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This paper provides a point of view on the relationship between learning and knowledge management in corporate training. This relationship forms the framework for the development of an effective learning management system (LMS). It comprises four sections: (1) a theoretical analysis of the relationship between training and knowledge management. In today's corporate environment, characterized by rapid change and restructuring, organizations need to become “learning organizations”; (2) some examples are provided of how training issues are intertwined with other processes, such as sales, communication, research and development (R&D), external network management; (3) corporate universities are the means for achieving those goals. They are efficient as long as they become strategy-supportive organizations. Such a structure is in need of the appropriate technology tool, an LMS; (4) it is possible to underline which functionalities are needed in order to have an efficient LMS. These are the kinds of considerations that led ID Technology in developing LiveLearning. Thus, an LMS for corporate training should take into account the relationship between knowledge management and training. An LMS should allow the integration of training with company processes and should assist in meeting corporate university goals. The same considerations also guide decision makers when choosing an LMS.  相似文献   

“企业大学”办学模式即民办高职院校转型为周边工业园区内企业的企业大学,一方面根据企业实际用人需求设置相应的专业和课程,另一方面加强对企业员工和客户培训,全面提升企业员工素质和企业效益,校企紧密合作,产教不断融合,校企共融共荣,是民办高职院校实现跨越式发展的一种新的办学模式。广东A职业学院在办学的过程中,对“企业大学”办学模式进行了实践,把学校职业教育和企业职业培训两个板块独立运营,和企业深度合作,为企业培养和培训人才,成效显著,有力地促进了地方社会经济的发展。  相似文献   

为适应高校竞争情报工作未来发展的需要,提出了一个基于主题的可进化高校竞争情报系统模型.该模型体现了高校竞争情报系统的特性及发展规律,采用SOA架构,具有良好的开放性、可扩展性及可演化性,能有效解决高校内部的"信息孤岛"问题.同时,探讨了构建高校竞争情报系统的关键技术,总结了竞争情报工作处于不同阶段的高校,在其竞争情报系统建设过程中应该持有的态度,从而为高校竞争情报系统的建设提供经验参考.  相似文献   

Brian O'Toole 《Prospects》1995,25(2):311-319
Conclusion Few CBR programmes have developed beyond small-scale projects to large-scale innovations. Few governments have made any significant commitment to and investment in the development of national CBR services. Most CBR programmes are regarded as ‘additional programmes’. Moreover, the attempts that have been made to work within existing infrastructures have often meant the programmes become little more than a minor facet of existing service provision, to which no particular priority is given. However, despite these limitations, CBR has demonstrated, through several successful examples, what can be achieved. For relatively little money, CBR can create better opportunities for disabled children and engenders in parents a sense that they can play a significant role in the development process. Communities have become more aware of disabled persons in their midst and, at times, have played a major role in planning ways of meeting their needs. CBR offers a new approach to rehabilitation, policy makers, professionals, planners, community leaders and to the disabled persons themselves. Progress has been slow and uneven over the first decade of CBR. It is significant, however, that some of the most creative examples of parental-professional collaboration have come from some of the poorest nations. It may be time for the developed world to look towards the developing countries to find innovative approaches to meet the needs of disabled persons. It is quite clear that traditional approaches can do no more than scratch the surface. A radical reappraisal of our respective roles in the rehabilitation and education of disabled persons is required. CBR offers this new approach. If, however, the vision and courage to tread new paths are lacking, then the danger is that more conferences will be held, more declarations will be written, more slogans devised, and still 98% of the disabled population will remain totally unaware of the international concern being voiced on their behalf. Ph.D. An educational psychologist, O'Toole has been working in Guyana for the past sixteen years. He introduced the first training programme in special education at the University of Guyana, and has been the Director of the Guyana community-based rehabilitation programme. He has written widely on the issue of community-based rehabilitation and has co-edited a book with R. McConkey entitledInnovations in developing countries in disability. He has carried out consultancies for the World Health Organization and a number of non-governmental organizations.  相似文献   

