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专业用途英语(EAP)是指用于专业学习目的的英语教学。世界范围内的EAP教学有三种运用层次:以英语为母语的国家、以英语为官方语言或教学语言的国家、以英语为外语的国家。但任何形式的EAP都可归类为普通专业用途英语(EGAP)和特殊专业用途英语(ESAP)两大类。EAP教学是教授EGAP还是ESAP,不同的学者在不同时期有不同的侧重,但EGAP和ESA互补长短,共同推动了EAP理论研究和教学实践的发展。目前EAP的主要研究领域有:需求分析、课程设计、专业用途英语教师等。  相似文献   

学术用途英语既是语言教学领域的分支学科,也是一种特殊的语篇体裁,具有其自身的特点。文章探讨了学术用途英语的概念、教学原则,并举例分析了学术用途英语在词汇、修辞、句法、时态和模糊限制语等方面的语言特点,以期对增强学习者的学术用途英语读写能力有所助益。  相似文献   

名词性表达是英语学术语篇中比较典型的话语类型特点之一。对于名词性表达在语篇中的话语功能,语言学家有着褒贬不同的争议。从话语类型分析的角度看,学术语篇中的名词性表达,作为不同言语社团的重要语言机制,是体现不同的话语特点和语用功能,实现学术语体这个总体目标的重要工具。  相似文献   

专门用途英语初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着社会的发展,以及语言学研究的进一步深入,专门用途英语教学越来越显示其重要性,本文拟从分析开展专门用途英语教学的必要性出发,探求专门用途英语的特殊含义,以及它对语言教学的启迪.  相似文献   

Academic Literacies and English for Specific Purposes perspectives on the teaching of academic writing tend to be positioned as dichotomous and ideologically incompatible. Nonetheless, recent studies have called for the integration of these two perspectives in the design of writing programmes in order to meet the needs of students in the increasingly diverse and shifting landscape of academia. The aim of the present paper is to reflect on how this theoretical integration could be put into practice. Drawing on the design of a research-based writing workshop for postgraduate anthropology students, we argue that rather than a ‘hybrid’ model of writing pedagogy, a theoretically grounded but eclectic approach is needed in order to respond to students’ personal, local, and disciplinary contexts.  相似文献   

基础英语教学是打好语言的基础,而专业英语教学是使所学的基础英语得到实际应用。在教学上,基础英语和专业英语在理论知识、应用能力、语言文化等方面有着共同之处,但二者又有着显著的区别。专业英语不同于基础英语的特点是:“专业性强”、“三多”、“三少”。基于此,基础英语教师在教学过程中要做到有的放矢,使学生在英语学习上打下坚实的基础,以学好专业英语,掌握实际使用英语的技能。  相似文献   

States use standards‐based English language proficiency (ELP) assessments to inform relatively high‐stakes decisions for English learner (EL) students. Results from these assessments are one of the primary criteria used to determine EL students’ level of ELP and readiness for reclassification. The results are also used to evaluate the effectiveness of and funding allocation to district or school programs that serve EL students. In an effort to provide empirical validity evidence for such important uses of ELP assessments, this study focused on examining the constructs of ELP assessments as a fundamental validity issue. Particularly, the study examined the types of language proficiency measured in three sample states’ ELP assessments and the relationship between each type of language proficiency and content assessment performance. The results revealed notable variation in the presence of academic and social language in the three ELP assessments. A series of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) analyses also revealed varied relationships among social language proficiency, academic language proficiency, and content assessment performance. The findings highlight the importance of examining the constructs of ELP assessments for making appropriate interpretations and decisions based on the assessment scores for EL students. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Although a large body of research has been dedicated to examining emotional intelligence (EI) and learning styles in relation to different factors in academic setting, the relationship between these two variables still necessitates more exploration and deeper study, especially in the Iranian context. To this end, 60 English for Academic Purposes (EAP) learners were recruited to fill out the Farsi version of Emotional Intelligence Scale (FEIS-41) and Paragon Learning Styles Inventory (PLSI). The results revealed that the participants achieved the highest score in Optimism/Mood Regulation sub-scale of the FEIS-41. With respect to the four dimensions of PLSI, Sensing, Feeling, Judging and Extrovert were the participants’ preferred learning styles, respectively. Besides, analysis of data illustrated that gender did not affect their EI and learning styles preferences. Furthermore, the significance of 9 out of 12 computed correlations between three sub-skills of FEIS-41 and four dimensions of PLSI indicated the existence of correlation between EI and learning styles preferences of Iranian EAP learners.  相似文献   

