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This article examines how student teachers construct their teacher identities by using (auto)biographical stories. Teacher identity is seen as a narrative process and teaching as a certain kind of practice, in which hope is a significant part. The inquiry is based on 35 essays written by students. The analysis includes five different stages of reading. The students are aware of the moral roots of teachers' work, its joys and predicaments, and struggle to make sense of the different narratives they hear about teachers' work. Although student teachers consider hope as an important part of teaching, they at the same time 'apologise' for having such an 'unrealistic view'. The results prove that (auto)biographical stories are a powerful tool for making the moral dimensions of teachers' identities visible. The results also challenge teacher educators and administrators of education to support student teachers to keep up their prospects of hope.  相似文献   

Despite the wealth of research on relationship commitment, surprisingly little has examined the contributions communication in families of origin makes to perceptions of commitment. Data from a survey of 145 individuals revealed three types of individuals based on reports of commitment-related communication in families of origin: optimist, structural-optimist, and cautious. Results revealed that these three types of individuals differed on their beliefs, models, and expectations about commitment and romantic relationships. The study contributes to our understanding of the developmental origins of perceptions of commitment in relationships and the contributions communication in families of origin makes to those perceptions.  相似文献   

希望,一种对身心健康具有积极影响的人格特质。国内研究者在心理学和医学领域内,从概念界定、理论假设、测量方法和实践应用等方面进行了深入探索,但概念和理论本土化、工具本土适用性、研究群体的有效范围和研究技术的创新性等方面都存在不足,同时也是后续研究的努力方向。  相似文献   

本文系统地观察和研究了黑缘红瓢虫的形态特征、生活史、生活习性等生物学特性。研究结果表明 ,黑缘红瓢虫在本地区一年发生一代 ,以成虫在杂草、石缝中等处越冬 ,是朝鲜球坚蚧等多种蚧虫的重要天敌之一。主要分布在桃树、梅树等树上 ,对朝鲜球坚蚧等有较强的控制作用。黑缘红瓢虫主要以幼虫捕食猎物为主 ,成虫主要起繁殖和扩散作用  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the significant protective factors that are likely to facilitate the development of Korean adolescents’ resilience. The participants were 2,677 students in Korea, among whom 442 were receving support from social welfare agencies. The results of hierarchical regression analysis show that the school adaptation variance was largely accounted for by protective factors rather than by risk factors. In addition, the results of logistic regression analysis indicate that the hope, teacher support, and meaning of life variables significantly distinguished the resilient group from the maladaptive group. Implications for counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

在希望哲学面前,道德教育将面临未来世界这一新的本体论对象,它将重新审视道德教育赖以存在的哲学基础。在对未来世界的伦理期待中,学校德育将试图确立新的伦理信仰,从传递生活法则转向探寻生活真理,从守护生活秩序转向寻找未来理想。通过这种本体论的转换,道德教育放弃了自身的传统身份,从现实秩序的解释者转变为未来世界的探险者和创造者。  相似文献   

东兰县地处广西西北部贫困山区。自希望工程启动以来,在一定程度上促进了当地社会的良性运行和协调发展,不仅缩小了经济欠发达的东兰老区与经济发达地区之间基础教育水平的差距,也通过种种措施改变着当地的经济、化和社会面貌,从而推动了当地社会的现代化进程。  相似文献   

This investigation examined how exposure to a humorous persuasive message affects antecedents of presence (i.e., the sensation of being “in” a mediated environment) facilitating message recall. Participants in an experimental study viewed either a humorous or non-humorous version of an alcohol public service announcement and then completed measures of positive emotion, perceived credibility, psychological reactance, presence, and message recall. As predicted, positive emotion was related to an increase in perceived credibility and a decrease in reactance. Increased perceived credibility was associated with greater feelings of presence, negatively affecting recognition memory. These findings suggest that presence may sometimes impede persuasive message recall, although not necessarily to the detriment of attitude change.  相似文献   

从《<希望>编后记》看胡风编辑刊物的倾向是:严肃的文学观,继承与发展鲁迅精神以及主观战斗的现实主义。胡风所编《希望》比《七月》更进一步地实践了自己的文艺理想和编辑理念,而每期的编后记则鲜明地揭示了这种倾向。  相似文献   

在对编辑主体性的充分发挥中,胡风为编辑甘做“泥土”的奉献精神奠定了超乎单纯自我牺牲的更为坚实的心理基础。这些使得他的编辑活动取得了极大成功。胡风的成功经验表明:编辑人不能仅仅满足于为他人作嫁衣,在具有甘做“泥土”的奉献精神同时,更要有“组织者,领导者”的气魄、抱负,这样才能充分发挥编辑的主体性,在编辑工作中更好地实现自我价值。  相似文献   

This project provides an example of employees “talking back,” or resisting dominant management rhetoric, via e-mail at the now defunct Enron Corporation. Situated within the study of organizational rhetoric, this article examines metaphors in e-mail messages at Enron, and how those metaphors supported certain discursive value systems that helped create and maintain the company's oppressive internal culture, but also how the use of different metaphors supported alternative discourses that could have possibly led to a different kind of organization. As Morgan (2006 Morgan , G. ( 2006 ). Images of organization . Thousand Oaks , CA : Sage .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) argued, metaphors offer new ways of thinking and seeing. And, as Burke (1945 Burke , K. ( 1945 ). A grammar of motives . Berkeley , CA : University of California Press . [Google Scholar]) suggested, metaphors have the power to transform dominant discursive systems.  相似文献   