A plethora of books and articles have appeared recently that announce the global triumph of corporate capitalism and its attendant ideologies. Nowhere are these articles more scathing in their critique of corporatization than in the field of education. However, few have taken a historical perspective in examining the institutional policies and practices that paved the way for private‐sector influence and the adoption of business and administrative sensibilities in higher education. This article examines the University of Michigan (U‐M) between 1945 and the early 1960s as a case study of the kinds of physical and philosophical changes that occurred to usher in the process of corporatization at a major research university. I focus predominantly on one major research effort‐‐the Phoenix Memorial Project‐‐that set in motion many of the forces that would effectively reshape the school's philosophy and practices. The article begins with a discussion of the ideological and political tensions that characterized the course of U‐M scientific research after World War II, particularly the complex intermingling of university, government and corporate interests. Next, I document the Phoenix Project itself and the emphasis on institutional restructuring for capital investment that it inspired. Despite conflicting and contradictory ideas about links between education and both military and corporate research interests, U‐M's top administrators restructured the university to attract venture capital by constructing innovative mechanisms for integrating investors’ needs into the work of academic (mostly scientific) inquiry. Finally, I want to look at some of the cultural narratives that enabled this triumph of corporate interests to infuse itself into the U‐M's institutional and social mission.  相似文献   

Learning‐centred education (LCE) has the potential to meet the diverse needs and circumstances of a multidisciplinary faculty cohort enrolled in a certificate programme on teaching and learning by engaging participants in a learning community, and by drawing upon a wide range of appropriate teaching strategies to facilitate learning and development of student abilities. Action research design was employed to examine the theory‐practice relationship of LCE within the UBC Faculty Certificate Programme on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Research data, both quantitative and qualitative, collected over a 12‐month period, suggest that a multidisciplinary faculty cohort exhibits diverse learning styles, and that individual faculty members are at different stages in developing a scholarly approach to teaching and learning. Furthermore, data suggest that LCE can be used to organise a faculty certificate programme around teaching and learning issues relevant to university faculty and that some structuring of the LCE environment can assist in the attainment of course learning outcomes while engaging faculty as active participants in their personal developmental process.  相似文献   

随着教学改革的不断深入,大学院系图书室逐渐成为协助教学和科研的重要机构,承担着信息研究和信息开发的新职能。院系图书室职能的转变,决定了图书馆员必须具有良好的信息意识、信息技能、信息伦理和信息创造等素质,才能大力发挥信息技术的优势,向读者提供优质的知识信息服务。针对院系图书馆员信息素养较低的状况,高校各级机构应对其实施信息技术培训,强化信息意识,并制定合理的网络伦理规范。  相似文献   

高校档案馆在管理中贯彻"以人为本"原则,是新时期对档案馆提出的新思维和新观念,也是高校档案管理发展的必然趋势。通过大力丰富档案的馆(室)藏,增加信息存贮量;做好档案需求的分析预测,及时主动地提供利用;加强档案的编研工作,提高利用的层次与效益举措,使高校档案工作从封闭走向开放,从深度到广度地发挥档案的作用。  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,由于网络的发达,高校图书馆作为高校信息中心的地位受到了挑战。在明确自身非营利性组织的前提下,应树立全新的服务观念,以读者的需求为中心,立足有限的资源,应用市场细分的概念,借鉴市场营销观念,在工作中引入市场营销理论,满足读者的需求,不断改进服务工作。以实用型新技术为保证,形成信息传递、使用的全环节整合服务模式,为科研、教学工作提供文献信息资源保障。  相似文献   


In education, research presents a number of challenges. One of these is to ensure that educators are well placed to utilise the outcomes of research, and conversely that the profession is able to inform the research agenda. This is as true for the application of information and communications technology in education, as in any other field. At the same time, there is a growing perception that the education profession needs to become more ‘evidence based’ and draw on educational research and validated good practice. This applies to teachers in all phases of education, from the nursery school to the university, and to those who provide services to education and training and inform their strategic development. However, because teaching and learning take place in increasingly complex environments and across multiple organisations and systems, careful interpretations are required to put research into practice.  相似文献   

叶娟  邱智伟  胡兵 《现代教育技术》2012,22(10):82-84,89
计算机技术和信息技术的高速发展,促使传媒迎来媒介融合时代。在考察和研究当前国内外主要大学的传媒实验室建设方式基础上,归纳出了两种主要建设模式——理念指导型和产学研导向型,并分析得出新闻传播类学院迫切需要建设多元化传媒实验室,坚持新闻传播经典理论与新知识、新技术相结合,坚持实施媒介融合教育。最后结合案例从传媒实验室的建设方式、功能应用、课程建设和开放管理四个方面的多元化建设进行了深入剖析并提出建议。  相似文献   

网络的发展冲击着传统的伦理道德,同时也深刻地影响着当代大学生的思想和行为,出现了种种的伦理道德问题。面对严峻的挑战,高校德育工作要大力创新,以适应网络时代的社会发展要求。  相似文献   

In the UK, following guidelines set out by the Quality Assurance Agency, personal development planning (PDP) is now operational across all higher education (HE) awards. Like many policy initiatives, PDP requires change, and vital to its implementation are those who facilitate PDP at the grassroots level. Staff given the task of implementing PDP are instrumental to its success or failure. Little has been written about the introduction of PDP from the perspective of those facilitating it – in particular, from the perspective of those not involved in its development. This study seeks to identify the support needed by HE staff to facilitate successful student PDP.