Developing Measurement Theory for Classroom Assessment Purposes and Uses   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In many fields of inquiry, the need for new theoretical developments is often best seen in areas of strain, and strain is apparent in several areas in which the conventions of measurement theory do not quite "fit" classroom assessment. Three areas of strain are analyzed in order to suggest how theoretical development might focus directly on information quality in the classroom assessment context. This article describes the context dependence of classroom assessment, its inextricable relationship with instruction, and its simultaneous formative and summative functions. Thus a case is made for new theoretical developments in the area of measurement in the classroom.  相似文献   

学术英语背景下的教师转型是当今英语教师队伍中面临的一个重要问题。学术英语要求教师培养学生具备学术交流与创新的能力,同时又能够在某一特定学科领域用英语流利地表达,这对大学英语教师提出了转型的要求。本文以学术英语背景下的教师转型为研究对象,在分析学术英语内涵和现状的基础上,探讨了国内大学英语教师转型的价值、要求以及存在的问题,重点提出拓宽知识领域、丰富专业实践经历、优化师资结构等对策建议,以促进教师转型发展。  相似文献   

在大学英语教学内容改革中,学术英语是一个非常重要的方向,也是一门内容新颖的课程。从社会发展、专业培养目标和学生需求分析广东民办本科院校有必要开设学术英语,从学术英语发展不均衡、教学效果不理想的现状论述民办院校存在管理层不重视、教师认识不到位和课程体系不完善等问题。广东民办高校当前的主要任务是进行自上而下的学术英语课程教学改革,改进课程体系,提高师资力量,改变教师观念和教学方法。  相似文献   

《高中英语课程标准》的制定,标志着基础英语教学的重点由大学转向高中。大学英语教学实施专门用途英语(ESP)教学才能与高中英语教学有效衔接。高校实施大学专门用途英语教学要理顺ESP与基础英语的关系,建设高素质的师资队伍,注重教材建设,建立有效的评估体系。  相似文献   

如何进行专门用途英语教学,一直是困惑执教者的难题。将案例教学法应用于专门用途英语教学,不仅能使教学更具科学性、更具针对性、更有操作性,而且更有利于优化学生的知识结构、拓展学生的知识面,提高学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

In this thesis the importance of emotion in teaching English is emphasized and discussed. Learners have no interests because of the difficulties they meet while learning English. The emotion not only influences on students’ study, but also on their psychological healthy. As is well known,the emotion quotient is more important than intelligent in modern society.  相似文献   

文章就高校英语专业四级测试 (TEM— 4)中的写作测试模式及学生在写作习练中呈现出的弊病作了分析 ,并就写作教学的现状提出了些微看法。  相似文献   

This review article examines Leonard Waks's innovative collection of essays entitled Self-Portraiture: The Uses of Academic Autobiography: Review of Leaders in Philosophy of Education: Intellectual Self-Portraits. The book is based on invitations to leading philosophers of education to write about their own careers in the field and to offer an intellectual autobiography. The purpose of the book is not primarily to provide a history of particular arguments and their rebuttal, and in this sense it is not directly philosophical, but the chapters do chronicle broader intellectual shifts, and this is invaluable. The article examines the essays in terms of the relation between the professional and the personal, and between political and social contexts. Academic virtues and vices are found to be on display in several of the accounts. Together the essays constitute, albeit to an incomplete degree, the history of a movement, with philosophy of education framed mainly as an Anglo-American pursuit. Finally, in the light of this series of reflections, the article ponders the future of the subject both in relation to the changing context of educational policy and practice, and in terms of its positioning with regard to mainstream philosophy.  相似文献   

Academic English is becoming more and more popular in college English teaching.The essay is intended to deal with the necessity of academic English in College English teaching.  相似文献   

以专门用途英语(ESP)需求分析理论为指导,结合Hutchinson和Waters的"6W"六要素理论框架设计调查问卷,对海南省某医学院临床专业本科学生(全英班)就医学用途英语的教学进行了一次问卷调查,从目标需求、学习需求、环境需求三个角度,宏观上对该校医学英语教学目的进行探讨,微观上从教学内容、教学方法和手段、教学队伍、教学环境等要素进行分析,指出在海南国际医疗旅游先行区的建设背景下,医学用途英语的教学还有很多地方值得我们探索和改进。  相似文献   

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