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Although a number of methodologies exist for business process re-design (BPR), supply chain re-design (SCR), and e-business process design, there is a lack of an integrated BPR methodological framework to support supply chain integration (SCI). This paper proposes a detailed framework based on integrating a number of different methodological strands from the literature. A literature review was conducted in three different domains – business process re-design, supply chain re-design and e-business process design. The literature review revealed the potential for integrating elements of a number of different methods and techniques found in different methodological strands into a framework for conducting BPR to support SCI. Accordingly a number of relevant methodologies were identified, decomposed and compared at their stage and technique/method level to identify a combination for development of the integrated framework. The proposed BPR methodology can be applied in any company or sector; methods and techniques incorporated are not specific to any sector. The proposed BPR methodology proposed constitutes an aid for supply chain practitioners in the construction of SCI.  相似文献   

基于互联网经济背景,对通过电子商务资源配置实现专业市场价值链重塑的过程进行质性研究,提出专业市场电子商务资源配置的价值链模型,揭示专业市场价值链重塑的内在机理,破解电子商务资源配置在专业市场价值链重塑中的两大难题:(1)能否通过电子商务资源的有效配置实现专业市场价值链重塑?(2)专业市场如何完成对电子商务资源的有效配置?采用质性研究方法,选取义乌小商品城和绍兴轻纺城两个专业市场作为研究对象,研究结果发现:专业市场通过电子商务资源的合理配置可以实现价值链重塑目标,重塑的模型为资源整合、能力提升、价值链跃迁。研究成果补充并完善了互联网经济视阈下的流通理论,并为实践中的传统专业市场与电子商务的深度融合提供了建议。  相似文献   

许德惠  李刚  孙林岩 《科研管理》2013,34(6):129-137
供应链风险问题日益凸显,相关研究刚刚起步。本文基于对中国制造企业调研的176份数据,利用层析回归分析的方法,研究基于不确定性的供应链运作风险对企业竞争能力及绩效的影响。研究结果表明,基于不确定性的供应链运作风险对企业竞争能力并非完全是负面影响(供应风险负向影响产品质量、交付可靠以及流程柔性三种竞争能力,需求风险则促进企业提高产品质量和交付可靠,技术风险促使企业提升流程柔性);同时,流程柔性可以直接促进运作绩效和财务绩效,而产品质量和交付可靠则是通过运作绩效来间接提升财务绩效。  相似文献   

李薇 《软科学》2011,25(6):103-107
研究了最新电子商务形式(协同电子商务)对新型供应链管理模式(供应链集成)的影响关系,及其对集成化供应链上成员企业绩效的作用机理。基于调研数据的实证检验结果表明,无论从协同范围还是从协同深度角度,企业间实施协同电子商务策略都有助于提高供应链的整体集成能力,并进而提升企业的运作绩效和财务绩效。研究结论的重要创新在于,发现了供应链集成能力的中介作用,即协同电子商务对企业绩效的决定作用是间接存在的,基于电子商务的协同策略必须转化为供应链成员的协作行动与集成能力之后,才能真正促进企业绩效提升。  相似文献   

This article discusses how supply chain information capabilities are instrumental to achieve performance outcomes. We identify critical components of supply chain information capabilities in terms of inter-organizational information system capacity and inter-organizational relational competency. In view of the high degree of industry concentration in Korea, this article presents and tests a research model using a sample of Korean steel suppliers. Empirical tests are conducted using the structural equation modeling, PLS (partial least squares). The results of this study suggest that Korean manufacturing (e.g., automobile, shipbuilding, construction, and mobile industries) are heavily influenced by the competitiveness of the steel industry in terms of supply chain information capabilities and performance outcomes—supply chain-level (i.e., supply chain flexibility) and firm-level performance outcomes (i.e., customer responsiveness and cost reductions). Future research may extend the findings of this study in other country contexts to accomplish both customer responsiveness and cost reductions through supply chain information capabilities.  相似文献   

In today’s marketplace, firms participating in a supply chain are required to work collaboratively to quickly respond to market and consumer demands. To understand how firms may effectively achieve supply chain collaboration, this paper presents an empirical study using a moderated mediation model that explores the effects of formal contract, e-business strategic alignment (including intellectual and operational alignment) and the degree of competition on collaboration in demand-driven supply chain. Using data from a survey of IT and business executives in 209 firms, we discover that formal contract has a positive effect on supply chain collaboration through intellectual and operational alignment. In addition, the positive mediating effect of operational alignment is stronger under a higher degree of competition. Although there is no moderated mediation effect in the path of formal contract-intellectual alignment-supply chain collaboration, the degree of competition shows a negative moderated effect on the relationship between formal contract and intellectual alignment, and a positive moderated effect on the relationship between intellectual alignment and supply chain collaboration. Learnings from this study contribute to supply chain management literature, and provide a comprehensive view of the governance and strategic antecedents of supply chain collaboration under various environmental circumstances.  相似文献   

