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基于IT资源和能力理论,建构互联网环境下IT对企业绩效的影响模型,借助于219家国内企业问卷调研数据,对此模型进行验证。发现IT资源与能力之间有重要的区分,IT安保能力是IT就绪度与IT应用能力的中介变量,IT应用能力间接通过研发创新,影响业务绩效。最后对其理论和实践意义进行探讨。  相似文献   

信息技术竞争价值两种观点的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从理论基础、获取竞争优势的方式和竞争优势的持续性三个维度对战略信息技术应用领域中两种重要观点进行比较研究.基于传统竞争战略观点的战略信息系统,通过识别信息系统(IS)应用的战略机会为企业创造竞争优势,但这种优势由于忽视企业自身特性而难以持续.基于资源基础论(RBV)观点的企业信息技术能力,通过调用和部署企业特有的IS资源为企业获得长期竞争优势.提出了一种IS资源分类方式,并根据资源的六个属性进行描述,分析IS资源对信息技术能力和组织绩效的作用机制,指出信息技术能力研究中存在的问题.  相似文献   

To explore the relationship of information capital and company performance as mediated by business processes, we sought to establish an analytical framework based on knowledge based view for international trade companies to better develop the innovative capacity of holistic thinking processes of domestic trade enterprises. Using structural equation modeling as part of an analytical research framework, we found that information capital can indirectly affect company performance when mediated by business processes, and that information capital is more critical to the trade industry. This finding reveals that adopting and assimilating information systems form an important channel for companies to provide strategic information and use information capital. We highlighted that the improvement of information capital can significantly enhance a company’s competitiveness and that, since business processes play key mediating roles, the timely adjustment of such processes can allow information capital to enhance company performance of the international trade industry.  相似文献   

动态能力的维度:基于中国企业的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
 动态能力的定量分析一直是战略管理研究的难点议题。本研究依据相关文献,设计了一套动态能力测量量表,并以此检验了本研究所构建的动态能力五维分析模型。验证性因子分析结果表明:动态能力可以划分为动态的信息利用能力、资源获取能力、内部整合能力、外部协调与资源释放能力这五个维度。在对动态能力构成维度之间相互关系分析的基础上,本文探讨了动态能力培育的路径,以期对战略管理理论和实践有所借鉴。  相似文献   

Taking a configurational approach, this paper investigates the causal configurations of IT ambidexterity (i.e., IT capabilities for exploitation and exploration), dynamic capabilities (i.e., innovation and networking capabilities) and environmental uncertainty that are associated to service innovation performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Results from a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) of 63 industrial service SMEs show that these firms attain high service innovation performance with three different configurations under conditions of high uncertainty. Two configurations highlight the importance of IT exploration capabilities (combined with the absence of innovation and networking capabilities in one configuration and with the absence of networking capabilities and IT capabilities for exploitation in another), whereas another configuration accentuates the importance of IT exploitation capabilities (combined with the presence of innovation and networking capabilities). Our study contributes to the literature in multiple ways. For instance, due to the equifinal properties of the configurational approach, our results suggest that SMEs can attain high innovation performance through both sequential and simultaneous IT ambidexterity, thus providing a starting point for reconciling competing views of IT ambidexterity. Other contributions to theory and practice and avenues for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

李立 《科技广场》2012,(5):133-136
本文主要就企业通过运用计算机网络信息化技术,完善自身的管理及企业内部资金流、物流和信息流的一体管理,促进企业管理的深化、细化和硬化进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Historically, organizations owned and controlled the information technologies (IT) their employees used: telephone, inter-office memos, mainframes and timesharing systems. Today, employees often want to use their own IT: not only personal smart phones and tablets, but also Twitter and Google Docs. This new trend can diversify and extend enterprise IT infrastructure, but leaves organizations struggling with technology uses that they cannot control. With the emergence of new technological paradigms in consumer markets and organizations, the management of IT infrastructure requires a more pragmatic and holistic approach that goes beyond simple technological considerations. In this paper, we present a three-part framework—technology, people and practice—that helps managers understand and mitigate these tensions. Drawing on two empirical studies of European executives and consultants form multiple management consulting firms, the paper further outlines changes taking place along the three aspects of the framework. It concludes by discussing three distinct approaches to the management of organizational IT infrastructure (passive, reactive, and pragmatic), and by offering greater insight regarding a pragmatic approach.  相似文献   