在战火中创刊的《七月》、《希望》是现代文学异彩纷呈的文学期刊中卓具个性的两支奇葩。两份刊物贯穿始终的编辑思想之一就是"同人"性质的定位。这种定位在当时的文学、文化环境之下显得不合时宜,同时又恰恰塑造了《七月》、《希望》的文学及思想的成就,却也为其刊物"同人"埋下了其后命运的伏笔。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the specific types of verbally aggressive messages emerging adult siblings use with each other and to determine whether these types of verbally aggressive messages differ in perceived hurtfulness, intensity, and intent. Participants were 115 individuals who identified a verbally aggressive message recently used by a sibling. Results indicated that siblings use seven types of verbally aggressive messages (i.e., name calling, insults, withdrawal, physical acts or threats, repudiating the relationship, negative affect, unfair comparison), and the seven types of verbally aggressive messages do not differ in their perceived hurtfulness, intensity, and intent.  相似文献   

Ambivalence characterizes many adolescents' attitudes toward marijuana use. This study investigated the effects of ambivalence on adolescents' reactions to anti-drug messages. Two hypotheses suggested by past research were tested, one concerning the general vulnerability of ambivalent attitudes to persuasion, the other concerning the effect of ambivalence on message elaboration. Three hundred and eighty-six (386) adolescents ages 12 to 18 were exposed to anti-drug messages. Their marijuana use intentions and other related cognitions, as well as their responses to the messages, were assessed afterwards. Results provided relatively consistent support for the general vulnerability hypothesis—that high ambivalence participants reported greater agreement with the anti-drug messages and more anti-drug intentions and attitudes. No effect of ambivalence on message elaboration was detected. The implications of the findings for anti-drug communication campaigns are discussed.  相似文献   

Increasingly, people are making initial connections through social networking and online dating sites. However, we have limited information about how the use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) compares to face-to-face (FtF) for making initial social connections. The purpose of the present study was to compare liking and other affiliative outcomes of dyads who become acquainted in an interaction that progressed from CMC, to Skype, and finally to FtF versus dyads who became acquainted entirely FtF. The dyads engaged in a three-segment, structured self-disclosure task to become acquainted and were randomly assigned to either the continuous FtF condition (n = 48) or the CMC to FtF condition (n = 40). Participants’ reactions were assessed after each segment of interaction. Comparisons after the first segment revealed that those who interacted over CMC-text reported less enjoyment of the interaction, in addition to less liking of, closeness with, and perceived similarity to their discussion partner than those who interacted FtF. However, participants in the CMC to FtF condition increased in their positive reactions over the course of the interaction to a greater degree than did those in the continuous FtF condition, and consequently were able to catch up to them by the end of the final segment of interaction. Overall, our study suggests that although initial communication through online-text may elicit less positive impressions of an interaction partner relative to FtF, these effects may be mitigated upon partners moving quickly to FtF or through other rich channels (video).  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to explore the relationship between respondents' trait verbal aggressiveness, conflict management strategies and conflict interaction goals. Data were collected from 105 undergraduate students at a small private affluent southeastern university. Participants were asked to recall a dispute that they had had with a close friend. They completed the OCCI, verbal aggressiveness, and conflict goals measures. Results indicated that verbal aggressiveness was associated in predictable ways with participants' conflict strategies. There also was a substantial and significant negative relationship between verbal aggressiveness and concerns about relational goals during conflicts. These results establish a foundation for future lines of research regarding conflict goals and extend previous investigations regarding verbal aggressiveness.  相似文献   

分词是动词的一种非谓语形式,兼有动词和形容词的特性,可以有自己的宾语和状语,并能和自己的宾语和状语构成分词短语。现代的英语教材中常常使用分词或分词短语作修饰语。本文就以大学《希望英语》教材中常使用的分词短语为例,分析现在分词短语和过去分词短语作定语、状语、补足语及独立主格结构等修饰成份的用法和区别,以帮助英语学习者更好地理解和应用它们。  相似文献   

This study explored patterns and effects of communication apprehension and classroom apprehension in Nigerian classrooms. Significant correlation was found between student communication apprehension and student classroom apprehension. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences in classroom apprehension by class type, but no significant differences in communication apprehension by choice of occupation. Perceptions of academic performance were negatively associated with classroom apprehension scores.  相似文献   

Self-efficacy is a predictor of behavioral performance across a range of health domains, and research suggests that media messages can effectively boost efficacy; however, much is unknown regarding determinants of self-efficacy, and the message features with the greatest potential to alter efficacy perceptions. The authors of this article examined skill and motivation as determinants of efficacy and tested their effectiveness as message variables. Study 1 identified health behaviors that young adults felt unable to perform, as well as behavior barriers and facilitators. Study 2 isolated one behavior, exercise, and tested messages targeting either skill or motivation as a determinant of self-efficacy to exercise. Matched messages engendered greater general self-efficacy than unmatched messages, though no differences emerged on self-efficacy magnitude and strength measures. Follow-up data indicated that participants low in motivation exercised more than those low in skill regardless of message condition. Implications of these findings for health promotion efforts are discussed.  相似文献   

信任作为一种自觉行为,具有社会学和心理学的来源。过去的记忆是产生美誉度的心理基础,美誉度是形成信任的前提。但美誉度不是信任,而仅是一种态度。要将这种态度转变为行动——信任,组织形象传播战略就必须以信任为导向。组织形象传播战略在实施过程中可按时间维度分为前、中、后三个阶段或策略,分别把吸引公众注意、增加熟悉度、满足公众需求作为阶段性重点。  相似文献   

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