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About a year ago,touting rock musician Chris Dunn was in theback of a battered van driving down a wind-swept Wyominghighway when he realized the time had finally come to get a dayjob.His band’s album wasn’t selling,and he figured his dreams ofmaking a living from music were over。Then he discovered one of the hottest sectors of the music businesstoday:cell phones.Dunn,30,Now spends his days translating top 40 hits and televisionthemes into beeping musical snippets that announce mcotmng calls on acell phone.Modtones,the Japanese-owned company he works for,is oneof several that have sprung up in the past year to meet the growing de-mand for alternatives to the factory-installed electronic chirps that arestandard on most wireless phones.  相似文献   

Helping young adults better manage their asthma may be as simple as sending asthma-related text messages to theirmobile phones, according to a team of UK researchers. This is " one way we might be able to progress in trying to make asthma and (asthma) medications fit around the lives of young people and not the other way around, " Dr. Ron  相似文献   

Though terrorists triggered (触发)the collapse(倒塌)of the World Trade Center's Twin Towers,much of the energy—calculated by a physicist to have been at least 2 percent that of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima(广岛)—was supplied by nature's most ubiquitous(普通存在的)force:grayity. The foree that keeps our feet on the ground and holds  相似文献   

A For most Americans, a clean glass of wa-ter is just a faucet (水龙头) away. But for many of the world’s poorest citizens, a small safe drink is no short trip to the tap. On Wednesday,the United Nations (UN) marked World Water Day by committing to cut the number of people without drinking water— 1 billion hum an beings worldwide—in half. Over the next decade, the UN will work with governments around the globe to reduce the shortages. With no clean water on hand, many peo-ple turn to using water sources that a...  相似文献   

<正>The College of Life Sciences (CLS) remains one of the most prestigious—and the oldest—colleges in Zhejiang University. This special issue, which includes 16 reviews contributed by our alumni and faculties, is dedicated to mark the 90th Anniversary of CLS. The reviews provide a glimpse of current pro  相似文献   

Romeo and Juliet is one of the best known and best loved of Shakespeare's plays. The play sings the praises of unswervingly loyal——Shakespeare loves this metrical——expensive song. It conforms rather to the simplest,most basic definition of the termtragedy. Called it a tragedy,it's according to the love of Romeo and Juliet and the death of them. But maybe we want to know more about their love than the tragedy.  相似文献   

It's official: Text messages mania(狂热)has hit China. Mobile phones are becoming increasingly popular, and so sending text messages is fast becoming the hot new craze a-mong teenagers.Twelve Kitties greeted Liu Jiao and wished her a happy new year on the eve of the Chinese lunar calendar's Year of the Horse, making her very excited. According to  相似文献   

With customers regularly switching mobile services and upgradingtheir phones,discarded cell phones are going to incinerators(焚化炉)andlandfills(填埋池)in record numbers,as environmental pollution increases. But now users can donate unwanted phones to charities or recyclethem.“A simple recycled cell phone can have profound ramifications(ef-fects),”said Seth Heine,president of Atlanta-based Collective Good Inc,  相似文献   

一、完形坡空试题 (一) Football 15,1 suppose,the most popular(最普及的)game in England;one has only to 90 to one of theimPortant matehes to 1 .Rieh and Poor,young andold,one ean see 2 there,shouting 3 eheering(喝彩)for one side or4 One of the most 5 things about football inEngland to a 6 15 the great 7 of the gamewhieh even the smallest boy seems to 8 .He ean 9 youthenamesoftheplayersin 10 oftheimportant teams,he has 11 of them and knowsthe results of 12 matches.He 13 tell youproudly who he e…  相似文献   

Places: visit Cairo—the doorway into Egypt's glorious past 参观开罗——重温埃及昔日的辉煌Standing in Tutanhkamun (古埃及国王,18岁被暗杀) section of the Egyptian Museum and looking at the solid-gold sarcophagus (石棺) of Egypt's boy-king, it's very difficult to imagine any art object that could be more beautiful. Magnificent in design and with exquisite enamel (精细的瓷釉)work applied to the gold, it is staggering (惊人的) to think that this was made by Egyptian craftsman just before 1300 BC. When the tomb of this relatively unimportant Egyptian king was discovered in 1922, most of the arfifacts (史前古器物)found there eventually made their way into this museum, along  相似文献   

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