We examined 79 Japanese MNCs’ R&D subsidiaries in the US from the knowledge-based view. We found: (1) subsidiaries’ R&D strategies generally encouraged knowledge flows; (2) subsidiaries’ R&D alliances promoted knowledge flows; (3) R&D subsidiaries with process-oriented incentives promoted vertical knowledge flows; (3) autonomous R&D subsidiaries promoted knowledge flows from the local environments to the subsidiary; (4) R&D subsidiaries with a high level of knowledge flows accumulated a high level of knowledge; and (5) R&D subsidiaries with a high level of accumulated knowledge achieved high overall performance. Our interviews with 30 R&D subsidiaries and 10 parent companies supplement these findings.  相似文献   

IT协同是多元化企业实现战略控制的重要途径,而获取IT协同效应是企业实施多元化战略的目标之一。迄今为止,IT协同的概念内涵并不统一,IT协同的测量并不完整,这有碍于IT协同的进一步研究。本文扩展并明确了IT协同的概念,提出IT协同从边界上包括组织内IT协同和组织间IT协同,从内涵上包括价值IT协同和成本IT协同,接着通过质性研究和实证研究开发了一个具有良好信度和效度的IT协同二阶测量模型。该模型由组织内IT协同和组织间IT协同构成,组织内IT协同包含了IT基础设施相关性、IT战略制定流程相关性、IT供应商关系管理流程相关性和IT人力资源管理流程相关性四个维度,而组织间IT协同包括IT共用性和IT同步性两个维度,这六个维度之间具有显著相关性。  相似文献   

Despite keen interest in long-term strategic outsourcing and attention to factors affecting outsourcing success, the examination on relational performance, i.e., the difference between a vendor's performance with a particular client and that with its average client base, can be hardly found. This study adopts a relational view to offshore information systems (IS) outsourcing from a vendor's perspective to explore the source of relational performance. Results highlight the importance of client-specific capabilities and trust as a self-enforcing governance mechanism in a vendor's relational performance in terms of service quality. Project management and client-specific capabilities act as substitute for each other in affecting relational service quality. In addition, while trust and learning about client contribute to client-specific capabilities, trust is also positively related to learning about client. These findings enrich our understanding of the source of outsourcing relational performance and contribute to the literatures on vendors’ capabilities in IS outsourcing.  相似文献   

【目的】大数据时代,从认知与挖掘学术期刊的数据视角,探究学术期刊的内容优化,传播价值重构的路径。【方法】 通过文献检索,分析学术期刊数字化以及网络传播现状;对比学术期刊数据化需求,从科研行为,学术传播,科研场域等维度分析学术传播从数字化向“数据化”转型策略。【结果】 盘活学术期刊的“数据”能延伸学术知识资源的价值链。【结论】 大数据时代,挖掘学术期刊的数据及其价值,可以促进学术期刊的“数据化”转型。  相似文献   

Information and operations management in libraries presents a unique opportunity to provide insights for the sharing economy. Libraries correspond to a special type of sharing goods, named common-pool resources. Such resources have two characteristics: they are non-exclusive, but rival to each other. Service operations in libraries involve thousands of operations every year, making them a perfect context for the use of big data analytics capabilities (BDAC) to provide real-world evidence on the potential existing challenges in the sharing economy. Employing a novel dataset related to 723,798 library transactions, made by 16,232 individual users during a 10-year period (2006–2015), we estimate peer effects among users via regression analysis, considering the number of books each user borrows. Our main results suggest that a rise in the number of loans among a user’s peer group correlates with her own loans, an evidence of positive peer effects. However, a closer look at the data suggests a high degree of heterogeneity, in terms of behavioral patterns. First, we suggest that peer effects do not occur in the case of users who are not subject to monetary fines. Second, peer effects vary according to users’ category (student or non-student), and area of study (management, accounting, economics, and other courses). Third, there is evidence of different magnitudes of peer effects according to time in school, which suggests the existence of learning effects in a library setting. The results reported in this paper highlight the important role of big data analytics capabilities to uncover new challenges of the sharing economy, having important implications, both in theoretical and practical terms.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨在数字出版环境中把握机遇、组织和重构出版技术和理念、提高高校学报传播能力的策略。【方法】从高校学报的传播现状出发,分析了高校学报的传播路径、传播能力及传播效果。【结果】 高校学报传播路径单一、传播能力及传播效果低下,造成学报信息的低效传播。高校学报应从信源着手,探索新的信息传播内容和形式,提高信息的针对性、适宜性和质量; 坚持多种发展战略,实现真正的数字出版; 为受众着想,注重信息互动,增强信息传播的源动力。【结论】只有认真研究高校学报的传播规律,认识到高校学报传播的现状和不足,才能在不断加剧的市场竞争中掌握主动权。  相似文献   