基于信息共享方式解决牛鞭效应的对策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
包晓英  周国华 《软科学》2004,18(2):35-37
牛鞭效应是供应链管理和营销活动中普遍存在的现象,而信息共享有效地减少牛鞭效应。针对这一问题,本文提出一种通过扩展核心企业的市场部职能,加强市场部的信息获取能力,从而可以深入到中间商的作业范围内部获得顾客的真实需求信息,以确定中间商订单的可靠度的方法。在此基础上引申,信息发达地区的企业可以通过构建电子商务平台扩展其市场部职能,实现与顾客双向信息交流,从而减少信息失真程度。  相似文献   

强化制造业竞争优势,推动制造业高质量发展是构建现代产业体系的关键。文章综合运用国际市场占有率、显示性比较优势指数、贸易竞争指数和价格指数等指标,深入分析 2005—2020年主要国家制造业竞争优势演变态势及其主要来源。研究发现,中国劳动密集型产业始终保持强大的国际竞争优势,部分资本与技术密集型产业国际竞争优势不断强化;德国、日本、美国资本和技术密集型产业始终保持较强的国际竞争优势,但部分产业竞争优势出现下降趋势;中国电气机械和器材制造业、专用设备制造业等资本与技术密集型产业国际竞争优势主要来源于产品价格优势,德国、日本、美国主要来源于产品技术优势。文章提出 4点政策建议,包括:推动以提高产业基础能力为核心的技术创新;提升制造业产业链、供应链、创新链现代化水平;加快推进制造业数字化、绿色化、服务化转型;着力提升制造业国际合作和跨国经营水平。  相似文献   

Inter-organizational Systems (IOS) are network-enabled information systems that extend boundaries of an organization. There is a growing interest among researchers and practitioners to understand how the use of IOS enhances firm performance. In this study, we examine how IOS use impacts an organization’s supply chain management (SCM) capabilities and supply chain performance. Drawing on the resource-based view theory, we examine two mechanisms that are essential for enhanced supply chain performance: (a) efficient IOS external utilization regarding its networked partners and (b) the maximization of IOS organizational management capabilities in supply chain management. Using data from 193 respondents from various manufacturers and distributors of fast-moving consumer goods, we confirm all the hypotheses posited in the research model. The results demonstrate the dual effect of IOS use in improving operational supply chain performance, SCM capabilities, and the mediating role of SCM capabilities. We discuss contributions of the study to research and practice.  相似文献   

为提高企业间团队知识转化效率以及提升供应链整体竞争力,厘清供应链企业间合作团队知识转化的内涵和演化机理,基于供应链跨企业合作团队实际特点,改进、补充SECI模型和三螺旋模型,建立供应链企业间团队知识转化概念模型,分析供应链企业间团队知识转化过程的交互机制;根据复杂适应系统理论思想,运用多主体建模与仿真方法建立起供应链企业间团队知识转化演化模型,借助NetLogo仿真平台对知识转化的演化过程进行仿真实验。仿真实验结果表明,所建立的模型能有效反映供应链企业间团队知识转化的作用过程和演化机理,其中知识共享能力、知识吸收能力以及企业重视程度对知识转化效果具有显著影响;此外,改变各参与主体的属性水平会对仿真结果产生不同程度的影响。…  相似文献   

生态知识嵌入已成为大数据环境下绿色供应链研究的热点问题。通过运用生态位理论,分别从环境、战略、要素、能力和知识产权5个维度构建绿色供应链生态知识动态嵌入体系;结合不同维度之间的演进变化关系,依次从定位、转型、升级、保护4个层面建立绿色供应链生态知识动态嵌入机制,为提升绿色供应链管理的运营绩效水平提供一种新的途径。  相似文献   

平台主导者的网络效应和赢者通吃效应致使平台依附型创业者在平台演化过程中不断面临角色冲突,创业者角色冲突势必影响到平台依附型新创企业绩效。平台依附型新创企业需要基于知识的关键能力实现以更少的资源做更多的事情,减轻数字平台演化造成的不利影响。基于308份调研问卷,运用SPSS25.0和Mplus8.0软件,本文探索创业者角色冲突对平台依附型新创企业绩效的影响,并探索基于知识的关键能力的调节效应。结果表明,创业者角色冲突和新创企业绩效之间的关系呈负相关关系;吸收能力正向调节创业者角色冲突和新创企业绩效之间的负相关关系;独占能力正向调节创业者角色冲突和新创企业绩效之间的负相关关系;管理能力正向调节创业者角色冲突和新创企业绩效之间的负相关关系。新创企业的企业年龄对新创企业创新绩效的有积极的正向影响。该研究结论可为平台依附型新创企业健康成长提供理论指导。  相似文献   