The study, based in a university in North West England, uses a multiple case‐study approach (two schools within the university – nursing and business). Data were gathered from university documentation, consisting of semi‐structured interviews with three university PDP coordinators and with 15 staff who facilitated PDP between 2006 and 2007.

Support required for those new to PDP focused on time and credit, or on formal recognition of the time spent on facilitation of PDP. But, for this group at least, it was clear that basic information about PDP was also paramount. For those who had been involved in student PDP for some time, the focus lay on how PDP was facilitated, highlighting competing pressures between quality assurance, professional requirements and autonomous or self‐directed learning. Support needs were ‘hands off’, tied in with how PDP was interpreted, and indicated the need for clarity of information, roles and responsibilities. Of note was the importance of informal collegial support.  相似文献   

目前大学生就业状况的调查与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前大学生就业难的原因有许多,其中包括学校教育体系陈旧,与社会需求脱节、资源错配,东西部地区经济发展不平衡,部分大学生不能正确定位等。解决大学生就业难的问题是当务之急。鼓励大学生面向基层就业,走产学结合的道路是一个基本对策。  相似文献   

企业大学是以为企业战略服务为宗旨,以员工、客户、供应商、合作伙伴等为服务对象,以学习为主要内容,以提升学习者知识能力及提高企业绩效为目的的新型大学。企业大学不同于一般意义上的培训中心,具有更深层次的理念与内涵。目前关于企业大学的理论与模型都处于探索的过程中。场论作为人力资源开发的一种基础理论,关注人在周围环境中的行为,对于以学习为核心内容、注重为员工创建学习环境的企业大学来说具有适切性。基于场论的企业大学模型由静态学习场和系统动态场构成,描述了企业学习、工作场所、绩效之间的关系。这一模型能够清晰地划分企业大学的逻辑结构,能够从战略性、经济性和绩效三个方面合理阐释企业大学的目标、方向和保障,指引企业大学的建设。  相似文献   

At a time of economic transition, when jobs are continually disappearing and emerging, adult education and training in the workplace have developed very rapidly to meet the needs of skills development. This paper looks at how firms and their employees deal with workplace changes in the Shenzhen conurbation, site of China's earliest experiment in introducing a market economy. The author finds that adult education and on-the-job training are taking on new roles in aiding development. He argues that, while learning to reorganise production, firms have taken charge of meeting the demand for human capital in a changing workplace. At the same time, individual employees are becoming conscientious learners and accessing adult education as a means of personal development in their work lives.  相似文献   

At a time of economic transition, when jobs are continually disappearing and emerging, adult education and training in the workplace have developed very rapidly to meet the needs of skills development. This paper looks at how firms and their employees deal with workplace changes in the Shenzhen conurbation, site of China's earliest experiment in introducing a market economy. The author finds that adult education and on-the-job training are taking on new roles in aiding development. He argues that, while learning to reorganise production, firms have taken charge of meeting the demand for human capital in a changing workplace. At the same time, individual employees are becoming conscientious learners and accessing adult education as a means of personal development in their work lives.  相似文献   

文章在深入挖掘了当前我国高校新校区校园文化建设的现状与问题后,针对新校区一系列共性问题,给出了改善建议,加深与周边高校的交流合作、共享信息资源;对内引导学生独立学习和思考,让良好的学习文化成为校园文化的主导,并通过增强教师归属感将朝气蓬勃的年轻教师留在新校区.积极建设校内优秀的寝室与班级文化、创新文化、科研创新与学生参...  相似文献   

现行高等师范院校汉语言文学专业学生培养模式,不适应21世纪基础教育课程改革语文教师专业化的要求,具体表现为在学生培养模式上对学生职前语文教师专业化培养目标认识不到位;追求综合性、宽就业,淡化了师范性,大大削弱了学生职前语文教师专业化培养;同时,传统课程设置与结构也不适应学生职前语文教师专业化培养。  相似文献   

从语文教学组织形式层面开展满足学生差异性需求的改革与研究,是语文素质教育的一个新增长点。可以找到语文教学与走班学习的主要联系点,包括促进学生富有个性的学习、语文教学改革遵循共同基础与多样选择的要求等,来探求基于走班学习的高中语文有效教学策略。当然,走班学习实现高中语文有效教学应关注师生调适问题、情境教学问题、经济支撑与条件许可问题。  相似文献   

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