The Internet of Things (IoT) technology provides a lot of possibilities to develop IT projects that offer to the citizens platform of services for better conditions of living and transporting. Our study contributes to the topical subject of smart cities analysing the performance of an IoT-platform based solution. It evaluates if an IoT platform project can achieve business, environmental and social objectives all together. We select and test a project developed in Nice (France) where 5.000+ sensors are deployed on parking slots to improve the urban transport. The benefits of the IT project are determined comparing data extracting from Nice and compared with two other similar cities (Marseille and Toulon) which play the role of control group. The analysis of the value creation and value capture suggest a governance model for a private and public collaboration. Our findings help public managers to understand better private-public partnership and then prepare the future cities development.  相似文献   

Artificial Intelligence tools have attracted attention from the literature and business organizations in the last decade, especially by the advances in machine learning techniques. However, despite the great potential of AI technologies for solving problems, there are still issues involved in practical use and lack of knowledge as regards using AI in a strategic way, in order to create business value. In this context, the present study aims to fill this gap by: providing a critical literature review related to the integration of AI to organizational strategy; synthetizing the existing approaches and frameworks, highlighting the potential benefits, challenges and opportunities; presenting a discussion about future research directions. Through a systematic literature review, research articles were analyzed. Besides gaps for future studies, a conceptual framework is presented, discussed according to four sources of value creation: (i) decision support; (ii) customer and employee engagement; (iii) automation; and (iv) new products and services. These findings contribute to both theoretical and managerial perspectives, with extensive opportunities for generating novel theory and new forms of management practices.  相似文献   

Using a process component lens, this paper decomposes an e-business process into technical, relational, and business components. We then draw on resource orchestration theory to identify two managerial actions, resources structuring and capabilities leveraging in using e-business process components, to explain how these three components work together to improve competitive performance in supply chain operations. Two interesting insights emerge from our empirical research corresponds to value creation mechanisms. First, we identify the critical three portfolio effects to promote platform architecture flexibility and partner engagement to develop e-business operations capabilities (EBOCs) in three major e-business processes. Second, we reveal the transformation effect of EBOCs in different e-business processes in obtaining competitive performance. The notion of portfolio and transformation mechanisms of e-business process components offers theoretical and practical implications for developing successful digital supply chain platform.  相似文献   

艾时钟  尚永辉  信妍 《科学学研究》2011,29(8):1216-1222
 根据已有的文献,从关系质量的角度出发,构建了基于关系质量的IT外包知识转移影响因素的概念模型,并提出假设。通过对北京中关村软件园、上海浦东软件园和西安软件园内20多家企业进行问卷调查,并利用统计软件SPSS 11.0和AMOS 17.0对收集到的数据进行量化分析。实证结果表明:沟通对相互承诺、信任、良好冲突处理和知识转移有显著的正向影响;相互承诺对知识转移有显著的正向影响;信任对相互承诺和知识转移有显著的正向影响;良好冲突处理对信任有显著的正向影响,但对知识转移没有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

Information and communication technologies in use in government systems can bring about expected benefits only when citizens are willing and able to use such systems. Previous studies from various disciplines provided a fundamental understanding of human behavior with technology adoption that focused mainly on the technical and supply sides of this adoption. We argue that it is necessary to move away from an assumption that users form a homogeneous group under the phenomenon of the digital divide. Having conducted an online experiment, this study empirically examined the effects of personal factors, particularly the perceived information literacy, and the perceived information overload, on the user’s perceptions on the usefulness and trust in a government website. We find that the higher an individual perceives one’s information literacy, the more he or she trusts the website, and this is mediated by one’s perceived information overload (negatively) and perceived usefulness (positively). This research provides a more balanced understanding of the behavior of e-government adoption, supplemented with the details of citizen engagement factors, and specifies meaningful practical implications for successful e-government policies.  相似文献   

The working assumption of this research is that the utilization of information technology (IT) and IT-based practices in any part of the world currently is taking place within the globalization trends. In recent times, studies in information systems (IS) are beginning to examine whether the globalization process portends homogeneity for developing countries' organizations or whether these organizations can utilize IT and IT-based management techniques according to the sociocultural requirements of their contexts. These studies show the importance of the local context and, more specifically, the importance of adapting global IT-based practices when implementing them in developing countries. However, the precise nature of these adaptations and the factors that shape them are still poorly understood--leaving this a fruitful area for research. In line with this view, this article explores how a Nigerian bank implemented and adapted a global IT-based technique, the factors that influence such adaptations, and what results are achieved.  相似文献   

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