本文以东风汽车有限公司为案例研究对象,首先对于动态能力的内涵以及纬度进行了文献研究,然后使用"质性研究"方法对动态能力与企业竞争优势的关联性进行了实证研究.研究结果表明:企业需要通过转移或复制协调及整合管理惯例以建立竞争优势;并且通过组织学习复制和转移惯例以建立学习型企业文化,进而提高企业竞争优势;与此同时,企业还需要适应环境的变化重构和转变原有的惯例集合,从而促进企业竞争优势的发展.总体而言,动态能力显著正向影响企业竞争优势.  相似文献   

管理运营不确定性的有效处理是供应链管理成功与否的关键因素之一,它将直接或间接影响企业的绩效,造成企业有形或无形的损失,只有降低不确定性的影响才能降低风险,获得或维持竞争优势。通过对供应链的需求、供给与制造这三方面的不确定性产生来源的分析,给出相应的供应链不确定性因素的预防策略。  相似文献   

汪旭晖 《软科学》2007,21(6):70-74
从供应链协作的视角建立起一个牛鞭效应的综合治理框架,该框架包含了信息共享、决策同步、激励联盟、协作绩效体系以及共享的供应链过程五个相互联系的要素。其中信息共享、决策同步、激励联盟是缓解牛鞭效应的三个最基本的战略,这三个战略在协作绩效体系的指导下相互作用,最终创造了一个共享的、整合的供应链过程,从而可以有效地抑制牛鞭效应。  相似文献   

基于运作管理研究的全息范式,分析权衡定律的机理,澄清运作战略中争论不休的关于权衡定律的若干重要问题。首先,区分了分别存在针对竞争要素与针对竞争能力的两种不同性质的权衡;其次,提出新的绩效前沿面理论,解释和预测针对静态竞争能力的一阶权衡关系,体现竞争集群内短期的竞争优势;第三,提出时间绩效前沿面理论,解释和预测针对动态竞争要素的二阶权衡关系,反映企业的改进能力及其可能存在的演化能力,体现企业在全行业内的持续竞争优势;最后,指出新的绩效前沿面理论与时间绩效前沿面理论合而不同的共同作用构成权衡定律的运作机理。  相似文献   

The integration of selling and fulfillment processes triggered by omni-channels is transforming the retailer’s operations management. In this context, there is a lack of research regarding the connection between digital and physical worlds in retail supply chains. This paper aims to propose a data-driven approach that combines machine-learning demand forecasting and operational planning simulation-based optimization to adaptively synchronize demand and supply in omni-channel retail supply chains. The findings are substantiated through the application of the approach in an omni-channel retail supply chain. The combination of clustering and neural networks improved demand forecast, supporting an assertive identification of demand volume and location. Simulation-based optimization allowed for the definition of which facility would serve identified demands most effectively. The approach reduced fulfillment lead time, mitigated backorders arising from incompatible product´s supply and demand, and lowered operational costs, which are key performance indicators in today’s competitive retail markets.  相似文献   

A supply chain consists of different processes and when conducting supply chain re-design is necessary to identify the relevant processes and select a target for re-design. Through a literature review a solution is presented here to identify first the relevant processes using the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model, then to use Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis for target process selection. AHP can aid in deciding which supply chain processes are better candidates to re-design in light of predefined criteria.  相似文献   

基于DEA与主成分分析的绿色农产品供应链绩效评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在梳理现有的绿色农产品供应链绩效评价相关文献基础上,侧重从经济、供应链运营、创新、环境等四大方面构建新的评价指标体系。利用主成分分析的降维功能,结合DEA中的BCC模型进行绿色农产品供应链绩效评价,以山东省10个市区为实证,对比数据找到问题,并有针对性地提出了提升供应链绩效有效性的对策建议。结果表明,菏泽、东营、淄博、临沂等市绿色农产品供应链绩效水平低于平均水平,主要体现在生产要素投入与产出不匹配、科技创新缺乏、品牌效应及资源利用率低等问题。  相似文献   

采用互联网+服务模式构建首都科技条件平台服务体系,提高平台的数据分析能力以及平台对企业的科技服务能力。分析了国内外科技基础条件平台的现状,提出了平台—产业链—终端三层应用服务体系架构方案,探讨了该体系架构的主要功能,以及基于该体系架构为企业提供精准信息服务的服务模式。以本文提出的体系架构方案能够支撑平台开放实验室更好地服务于企业需求,加快推进首都科技创新成果向应用转化落地。  相似文献   

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