构调整与农民工就业稳定性成负相关。  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的快速发展特别是城市化进程的加快,城乡就业差异及农民工就业过程中存在的问题日趋突出,并已经成为全社会普遍关注的问题。因此,在统筹城乡发展背景下探讨农民工就业过程中存在的问题具有重要的理论与现实意义。在农民工就业问题上,应从农民工主体地位、社会关注、中央和地方政府的政策与制度安排等"四位一体"的角度进行系统的分析。  相似文献   

李刚  李树英 《成人教育》2022,43(2):31-45
城乡二元分割的体制催生了“农民工”,农民工教育对国家多项战略的实施具有重大意义。为了解我国农民工教育研究的全貌和趋向,基于中国知网1064篇论文数据,利用文献计量学共词分析方法,借助CiteSpace、UCINET和SPSS等软件绘制知识图谱进行可视化和聚类分析。研究结果表明,我国农民工教育研究可分为四大热点主题:农民工特定教育内容研究、教育对农民工市民化的效用及教育模式研究、农民工人力资本及政策供给研究、农民工教育现状与对策研究;未来几年将开展以职业技能培训为重点关注领域的研究、以青年农民工和返乡农民工为对象的研究、以社区为载体包含健康教育内容的研究。针对当下研究现状,提出了构建研究学术共同体、挖掘研究的深度、加强实证研究中的质性研究等建议。  相似文献   

<正>臧志军在《职教论坛》2015年第36期中撰文,分析了90后农民工问题的实质,研究了我国的社会教育与社会教育体系,并构建了面向90后农民工的社会教育体系。作者通过对从小就生活在城市后来又在城市就业的农民工、在输出地初中或高中毕业,但在异地就业的青年农民工、毕业生希望在毕业后去大城  相似文献   

金融危机下大量农民工返乡,创业成为许多返乡农民工的就业选择。针对保定市278名返乡青年农民工的调查显示,缺乏政府政策扶持、相关手续繁琐、创业资金不足、缺乏社会资本、信心不足、缺乏理性选择创业项目、创业综合素质较低等主客观因素是制约返乡青年农民工创业的主要障碍。解决返乡青年农民工创业难应从多元化社会支持政策入手,即政府应该提供财税优惠及培训服务,金融机构应进行资金服务创新,新闻媒体加强舆论宣传引导与监督,社会团体发挥合作与补充作用,社会工作者提升其综合素质来共同为返乡农民工提供创业支持。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Education lacks a strong infrastructure for connecting research with educational practice and policy. The need for this linkage grows as findings in cognitive science and biology become ever more relevant to education. Teachers often lack the background knowledge needed to interpret scientific results, whereas scientists often lack an understanding of pedagogical goals. We need to build an infrastructure that supports sustainable collaboration between researchers and teachers and creates a strong research foundation for education. A primary agent of the lasting collaboration between researchers and practitioners in medicine is the teaching hospital, where researchers and practitioners work together on research that is relevant to practice and the training of young professionals. Education needs analogous institutions—research schools—that join researchers and teachers in living, community‐based schools. In these schools, practice shapes research as much as research informs practice. Research schools will provide a fundamental infrastructure for linking transdisciplinary research on learning with educational policy and practice.  相似文献   

当前新冠肺炎疫情形势严峻,为积极应对疫情对教育的不利影响,教育部提出“停课不停学”的应对措施。出台的在线教学政策为中小学生“有学上”提供了保障。为进一步提升在线教学质量和学生居家学习质量,该文梳理分析了影响教师在线教学、学生居家学习的因素,根据各因素之间的相互关系,提出了促进学生学习质量提升的“教师—家长—学生”共同体框架模型,并分析其发展阶段特征和指导策略,在此基础上构建了基于班级虚拟共同体的精准在线教学+居家学习模式,希冀可为提升学生居家学习质量提供可行途径。  相似文献   

思想政治教育作为一项实践活动,有其自身特有的规律。思想政治教育规律研究是思想政治教育学基础理论研究中的重要组成部分,近年来已日益受到学术界的关注,到目前为止,学术界对思想政治教育规律的界定、内容、运用等方面进行了广泛的讨论,并取得了丰硕的研究成果。但总体上看,对思想政治教育规律的研究还很欠缺。本文拟对思想政治教育规律研究进行综述,以期为推动思想政治教育规律研究的进一步深入,提供有益的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Widening participation is on the political agenda but, to date, policy, practice and research has focused on undergraduate education. This article identifies an emerging widening participation focus on doctoral education. Using England as a case study, the article examines this development within the context of the long-standing concern with equity in education, before reviewing the relatively small literature addressing who participates (and why) in doctoral and more general postgraduate education. An analysis of Widening Participation Strategic Assessments produced in 2009 by 129 English Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) reveals an emergent institutional awareness of this new development. Finally, a research agenda for widening participation to research degrees, focusing on research students, HEIs and policy-makers, is outlined. The conclusion calls for this agenda to be pursued at institutional, national and cross-national levels so that future policy can be made and implemented on the basis of a robust evidence base.  相似文献   

教育研究的政策价值是目前颇受关注的教育研究应用功能之一。长期以来,研究人员热衷于政策导向研究,政策部门希望得到结论或者处方,这种研究应用的工具模型带来双方的失望乃至指责。教育研究与教育政策活动是两种不同的社会精神实质和文化,研究在政策过程中的作用不是解释、论证、提供处方,而是启迪观念、推进知识和促进理解。教育研究要实现其政策价值,应当坚持学术批判精神,改进研究方式和提升学术品质。  相似文献   

This article explores the meaning of community and perceptions of disability in Rwanda, as revealed through a community‐based ethnographic study. This study took place in Rwanda in an educational policy context driven by international rhetoric about human rights, inclusion and the arguably unachievable Education for All targets. We argue that the emphasis on the inclusion of marginalised groups in Rwanda’s current education policy is a reality on paper, but not in practice. However, we explore the potential for a deeper understanding of community responses to disability, and ways in which the rhetoric and reality gap can be bridged. We consider some of the attitudinal and infrastructural barriers in educational settings and argue that Rwandan communities are resourceful, and can be supported to respond appropriately to children with disabilities.  相似文献   

This essay examines the relationship between research and policy and, more specifically, how researchers might relate to policy work. Given the current international policy focus on climate change, green growth and sustainability in general, it argues for strengthening and widening policy research in the areas of Environmental Education (EE), Education for Sustainable Development and Climate Change Education. It especially makes a case for two kinds of research on EE policy: (1) a multi-sited approach to empirical documentation and theory development which explores the relationships between international policy agreements and local practice, and (2) an interactive policy-engaged approach to research.  相似文献   

With the onset of the Education for All (EFA) agenda in 1990, the international development community has seen new forms of international cooperation forming around the pledge for EFA. This paper analyzes a case study of activities and challenges of a civil society coalition, the Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition (GNECC), in pursuing the goals of Education for All within the national context of Ghana. The key findings of this case study concern the major challenges that GNECC faces as a national education coalition implementing the global agenda of EFA. These challenges include broad goals and objectives, unsustainable funding, and a lack of local participation and ownership of activities. The research concludes that while GNECC has been successful in implementing certain aspects of national and international programming, at the local level it remains woefully behind as a result of inadequate funding of community level activities, poor participation, and external impetus. In essence, GNECC has been operating as a national activity implementing NGO as opposed to a collaborative community coalition aimed at resolving educational issues, leading to the conclusion that an externally initiated coalition is not the most influential tool for achieving progress on international agendas such as EFA.  相似文献   

‘Learning’ recently entered the vocabulary of politicians and business leaders, as they began to articulate policy reforms related to the knowledge economy. The Australian Council of Deans of Education has also entered the debate for economic and educational reform by arguing for ‘New Learning’. Contemporary theorists have begun to frame research on learning in terms of community concepts and processes, such as acculturation and appropriation. In this paper I explore these intersecting discourses regarding learning and community, arguing that different models of learning are privileged at different times because they fit with the economic and social conditions of the era. In reflecting on the current prominence of the sociocultural model of learning that brought ‘community’ to the fore, and my own endorsement of this community model of learning, I propose that as learning researchers we are required to remain critically aware of our normative judgements and articulate the kinds of learning and communities that we endorse.  相似文献   

近几年,长三角地区省(市)级社区教育中心相继成立,在社区教育的理论研究、业务指导、资源开发、政策咨询等方面发挥重要作用。根据当前各地社区教育数字化学习平台与资源状况,就平台与资源建设发展面临的实践问题,发挥省级中心在平台与资源建设上宏观统筹和微观指导的职能,促进社区教育可持续发展。  相似文献   

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